Listview List Item Display?

May 5, 2010

I'm trying to create a application that mimics windows explorer. I have a treeview and a listview. The problem I'm have is when I change from the initial "detail" view to "list" view the items in the list appear truncated. I have tried setting the column width property but it does nothing in "list" view.

I have a button that has the following code: Me.ListView_Documents.View = View.Details and Me.ListView_Documents.View = View.List

How can I display the full length of my items in a listview?

for example: If I have an item that had the following name: Actuator Review.doc in "detail" view the full name appears. but in "list" view the name appears as: Actuator Rev...

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DoDragDrop List View Item Reordering - User Can Drag Media Tracks From One Listview To Another Listview

Feb 12, 2010

I have a media browser program I am building. I am trying to use drag/drop so a user can drag media tracks from one listview to another listview and then use the second list view as a playlist in windows media player com object. Reading at MSDN I have found out that there is no built in support for item re-ordering with the listview control. I have listview1 working correctly but when I try to reorder items in listview2, the dragged item ends up at the end of the list. So basically I need to get the item insertion index corrected. I have tried more than 10 times to get this code right.

Here is my code which includes a form with two listview's.

Public Class Form1

Private Sub ListView_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _
System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemDrag, _


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Listview Display Item?

Apr 14, 2009

My listview is pulling data from a database and has 2 columns... "Project Name" and "Project ID"I want to be able to double click on an item in the list and have the Project Name appear in textbox1 and Project ID to appear in textbox2... with the code I have I get something strange in the textboxes... "ColumnHeader: Text: ColumnHeader"

my code is:
Private Sub ListView1_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.DoubleClick


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Display The Text Of Each Item In The Listview?

Mar 27, 2010

I have a listview setup to act as my main GUI. Kind of like a copy of windows explorer. I'm trying to get it to open individual forms on the double click of each individual icon.

Here is what I have so far to display the text of each item in the listview. I'm not sure how to get it to do what I need though.

Private Sub MainListView_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MainListView.DoubleClick
Dim objDrawingPoint As Drawing.Point


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VS 2008 : Listview - How To Display Item 4

May 3, 2011

How do you list for example item 4 in a listview that only got 1 column?

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Display Selected Item From Listview To Textbox?

Jun 6, 2011

i have a project my next task is to display the item selected from my listview to the textbox in the other form heres my code on the listview

Public Class listemployee
Private Sub listemployee_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


the items in the listview should be display in the textboxes in the other form whenever i click select data

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ListView - Click Item And Display Image From URL In PictureBox

Mar 20, 2012

I have 52 listview items in my listview1 and I have a picturebox basically I want it where I can click on a single item in the listview and display an image from a url in the picturebox. I basically have it right now that when you click on any item in the listview it just shows the same image in the picturebox no matter which item it is. I need to figure out how to do it separately for each item.

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Select A Particuler Item From Listview And Display It In Various Textboxes

Mar 11, 2010

When i press the 'edit' button a listview is shown, filled with records('empcode' field from empdetail) from a access table, say 'empdetail'. now if i doubleclick on a particuler record in the listview, then the listview will disappear and the records will be displayed in the textboxes. exactly what we do in vb6, the coding follows,cn is the connection to the db.


now i want to do exactly the same thing with, please give me the sample coding, because i know the logic but not familier with if i click on the listview.

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Wpf Combobox Display 1st Item From List?

Aug 17, 2011

i have a combobox bound to an ObservableCollection:-

<ComboBox Name="combo" ItemsSource="{Binding Things}" SelectionChanged="ComboBox_SelectionChanged" >

in the code behind I have

Dim thingArray = New ObservableCollection(Of Things)
Me.combo.DataContext = Me.thingArray

Assume thingArray is initialized to 5 Thing objects and Thing has a toString() implementation. I want to display the first item Thing(0) by default on the ComboBox. How do i do that?

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Context Menu When Right Clicking On A List View Item Only, Not Anywhere In Listview

Jan 17, 2011

Is it possible to be present a context menu when an item, any item, is right clicked in the ListView control? - If so, how?

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Display Only One Item In A List Box If Multiple With The Same Name Exist?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a listbox populated from a column in a table. The data in the column contains some of the same data for etc. The word watch would be there 10 times but I only need it to show once.

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Forms :: Display The Selected Item From A List Box In To A Label?

Dec 10, 2009

I have items in a listbox. the user have to select one item(its mandatory) and after have to click next button to proceed to the next form. in the second form the selected item should be displayed in a label.

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Select Item In The List Box Then The Result Will Display In Textbox?

Aug 23, 2011

i got a probleam with my selection in list box. If i to select item in the list box then the result will display in textbox. I got an error England is not member list of ListBoxGreeting Here is my code and picture on my application. I am using visual studio 2005

Public Class Form1
Private Sub ListBoxGreeting_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBoxGreeting.SelectedIndexChanged


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VB / Sqlepress - Display A List Of Databases Contained In Sqlexpress In A Listview

Apr 12, 2010

I am trying to display a list of databases contained in sqlexpress, in a listview. my current code reads:


This will show up as column headers, but I can't get them to show in only one column so that I can have the user select the database that they would like to work with.

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Possible To Make List Box Item Height For Item Depending On Amount Of Lines That Item Contains?

Jan 1, 2012

I have a list box on the form which functions as a copy/paste. When you copy something, it is automatically added to the list box as a "clipboard helper". Here is the problem,however: if the text is more than 1 line, the list box does not show all the text.It ends up looking messy.So getting back to my question, is it possible to make the list box item height for an item depending on the amount of lines that item contains?This is a one line sentence in the list box and should take up one line.This is a multi line sentence in the list box and should take up two lines for item height.

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Treeview To List Folders Then Display The Folders Context In A Listview?

Sep 22, 2010

I have seen lots of examples with a treeview to list folders then display the folders context in a listview.

But what id like is a checked treeview, that not only displays the folder list, but the actually folder contents as well.

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Edit Item Or Subitem Values Of A Selected Listview Item?

May 19, 2009

Ok, so I have a listview on one form, and when a button is pressed it opens up a new form with the contents of the selected listview item and it's subitems in a series of textboxes. The user can then change the data in the textboxes and either press save to make the changes or cancel to close the window. What command would I use to change the selected listview item and subitems to whatever is in the boxes?

this is the code that populates the boxes:

Private Sub Form_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim appeditcontents As String = main.passlist.SelectedItems(0).ToString


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Removing Listbox Item From Checked Listview Item?

Jan 12, 2012

removing Listbox item from checked Listview item.The code I tried just errors out.

Private Sub ListView1_ItemCheck(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemCheck
If (e.CurrentValue = CheckState.Unchecked) Then
ElseIf (e.CurrentValue = CheckState.Checked) Then


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VS 2008 ListView Index - Find Out What Item Has Been Selected In A ListView?

Mar 21, 2010

Do I really have to go through all this just to find out what item has been selected in a ListView?


Isn't there something fundamental like this? Is absolutely everything in VB.NET buried beneath a colossal heap of bureaucracy?

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Click Event Procedure Should Display The Color Of The Item Whose Item Number Is Entered

Dec 13, 2009

the disply color buttons click even procedure shold display the color of the item whose item number is entered. all item numbers contail eactly five characters(12b12). my problem is i can not get it to disply a color in the lblcolor control. it displays the item number.


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Format Listview : Head Of Listview Textalign = Center And Item Of Listview Textalign = Right?

Mar 12, 2009

i want to format listview head of listview textalign = center and item of listview textalign = right

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Get Selected Item Index Or A Sorted & Grouped List Relative To Item Source?

Feb 12, 2011

I'm having some difficulty with a sorted & grouped listbox in WPF 3.5 that has an items source bound to an ObservableCollection.

What I want to be able to do is to retrieve a piece of data from the ObservableCollection items source depending on what item in the listbox the user has selected.I've almost got it working but because the listbox is sorted it does not match the index of the items source.


As I previously mentioned, because the lstBox is sorted and also grouped the index's don't match up.Does anyone know how I can get the correct information I want from the List Source depending on the selected item in the list box?

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Select An Item From A List Box And Click A Button And Have That Item Go Into Another Listbox With It's Price

Oct 13, 2011

How someone would select an item from a list box and click a button and have that item go into another listbox with it's price? I seem to be stuck on this part.

Here's my code:

I want to select the first option from the first listbox and I want to put it into another listbox along with the price of that item on the same line in the listbox. I can't seem to figure out how to that.

Public Class Form1
Const dcmPRICE_STRESS As Decimal = CDec(595.0)
Const dcmPRICE_TIME_MANAGMENT As Decimal = 695


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Add To A Combobox A List Of Item (not Every Item) In A Txt Located On A Server

Feb 13, 2011

my program downloads into a combobox every item(line) that is in a text file located on a server.
Every line in the text file ends with "a)" or with "g)".

Now I just want to make 3 radio buttons:

- one that will allow the download in the combobox only the item ending with "g)"
- one that will allow the download in the combobox only the item ending with "a)"
- one that will allow the download in the combobox of both (I already know how to do).

How can I do so?

To download the entire list in the combobox I do:

Dim List As String = client.DownloadString(" lines As String() = List.Split(New String() {ControlChars.CrLf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)ComboBox1.Items.Clear()

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If Eval Compare Item 1 And Item 2 If Item 1 ="0" And Item 2 > "0.00" = Display Result

Jan 21, 2012

Is it possible to compare 2 dataitems and then display the result depending on the 2 values using if eval at run time?I have a ListView with databound controls. 1 is RedemptionChoice and the 2 is CashBack.When 1 reads "0" and 2 reads > 0.00 the output should read AUTO I have read many comments online and most point to create a new function within code behind but have found it impossible to implement on my own.I tried this as a test on the actual page:

<%# If(Eval("CashBackRedemptionChoice").Equals("0") & Eval("[CashBack]").Equals("0.00"), "Auto Cashback"))%>

2 needs to be greater than 0.00 for AUTO to be displayed. Hence I know this would not work. Just trying to give an example of what I would like.

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Listview: How To Loop Each Item And Its Sub Item

Dec 16, 2009

I have a listview with 4 colunms

Private Sub process()
Dim datenow As String = ITEM HERE
Dim name As String = subitem1 here


I dont know how to get each (row) id call it even though its a colunm and add the item and its 3 sub items to my variables.

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Delete Item From List Box Select Next Available Item?

May 14, 2012

how whould I go about deleteing an item from a listbox and it will select the next available know like the treeview control selects the next node if you delete one.

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Get Type Of Derived Generic List Class From List Item Method?

Mar 23, 2011

Public Class notifierMain
Public Class Contacts
Inherits List(Of row)
Public Sub New()


When I debug this winforms application I get curType = "notifier.notifierMain+Contacts+row" I want to the Validate function to know it is in MyContacts. How do I do this?

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Drop Down List Box (stop Selecting Item From List)

Jun 18, 2009

i want to stop accepting form drop down listbox if certrain criteria is not met [code]how i can cancel the selection of drop down list?

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VS 2008 Search Item A (from A List Of X Items) In List B?

May 5, 2010

i want to search item A (from a list of X items) in list B but i want to get the item not found example Search ITEM A in LIST B if not found then return a print....if found continue with ITEM B..and so on.

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