Make The PDF File Be Immediately Released When Program Closes?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a VB program that displays a PDF file. When the program is closed it takes 30 seconds or so before AcroRd32 process releases the PDF file. In certain circumstances if the program is restarted with in this period, the PDF file does not display. The specific circumstances is that I have a second program (re)starting the program that displays the PDF file.

a) Make the PDF file be immediately released when my program closes

b) When the PDF file is loaded test that it properly loaded so that it can be reloaded if necessary.

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Reopen A File Immediately After It Closes Via My C# Application

May 18, 2012

I ran out of ideas and couldn't find any reference about it so here I go... I need to keep a secondary application wich is not related to my c# project always running in background. So if this secondary application crashes or someone else close it manually it will automatically re launch again via my c# app.

I have no clue of how to accomplish this one, I mean checking if this application closes by something external to my c# app.

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IDE :: Datagridviewcombobox Closes Immediately

Jan 13, 2011

I have an issue with VS 2008 datagridview combobox control.

The combo box in question closes immediately after the CellValidation method that I wrote invalidates the input in the combo box cell. What I mean by closes immediately is that when the drop down arrow is left-clicked, once I remove my finger from the left clicking of the mouse instead of staying down so that the user can see the selection options the combo box just closes.

I'm currently using EditOnEnter as my EditMode style. (I've tried switching between the different option the same behavior exists). The datagridview is bound to a dataset which was created from my database in MS Sql Server 2005.

This problem exists on two different forms and occurs exactly the same way. I don't know what other settings to mention to help in the troubleshooting of this error, but please feel free to ask me any questions so that I may resolve this issue. By the way both forms use datagridviews tied to the same dataset, just different tables and table adapters.

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Keyboard Hook In Module Closes Immediately?

Apr 17, 2010

i am trying to make a app that loads a keyboardhook from a module on startup,
but unless i load the keyhook from the form the app just closes immediately.

i uploaded the keyhook module, to test it just start a new project, add the module,
to test it loading from the form just put hookkeyboard in the form load,

but what im tyring to do is have the module load first, so set the start up object to sub main

what this is suppose to do right now is just send a msgbox on every keystroke, it works from the form load but fails when loading from module, unless i am always typing something.

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Keyboard Hook Module Closes Immediately If Set As Startup Object

Apr 17, 2010

i am trying to make a app that loads a keyboardhook from a module on startup, but the problem i am having is unless i load the keyhook from the form, the app just closes immediately.

what im trying to accomplish in the end is the module will will check a 'user settings' file, depending on the settings it will show a form or load the keyhook. but this is where my problem is, if i set the keyboardhook to load from the sub main in the module the app will just close immediately unless (as far as i can tell) i am always typing something

if i set it to load from the form it stays open, ive tried creating a second module and loading the keyhook from their but it still closes i uploaded a copy of the keyhook module if anyone want to test it / check out the code... all it does right now is pop up a msgbox on every keystoke, for testing purposes,

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Visual Studio 2008 Window Form Closes Immediately After Opening?

Mar 29, 2011

Within my Visual Studio 2008 VB.Net project I am opening multiple forms after setting the form (that is opening) to be an mdichild of the main form. This works in really well in most of my forms except one. I am doing the exact same thing for all of them.

Basically I declare the new form:

Using frm As New frmName() With {.variableName = currentVariable}
frm.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent
End Using

Within the openForm subroutine in the form code I have:

Public Sub openForm()
... ...
End Sub

I know this works because if I remove frm.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent in the main form and change Me.Show() to Me.ShowDialog() in the child form then it works perfectly. Right now (for only one form) it shows the form for only a second (looks like a flicker when staring at the program) and then closes it.

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Possible To Make Program 'self-destruct' (delete Itself) When It Closes?

Sep 30, 2010

Does anybody know if it's possible to make your program 'self-destruct' (delete itself) when it closes? I know this sounds like malware, but it's not. What happens is the user clicks 'install', the application copies itself to another directory, then the application starts the new copied file, with an argument that begins the installation, kills itself, and then the copied application restarts and then it's done. But I can't get rid of the original executable.

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Make A Simple Program That Detects If A Game Closes?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm trying to make a simple program that detects if a game closes, and when it does, it shuts down the computer.

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VS 2008 : Make A Program For School That Closes The Active Window?

May 30, 2010

I need to make a program for school that closes the active window. My application does now SendKeys.Send("%{F4}"). It works but, it also does it when there are no active windows. I want it to close only the active windows.

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Visual Studio 2010 - Administartive Access To A Released Program?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a program designed in for a wafer probing system. The software has 3 main components that come standard and three that are options. When a customer decides not to have the three options they are disabled but still in the program. If at some point they decide to buy the options, one of our technicians would have to go there and be able to access the program with an administrative account to enabled the components.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what the easiest way to accomplish this?

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BinaryReader Closed But File Not Released?

Apr 11, 2012

Private Function GetImageSize(ByVal FileName As String) As Size
Dim ImageSize As Size
Using BR As New BinaryReader(New FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open))


I want to display photos of people when the mouse passes over their name. I wanted to be able to size the picture box to be proportional to the various photographs and let the Stretch property handle the rest.I used the code above offered by John Wein to a question from 2009 to read the dimension of the picture It worked fine until I pass over the same person twice. Then I get an error that the file is in use by another process.I tried adding:


With and without


But the file is still locked-out on the second pass. I tried setting "PictureBox.Image = Nothing" when the mouse leaves the square, still the file is seen as in use and locked.

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Make The Text Appear Immediately After Refresh?

Jan 27, 2011

I have to Repositon many TextBox in a form, but when I use Refresh() to invalidate its client area, that TextBox's Text will be disappeared until I focus to that TextBox. Are there any way to make the Text appear immediately after Refresh?

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Terminate A Program Immediately From Try Catch?

Jan 19, 2010

I am trying to end a program immediately when a critical exception is caught. But I am finding that code after my Try/Catch block is executing even though the code withing the Catch block is executing, and that Catch code is calling Me.Close.

I suspect it has something to do with background .net threads or something, but I have no clue how to deal with those kinds of issues. How can I stop the program as quickly as possible? If code after my Catch executes, it will (and does) throw lots of uncaught exceptions later. Currently, it is not feasible for me to try to catch all the other exceptions. I just want to report an error and end the program.In my form load routine, I create and set up a number of objects and arrays by calling various subroutines.The success of most of the subroutines depends on the sucess of three subs in particular, which are called early on. If one of those three fails, there will undoubtedly be a number of hard to trap exceptions later on in the load routine.


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VS 2008 - Program Starts And Exits Immediately

Dec 6, 2010

I copied a project I wrote on my XP machine to my other computer with Windows 7 64-bit. When I run it through VS2008 it exits immediately. It does not run a single line of code. The exit code is 0. I need to post what else it says. But I did find a posting about this saying the path to the temp files may be wrong for it but he did not know how to change this. If I create a new peoject and put a command button on it, the program runs. So I was wondering if it is something like the temp files or something else. The machine runs a compiled .exe of the program from the XP machone when installed on the Windows 7 machine. So I do not think it is the program not being compatible.

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When Attempt To Debug A Program In VB 08 The Black Screen Disappears Immediately?

Feb 17, 2010

when i attempt to debug a program in visual basic studio 08 the black screen dissapears immediatly and i cannot read anything that appears. not sure if it is an option or a bug, but it makes the system relatively useless.

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VS 2010 When The Client Closes Sockets The Server Closes As Well

Apr 9, 2012

I have a small problem with sockets (I'm new to sockets). Below is the code I'm using. The problem is that when the client closes, the server closes aswell. How do I stop it from doing that?


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Program Closes After Msgbox?

Aug 5, 2009

After the OK button is clicked on any message box in my program it automatically quits. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Call Event When Program Closes?

Jul 2, 2011

I'm looking for a more elegant way to work around a problem I have

Private Sub MnuCheckForUpdates_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MnuCheckForUpdates.Click
Dim startInfo As New ProcessStartInfo(mStartUpPath & "" & "Updater.exe")
End Sub

As you can see I�m calling my updater program, but I want some code to run only after the Updater has closed.My work around was to:

A - Initially load the updater.
B � Start a time
C � Check if the updater is still running.
D � If its not call the routine in the timer event.

But this is not elegant is there another way around this, I can call events in the updater but I don�t think I can join them in someway to ProcessStartInfo Class .

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Program Closes But Still Runs In Processes?

Apr 8, 2011

I have made a program that has an intro screen, moving onto an activity select screen which acts as the main interface to get around the program. After creating the program and installing it on my computer, when I close the program from the activity select screen, using the "X" at the top right corner, the program continues to run under "processes" in the task manager.If I close the program from the intro screen though, it will close everything, including the processes. Is there anyway I can get the same to happen with the game select screen? I can make it work by putting my own "End" button on the form, but id prefer to be able to do it with forms own close button.

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Remembering Settings When Program Closes?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm working on program that has two forms. The main form is called 'frmMain'. Second form is called 'FrmHistory'. In the History form, you can check a number of combo boxes to set settings for a grid.

This works.Now, when I close the FrmHistory form and then open it again, I have it so those combo boxes (Settings) are how I left them. This works. I do so via this.


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Set Program To Invisible And Close It When It App Closes?

Oct 31, 2009

i have a third party software and i would like it to lunch when someone runs my program (and no its not a virus). But the thing is when you run it; it shows up in the system tray, how can i set the program to invisible and close it when it my app closes?

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Make A Checkbox Save If Its Checked When A Form Closes?

Oct 4, 2009

Understandable Answers

1 2 3 4 5
- - - - - Rate yourself And Have A Kitkat
5 5 5 5 5

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Adding A Variable That Will Persist When The Program Closes?

Jul 26, 2011

Sorry for the extra long title, Here's what I want to do.I want to give the user the option of using or not using specific features of the program.If I can set a simple yes or no value that wil persist each time the program run and then depending on the variable turn off or on the feature at start

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Exe Closes System.IO.StreamReader Kills Program?

Apr 24, 2011

Ok, So I am making a front-end for a program, and it runs the exe with command line arguments. One of those arguments is creating a log file that tells me who the winner is. Currently I have code that runs the app, tell VB when it exits and then does another event. When testing with message box as the other event, works fine.

When running the System.IO.Streamreader the app just closes down on its own and there are no errors shown.


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Executing A Piece Of Code Before The Program Closes?

May 18, 2009

Having read the rules I don't have much code to show apart from these lines I want to have executed just before the program or a form closes.

If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("File.file") then
End if

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NotifyIcon Stays On Taskbar When App Closes In Program

Dec 6, 2009

NotifyIcon stays on taskbar when application closed, then when I move mouseover it, it disappears.[code]...

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Program Closes But Process Remain Opened?

Feb 9, 2012

For some reason, every time I hit the red "X" button to close the program. The program closes, but the process is still there. How do I make it so that if I press it, itll end the process too?

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Save To NotePad - Can Be Retrieved After A Program Closes

Mar 4, 2010

how you would go about saving information(username, password, security questions) in a notepad, so it can be retrieved after a program closes. i'm making a log in program in my class, but we haven't done this, so when the program closes, everything is gone. rather annoying, to have to make a accounts each time i'm testing it.

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Storing Usernames And Password After The Program Closes?

Feb 6, 2012

storing usernames and password after the program closes. I do not want them to be stored in a .txt file, as this is insecure. How do I store it?

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VS2008 / .Net3.5: Program Crashes When Form Closes?

Feb 19, 2010

I have 2 modules and 2 forms. In the module1, I initiated the form classes and also here I have my public appexit() method.In module2, I have another class(in the form of a keyboard done by code). Form2 use this class as its control.I have:



Now when I call appexit() in my module1 from form1, I can see that the debug is going into form1_closing but when it goes inside form2_closing, it crashing the application here.I am developing mobile device application in Vs2008.Net3.5.

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