Visual Studio 2010 - Administartive Access To A Released Program?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a program designed in for a wafer probing system. The software has 3 main components that come standard and three that are options. When a customer decides not to have the three options they are disabled but still in the program. If at some point they decide to buy the options, one of our technicians would have to go there and be able to access the program with an administrative account to enabled the components.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what the easiest way to accomplish this?

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Visual Studio 2010 Using MS Access File

May 9, 2012

I am trying to connect to an Access DB file when I do a drag and drop from the dataset to the form i get the following error [code]

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Visual Studio 2010 VB - SQL To Access Database?

May 9, 2012

I have created a form that does some access sql statements. Using the below code, I can run 9 different SQL statements that purge and load tables. For some reason 1 statement does not work. I do not receive any error, it just doenst load the table.


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OLE Objects (Pictures) From Access DB And Visual Studio 2010?

May 16, 2011

I have a class assignment and I am having some difficulty with an Access 2010 database and OLE objects in the database. I have the database imported into the project and I am able to view the records from the database that I have in labels and combo boxes.

I used the database DataSoure wizard to create my connection string and import the Access database. In the DataSouce window I set the DataSet for the "Flag" column that contains my pictures to use a picture box object type and added the data bound object to my form.

When I run the application all the field from the database show as expected however, the picture box object does not display the images from the database. When I check the picture box object in the designer the properties window shows that the image source is bound to my database with the little database icon and the data bindings are all correct.

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Visual Studio 2010 Access Database Interconnectivity

May 24, 2011

I am trying to write a Project to keep track of my favorite sports teams and scores and store and retrieve the data from a database. I am using and accdb files. I am able to connect to the tables( 3 tables Players'Keep track of individual stats',OpposingTeams'Keep track of who my team played',Games'matches between the two teams') and Visual studio made it easy to display the teams in comboboxes but this is as far as i can get.

I am wondering how to have a textbox query the Games table and "insert a record into the table, thus creating a primary key and returning the primary key to visual studio and display it in the texbox"


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Created A .Net Program In Visual Studio 2010?

Nov 20, 2011

I created a VB.Net program in Visual Studio 2010 Pro. Everything runs fine in debug mode on my developement machine. I'm using setup builder installation and cryptolicensing for the license.dll. I have checked the setup program and all the files are installed on the test pc as required. The program was developed on the 4.0 client Framework. The problem is when I install the program on the test computer it will not open or run. No indication of why no messages, nothing. Can anyone steer me where to begin to find out why this is happening.

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Database - Reading An Access Query From Visual Studio 2010?

Jul 10, 2010

I have a database in access and one of the fields is 'Is Quick'. I have a query that filters all of these out. How would I get the data from that query in Visual Studio 2010 (Express). VB code please.

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Display Records From A Database In Access In Visual Studio 2010?

Oct 31, 2011

I need to display records from a database in Access in Visual Studio 2010. The project Im looking to create needs to display all of the records from the database and allow the user to navigate throughout the set of records.

I need controls and codes to:


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Import A Query From Access 2003 Into Visual Studio 2010?

Dec 13, 2010

Is it possible to import a query from Access 2003 into Visual studio 2010 (language used

I created the queries originally for a project, then when I imported the database to visual studio I can only use the tables that i created. I have started looking at the coding to re-do these, but if I can import them would it be quicker?

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Importing Variables Into Visual Studio 2010 Program

Dec 27, 2010

I sucessfully write a file containing variables with the following code:



The variables do not populate.

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Making A Program In Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate?

Mar 16, 2011

OK, So I am making a program in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. I have gotten all the forms and everything correct. Except the text color. I need to make it so when they reach the end and it says if they got it right or not, that the program changes the textbox's text color. The code I currently have is when form2 = the first word in the spelling test. Form2.textbox1 is the first place where the user puts the answer. Form1.Textbox1 is where the user puts the original word.

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
If Form1.TextBox1.Text = Form2.TextBox1.Text Then
TextBox1.ForeColor = Color.Green


This code does nothing and there is no errors. P.S. If you need a copy of the program, you can download the solution here: [URL]...

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Visual Studio 2010 - Program Debugging Error

Jun 21, 2012

I am trying to create a new library (.dll) for use in my SSIS project. I dont have any prior experience of creating these kind of projects. So please bear with me.

When I try to debug the program, it throws the following error

What would be the best way to debug the following code. I know that it maybe wrong, but I am trying to learn this.


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Add New Field Or New Table To Access 2007 From Visual Studio 2010 Programmatically

Sep 23, 2010

i have create a software for my college which is document management. well am doing good so far up to now where i need to upgrade my database what i mean ?

in case i need to make any changes to my database i don't want to enter the database and create new table or add new fields to existing table to my current database,i would like to do that throught visual studio 2010 programaticaly. something like an additional application where i will choose my database path and the application will upgrade the database with new tables or new fields .

i would like also to ask, in order to create database,or if you already have the database and you like to just open the connection to it programaticaly and add new field ,or relate some table ,you have to work with different librarys? Like ADOX,DAO etc ? and other.?

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Install Microsoft.Data.Access.Components.2.8 In Visual Studio 2010?

Jun 12, 2012

I am using the publish wizard in VB 2010 Professional for deployment as I tried the InstallShield and the Standard Build and cannot get support. My last resort is this wizard. Please help me I am getting the following 2 warnings. I downloaded MDAC 2.8 SP1 for warning 2 and after I run the program it doesn't upgrade and appear in VB2010. How can I install it in VB2010 Pro. Also How can I get the .Net.Framework.2.0 installed.

Warning 2 The 'SAP Crystal Reports Runtime Engine for .NET Framework 4.0' item selected requires 'Microsoft.Data.Access.Components.2.8'. Select the missing prerequisite in the Prerequisites Dialog Box or create a bootstrapper
package for the missing prerequisite. SendGlobalMobileAdvertisingBlasts


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Visual Studio 2010 - Diagnose Program Crash During Execution?

Feb 15, 2011

My program keeps crashing every time I try to run it on another machine other than my own dev system. It runs just fine on mine but crashes on everybody else's when I install and run it. To make matters worse, it only gives me the generic "[name here] has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience". So i never can find out why and where it is crashing!!!!


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Visual Studio 2010 - Retrieve Autonumber From Ms Access To A Strongly Typed Database In .net?

Jun 21, 2012

I am using VS2010/VB.NET/MS Access 2007 I had added a database from ms access to the application (strongly typed)that table contains an autonumber field.I made a button to add new row and another one to save the row the problem is that I want to get the last autonumber from the database so that I can save the row.

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Visual Studio 2010 Windows Application And Interaction With MS Access 2007 / 2003

Jun 13, 2011

If I create a windows app which I link to an MS Access databse file that already exists..will I need to have MS Office installed on every computer at which I want to use the app? If not then how do I go about making a standalone windows app that will store information in a database of some form or another ?

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Visual Studio 2010, Access DB - How To Retrieve The Number Of Records For A Select Query

Aug 13, 2010

I am new to VB and trying my hand at the below code. I am trying to determine the number of records for each possible combination. Depending on the outcome of the number of records groups may be combined. I am not able to find the record count for each grouping. Can you please look at the code below and suggest what I am doing wrong?


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Visual Studio 2010 - Does The Print() Method In .NET Work With Files Opened With Binary Access

Mar 6, 2011

I am trying to write data to a binary file using the Print() method, but when I run it I get the System.IO exception Bad File Mode.

Here's the code for the FileOpen declaration, that might have something to do with it?

FileOpen(filenumber, "path to file", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Write, OpenShare.LockReadWrite)
Print(filenumber, expression(variable))

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Visual Studio 2010 - Get Forms Application Startup Method To Be Sub Main() In Program.vb?

May 17, 2010

Trying to get it to behave like C#, where there is a Program class with a static Main method.However, in the project properties, I cannot set Program.vb to be the startup object, only the forms (it is a forms application).

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Visual Studio 2008 Sp1 To Visual Studio 2010 Beta Sp2

Feb 17, 2010

Will i be able to successfully install 2010 beta 2 side by side 2008? because i want to test 2010 features and some development toolkits such as silverlight while i don't want to uninstall my visual studio 2008 professional.

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Visual Studio 2010 Created Program Doesn't Work On Windows7 64 Bit While Works Fine On Windows Xp

May 15, 2012

I have one tool which we developed on visual studio 2010. there are basically two parts of my project, one is UI part which i wrote in VB and algorithm part which is in C++ on back end. When we compile C++ part it creates a .dll which is used by my front end VB program.

Now my problem is little weird since i am compiling and deploying this tool on windows xp machine but some of the users are using windows 7 64 bit machines and after running the program for about 5-10 minutes, it crashes on windows 7 with following error

Not enough storage is available to process this command and when i view details of that error, i get the following description.

See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
************** Loaded Assemblies **************


i am completely clue less for this error since this program works fine on xp but doesn't work on windows 7.

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Make A Console Program In Visual Basic On Visual Studio 2008?

Jan 22, 2010

I am trying to make a console program in Visual Basic on Visual Studio 2008. I want to ask the user of the program if he wants the premium version or the standard version. If he chooses the premium version, then I want it to say premium in his "receipt" later on and if he chooses standard, then standard in the receipt.


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IDE :: Visual Basic - Download It Or Find It Somewhere In My Visual Studio Program?

Jan 31, 2010

I have visual studio 2008 installed and was using C#. I am now trying to find Visual Basic. I can't find it. Is there a way to download it or should it be somewhere in my visual studio program? I don't want to use vbexpress, just regular VB 2008.

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Visual Studio 2010 - Techniques For Not Allowing Program To Enter "Not Responding Mode"?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a program that runs a pretty long operation in the background once a user clicks the button. I have implemented a progress bar but if the window is touched or moved then it grays out and says (Not repsonding). Everything still works and when the operation finishes the program resumes function. (But a user would not know this

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.net - Which Version Of Visual Studio 2010 Contains Visual Basic SharePoint Templates

Aug 5, 2011

Does anybody know which version of Visual Studio 2010 contains the full set of Visual Basic SharePoint Templates? I am about to embark on a project to create Visual Web Parts to be used in a SharePoint report.

At the moment I am using Visual Studio 2008 and even though the WSPBuilder is installed none of the relevant SharePoint templates are present.Having searched SO and the web, most advise to install the templates via the Visual Studio command prompt: devenv /installvstemplates

Alas the Visual Studio command prompt is also missing from my VS2008 installation.So, the question remains: which version of VS2010 contains what I need for pain-free SharePoint development? There is a rather large price different between VS2010 Professional and VS2010 Premium, so can anyone tell me if the cheaper version (VS2010 Professional) contains all the Sharepoint templates?

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IDE :: Adding References In Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 (Visual Basic)?

Nov 25, 2009

I am just wondering how I can add Direct X references to Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. I cant find them in the .NET reference list, or the reference list, or anywhere. I downloaded the Direct X SDK for August 2009, but I can not add the .dll files to the reference list. Is there anything I can do to add them? I need the references for programming reasons.

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Use OpenGL In Visual Studio 2010 In Visual Basic Project?

Jan 15, 2012

I want to use "OpenGL" in my project. Is it possible to associate it with "Visual Basic" application developed in Visual Studio 2010? If yes then how can we do it.

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Convert Visual Basic 2010 To Visual Studio Pro 2010?

Apr 20, 2012

I have a project in visual basic 2010 and want to convert it to visual studio 2010 so I don't have to chose the "open with" every time. Is there a tutorial on how to do this?

View 4 Replies - Force Visual Studio 2010 To Use Visual Basic 10?

Mar 9, 2012

To reproduce the error I'm getting:Create a new Visual Studio 2010 ASP.NET web site in Visual Basic, targeting .NET 2.0Type "Public Property Test As String" Observe "Visual Basic 9.0 does not support auto-implemented properties." error Visual Studio 2010 is happy to use VB 10 against .NET 2.0-targeted Windows Forms applications, this only appears to be an issue with ASP.NET.Is there a way to force Visual Studio 2010 to use VB 10 when targeting .NET 2.0?

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