Lock / Prevent The User From Opening The Perl File / Code

Dec 15, 2011

i want to create an exe in vb.net by packaging few perl files along with it. when i am packaging those files i am able to hide those files by making the hide option true. but if the 'show hidden files' is selected those files will be visible. I want to lock/prevent the user from opening the perl file/code. want to know if there is any way to do it.

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Prevent A User From Opening More Than One Form At A Time?

Mar 15, 2012

I have developed an application in VB.NET. It has 20 forms. All 20 can be opened from a menu strip control. The user should be able to open only one form at a time. How might

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Mscomctl.ocx File Which Prevent Me From Opening A Program?

Jun 26, 2009

I've been trying to open a program called 'DET 3' which is designed by the Honduran government and helps us pay taxes for the government. I've been getting this error message when I try to open the program "Component 'Mscomctl.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid" I need this program to work so I can pay my taxes before July 10th.

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Prevent File Opening (temporarily) On Certain Files

Jan 21, 2012

I want to prevent file opening (temporarily) on certain files. I've tried encryption, which is fine, but a bit slow for my purpose. The actual end product doesn't have to keep some computer hacker type from getting in, just the lay user. I was wondering if it was possible to encrypt only part of a file and reverse this after or what options I had.

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Code That Prevent User To Given Number Less Than 8 In The Text Box?

Sep 11, 2011

what is code that prevent user to given number less than 8 in the text box. If the user give less then 8 number then message box box will appear which show Minimum Number is 8. Here is my code

Private Sub btnregister_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnregister.Click
If TELEPHONETextBox.Text.Trim.Length = 0 Then
MsgBox("Please Enter Phone Number", MsgBoxStyle.Question)


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Lock Software To Prevent Using It Without Authorization

May 30, 2009

What code would I put in order to lock my software so that no one use it without authorization? I know this is the delphi
program Project1;
HardID : String = 'Enter Hardware ID here';
function GetHardwareID():string;
[Code] .....

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Perl - Convert Code - 2010 ?

Oct 6, 2011

I am not familiar at all with perl but I am trying to convert some code over to vb.net (2010).

The bit I am stuck with is the following:


A bit of code that uses the above data is:


From my understanding they are something like structures or arrays in VB, would this be right?

If I am reading the code right than this:


should equal to a two bye array of: "0x10, 0x01" - am I far off?

Would something like what I have below work? It seems a bit messy, there must be a better way to do it:


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Write Code To Compile And Execute C,c++,c#,java,perl And Python Programs?

Jun 13, 2009

I'm trying to make a vb.net application that has got 2 textboxes, 7 radio buttons and 2 buttons(one named compile and the other 'run'). How can I load the content of a C/C++(or any programming language) file into the 1st textbox and on clicking the compile button, i should be able to show the errors or the C/C++ program in the 2nd textbox. On clicking Run, I should be able to show the output in the 2nd textbox. In short, I want to use the 2nd textbox as a terminal/console. The radio buttons are 4 selecting the language C or C++ or python or C# or java or perl or vb.R d compilers of all these languages present in .net?

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Restrict User From Opening Database - .mdb File ?

Mar 15, 2012

I want that when the application exe file is running at that time the database associated with the application shud be closed....Means...I am using the .mdb file...is there any way that when the application starts, if the user has opened the .mdb file then it shud be closed and also that when the application is running no one shpuld be able to open the .mdb file....

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Prevent Program Opening More Than Once?

Apr 15, 2009

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition. When I have my personal program open, I don't want another instance of it to open. I would like it to detect if the program is already open and if it is, it won't open another.

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VS 2008 : Prevent Opening Of Two Instances?

Aug 18, 2009

What's the best way to prevent opening of two instances (or more) of the application?

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How To Write The Code For Opening A File

May 11, 2010

how to write the code for opening afile

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Forms :: Prevent Browser From Opening New IE Windows?

May 19, 2010

I am making a webbrowser,how to prevent my browser from opening new IE windows. Because what happens is, there are some links that will open new windows and therefore IE comes in place because it is set as default windows browser which I really don't want because my browser looks really bad if it opens links in another webbrowser.I want it to be just a basic browser, it has only one window, and it should navigate within that window. This is because the browser is integrated in a bigger application only for some website applications that are related to this main application.I am using VB.net 2008 Express Edition?

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Why The Excel File Not Opening Using This Code - Error - ExcelConnection.Open()External Table Is Not In The Expected Format

Apr 17, 2012

ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source='" + fileName + "'; Extended Properties=Excel 5.0"
Dim ExcelConnection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
ExcelConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(ConnectionString)

Error occurs on line ExcelConnection.Open()External table is not in the expected format.

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Lock Computer Before User Entering Name?

Mar 20, 2009

i want to develop a billing software for my net cafe. how to lock the computer before a user entering their name in my Login form?after they entered their name, this form will insert a new data in userLogin table (user_login_name and login_time), and the computer will be available to use.

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Lock The Size Of A Form So The User Can't Resize It?

Jan 25, 2009

How do you lock the size of a form so the user can't resize it?

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Code Snippet To Lock PC

May 15, 2010

This is a part of my project, my project basically uses a motion sensor to detect any intrusion. So one of the modules is to lock the PC on detection of an intruder. Is there a way to lock the PC using Visual Basic?(Because most of the other modules have been programmed in Visual Basic.) I am basically looking for source code that can implement something similar to "Windows button + L".

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Code To Lock Workstation?

Feb 23, 2012

I'm working on a small program to activate winlogon,and to automatically log out of my account, but I'm unsure how to implement this in code.

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How To Lock A Textbox Using Code

Jan 24, 2012

I'm newbie in VB .Net.I do want to lock a textbox but I cannot supply the right code for it.

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Lock A Table Via Code

Mar 9, 2009

1. I have to select the next invoice number from one table.

2. Then i have to insert this invoice number as it is in three other tables.

3. Then once i have done so i have to go and update the invoice number by +1 (increment by

1). And i have to do this for each row in the datatable.

During this whole period i do not want anyone to access (read or change) that invoice number. We can lock the table or row. Does not matter. How can i do it? I am not suppose to use store procedure. Lock table ... does not work. It is not an T-SQL stmet select invoice number with (readlock) ....... only works while this stement is runned. I want to have the table or row locked until i have done 1,2 and 3rd steps. I have seaching for a stamt in sql which will do this for me! But didnt find anything. All results point me to SP which i cannot use.

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Application To Detect Noise And Lock User Account?

Jun 3, 2011

I am looking into programming an application that detects noise levels. If the level is over a specific threshold it will lock a logged on user account. The idea behind this application is to reduce noise levels in a busy IT suite. My question is has anyone written anything similar and did it prove to be effective and is VB the best programming language for the job?

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How To Lock A Computer Until User Types Correct Password

Jun 3, 2012

ok, i want to create a program with a button that when pressed will lock my computer until the user presses the number five key.

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How To Lock The Computer Till The User Types In The Right Password

Jan 13, 2009

how to lock the computer till the user types in the right password! VB 2008

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Lock Msaccess Database From .net Code?

Feb 24, 2009

i want to access locked databse from my vb.net code, i really dont have code for that,

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Windows Lock/unlock (with Code)?

Mar 5, 2009

i'm trying to Handle the Micosoft.Win32.SessionSwitch Event, so when Windows is going to be locked by the user, i will simply write a line to the console.When it's going to be unlocked, the same.

Here's the code:

Sub Main()
AddHandler Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.SessionSwitch,
_ SystemEvents_Sessionswitch()


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Lock The Computer Screen Until User Enter The Correct Password

Jan 22, 2010

i want to make a program which lock the computer screen until user enter the correct Password what will i have to make this application and how i can do this

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Locking Multiple Sections Of Code With Same Lock?

May 30, 2011

I have 3 web methods in a WCF, called 'DeleteGroup', 'AddGroup', 'ModifyGroup'.Each method has its own code. I want to place a lock on code within each method, so that only one method executes at a time. For example, if 'DeleteMethod' is being executed then no request for 'AddGroup' or 'ModifyGroup' can be executed. So may be I could use something like what is below, but not very sure ? Also, where in the WCF would I declare the locker object, and would it be private, public or static (i.e. shared)?

SyncLock locker
--Delete Method Body
End SyncLock


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[2008] Disallow Changes To Two Comboboxes Unless The User First Clicks A LOCK Symbol On The Screen

Jan 31, 2009

I want to disallow changes to two comboboxes unless the user first clicks a LOCK symbol on the screen. I pop a Y or N into the tag of the picture box when they click it...I've got this - combobox is called LanguageTo

Private Sub LanguageTo_Enter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LanguageTo.Enter
If Me.languageLock.Tag.ToString = "Y" Then
MessageBox.Show("Click LOCK symbol to allow changes to the Language Pair!", "Language is Locked!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)


How do I "cancel" the attempt to change that combobox?I don't want to ENABLE=FALSE the combobox - as I don't want it's image to visually change. I want to allow them to attempt the change and then abort it if they didn't unlock first.

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CD Collection Prevent User For Duplication

Nov 12, 2011

I'm writing a program on CD Collection. My problem is write a code that prevents a user to enter a CD collection name that is already stored in the filename.txt.

The rest of my program is okay, but the only problem is something do with btnAdd control.

Here's my whole program:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


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Prevent A Form From Being Resized By The User?

Jul 13, 2009

i have a form that needs to be maximized in vb.net. i dont want the user to be able to change its size or move it around.

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