Is String A Valid Color

Feb 15, 2010

better way to determin if a string is or is not a colour ....this is what i've found but im not using it ....

Dim mycc As New ColorConverter
Dim lbl As New Label
lbl.BackColor = mycc.ConvertFrom($STRING)
IsColour = True


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Color.FromName To Return A Solid Black Color When The Function Doesn't Recognize Any Text In The String Passed To It?

Jan 29, 2012

[URL] That way if the string that is not recognised that is passed to Color.FromName it returns a SolidColor of

Color.Black = Color.FromARGB(255,0,0,0)

That way, Forms and controls that only support SolidColors are supported.Installing VB6 on Windows 7?

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String To Color - Apply That Color To A Control?

Oct 28, 2009

I currently have a function that saves a control.forecolor to a file.

The file looks like this:


Now, I have another function which retrieves the string "Color [ControlDarkDark]" from the file...But how Can I Apply that color to a control?

View 8 Replies

Use Color Dialog To Return Color As String?

Jun 11, 2011

How can i use the color dialogue to return the color selected as a string? So if i was to select red i would like the return to be "Red" and so on so fourth.Another thing i would like to ask is if it is possible to return the color selected as a string in hex color code form (like what is used in HTML for example #FFFFFF, #000000 and so on so fourth).I have a feeling though that it can only be returned as R G B integers but maybe there is a way of converting these to hex color codes?

View 11 Replies

Regex - How To Check If The Input String Is A Valid VB String

Mar 15, 2009

We know that VB string start and end with double quotes " "

So we have to use "" if we want " in VB string.

I wonder if there is a regular expression pattern which will match VB string?.

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.net - String Query Error Conversion From String "iif(CurCons = 0, " To Type 'Double' Is Not Valid

Jul 4, 2011

I make a query in coding. But I got conversion error.My query is below

Dim strSelect As String = ""
strSelect = "SELECT " & _
"Description As [Desc], " & _


Exception error is like

Conversion from string "iif(CurCons = 0, " to type 'Double' is not valid

Actually, in my report, i wanna show if it's zero then '-'. If i set it in this string.I got another error like below The provider could not determine the Decimal value. For example, the row was just created, the default for the Decimal column was not available, and the consumer had not yet set a new Decimal value.

From da.Fill
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(strDynamic, m_DBConn)
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
da.Fill(ds, "tblCur")

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Conversion From String Not Valid

Mar 4, 2010

i have a program that you enter a code and your selection goes ito a richtextbox and is then added up in another as you select more items, i have run into a problem it worked a few days ago but now will not.

Dim dectotal As Decimal
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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String Not Seen As A Valid Boolean?

Apr 20, 2011

I have the following

Private Sub holidaysaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles holidaysaveButton.Click
For Each dr As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows


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Cast From String To Long Not Valid

Apr 22, 2011

I have a text file with names that have spaces and commas. For some reason when I read the file it gives me this error. Code is below. Also, I am reading the file into a combobox.


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Conversion From String To Date Not Valid?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a string in the format of 20100730 which i need to convert to UK format of 30/07/2010.

When i try to set 20100730 as a date it says it is not valid. Is there another way i can do this?

View 4 Replies

Conversion From String To Double Is Not Valid?

Dec 10, 2009

I have a form to calculate charges based on input data and charges stored in an array. When I try to save an entry to a file my program crashes and I get the error "Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid.

If rdoDay.Checked = True Then
Quote.DrivingHrs = txtDrivingHours.Text
Quote.WaitingCount = txtWaiting.Text


The error highlights the last line of the if statement beginning "Quote.TripCost" as the error, but I don't understand why..

View 10 Replies

Conversion From String To Integer Not Valid

Mar 19, 2010

Heres my code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim product As String


Its says conversion from String to Integer not valid for this line: sales = InputBox("Please Enter Your Product Sales: ")

Also, when the first messagebox comes, how can I make it when you select "cancel", the programme then exits the sub routine and a second messagebox dosent come up?

View 13 Replies

Convert A String To A Valid DateTime?

Jan 23, 2012

Need to convert this string:

Mon Oct 31 16:18:15 CDT 2011

Into a valid DateTime value.Have tried every variation of the date time styles with DateTime.Parseto no avail.

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DBNull To Type String Is Not Valid

Mar 5, 2012

I have this problem that when the textbox don't have a value I always get this error "Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid." [code]...

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DBNull To Type String Is Not Valid?

Feb 5, 2011

I am receiving the following error "Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid" when checking a textedit control to see if it is empty or more than 1 characters in length.

Public Class CustomValidationRule
Inherits ValidationRule
Public Overrides Function Validate(ByVal


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String Was Not Recognized As A Valid Boolean?

Mar 3, 2009

Dim today As System.DateTime
today = System.DateTime.Now
Dim strDate As String = today.ToString("d")


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String Was Not Recognized As A Valid DateTime

Aug 4, 2011

I am trying to parse a date to a datetime picker but this error keeps on appearing "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime" The reason behind this is because the date format of the computer is "MM/dd/yyyy" whereas the date am passing is in this format "dd/MM/yyyy" Here is how I tried resolving the problem:

DTDateReceived.Value = Date.Parse(ListView1.Items.Item(ListView1.FocusedItem.Index).SubItems(7).Text)

The aforementioned error occurs

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String Was Not Recognized As A Valid DateTime?

Jun 1, 2011

working with dates is driving me mad I have the following function to parse al datetime strings in my project:

Public Shared Function ToDate(ByVal obj As Object) As DateTime?
If obj = String.Empty OrElse obj Is DBNull.Value Then Return Nothing
Return DateTime.Parse(obj.ToString)
End Function

Most of my date strings on my pc are "yyyy/MM/dd" and it parses fine. However on the server the dates are "dd/MM/yyyy".I tried this but it made no difference:

Public Shared Function ToDate(ByVal obj As Object) As DateTime?
If obj = String.Empty OrElse obj Is DBNull.Value Then Return Nothing
Return DateTime.Parse(obj.ToString, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat)
End Function

on my pc if I assign DateTime.Now to a textbox I get 2011/05/31 08:02:00 AM for example. On the server I have my project the date displays as 31/05/2011 08:02:00 AM. Now I use objectdatasources to save the values to my database. Yesterday I was getting this error:Cannot convert value of parameter '' from 'System.String' to 'System.DateTime'until I formatted the date value like so:

Me.odsRates.InsertParameters.Add("CreatedDate", rt.CreatedDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"))

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String Was Not Recognized As Valid DateTime

Mar 29, 2009

I am trying to write a bit of logic that compares a data against todays date in the row datarowbound event of a gridview. I think I am converting the row data item to datatype datetime but visual studio is telling me that I am not!

Protected Sub GvAdDetails_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GvAdDetails.RowDataBound
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
If DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "dateLimit").ToString <> "NULL" Then
Dim dateLimit As Date
[Code] .....

View 5 Replies

.net: CInt Returning -1 On A (seemingly Valid) String?

Apr 24, 2009

I have a strange problem where CInt (as well as Convert.ToInt32 or even Val) return -1 for a string "500". Using Gurock's SmartInspect for logging, I've checked all values at runtime (SiAuto... logs something, I'm posting the log below the code).


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Basketball Simulator - Conversion From String Not Valid

Feb 24, 2009

I am new to VB I get this error message "Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid. when running my app, (the underline codes are the errors), which is a basketball simulator. How can I correct this:
Private Sub playButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handle playButton.Click
Dim rank As Integer
Dim player As Integer
Dim shoots As Integer
Dim RandomGenerator As New Random
[Code] .....

View 3 Replies

Conversion From String To Type 'Integer' Is Not Valid?

Feb 28, 2012

i have a text box and i want to insert the textbox value to my sql procedure in server and then generate record in the datagrid view ... the parameter in sql server i declare as varchar and actua database column item datatype is nchar.. anyway in what suitable datatype that i have to put in my visual basic for the textbox in order to transfer the vlaue to sql procedure and generate result

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Conversion From String To Type 'double' Is Not Valid

Mar 4, 2009

I have this program i have to do for my Intro class. The assignment is to have the user enter a pay code(A,B or C) and the amount of hours worked. If the hours is more than 40hrs, they will receive time 1/2. And it must also calculate a 22% Tax.I was getting this error: Conversion from string to type 'double' is not valid. But some how i eliminated it.[code]

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Conversion From String To Type 'Integer' Is Not Valid

Nov 21, 2007

I have the following IF Statement checking if the function GetNexstAddress (which gets the ClientID from GetClientFleetInfo(i).CLIENTID) . SECONDARYCITY

is there.

If GetNextAddress(GetClientFleetInfo(i).CLIENTID).SECONDARYCITY(0) = Nothing Then
NextAddress = " No next Destination"


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Conversion From String To Type Boolean Is Not Valid

Oct 24, 2011

The error occurs on the line If wba.Selected = "MARKETING CODE" Then.


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Conversion From String To Type Double Is Not Valid

Oct 16, 2011

i always got error every time i run this program . here's the code.

'declaring variables
Const DEPOSIT As Double = 30
Dim dbltotal As Double


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Conversion From String To Type Double Is Not Valid?

Feb 8, 2010

I am trying to update MS-Access database where one field is boolean and updating a string. I am getting a error message "Conversion from string "Update Claims set appointed=" to type double is not valid".

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Conversion From String To Type Double Not Valid

Mar 11, 2009

I'm getting this run time error using VB 2008 Express:
"Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid."

Below is my coding
If cmbxitem.Text = "Brownish" Then
TextBox2.Text = 37
ElseIf cmbxitem.Text = "White Feathers" Then
TextBox2.Text = 30
'ElseIf cmbxitem.Text = "B/Wchicken" Then
'TextBox2.Text = 15
[Code] .....

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Conversion From String To Type Double Not Valid?

Apr 27, 2010

Imports System.Math
Class Form1
Class Convert
[Code] .....

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Conversion From String To Type Integer Is Not Valid

Oct 20, 2011

I have the below code in my app... Nothing is declared as a integer so I dont understand or see where the problem could be... It is saying:

Conversion from string "9838 Co Rd 47" to type 'Integer' is not valid.

The address is flowing through the entire function as a string the only place I think it could be getting changed somehow is in a function call... Below is the function that throws the exception. Followed by the function that returns the address.[code]...

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