Keyboard Hook In Module Closes Immediately?

Apr 17, 2010

i am trying to make a app that loads a keyboardhook from a module on startup,
but unless i load the keyhook from the form the app just closes immediately.

i uploaded the keyhook module, to test it just start a new project, add the module,
to test it loading from the form just put hookkeyboard in the form load,

but what im tyring to do is have the module load first, so set the start up object to sub main

what this is suppose to do right now is just send a msgbox on every keystroke, it works from the form load but fails when loading from module, unless i am always typing something.

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Keyboard Hook Module Closes Immediately If Set As Startup Object

Apr 17, 2010

i am trying to make a app that loads a keyboardhook from a module on startup, but the problem i am having is unless i load the keyhook from the form, the app just closes immediately.

what im trying to accomplish in the end is the module will will check a 'user settings' file, depending on the settings it will show a form or load the keyhook. but this is where my problem is, if i set the keyboardhook to load from the sub main in the module the app will just close immediately unless (as far as i can tell) i am always typing something

if i set it to load from the form it stays open, ive tried creating a second module and loading the keyhook from their but it still closes i uploaded a copy of the keyhook module if anyone want to test it / check out the code... all it does right now is pop up a msgbox on every keystoke, for testing purposes,

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Low Level Keyboard Hook In A Module

Apr 16, 2010

i am trying to create a keyboard hook so when i type out something my app will pop up, regardless of which app has focus at the time.i coded this already in a form which then opens up a second form but now i trying to make it so my module opens first, and then it will open up my secondary form.but the issue i am having is when the module loads and starts the keyhooking, i get an error on the following code saying"Overflow Exception was unhandled, Arthmetic operation resulted in an overflow".[code]

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IDE :: Datagridviewcombobox Closes Immediately

Jan 13, 2011

I have an issue with VS 2008 datagridview combobox control.

The combo box in question closes immediately after the CellValidation method that I wrote invalidates the input in the combo box cell. What I mean by closes immediately is that when the drop down arrow is left-clicked, once I remove my finger from the left clicking of the mouse instead of staying down so that the user can see the selection options the combo box just closes.

I'm currently using EditOnEnter as my EditMode style. (I've tried switching between the different option the same behavior exists). The datagridview is bound to a dataset which was created from my database in MS Sql Server 2005.

This problem exists on two different forms and occurs exactly the same way. I don't know what other settings to mention to help in the troubleshooting of this error, but please feel free to ask me any questions so that I may resolve this issue. By the way both forms use datagridviews tied to the same dataset, just different tables and table adapters.

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Reopen A File Immediately After It Closes Via My C# Application

May 18, 2012

I ran out of ideas and couldn't find any reference about it so here I go... I need to keep a secondary application wich is not related to my c# project always running in background. So if this secondary application crashes or someone else close it manually it will automatically re launch again via my c# app.

I have no clue of how to accomplish this one, I mean checking if this application closes by something external to my c# app.

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Make The PDF File Be Immediately Released When Program Closes?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a VB program that displays a PDF file. When the program is closed it takes 30 seconds or so before AcroRd32 process releases the PDF file. In certain circumstances if the program is restarted with in this period, the PDF file does not display. The specific circumstances is that I have a second program (re)starting the program that displays the PDF file.

a) Make the PDF file be immediately released when my program closes

b) When the PDF file is loaded test that it properly loaded so that it can be reloaded if necessary.

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Visual Studio 2008 Window Form Closes Immediately After Opening?

Mar 29, 2011

Within my Visual Studio 2008 VB.Net project I am opening multiple forms after setting the form (that is opening) to be an mdichild of the main form. This works in really well in most of my forms except one. I am doing the exact same thing for all of them.

Basically I declare the new form:

Using frm As New frmName() With {.variableName = currentVariable}
frm.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent
End Using

Within the openForm subroutine in the form code I have:

Public Sub openForm()
... ...
End Sub

I know this works because if I remove frm.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent in the main form and change Me.Show() to Me.ShowDialog() in the child form then it works perfectly. Right now (for only one form) it shows the form for only a second (looks like a flicker when staring at the program) and then closes it.

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Hook Keyboard With Program?

Jul 14, 2011

I want to hook keyboard with vb , so that whenever my application written in vb runs it will capture all the keys pressed from the keyboard and show all the keys being pressed in a textbox on window's form

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Low-level Keyboard Hook

Dec 18, 2009

I'm writing a code to use it in a keyboard spy program , and I'm using hook techneque with this , but the problem is that : if I ForExamle clicked on Shift and number 2 it doesn't give me At (@), I want it to give me at (@) ..


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Bad VkCode In Low Level Keyboard Hook?

Feb 26, 2009

I´m using the SetWindowsHookEx API to hook the keyboard, and it works, but when I get vkCode from the structKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT it gives me way too high numbers instead of the ASCII byte I expect to receive. Also, the numberchanges each time I press the same key, so obviously something is wrong. I´m on Windows XP 32 bits, VB 2008 Express, Net. Framework 3.5 SP2. This is the relevant code (condensed, will

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Setup Mouse And Keyboard Hook?

Apr 10, 2009

How do I setup the mouse hook and keyboard hook?

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Textbox Hook Keyboard Events?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm using a textbox to define a hotkey, and I need to make the textbox receive key events and prevent the form from receiving them.The reason it's a problem is because Tab (and probably other keys) is a valid key, but the form uses that as a shortcut, so the textbox never receives the keypress.

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How To Set Global Keyboard Hook On Separate Thread

Apr 29, 2012

After many searches i end up using this class for global keyboard hooking. Link: Global Hook post [code]My app is performing operations that take some seconds to complete (ftp upload small files on interval), and during this time the hook lovks the keyboard. This i dont want of course..I cant jump to Async FtpWebRequest right now because it needs many changes, so i thought that the solution would be to make the hoook live in another thread.A proposal is to move my time - consuming operations (upload) to another thread.Upon doing this i am facing other problems. Because the time consuming task (upload) is in a timer i would have to rewrite a big portion in order to synchronize the file->save with the file->upload and i dont mind the app locking for 3-4 secs. what i do mind is to loose the kayboard for 3-4 secs.

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Keyboard Hook Not Blocking Keys As Expected

Mar 20, 2009

I suspect I've overlooked something simple, but can't seem to figure out what... The following code should to block all key strokes that match those stored in alMasterList while in Excel. While the code effectively identifies if a key is pressed that matches a record in alMasterList, it does not block Excel from processing the keystroke. how I can prevent the key from passing to Excel?[code]...

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Hook Keyboard To Make Action When DirectX App Running

Aug 15, 2011

I'm trying to hook the keyboard in Who can show me an example where you press button "F2" and a message box appear (MsgBox("You've pressed F2")). I need to hook the keyboard to make some action when DirectX application is running (I've Already tried with "registerhotkey" but do not works in dx app).

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Keyboard Hook Giving Error - Convert My Home App From Vb6

May 23, 2012

Trying to convert my home app from vb6 to .net but have a problem. I am using the code in the tut by Paul Kimmel but it is returning Err.LastDllError = 126. I am using this code as posted on Win7 and VS2010. KeyboardHandle is retuning 0 but Im not sure which part of it is the problem. There is a lot of new stuff there for me.


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Low-level Keyboard Hook Unhooks At High CPU Usage?

May 3, 2009

I have a program that uses low-level keyboard hooks, because it's a program that needs to be able to catch keystrokes, even when holding down capslock or what so ever.

Anyway, I figured out (by making a sample program running at the same time on purpose consuming 95% CPU by making an infinite loop with nothing in it) that low-level keyboard hooks stops working if the CPU usage is that high, and you do a lot of typing what so ever.

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System Keyboard Global Hook - Prevent Any Other (local) Interception?

Feb 20, 2010

My final goal is that striking F12 prints the date (through SendKeys) in the application/window having currently the focus (Word, Excel, Outlook, whatever). I have consequently implemented a globak keyboard hook (system-wide), which is running well (source code below).

My concern is that I would like to prevent any other local treatment based on F12. For instance, striking F12 under Microsotft Word prints the date is the open document (which is fine!) but also launches the "Save as..." dialog box, since F12 is a local shortcut/keybinding under Word. (Actually, the date is printed within a field of a the "Save as..." dialog box). I want to avoid this.

In other words, my aim is to improve the "hook" below so that striking F12 does what I want (which is already the case) but nothing more. That is to say, I would like that, except my treatment, the system "forgets" that F12 was striken.

' Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
' inspired by:


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VS 2008 Keyboard Input To Text (in Keybord Hook-class)?

May 16, 2010

I'm using a barcode reader which emulates a keyboard with swedish layout. I'm using RegisterRawInputDevices to create a lowlevel hook, catching windows messages and checking which device that sent the keyboard input. If it's the barcodereader, I would like to store the input. I receive the key input one by one in this class - how do I translate this into a string? If the character to be sent is an #, then the keys sent are Shift+3.

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Keyboard Hook Error "System.StackOverflowException Was Unhandled"

Dec 7, 2011

I am having some trouble getting some code to work. Here it is:


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VS 2010 When The Client Closes Sockets The Server Closes As Well

Apr 9, 2012

I have a small problem with sockets (I'm new to sockets). Below is the code I'm using. The problem is that when the client closes, the server closes aswell. How do I stop it from doing that?


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Declare A Connectionstring In A Module And Call That Module

Aug 16, 2010

how we can declare a connectionstring in a module and call that module

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Created A Virtual Keyboard Like The "Windows Onscreen Keyboard"?

Oct 13, 2010

I have created a virtual keyboard like the "Windows onscreen keyboard". So, I have used the method sendkeys.But if I click on the button, it doesn't write nothing.

I think I have a problem with the FOCUS.As you can see, the "Windows onscreen keyboard" is always on top.This doesn't happen to my form. How can I do?

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Run Exe Immediately Of A CD?

Aug 24, 2009

I have had absolutely no prior experience in any programming whatsoever. Yesterday I downloaded the visual basic 2008 express edition from Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.

I have a small question which I am sure is very easy for somebody else to answer and I apologise in advance if this question is in the wrong section.

I wanted to make a small exe to autorun from a cd. I want to be able to hand the cd out to friends and family. So far I have achieved what I wanted with the little app. On the cd I have an exe file in a particular folder that when clicking a command button on a windows form - I would like to run this exe. At the moment I have:

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
Shell("explorer.exe ..appfolderapplication.exe")
End Sub

This finds and selects the application as required, however It does not run it. Another box comes asking me "Do you want to run or save this file?" If I click run, another box comes up "The Publisher could not be verified, are you sure you want to run this application?"

what code to I need to enter or change to make this exe run immediately as if I were the same as browsing for it and double clicking on it?

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[VS 2010] Call A Module Into Another Module?

Apr 27, 2012

I have a VB.Net interface that communicates with an Access 2k3 Database using this module:

'Declare Database connections controls
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider, dbSource As String


I want to call EngineConnect procedure from MOD_ENGINE module into popCboBox module so I can ignate the engine!

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Asp.Net Session Expires Immediately?

Nov 16, 2011

My Session Expires immediately even though i did the settings in web.config file,

<sessionState timeout="2880" mode="InProc" cookieless="UseCookies"></sessionState>
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"/>


i did above settings in web.config even then it expires after approx 3 minutes..

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C# - Why Is Thread Not Starting Immediately

Oct 4, 2010

see below program. I start a new thread x with function abc, then I do some longer task.
Why does x only start after end sub? Shouldn't it start right-away, before sleep ?


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Changes From Comboboxes Into Datagridview Immediately?

Sep 11, 2010

i have a datagridview with a column with comboboxes. My problem is that the changes that i am doing from comboboxes didn't occur to datagridview immediately but after the user click to another cell.

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Kill A Thread Immediately?

Nov 12, 2010

Can anyone tell me how to kill a thread immediately.

I have tried MyThread.Abort, but it seems to do nothing. Someone told me it's because 'Abort' waits for the current operation to complete, but my thread will run for over 30 minutes before that happens.

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VS 2010 How To 2nd Hook

May 30, 2011

almost perfectly works to disable specific keys. but 1problem. for example : checkbox1 checked and then press button1 L win key disable its okey.but then i press button2 to active keys and press again button1.this time not working disabling keys.


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