Make Another Button On The Menu Tool So When User Presses It, A Text File Will Pop Up?

Oct 23, 2005

how to send e-mail?I don't know what's the code for send e-mail. Can anyone teach me how to?I have a button on the Menu Tool. I want when user presses that button, it will directly link to the Microsoft Office to send e-mail to me.Please teach me.By the way, I also want to know how to load a text file. I want to make another button on the menu tool so when user presses it, a text file will pop up.

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Make App Added To "open With Menu" Sub Menu Which Appears When User Make Right Click On Any File?

Jun 21, 2011

I have made an app and I want to add it to " open with menu" sub menu which appears when user make right click on any file ie I made photo viewer app and I want to add it to "open with menu" so user when make right click on any photo and go to "open with menu" sub menu will find my app name to chose it to open the photo with it

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Music When User Presses A Button?

Jun 17, 2011

I made a tic tac toe game. and i was wondering how would code it so that when a user presses a button or when a user wins it makes a beep or some kind of music

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Make A Message Box Appear When The User Presses Alt K (then) Alt E (then) Alt J?

Apr 17, 2009

i want to make a message box appear when the user presses Alt k (then) Alt e (then) alt j . is this the correct code to use?:

Private Sub form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txt3.KeyDown
Dim intcount As Integer = 0
If e.Alt And e.KeyCode.ToString = "k" Then
intcount = intcount + 1


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Make An Event Happen When User Presses A Key?

Mar 9, 2009

how to make an event happen when user presses a key ... let's say space or whichever...and the other thing - how to display a folder on my hard disk ("E:Music") in a ListView box in my program?

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[2008] Make An Event Happen When User Presses A Key?

Oct 1, 2011

i'd like to know how to make an event happen when user presses a key ... let's say space or whichever...and the other thing - how to display a folder on my hard disk ("E:Music") in a ListView box in my program?

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Change The Code Of A Button With A Tool Strip Menu Item?

Jun 16, 2011

I making a program where the program has different codes for every item that I'm selling, so like 1 item might cost $700 and another item might cost $1000. Then I'm importing this to notepad.

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GetAsyncKeyState - Make A Program That Only Listens To A Few Keys That The User Presses?

Dec 15, 2009

im trying to make a program that only listens to a few keys that the user presses, and if one of them is pressed, it carries out a specified command.for example, right now,i found a keylogger that could carry out my command, but id rather use something else if possible. right now, i have a timer running this:

For i = 1 To 255
result = 0
result = GetAsyncKeyState(i)[code]....

Then, in the textbox1_textchanged, i search for like if textbox1.text.contains("M") or something.problem with this, is im pretty sure its a keylogger, and i dont want to have to have that. also, it does not work in vista.

Found a solution! (should have researched more throughly!)
Option Strict On
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices[code].....

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Accomplish Is When The User Presses A Button, "moneyamount" Increases By A Random Number Generated?

Jul 4, 2009

the goal i want to accomplish is when the user presses a button, "moneyamount" increases by a random number generated. the problem i am having is that after the action is finished the script does not seem to save the new value and always starts at zero. here is the script:

Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dojob1button.Click

Dim moneyamount As Integer = moneyamount + Int(Rnd() * 10)
moneylabel.Text = "$" & moneyamount
End Sub

View 4 Replies

User Presses The Save Button To Save Data?

Feb 24, 2009

in my form i have 4 textboxes and i want all not to be empty while saving the data.I have put condition in save button,when user presses the save button to save data, to check all the textboxes not to be empty. My question is that, i want to focus to that particular textbox which is empty during saving the data.

For example: i have txt1,txt2,txt3,txt4 as textboxes in the form if txt1 is empty while saving, the focus should switch to txt1 rather user himself have to go there.

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Copying File Tool Strip Menu Item To Show Certain Files From A Folder?

Jan 21, 2010

In word/excel/office programs when you press the file menu item at the bottom a list of files recently used are shown, i would like to do a similar thing but i would like to put files from a certain folder with a certain extension (.xml) into my file menu item so the user can select to view the files.

I think i need something like:
For each file (extension .xml) in myFolder
If menuItem = Nothing


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Make The Microsoft Office Button Menu Excel Options Button Invisible?

Aug 12, 2009

I am creating a VBA application using Excel 2007 and would like to make virtually all of the standard Office and Excel menus invisible to the user and present to the user only my custom menu controls. I have been successful in doing this for all objects on the Ribbon as well as those on the Microsoft Office Button Menu, with the exception of the "recently opened files list" box, that also has the "Excel Options" and "Exit Excel" buttons on it. Can anyone tell me the name of the object for this control so that I can make it invisible?

Here is the relevant snipit of XML code that is in my CustomUI.xml file:


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VS 2010 Improve A Button So The User Can Make A Backup Of The *.mdb File?

Nov 14, 2011

I have my desktop app, bound to an access database. I want now to improve a button so the user can make a backup of the *.mdb file.So i used this

If FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
If FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath <> "" Then
FileCopy("BDGRACIA.mdb", FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath & "/BDgracia.mdb")
End If
End If

It works fine when i try the app from within Visual Studio. But when i install it it won�t find the database because it was installed elsewhere.Is there a way to control where the DB is installed and follow that route? Does this depend on the OS the app is installed? Or did I face the problem wrong and i should do something completely different with my button?

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Make Press Enter Instead Of A Go Button In The Website URL Box (Tool Strip Combo Box)?

Mar 28, 2011

How Do I Make It So You Can Press Enter Instead Of A Go Button In The Website URL Box (Tool Strip Combo Box)? I Am Making A Tabbed Web Browser And The Current Code For The Go Button Is:

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Make A Tool Bar In Task Bar Such As Windows Media Player Tool Ba

Jan 5, 2010

I want to make a Tool Bar in my task bar such as windows media player tool bar.

I'm using Windows xp Professional Edition.

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Make 1 Button Add A Computer Shortcut In A Menu?

Mar 4, 2011

In my program I am trying to make a button that would add a shortcut to activate a running application by a process ID. In a form I have 2 text-boxes 1 for the name of the shortcut that would be shown in the tool-strip-menu-item. Then the other for the process name. Then when the user presses a button I would like the text of the text-box for the name to be added to a tool-strip-menu-item, then the other text-box used for the Process ID to be added to the fallowing code: (the tool-strip-menu-item is in another form)

Dim processID As Integer
processID = Shell("Process ID
", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

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Make A Main Menu Which Accepts User Input?

Jul 5, 2011

I'm trying to make a main menu which accepts user input and then checks inputted password for validity against passwords I hardcoded into an array. Firstly, in the for loop, only the first password index is being checked. I'd like the inputted password to be checked against EACH password inside the ValidPasswords() array.

Second, My for loop isn't doing what I want it to do. I'd like to give the user 3 chances to enter a password... If he/she exceeds 3, it tells them they've tried 3 times and exits the form. Right now, it just loops 3 times and exits without giving the user a chance to try again. If I put a return statement in, it just keeps returning and doesn't loop 3 times.

Public Class frmMain
Dim ValidPasswords() = {"1234", "2222", "8918", "9911"}
'Dim ValidPWList As New List(Of String)


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Control The Tool Tip Popup Or Make Calls To The Text That Displays Based On A Integer Value?

May 12, 2012

how I can control the tool tip popup or make calls to the text that displays based on a integer value. I'm wanting it to display a text based on a interger value inside an if statment for a picture box. So if the ingteger = 1 then tooltip.text = "" else tooltip.text = "" but that is not the correct syntax.

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Paint Event - Add A Button To A Form Each Time The User Clicks A Menu Option

Apr 17, 2009


I add a button to a form each time the user clicks a menu option as:


This draws a small blue line at the bottom of the button to show it is highlighted. Just like the mouseoverbackcolor property on a button except this will draw the line. It works fine until you slide the mouse very fast between the buttons. It is as if the mouseleave event doesnt always fire.

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Make Menu - Shorter Code - Button Change Size ?

Jul 7, 2010

I want to make menu but shorter code >>this menu the button change size for exmple boutton become large when mose Osculate this boutton ?

And menu have shorter code >> thus ; when add new boutton in menu i dont need add new code >>>maybe use for loop but failed ?

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Detect If User Presses F Key?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm trying to work out how to detect if the user has pressed an f key I have this so far:

Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress
Label1.Text = e.KeyChar
End Sub

This detects when the user presses a character key and outputs it via Label1.text, but it doesnt work on all keys?

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Put Tool Tip Text In Tool Strip Status Label?

Oct 17, 2010

how to put the tool tip text in status bar label this in form load event

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Winforms - Hide Button Text Or Make Image On Button Cover Text?

Aug 10, 2009

I dynamically create buttons on a form and use the button text as ids so that I can pass that to an SQL query to pull saved data about that button when necessary, but I also use an image over buttons that have information saved about them. What I need to know is how do I keep the text on the button from appearing when there is an image assigned to that button? By default shows both the text and the image and no TextImageRelation values allow for the image to take precedence. I tried changing the text color to transparent, but the outline of the text is still visible through the image. Is there anyway to keep the text value as it is but just show the image on the button?

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Change Menu Button Text?

Feb 21, 2009

For my webbrowser I have a favorites system. I want the user to be able to type in what he wants his display text to be (for the button text like if the button directs you to google he should be able to type in the text box google and have it display) How would I do this with a menu button? By menu button I mean a button in one of the dropdown boxes. Basicly I want to change the text from fav 1 to whatever the user puts in the text box.

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Code That A Button Presses It Self?

Jun 16, 2009

I want to do a "code" that presses a button by ut self with help of a timer. [code\]...

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Break Out Of Loop When User Presses Key?

Nov 22, 2010

I am writing a function that should sound a beep every two seconds until the user either clicks the mouse or presses any key. The code I have written appears to work for the mouse click, but it ignores keystrokes:


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Close Program When User Presses Alt+X?

Nov 13, 2011

I have an assignment from school where the program is supposed to close when the user presses Alt X.

I have done this using Java but that was a long time ago and I can't remember how I did it. How do you do it in VB?[code]...

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IDE :: Tool For Creating A Report From A Text File?

Nov 16, 2009

Is there any tool I can use to create a report from a pipe-delimited file? This report will need to have multiple fonts on the same line and be "programmable". I need to be able to loop through a section to output detail data to the report, keeping track of how many records are output.

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Call ComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted When A Button Presses?

Jul 10, 2011

I file ComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted event when a button pressed or form is loaded.

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Event That Occurs For All Button Presses?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a system with 26 buttons but the buttons actaully run the same code; aside from the fact that the index number is used to distinguish between them (es, I know index values are out so I am using the object's name (btnKey1, btnKey2, etc).

Is there any event that occurs for all button presses or do I need to write the same line for all 26 events (actually 52 since I am using MouseDown and MouseUp - will get worse when I want to use the keypress side)?

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