Keep A Log Of Who Signs In?

May 22, 2009

I want to create a log that shows when users sign into this program, so I can see who makes changes to it. What is the best method of doing that?

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.net - Using Two Equals Signs In VB 2008

Feb 6, 2012

In code, why wouldn't this work? intMax = intTopValue = 20

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Using Two Equals Signs In VB 2008?

Feb 13, 2011

In code, why wouldn't this work?

intMax = intTopValue = 20

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Sign Out User If Someone Else Signs In With The Same Account

Sep 28, 2009

Sign out user if someone else signs in with the same account Anyone have code in VB that will do this?

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SQL - Pound Signs Disappearing From Strings

Jul 22, 2010

I'm usually a LAMP developer, but some .NET work has arrived. If I run the following code:
<% poundsign = "£" %>
<% Response.Write poundsign %>
<% Response.Write "£" %>

Nothing is displayed. However, outside of the <% %> tags (i.e., in the HTML) £ displays correctly. I have no trouble displaying the usual alphanumerics, it's just the £ sign that is proving problematic. The underlying file is in Windows 1252 encoding, and I need to serve it as such. If I save the file as UTF-8, I get mojibake instead of a £. What I can do to make this work, or any settings that might be preventing it from working (other than saving the file in a different format)?

Aside from the fact that my £s aren't appearing on the page, a major part of my problem is that I need to insert strings containing £ into a SQL server database, but if I form a SQL INSERT statement within the ASP, none of the £ signs end up appearing in the database. Inserting £ signs into the database from ASP isn't a problem when I save the .asp files as UTF-8 files, but I need everything to work in Windows 1252 encoding.

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Storing Equal Signs (=) In XML Documents?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm facing a problem that Google couldn't solve yet!I'm trying to store URLs in an XML file. Problem is that these URLs contain Equal Signs (=) in them. And that generates an error.Here is my code: (**token is a variable that contains the URL)

Dim child As String = vbCrLf & "<Link URL='" & token & "'></Link>"
Dim fragment As XmlDocumentFragment = doc.CreateDocumentFragment
fragment.InnerXml = child


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Why Does Regex Ignore Plus Or Minus Signs

Jun 21, 2012

No matter what I try, it never matches the sign. I even tried using the string as the pattern. This function should be able to take a string like 1 day -36mins + 2s -1s and parse it into a TimeSpan object. Any pointers?


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Display Multilines And Dollar Signs In Labels?

Sep 22, 2011

I'm just starting to learn VB and I can't seem to get the label to display 4 separate lines that I wanted it to. It always seems to display Grand Total: (number)[code]...

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Display Three Rows Of Percent Signs In The MsgLabel?

Nov 7, 2011

We were given this and for some reason I can't get this to work right. Here is the whole thing:The following code should display three rows of percent signs in the msgLabel. The first row should contain one percent sign, the second row should contain two percent signs, and the third row should contain three percent signs. However, the code is not working correctly.


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Display The Number With Two Decimal Places And Dollar Signs?

May 7, 2009

I need to write a program that uses constants to establish the base pay, the quota, and the commission rate. The Pay menu item calculates and displays the commission and the total pay for that person. However, if there is no commission, do not display the commission amount (do not display a zero-commission amount).Write a function procedure to calculate the commission. The function must compare sales to the quota. when the sales are equal to or greater than the quota, calculate the commission by multiplying sales by the commission rate. Format the dollar amounts to two decimal places; do not display a dollar sign.The summary menu item displays a message box that holds total sales,total commission,and total pay for all salesperson. Display the number with two decimal places and dollar signs. the Clear menu item clears the name, sales, and pay for the current employee and then resets the focus.The Color and Font menu items should change the color and font of the information displayed in the total pay text box.Use a message box to display the program name and your name as programmer for the about option on the Help menu.


So the issue is when I push the pay/calculate button everything is calculating correctly the first time, but then when I push clear to input another workers name and weekly sales and push calculate, my label is blank and does not display any info about the second worker. Then when I push summary after inputting the second worker, it's only displaying the total calculations of the first worker. I can't seem to figure out this problem on my own (After countless hours staring at my code I might add!), so I am hoping somebody can pinpoint what I have done wrong? EVerything else is seeming to work just fine.[code]...

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Redirect Console Output To Look For Signs Of Command Failure?

May 27, 2011

I am running a command on all computers from a list. I am trying to get back a text file that says PASS or FAIL for each computer. I am using the below StreamWriter and function process. The process runs correctly and it rights to both a data file and an error log. The error log however always says PASS for everything. do I know what to set the if consoleOutput = "????" to?

Using swrr As New StreamWriter(ErrorLog, True)
For Each strUserName As String In strLines
Dim ConsoleOutput As String = GetCMDOutput(strUserName, saveFileDialog3.FileName & ".txt",


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VS 2010 - How To Use Mathematical Signs As Label Text Randomly

Oct 29, 2011

How to use the signs "+", "-", "*", "/" as label text randomly. I am trying to create a math game for my kids. There I need a random sign to display every time they get new question to solve. I am able to display values [random numbers] but could not able to use this signs randomly as a single label text.

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Saving Information So Program Remembers Next Time User Signs In

Feb 25, 2010

i want the user to login, and the first thing is, having the text document for that(if theres a safer way to do it, let me know) then it goes to the weekly sales page, but theres also the goals for the sales, which rarely change, but if they do i would like them to be able to change them, then next page is the list of the workers, and if they need to i would like them to be able to add workers. so my question is: is there anyway that maybe i could save both the goals, and the workers in the text document, and when they need to change it/add workers it will save it in the text document and the next time they sign in the changes will be permanent? also is there a way to delete the user once they have been created, other than going into the txt document and deleting it.

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Send "{" Or "}" Signs Through Send Keys Method In Vb 2010?

Sep 22, 2011

I want to send { and } signs to the Active window in Visual Basic 2010.But the problem is when we send a key like "Backspace" we send it as "{BS}".So it also contains the { & } signs.Therefore when we send { and } signs nothing happen.

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