Make A Dll With PNG Or Jpeg Images And A Dll With Mp3?

Jul 18, 2009

I'm using VB .Net 2008 and I need to make a dll with images and mp3. How to make it?

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Convert Images To JPEG/PNG/ICO Etc?

Oct 14, 2009

How do i convert images to JPEG/PNG/ICO etc.

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RichTextBox And Displaying Jpeg Images

Sep 4, 2009

I'm having a problem with displaying JPEG images in a RichTextBox. When I insert a JPEG image into a RTB it automatically gets converted to a wmetafile8 and displays correctly - however, if i insert a JPEG image into file via another method (currently using the web) it get saved as a jpegblip (as you would expect) but the RTB will not display it. Opening the rtf document in Word displays the image correctly.I have tried this with png and gif files also but none of the images will display unless they are wmetafiles. Is this a limitation with the RichTextBox or is there another reason?

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Difference Between Saving JPG Images As JPEG Or EXIF

Sep 25, 2009

I have many jpg images from a camera, I add a description using exifworks to modify exif data. What is the difference between saving as format.jpeg or format.exif. I had been saving as jpeg with no differences noted but which is correct & why?

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Jpeg Images And Changing Build Action Property To Embeded?

Mar 13, 2010

i made a class library with by adding two .jpeg images and changing build action property to embeded resources and i saved i want to use this two images from this .dll into my application .

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Save Jpeg Images To Access 2007 Database Using Program?

Apr 4, 2011

I have this program that is suppose to take the path I provide it and use it to save an image to my access database. But it keeps giving me ""Syntax error in Insert Into Statement." error message.

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VS 2010 Saving Jpeg Images To Access 2007 Database Using .NET?

Apr 4, 2011

I keep getting an "Syntax error in Insert Into Statement." error message when trying to save an image to my Access database.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Drawing


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VS 2010 :: Make An Application To Save Images [or Download Images] To Local Hard Disk

Aug 12, 2010

I was thinking to make an app to save images [or download images] to local hard disk. But to keep it easy, I want this app to create a small picturebox on form to show the thumbnail of downloaded image. Lets say a 5 pictureboxes has to be added with the thumbnails to show the recent downloads. A user can save the location where he wants to save the files on hard disk. A listbox or a dropdown menu will help in categorizing the images, like image1 in friends section, image2 in family section, image3 in others, etc... When the program restarts all the latest 5 thumbnails has to be loaded in pictureboxes and the directory that was chosen. Finally, a button that shows the downloaded images into original image file size one by one or a slide show. Is it possible to make such program?

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Make Several PictureBox Images Randomly Visible = False And Then Back To Visible = True Giving The Appearance Of Flashing Or Blinking Images?

Jun 28, 2010

I have placed several PictureBox Images of different colored dots(which represent lights) on an image of a Christmas Tree. I can make the lights randomly flash using a randomGenerator and a Select case statement. However, the code is very long. There are 67 lights on this tree and the code is 71 pages long. There has to be an easier way to do this. So far I have tried the following with two images of lights just to see if it would work and it does not work:

Dim picLight(2) As
For intX


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Make A Graph Of Images?

Nov 2, 2009

what is the best way to make a graph of images, that need to be able to change during runtime. I need 64 pictureBoxes each of 30 X 30 pixels.

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Make Animation Only With 1 Images?

Jun 10, 2011

I want to ask, how i can make animation only with 1 images, inside there are like few different images. I seen this in few games, and i want to try it. I think there should by picturebox and it should scroll my animation right with timer, by few pixels. Image example: [URL]

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Make Images To Avi Maker

Mar 21, 2011

im trying to make images to avi maker, now i watched this thread: [URL] And i downloaded that avilib and imported, so now im trying to use this


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How To Make Save Button For Images

Jun 22, 2010

I want to make a save button for images without having to open a save file dialog so I would specify the name and location to save in the code.

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Make A Transparent Images But Without Success

Dec 29, 2010

i'm using VB 2010 and i'm trying to make a transparent images but without success.i draw 2 GIF pictures in Photoshop and save it as transparent.i put that GIF's in 2 pictureboxes on the form and the background of the pictures is really transparent, but when i try to put one picture in the top of the other one, the first picture cover the second one with the background color (and becuase it's transparent it's like the form color)

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Make Clickable Images On Another Image?

Feb 28, 2012

I have a background image,how to display the clickable images over the background image by using graphycs in

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Make ComboBox: Images List?

Sep 13, 2010

How can I create images on ComboBox list

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Make Images In The Tab Pages Captions?

Sep 2, 2009

How the creater of this make images in the tab pages captions?

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VS 2005 Make Images Transparent

Jun 2, 2010

how do you make images transparent in vb 2005? i have a bunch of images that i want to use, but they all have a white square background. How would I get rid of its white square background?

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Make An Application That Loads Images From The Internet?

Aug 8, 2007

i am trying to make an application that loads images from the internet (from my FTP Server).The problem is that when i want to change the image by selecting another image from a ComboBox control my application becomes non-respondive.When the image is loaded the application works properly again.

I tried to move that in a separate thread so instead


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Make Colored Background On BMP Images Transparent?

Jun 28, 2011

I do have the User Control from a previous Visual Basic 6.0 project that allows certain colors to become transparent. But what I'd like to find out is, how can I make a certain color combination transparent using a User Control in Visual Basic 2008 Express?

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Make Screan Saver (contain Videos And Images)?

Aug 5, 2009

how make simple Screan saver screan saver contain videos and images

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VS 2008 - Get Buttons With Images On Them And Make Them Look A Bit Nicer

Mar 20, 2009

Me again, today I would like to know how to get buttons with images on them and make them look a bit nicer, like so.....Instead of the ugly ones that I'm forced to use...

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Make Image Area's And List The Images In The Folders

Aug 3, 2011

i have a program with the ability to save view and scan images. i am currently working on making work area's. so i have two list box's. listbox one is for the image area name. listbox2 is to list the pages in selected image area (mouse click). i have created the form to show you and i will post a link below. i have started trying to do it but have got stuck. i use an input box to give the image area's names. but thats as far as i have got at the min.

i need to be able to make image area's and list/view the images in my picturebox. plus i would like to create a folder or how ever many the user makes behind the scene thats called whatever the image area is called and in that folder is the images the user has saved in that folder. sorry if this is hard to understand. i have asked on another forum but i didnt get what i wanted it to do.


i have gave you a link so you can see what my form looks like so you have a slight understanding on what i want it to do. its work in progress so sorry if it looks rubbish.

by the way i can save an image but it only saves it one certaint place and i cant save more thasn one as it replaces the image. and as for the scanned image thats the same.

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Make Images To Roll On The Form Like Marquee - Use MS Portable VB

Feb 25, 2009

I'm using Microsoft's Portable VB. so far I'm doing my work with the help of my friends. I'm making a project and for that I want to wheter I can have an image as a marquee. If yes then how to make it work like that or what is the coding for it?

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Make Sure The User Dont Upload Images More Than 1MB In Size?

May 1, 2009

I am using with VB.NET.Is there some Validator that i can use that will check the size of the uploaded image?Else what must i do in code to make sure that the user do not upload images more than 1MB?

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Make A Simple Image Editor Were You Can Draw And Edit Images

May 27, 2011

Is it possible to make a simple Image Editor were you can draw and edit images in If so how would you do that? (Its would also have to compile the image as well into an image format)

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Converting A TIF To A JPEG?

Apr 4, 2011

I am having problems converting a TIF with annotations into a JPEG. The annotations (which have been created using Windows Picture and Fax viewer) are being lost when the image is converted.

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Can Folder Of Images / Let User Navigate Back And Forth Through Images Using Couple Of Buttons

Jun 4, 2011

The idea is to scan a folder of images and then let the user navigate back and forth through the images using a couple of buttons.The problem is, I can only get it to return a single image, and not the whole lot. It's looks to me as though the images are getting assigned to the same index in the array. [code]

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Coordinates Images - Save The Map Data Like Point Of The Images (x,y Coordinate) Into The Database

Oct 3, 2010

What type of connector do i need to actually save the Map data like point of the images (x,y coordinate) into the database . and then retrieve it to show on the page in and how do i go about doing it.

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[2008] TONS - Set Of Default Images And Then The User Created Replacement Images

Feb 11, 2009

The app i am working on is for creating theme for the iPod touch... It has to deal with LOTS of images (100's potentially) There will be the set of default images, and then the user created replacement images. I started loading all the defaults into a resx file... thinking then I could just pull them out. now that I started setting the default, this sucks! lol the app will do this, on load it will set all the images (variables) to the resx images then when a theme is loaded, it will replace the default with the user image (if the user img exists) otherwise, the default stays. Then the "screen" is drawn to show the user. so, here is just the images to build the wallpaper, dock, and status bar...


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