Make Drag And Drop File?

Jan 31, 2010

You will have to excuse me but I am a little bit new to vb. Anyways I was wondering if anyone knew a way to have a vb app accept dropped files on the main form. Basically what I have is a program that needs to accept dropped files (outlook attachments to be specific) and copy that file to a specific location on the C: drive. Then I need it to store the file name and path to a variable and set a text box on the main form equal to that variable

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Make A Drag And Drop Teeth Chart In VB 2005?

Feb 17, 2009

How can i make a drag and drop teeth chart in vb2005? i really need help, please just tell me how to go about it? i just need a simple dental teeth chart.

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Drag And Drop - Drag Picturebox1 And Drop It In Picturebox2

Nov 18, 2009

I am currently working on a drag and drop project and I was wondering if there is a way to drag picturebox1 and drop it in picturebox2; that will snap to a specific location in the picturebox2?

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ListView Drag&Drop Allow To Drag&Drop Between Form?

Aug 27, 2009

ListView Drag&Drop allow to Drag&Drop between form??

Public Class frmModule
Private Sub ListView1_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemDrag[code]....

Can it be drap and drop item to other form control??How to write the event when mouse up at the other form control?

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Drag And Drop On .exe File?

Dec 21, 2009

OK, so I want to read in the file as whatever someone drags and drops on the .exe file. Once I get that file to be used as the file in the program, I'm fine, I know what I'm doing, but I'm having no luck getting that part done.So far I have this that I found:

Dim s As String = Command$()


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File Drag And Drop ?

Feb 2, 2010

You will have to excuse me I am a little bit new to VB. I was wondering if anyone might be able to tell me how I can have my VB application accept a dropped file and then copy that dropped file to a location on the hard drive. Basically what I have is an application that I want when an outlook attachment is dropped on to my VB app on the main form I want it to copy that file to a location on the C: drive. I have tried googling this but all I can find is how to do it between controls and with a listbox.

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File Drag And Drop From VB?

May 22, 2011

I spent a while searching for answers on the web, but all pages seem to forget about my query.

I'm experienced well enough with receiving drag and drop events of any kind, including images and files.

I also feel comfortable about the other way round -- using the DoDragDrop function to start a drang and drop of any kind.

Any kind, except files. How can I start a file drag and drop, for example of an image?

I tried setting the data to a string containing the file path but that didn't work.

(VS2010Pro, VB.NET 4, Windows Forms)
Just call me Silvi or LS... My site:

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Drag And Drop Multiple File?

Feb 18, 2012

Private Sub dtg1_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles dtg1.DragDrop
If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then
Dim Myfile() As String


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Drag And Drop Text File?

Aug 21, 2011

I wanted to make a little app where you could drop a .txt file on the form and it would show the text in a textbox or richtextbox.

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VS 2008 Drag And Drop To Upload File - Find File Size

May 5, 2011

Alright here's my situation: I have a form. This is a very small form that can be moved with the mouse (formborderstyle=none). The transparencyKey is 0,0,1. The form back color is 0,0,1. There is a label on the form. I drag files to this label(its backcolor is black[0,0,0]). What I want is for the filesize to be checked. I already have the uploading to ftpcode, I just want to know if the file is above my limit I set. (250mb per file)


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Drag And Drop A File From Outside Window Onto A Form

Oct 10, 2011

How do I drag and drop a file from outside the window onto a form? For example: drag and drop an image from windows explorer into panel1 in form1?

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Drag And Drop A File Onto Rtb And Show The Content?

Nov 17, 2011

My Q is: How can i drag and drop a file into a rtb and have it show the content. Like Notepad++

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Drag N Drop Text File To Textbox?

Nov 26, 2009

How do i Drag n Drop text file (.txt or any hoter format ,vbs,bat etc...) to a textbox in VB.NET ? Step by step tutorial with code so i can copy/paste would be nice.

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File Wipe & Drag-n-drop Support?

Jun 6, 2011

Two questions: how can I completely wipe a file from disk with I found a code in C#, converted it to online but didn't understand a letter. I was thinking on a wiper like CCleaner has, but for a selected files only.

And, how can I manage drag-n-drop functions? Like... drag something into my form (or my app's exe) and do something with it?

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How To Drag / Drop Image File In PictureBox

Dec 2, 2010

I have one picturebox. I need to drag drop image file in picturebox change image in the picturebox?

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VS 2008 Drag And Drop File Into Listviewbox

Mar 18, 2010

Is it possible to drag a file into say a listviewbox and then code it to save the file to a location on my network drive?

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VS 2008 Drag And Drop File On Form?

Jul 20, 2009

The below code msgs me the file path of a file I drag and drop onto the form. How can i restrict it to only allow .watever files to be dropped on the form. MSDN didn't do a good job explaining this.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.AllowDrop = True
End Sub

Private Sub form1_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles Me.DragEnter
If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.All
End If
End Sub


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VS 2010 Drag & Drop Get File Properties?

Jun 6, 2010

I have finally got the drag and drop to work on my form, so the user can drop files on it. I have used the msdn example so i can get the whole filename (path + filename). But how do i get only the filename? ( And maybe the path where it is?


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C# - Drag And Drop From Excel Cells To A Drag-enabled Task Pane Programatically?

Oct 31, 2010

I am using Excel 2007, VS2008 Pro.I am building a VSTO Add-in that requires "drag and drop from Excel cells to a drag-enabled task pane".So far I notice that I can only drag and drop within the cells themselves. It does not allow me to drop into the task Pane or drag past the sheet limits.(http:)[url]...

Note: The task pane has drag drop enabled, I ahve already tested I can drag/drop from task pane to excel but I need to do this the other way around?

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Drag And Drop Windows File Icons Into ListBox

Jul 18, 2010

I found this code but can't use it as its VB6 and I need VB 2008. I tried changing it but can't seem to get anywhere.
Private Sub List1_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim vFile As Variant
If Data.GetFormat(vbCFFiles) Then
For Each vFile In Data.Files
List1.AddItem vFile
Next vFile
End If
End Sub

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PictureBox Drag And Drop - File Renaming Needed?

Jun 12, 2009

I am once more stuck:There are 2 PictureBoxes on my Form. They get the image from the Application's StartUpPath, "1.jpg" for PictureBox1 and "2.jpg" for PictureBox2. All the dragging and dropping works fine. What I still need is a bit of code change that will allow me to rename the original files:

"1.jpg" -> "2.jpg"
"2.jpg" -> "1.jpg"


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VS 2008 Listview Drag And Drop (preserving The Listview .tag After Drag And Drop)

May 25, 2011

I am trying to figure out a way to include the listview's tag field when dragging one listview's subitems into another listview. I am hoping someone here has experience with this. My Listview drag code is below - the two listviews that I am dragging subitems into or from are LV1 and LV3. Also, this is being done in Visual Basic 2008 and the project is a windows application.


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Can A Full File Manager Be Built To Drag And Drop Files

Feb 17, 2011

I am working on a vb forms application in VS2008.What I am looking to do is have 3 file managers on the form.The top is the source where files can be copied to the 2 other file managers.What I have been looking for is an example of the file explorer so I can modify it.So far I have been unsuccessful in finding a good example so I am here to ask the experts.So the gist is the first file explorer will allow a user to connect to thier local hard drive.The other two file explorers would allow the user to connect to two different servers through entering the path they want to view those file trees.After that the user could click on the file they want to copy and then hit a button for example and the file would be copied from the local to the two other areas.Would it be easier to just use text boxes with a confirmation that the files are being copied?Or can a full file manager be built to drag and drop files?

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Extract File After Drag - Drop Request Made To Explorer?

Dec 10, 2009

In my current project I've run into a problem with dragging and dropping from my app to Windows Explorer. My app requires an "Extraction" of a virtual file (almost like a ZIP/RAR archiver would). The problem is, with all of the dragging to explorer solutions I have found online requires you to have a extracted file already on the filesystem (most likely in a temp folder) before you initiate the drag-drop. I'm trying to do is be able to extract the file AFTER the drag-drop request has already been made to the explorer.

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Allows The User To Drag And Drop A Xls File Onto The Form And A DataGridView Fills With The Xls Sheet Data?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a VB .NET (VS 2008) application which allows the user to drag and drop a xls file onto the form and a DataGridView fills with the xls sheet data. The user than can apply changes to the data or add entries. Data integrity is checked during the load into the DataGridView (duplicates are removed and invalid entries are filtered out). After doing all this the user can click a button and the data is uploaded to a SQL server (2008) DB. I have a primary key set up (row number) and I have a compound key in the SQL table.

It is all working beautifully. Now here is my question:

I want to check for duplicate entries (between SQL server and DataGridView data) before the data is uploaded and commited to the table. What would be the most efficient way to that?

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Drag/Drop Within A Tree And Drag/drop From Tree To Textbox

Oct 20, 2010

drag and drop nodes within the same tree (not between trees) when users drag and drop nodes within the tree, give them the option to move the original node to a new location within the tree OR to just copy the original node in a new location (seems complex but I have a month to figure this out). change the system default blue highlight for selected nodes to another color change the system default cursors for invalid and valid drops (instead of the circle with slash indicating invalid target, i want a red minus) and (instead of the little plus sign with little box indicating a valid target, i want just a big green plus sign) add a red insert line to indicate where the node would be dropped within a tree also drag and drop the text of a node from the tree to a textbox add a "folder" image next to parent nodes and a "document" image next to children nodes

I have looked through the internet but I am having difficulty sorting through all the information available (I see a lot of information for Visual Basic 5 and 6, and those codes don't work for me in visual studio 2008). I can email anyone my code I have so far.

Public Class Form1
Private MouseIsDown As Boolean = False
Public Sub TreeView_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ItemDragEventArgs)Handles TreeView1.ItemDrag


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Drag/Drop In A Drop Down List?

Apr 5, 2011

Is it possible to reorder the elements of a drop down list (combobox) via drag and drop?For example, when the list is dropped down, I want the user to be able to drag the items up or down to reorder them. I tried this (and some google searching) but I'm wondering if its just not possible:

Private Sub cmbClassLists_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles cmbClassLists.MouseDown
If cmbClassLists.DroppedDown And Not cmbClassLists.SelectedIndex = -1 Then


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Can't Drag And Drop Right

Jun 23, 2009

I want to be able to hold CTRL down to select multiple text entries and drag them all to certain text boxes. Or even one at a time, but once I try dragging another word into the box it replace the first one. Is there any way to just have it add to the text box rather than replace it?

And if possible, place a "-" between each entry?

This is the pop-up form with the listbox that contains the words to drag:

Private Sub ListBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.MouseDown
ListBox1.DoDragDrop(ListBox1.SelectedItem, DragDropEffects.Copy)


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Drag And Drop In Wpf?

Jan 20, 2011

I am wondering how to do simple drag and drop in wpf? All examples I found over the new were in C#

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Drag-n-Drop Dll And Exe Only?

Feb 23, 2010

How would i set a panel to allow drag-n-drop from explorer to my program, only with dll and exe files though.

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