Isable Multiple Controls Based On Specific Circumstances

May 17, 2010

I have the need to disable multiple controls based on specific circumstances.[code]Thing is, this doesn't work for ToolStrip items. Is there a way to do this without checking the type of each control passed to the function?

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Isable All Toolstripmenuitems At First And Then Enable Them As Per Access Rights Fetched From Database

Jan 17, 2009

My purpose is to disable all toolstripmenuitems at first and then enable them as per the access rights fetched from the database (sql 2000)[code] i've set an integer value to the tag property of all these toolstripmenuitems like 1,11,111,12,2,3 and so on.[code]

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Forms :: DataBinding Only Works Under Certain Circumstances?

May 23, 2011

I have a Windows Forms which contains a whole bunch of different text items on TextBoxes, Labels, and ComboBoxes. I then catalog what is written in these Textboxes and selected in these ComboBoxes in XML files so that they can be reopened later. Because what goes into the Textboxes and ComboBoxes are physical quantities, they have units (for examples "Inches," or "Lbs," etc.) which are the text of the Labels themselves. Multiple quantities share similar units, so I don't allow the user to change each one individually, but instead change a unit globally (for example, all weights in "Kilogram" instead of "Lb").

The units themselves are Public Properties of a separate class which I named "MyDBClass". The properties raise events when they are Set, so that objects data-bound to them change as well.When I initialize the main Windows form, I instantiate a class of type "MyDBClass," set all the unit defaults ("LengthShort = mm," etc.), and create a databinding for the Labels to the "MyDBClass" properties (e.g. ctrl.DataBindings.Add("Text", MyDBClass, "LengthS") ). From then on, the only way the user can change the units is to use my MenuStrip and select "New" (which erases all text and sets the MyDBClass properties back to default), use the MenuStrip and select "Open" (which opens an XML file, reads the "Unit" elements in, and uses them to set the MYDBClass properties), or use the MenuStrip and select "Change Units" (which brings up a dialog with a handful of ComboBoxes containing possible units, and then sets the properties of the MyDBClass based on what the user selected in the dialog).

Having said ALL of that, I can finally get to the problem- one of my units ("SpringRate") does not change when the user selects "New" or "Change Units" from the MenuStrip. It will only change when the user opens an XML file. This makes no sense, as the act of opening an XML file calls the exact same code as selecting "New" from the MenuStrip (which is that is sets the properties of the MyDBClass). The label is also identical to its surrounding labels and the ComboBox which selects the unit is identical to its surrounding ComboBoxes (I tend to use Copy/Paste when working in Design mode). I even put Try->Catch blocks around the Property's Set code and the code inside the other Subs which calls it.

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In What Circumstances Will The Following Boolean Expression Evaluate To True

Jun 5, 2010

"In what circumstances will the following boolean expression evaluate to true?

strAlphabet.indexOf(StrCharacter) >= 0 And _
strAlphabet.indexOf(StrCharacter) < 0

Once you have answered that question, you should be able to complete this description: the expression indicates whether strCharacter is ..... but is not...."

View 39 Replies

Accessing The Click Event In Layered Controls Or When Multiple Controls Are Docked Within Each Other?

May 22, 2009

I wanted to know if anyone could tell me how to access the Click_event.I have a boarderles form with a panel control which has the Dock property set to fill and on the panel I have placed a Label also with the Dock property set to fill. I also have a timer running.How can I get code to execute in the Label1 click event.I've tried doing it by using the generic Click_event and also with two variations of the Click_event Handles parameters

'Alternativ 1:
Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click


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Making An Application That Uses Multiple WebBrowser Controls And Multiple Proxies?

Dec 17, 2009

I am making an application that uses multiple WebBrowser controls, and multiple proxies.The code for changing the proxy settings are as such:

#Region "Proxy"
Public Structure Struct_INTERNET_PROXY_INFO
Public dwAccessType As Integer
Public proxy As IntPtr


Note: getRandomProxy gets a random proxy from a list.Problem is that whenever RefreshIESettings(getRandomProxy()) is applied, the proxy will be applied to all of the WebBrowsers, while i would need to have a unique proxy for each WebBrowser. Not having this would just error out the page in the other browsers and so on.

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Eplace Based On Specific Lines?

Nov 3, 2009

I have the following code that replaces an item in a richtextbox with a new one. Reg-replace works fine but only when the pattern matches only one value. When there are two similar values in the richtextbox it matches them both. How can I replace based on specific lines?


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Generate A Specific Key Based On Certain Details About The System?

Apr 7, 2010

I have asked questions about this before but my program has came to cross roads where I require more flexibility in my security procedures.At the moment I generate a specific key based on certain details about the system, and I hash this data to file, which ensures it will only run on this system.

However it has now got to the point where I have a need for providing keys which will carry settings for the program within the key. So that if a customer wants an update its the matter of sending an updated key, which will allow certain areas of the program to be unlocked/locked.Obviously I can no longer use the hash, as it can't be decrypted. I am looking to use key encryption system, which will allow to encrypt data within a license key. But obviously it brings the problem of where to store Crypt & decrypt key within the program.


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Ranking Of List Items Based On Specific Property?

Feb 17, 2012

I need to determine the ranking of the List items specified by one specific property of the items.

I have the following Class:
Public Class LevelA
Property items as New List(Of LevelB)
Public Class LevelB
Property factor as Double
ReadOnly Property rank as Integer
End Class
End Class

For example, let's say I have three items in the List. I have set the factor property for the first item as 5.50, the second item as 6.60 and the third item as 3.30.Now I should be able to get the rank property of each item (the highest value should be ranked as 1). Here the first item in the list should have the rank as 2, the second item as 1 and the third item as 3.

What kind of procedure is needed for the "ReadOnly Property rank as Integer" for returning such values? It should somehow be able to access the list in the parent class probably?

View 3 Replies

What Controls Image Quality In IIS Based On Following Example

Sep 16, 2010

I had this question before "Resize image on the fly make the image lose quality online but locally works nice".And what i got now is that it's not a problem of local or online, i ran this resize on the server itself "dedicated server", and i got the same bad quality image, so the problem is in the IIS configurations.What in iis can make this bad quality image happen?

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Form To Open A Specific Record Based On The Result Of Query?

Mar 20, 2010

I have this frm_customers and this button called View/Edit.

What I want is that when i click this button it should ask me a customer Id and then go to that customer id in frm_customer

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VS 2008 Highlight Rows In A ListView Based On Specific Conditions?

Oct 12, 2009

I have a ListView that I populate with running processes and would like to highlight specific rows based on the amount of memory consumption. After I add the processes to the list and and call the WorkingSet64 property of the process, I tried this: For Each lvi In ListViewProcess.Items If proc.WorkingSet64 >= 2000 Then lvi.BackColor = Color.Yellow End If Next

Processes is the variable I used to grab the collection of processes. proc is defined as a variable and then used to loop through the processes.

lvi is of course the ListViewItems in the ListView.So, by the code I have above, I loop through the ListViewItems, and if any of the processes are above or equal to 2000, then I set the background color to Yellow.

However, it sets every line to yellow, and I can't seem to figure out to set only those processes that have a WorkingSet64 above 2000.

Would I need to loop through the processes and then set the background color of the ListViewItem based on that? That kind of makes sense to me, but if I do that, I'm not sure how to set it just for those processes. Maybe by setting a separate variable?

View 6 Replies

Activating/disabling Controls Based On Date?

Mar 19, 2009

I have most of this working, but there are some issues yet. Basically, it's a "History" form for patients There's a date field for each entry, and if that date doesn't match the date you're accessing the form I want it to disable all controls so you can't edit the form.So it would have to check the current date with the date that is on the form.The issues I'm having are this. It seems to work because when I click today's date nothing gets locked like it used to, but when I do click another date everything in that form gets locked, including the override button and the scrollbar. I don't want the scrollbar locked, and I want to have an override button so the user can edit the form if they truly wish. It also locks the DateTimePicker so I can't pick another date, I don't want that locked either.I tried enabling the DTP in the sub below but it must get ignored


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Create Controls On Runtime Based On Templates?

Nov 28, 2010

I am looking to create several custom controls (PictureBox Derivatives) on during runtime. I've read that the best way is to create template controls that will be created, and duplicate them in the Controls array.

Well, that's all fine and dandy, but what's the best way to store the template? I considered a seperate form with all the templates laid out on it for easy access for my editing, and keeping them out of the user's sight. I also considdered doing a Struct for each template, and smply mirroring values onto the control being created from the Struct to the created control.

I'm looking for ease of development first and foremost, as I'm most likely going to have a vast number of these templates, and keeping the system as simple as possible will eliminate a lot of hair-pulling. After development ease, I'd go for optimisation.

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Filtering Bound Controls Based On Another Control?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a form with some textboxes on it. The textboxes show values from a table. I have a binding navigator that lets you step through the records in the table and the textboxes update. What I want, is to have a control, say a listbox, that allows you to select a value which will filter the data behind the controls so that you only have one record.

So, for example, say you have a table of contacts. There are textboxes on your form that show name, phone, address etc. You could then have a listbox that showed a list of all the contacts and you could select one, which would in turn the textboxes. The filtering field could be contactID for example.

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For Loops - Determine Which Students Have A Specific Major Based Upon The Button That Is Clicked?

Dec 15, 2011

I need to determine which students have a specific major based upon the button that is clicked , then code will pull all the CS student's name and put them in the results list box. The text box above the results list box should contain the specified major and the text box below the results list box should contain a message indicating the total number of students with specific major.

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Making A Specific Node Expand Based On The Navigate URLs Of Its Children?

Nov 8, 2009

So I have a TreeView and it has about 7 parent nodes that have 3-5 children each. All of these children nodes when click navigate to a URL. What I would like to do is have one parent node auto-expand based on the URL and the other parent nodes to collapse.


View 1 Replies - Change Gridview Row Color Based On Templatefields Without Controls?

Feb 25, 2011

My gridview does not use controls, because it is populated using expressions

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="As Of Sales">


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C# - Create Controls Dynamically Based On Dropdown Values?

Jun 12, 2012

I need to create a sample question types web form in VB.NET which allow user to the following:he user selects the control type from dropdown (TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox etc). Generate controls dynamically based on the control type on the webform.It will always show the TextBox (where user writes the question) and (generated control - TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox etc) and save those values to the database.

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Display Controls Based On Radio Button Selected?

Jun 25, 2009

I have a group of three radio buttons. Depending on which radio button is selected, I want to disaply one of three controls - a textbox, a dropdown list, or a button. How do I display controls based on the result of a selected radio button?

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Validate Controls Based On Rules Stored In A Table?

Jul 27, 2010

is there a way to validate controls on a form, where the validation rules themselves are stored in a database table?My problem is my application is used to submit forms to mulitple government agenices both local and state level. Every entity seems to have there own rules about what needs to be in what location. i would like to not have to code all of the various rules for all the different fields. My thought was to store them in a database table and then perform validation based on rule table lookups...however I would like to use the .NET validation controls.

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VS 2008 - Activating / Disabling Controls Based On Date

Mar 19, 2009

I have this form with a bunch of input controls. I have code working that will disable them all like I want, but need to work with the if/then statement portion. Basically, it's a "History" form for patients. There's a date field for each entry, and if that date doesn't match the date you're accessing the form I want it to disable all controls so you can't edit the form. So it would have to check the current date with the date that is on the form. Then I also want to have an override button that will ask you if you want to enable all controls anyway, which I can probably figure out. There is some older VB6 code (I think) but I know nothing about VB6 or how it translates.

I think this is the portion that does what I want in VB6:
Private Sub DATE_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Call Setdate
Exit Sub
Dim sysDate As Date, Response
sysDate = VBA.Date
[Code] .....

How to have the program check the current date with the date in this form. From there it's probably just a simple if/then statement to fire off either sub. This date control on the form is a DateTimePicker. Maybe I just have to compare that to the system date but I still don't know what to call for that.

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Add Dynamic ASP.NET User Controls BASED ON ViewState / BUT Before LoadViewState Phase

Jan 27, 2011

My page has a drop down whose values are dynamically populated. Based on which item is selected, a number of TextBoxes are dynamically created during runtime.The user then fills in information into the textboxes and clicks a submit button.After postback from the submit button, I need to again dynamically create the TextBoxes during Page_Init (BEFORE LoadViewState) so that after the ViewState loads, my Button_Click event can save/do whatever with the user input. PROBLEM is, I cannot recreate the textboxes based on the selection in the dropdown, because the dropdown hasn't been "selected" yet by LoadViewState.SO, how can I read from the view state, create my textboxes, then let the viewstate populate the textboxes, and then the Button_Click will use the values??The one thing I've attempted is to override the LoadViewState function so that I can read from the view state, create the boxes, and then load the viewstate again. This did NOT work, because the debugger never seemed to hit my overridden function.[code]

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Winforms - Controls Based Security In A Windows Forms Application Using .NET?

Sep 5, 2011

I need to implement, Controls Based Security in a Windows Forms Application using VB.NET. I tried google but did not get anything much to work with.

I would like if someone, could suggest some books or tutorials.

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Changing A Specific Property For Several Controls At Once?

Apr 24, 2012

Let's say I've got a TableLayoutPanel with 50 cells in it. Inside each cell is a separate text label. If I want to change the color of each of those 50 labels at run-time to the same color, is there an efficient way to do it? (so that I don't have to write 50 lines of LabelX.ForeColor = X, etc).

Not that I would mind writing 50 lines of code for this, but I would like to figure out the most efficient way to do this sort of thing, for future reference.

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WinForms - How To Set Tab Controls In Specific Order

Oct 21, 2009

I have a bunch of buttons on a form and when the person presses TAB I want the focus of the controls move in a specific order.

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Validate Controls In An (VB) Panel Which Contain A Specific Css Class?

Dec 22, 2011

I have a lot of controls on my web form that require validation. Rather than list each control in the code behind page that requires validating I would like to add the css class "required" to the necessary controls and then on submit the code behind will validate each control with this class. I'm fairly new to .net so here is some Pseudo code:

Public Sub ValidateAllControls(ByVal a As Object)
For Each c As Control In a.Controls
If c.Controls.Count > 0 And c.Controls.class = "required" Then


View 1 Replies - Refactor To Design Pattern: Displaying/hiding Different Combinations Of Controls Based On State?

May 26, 2009

Assume you have controls A, B, C, D and E all with a Visibility property. You also have states 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 in which various combinations of your controls would be displayed. Currently this is being handled by switch statements for each state: i.e.

Select Case PageState
case "1"
a.visible = false
b.visible = true


As you can imagine, this becomes a pain as every state needs a show/hide statement for each control. How can I refactor this so that adding controls and/or states becomes trivial?My first instinct is to extend the control and add a collection of states that it should display for but this sounds like overkill.

Edit:I was deliberately vague in my question in case this has other implications. In my current instance the "controls" in question are ASP Panels. Does that change anything?

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Loop Through Controls In A Specific Row/column Location In A TableLayoutPanel

Aug 14, 2009

I have a bunch of controls loaded into the same row/column in a TableLayoutPanel. I only have one at controls visible property set to TRUE at a given time. I want to be able to loop through the controls that specific row/column position in the TableLayoutPanel and test for a condition (control type) and then set this control's property to TRUE and all others to FALSE. Bascially I am turning controls on/off.

I know can loop through an entire TableLayoutPanel like this:

For each control in TableLAyoutPanel.Controls

How do I restrict this loop to a specific row/column in the TableLayoutPAnel? Can you qualify where specifically you want to look in the container control?

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Using Inheritance-Based Controls - Creating As New Classes (not UserControls) Inheriting From An Existing System Control

Oct 15, 2011

I seem to be having a problem with controls that I am creating as new classes (not UserControls) inheriting from an existing system control. Everything seems ok while I create the control code, through to the compile (which is successful and adds the control to the toolbox) and dragging the control from the toolbox to the GUI surface. However, when I then debug or compile the project, I get a message such


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