Join Elements Of An ArrayList Converting It To A String Representation?

Jan 14, 2011

I 've an ArrayList and to join all its elements with a separator in one string I m using...

Dim s As String = String.Join(",", TryCast(myArrayList.ToArray(GetType(String)), String()))

however, I would know if there is a smarter/shorter method to get the same result,or same code that looks better...

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Converting String To Its Single Representation?

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to convert a string to a single. Ive tried csng() directcast() and single.parse. The first two methods crash. Single.parse says input string was in incorrect format. The number is 777.7932 so should convert fine. Ive tried it this way:

'x = single.parse(pts(0), globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint)

how can i convert a string representation of a single data type that is read from a text file into its single data type. I checked control panel and globalization settings are set to english.

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Converting ArrayList Into String Of Comma Delimited Values?

Mar 1, 2010

How do I convert an arraylist into a string of comma delimited values in I have an arraylist with ID values

I want to convert it into a string
Dim str as string=""

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VS 2008 Converting A String Containing Bytes Into Array Of Elements?

May 19, 2009

I have a string of bytes which I am reading from a microcontroller via a serial port which is as follows : 02 10 18 14 CB 73 43 D3 14 00 0D 00 09 00 1B 00 04 B8 3C 00 00 24 00 30 AB

I would like to write some code to place each the bytes into an array with each element of the array consisting of one byte each.

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Converting String Back To Array For Accessing Individual Elements

Aug 9, 2011

I have the following function,
Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("webdirect", New Object() {Company, LocationCode, CustomerNumber, OrderNumber, OrderRef, OrderDate, WebLines})
o_Company = CType(results(1),System.Nullable(Of Integer))
o_LocationCode = CType(results(2),String)
o_CustomerNumber = CType(results(3),String)
[Code] .....

So the return type of this function is a string, but I would like to get it back to its original form so I can access the individual sections i.e. o_LocationCode,o_CustomerNumber, etc how can I do that ?

Entire functions looks like this
Public Function webdirect(<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(IsNullable:=true)> ByVal Company As System.Nullable(Of Integer), <System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(IsNullable:=true)> ByVal LocationCode As String, <System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(IsNullable:=true)> ByVal CustomerNumber As String,
[Code] .....

Called like this
Dim returnArray As String
returnArray = client.webdirect(10, "123", "123", "123", "147", "2011-11-1", webLinesArray, 10, "", "", "", "", "", webRespArray)
No errors on run time but the string seems to be just blank, thats why i was wondering how I convert the string back to the array so I can access the individual elements.

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Join LINQ Query Result And Arraylist In VB

Dec 5, 2009

I have a set off LINQ queries filtering original datatable (loaded from Excel file) according to user selections in Comboboxes. Then the result is joined with Arraylist to further filter the set. Arraylist is a simple string list from 1 to 5. [Code]

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LINQ Join Query On Datatable And Arraylist Error?

Dec 6, 2009

I have a set of LINQ queries filtering original datatable (loaded from Excel file) based on user selections in Comboboxes. Then the result is joined with Arraylist to further filter the set. Arraylist is a simple list of strings.


If (Samples.Item(0) Is Nothing) = False And Samples.Item(0) <> "All samples" Then
queryResults = From records In queryResults Join samp In Samples _
On records("SAMPNUM") Equals samp _


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.net - Initialize ArrayList WITH Elements?

Jan 27, 2011

I can create an ArrayList, but, is it possible to create it WITH some elements already?Normally, your arrays are empty, but what if I want to create an array with a few elements already?

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Clear All Elements In An Arraylist?

Oct 29, 2009

how do i clear all elements in an arraylist?

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.net - Declare An Optional ArrayList With Elements Inside?

Nov 19, 2010

I ve an interface like


but I want to declare an optional arraylist with default values... how to do that?

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VS 2010 Threading & ArrayList - Use Adding A String To ArrayList In Tread?

Jan 11, 2012

I have a problem in Treading.I have a code like this;[code].....

I want to change ListBox1 with ArrayList. But I couldn't find how to use adding a string to ArrayList in tread.

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Question If ArrayList Contains String Remove It From New ArrayList

May 6, 2010

I have an arraylist (arrFirstArry) which I use to populate another arraylist (arrNoDuplicates) preventing any duplicates from being added. This works fine. What I would also like my code to do is prevent adding any partial values which may exist from being added. i.e. my array is like this


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Hashtable - Get String Representation Of Object Reference

Jun 3, 2011

I want to make a hashtable of object references and I want a different object's reference to be the key. How can I do this in In java (assuming I am using the default toString method and that add() takes a string as a key and an object ref as the value) this would be something like: hashtable.add(obj1.toString(), obj2)

I do not want to use a gethashcode() function because I want deep clones of objects to have different identifiers. A related question is what is the default toString in How can I get a string that represents an object reference in

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Multiplying The String Representation Of REAL Numbers?

Jan 12, 2012

<edit> Now showing the difference as a DECIMAL. Result looks like zero every time. </edit>Disclaimer: This code is provided "as-is" and should be treated as Freeware.( However any donations would be welcome as I have a "so-so" part-time job ).Please note all real numbers to be used should be in this format
"0.000000000000"Do not use numbers in string format in scientific notation like "1.2345E -06"I was feeling bored and decided to add to the code from JohnWein in this thread where I have used a routine that will multiply the contents of two long strings together.>>[url]I have now added a bit of code so you can multiply two really long numbers with or without a decimal point as a full-stop ( period or dot, call it what you like ).


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Direct Access To Full String Representation Of Object

Jan 23, 2012

I am trying to log the contents of an object to a text file. If I do a debug.print of the object itself in the immediate window, it prints all of the values of the object's properties:

AnsiNullDefault: False
UserData: Nothing

However, I can't seem to access this as a string in code due to a type mismatch. I assumed I could get this information using the .ToString method, but all that returns is the object description with none of the properties or values:


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Retrieving An Instance Of An Object By Using A String Representation Of The Objects Name?

Aug 7, 2009

I want to retrieve an object by using a string representation of the objects name. For example lets say i want to change the font of 3 labels on a form programatically. Instead of changing the font property for each individual label like so:

Label1.Font = FontDialog1.Font
Label2.Font = FontDialog1.Font
Label3.Font = FontDialog1.Font

I want iterate through the labels in a loop like so:


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C# - Generating Code - Get A Proper String Representation Of Nullable Type?

Mar 17, 2010

So I'm building an application that is going to do a ton of code generation with both C# and VB output (depending on project settings). I've got a CodeTemplateEngine, with two derived classes VBTemplateEngine and CSharpTemplateEngine. This question regards creating the property signatures based on columns in a database table. Using the IDataReader's GetSchemaTable method I gather the CLR type of the column, such as "System.Int32", and whether it IsNullable. However, I'd like to keep the code simple, and instead of having a property that looks like:


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Split String, Modify Array Value And Join The String Together

Apr 29, 2009

I have a string which I've split into an array. I need to change a value in the array and join the string together. However I cannot set the value of the array variable as it's read only.Is there any way to do this without creating another array?

Dim LineOfText As StringDim aryTextFile As String[code...]

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How To Join Queue (Of String) As A String

Sep 26, 2011

I have following code:Dim PendingFiles As New Queue(Of String)I need to join each element of PendingFiles with a comma and store the result as a string. How do I achieve it?[code]

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Converting C# To Vb. "array Initializer Is Missing 1 Elements"?

May 4, 2009

I am trying to convet the following code from C# to Vb using 3.5 framework.Here is the code in C# that I am having trouble with.MethodInfo mi = typeof(Page).GetMethod("LoadControl", new Type[2] { typeof(Type), typeof(object[]) });

I thought it would be like this in VB;Dim mi As MethodInfo = GetType(Page).GetMethod("LoadControl", New Type(2) {GetType(Type), GetType(Object())})

but I am getting the following error "array initializer is missing 1 elements"The other line that I am having trouble with and getting the same error is control = (Control) mi.Invoke(this.Page, new object[2] { ucType, null });


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.net - Put All Elements Of A String Array Into Queue(Of String)?

Sep 27, 2011

I want to put all elements of a String array into a Queue(Of String). I have following code which using For...Each to put string into Queue(Of String):

Dim Files() As String = OpenFileDialog1.FileNames
'OpenFileDialog1 is an instance of OpenFileDialog control
Dim PendingFiles As New Queue(Of String)


Is that possible to do it (i.e. put string array into Queue(Of String)) without using For...Each?

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C# - Further Compact String.join So It Replaces Apostrophes?

Aug 22, 2011

Consider the below code (which dynamically creates a dynamic SQL string) Is there a way to further compact string.join, so it does replace("'","''") on all array members automagically ? (without writing a custom version)


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[String].Join To Concatenate HTML Strings

Mar 21, 2009

Is there a way to use [string].Join to concatenate html stings including spaces? I want to join html strings with a special character so I can pass them as an array to javascript from the code behind.

Dim Array(100)
ArrayString = [String].Join(",", Array)

This works great if each item in Array is one word only, but what if each item in Array contains spaces?

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Inner Join - Join Two Tables,'Employee' And 'Dispatch'

May 17, 2012

Iwant to join two tables,'Employee' and 'Dispatch'. Dispatch has column 'DispatcherID' and 'TechnicianID' which are both foregn keys to EmployeeID in Employee table.I want to join these two tables using EmployeeID so that i can obtain the matching name to each id.but it only works when i make a single join to either DispatcherID or TechnicianID and not for both.


select Employee.firstname+' '+Employee,secondname as Technician,Employee.firstname+' '+Employee.secondname as Dispatcher from Dispatch inner join Employee on Dispatch.TechnicianID=Employee.EmployeeID inner join Employee on


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VS 2010 Use Join() To Extract Text From Array(type:string)?

Mar 30, 2012


What am I doing wrong or do I use a incorrect way to extract text from an array? Using += takes up a lot of computing power when it reaches like 50000 characters so I want a method with much better performance

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Declare An Arraylist As String?

Mar 15, 2011

How could I declare an arraylist as strong typed arraylist of Strings I have tried this code

Dim newAr As ArrayList(Of String)

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Getting Arraylist Back To String?

Nov 11, 2011

i am try to get the items i add to an arraylist (DHHNoneSystemMerger) back to string but with the code i have below i get the out "System.Collections.ArrayList" instead of the items that i added. My Code:

Module WorkingWithTheFiles
Public DHHNoneSystemMerger As New ArrayList
Public DHHSystemMerger As New ArrayList


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String.Format With ArrayList?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm trying to use an arraylist as the parameter to String.Format.

msg = msg & String.Format("<td>{0}</td>" & _
"<td>{1}</td>" & _
"<td>{2}</td>" & _ [code].....

But this code throws a FormatException

Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.Am I wrong that it's possible to use an arraylist?

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ArrayList Search For PART Of String?

Jun 10, 2010

I have an ArrayList, and i wish to search it for a specific part of a string. Like the InStr() function.I can only find the WHOLE string. The ArrayList has strings like "This=Is A String", so if i do a check with ArrayList.Contains. It will only search for the whole string, and not something IN the string. Perhaps i need something like Starts With .

dim wordArr as New ArrayList
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If wordArr.Contains(TextBox1.Text) Then


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Deleting Duplicate String From An Arraylist?

Mar 11, 2009

my problem is in subject can u please give me a easy way to do it?

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