Make Hotkeys Even If It Now Focused On Form1 With VB 2008

Jun 4, 2008

I want to make hotkeys for my project, it needs hotkeys to complete. how to make hotkeys even if it now focused on form1.

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Make A Form Focused Over The Over One?

Feb 2, 2010

I want to beable to make a Form Focused over the over one.E.G. I have 2 Forms Called: MainForm.vb && HelpForm.vb When I Press 'Button1' on 'MainForm.vb' 'HelpForm.vb' Pops-up I want to make HelpForm Focused so that the User cannot continue working on 'MainForm.vb' But when HelpForm is closed i want MainForm to be Enabled again.

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Make A Program That Uses Hotkeys?

May 25, 2009

I have been trying over the past few days to make a program sit open on the computer, waiting for a key press (which will be the hotkey). When the key is pressed, it will execute a peice of code and minimize itself. Im really sorry if this is too simple but im stumped over this one. I have searched google alot but no luck

So: I need to know how I can have the program 'monitoring' or 'looking for' a certain key press while it is doing something to tell it to stop, bearing in mind when the program actually starts it will minimise and stay minimised untill this hotkey is pressed that makes it maximise itself and stop the program.

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Make Hotkeys For Buttons?

Jul 12, 2011

How do I make hotkeys for buttons, which will activate it, like I pressed the button?

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Make Multiple Global Hotkeys?

Apr 1, 2009

I was wondering on how i can make multiple global hotkeys and have them show message boxes just so i can learn and expand from there. Like have one be ctrl + alt + F1 and the other be ctrl + alt + F2.

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Make User Of Program Able To Change Hotkeys

Jun 27, 2010

I would like to make the user of my program able to change the hotkeys to what ever he wants..I tried to use the following code in a module and on MainForm load event RegisterHotKeys Sub will be executed..[code]

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Make A Form Have The "always Focused" Property Like Showdiaglog()

Mar 12, 2009

When you do frmWhatever.showDiaglog(), frmWhatever stays on top of the calling form even if you click "behind" it. Is there any way to get this behavior on a form displayed by calling ?

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VS 2008 - How To Use Custom Hotkeys

Dec 8, 2009

How would I use "custom Hotkeys"? For example, if my textbox's text is F5, then how would I use GetAsyncKeyState to get "F5"?

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VS 2008 GetAsyncKeyState With Hotkeys?

Aug 24, 2010

If CheckBox_StartHotkey.Checked = True Then
If Not ComboBox_StartHotkey.Text = Nothing Then
Dim StartHotKey As Boolean
StartHotKey = GetAsyncKeyState(ComboBox_StartHotkey.Text)
If StartHotKey = True Then


I am trying to input the function key that a user has selected from a ComboBox (containing the function keys F1~F12 as options) into the GetAsyncKeyState(). However, since the ComboBox_StartHotkey.Text is a string, it cannot be converted into Long data type needed for the GetAsyncKeyState() function. I have tried Conversion and Parse Methods but what I try doesn't seem to work. Anyone know how to effectively convert a String (such as F6) into a Long data type for using in the GetAsyncKeyState() function in this case?

I used the tried to use the ItemData property to hold the Key Code representing the Function Key.

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Sendkeys To A Not Focused Running Application Visual Basic 2008

Jun 24, 2009

i allready know i cant use sendkeys.send, whats the other code to do this?

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How To Make Form1 BG Use .gif

Aug 3, 2009

How to make in VB08 Background image to be .gif animeted I put the picture that is .gif for background image but no effect from the image how to fix it?

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VS 2008 - Using Hotkeys To Automatic Program Start

Nov 14, 2010

For sample. I do a 2 start button. Start and stop but I use hotkey to automatic start (my program will automatic press Tab and 1). When I press F9 will start and F10 to stop but when I'm in my program but my problem. When I click in notepad then I press F9 it won't work?

Here the code I used:
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.F10 Then
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Set Looping And Progress Bars And Hotkeys?

Sep 12, 2009

Ive been trying to work with looping code and get messeges like this.


But that is not important this moment... How would I set a code too use the progress bar? So As it loops at a certain rate {Lets say 1000 (1 sec)} It would show the progress. Currently using it to 1 - 50. (Note: The rate is not important as I know how to set that) EDITEDITEDIT: Thanks for the info so far, But regarding my other thread about hotkeys that I marked "Resolved"


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Interface And Graphics :: (.Net 2008, Framework 3.5). When A Button Is Focused By Pressing Tab Key, A Rectangle Appears On

Nov 13, 2010

When a button is focused by pressing Tab key, a rectangle appears on it. Even if the button's TabStop property is set to false, when the button is clicked with mouse the rectangle appears. Is it possible to
stop the rectangle from appearing?

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Make Form1 Always On Top Of The Desktop?

Apr 4, 2009

is there anyway to make my form1 always on top of the desktop?like when i open it i ca always see it and another program will just go under it instead of over it

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VS 2008 - Register Two Hotkeys To Enable Two Different Button Clicks

Dec 25, 2009

I'm trying to register two hotkeys to enable two different button clicks. I have the first button successful. (F9 = Button 1) How would I add the second button without errors? (F10 = Button 2)


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VB2008 How To Make Form1 Invisable

Jun 8, 2009

form1.visable = false wont work and i don't see it on the properties window.

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How To Make Print Layout From Form1 With Textboxes

Mar 22, 2011

I have searched for a solution to make a nice printlayout from my form with a few textboxes. How do you make a nice printlayout from a form? I only use textboxes and I have searched for:

.rtf and .txt format

On my printlayout I won to make a headline in bold. And some of the textboxesoutput in bold, some without and maybe some colors.

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Make Form1 Greating Screen And Locked With Pasword?

Jul 14, 2009

i want to make my secure application. i want to make form1 greating screen and locked with pasword.if right password entered then go to another form

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VB2008: Form1.BackgroundWorker WONT Stop Form1.Timer From Form3 Click

Sep 9, 2011

Using VB 2008:Situation: A Form1.BackgroundWorker calls a Form1.subroutine. That sub starts a Form1.Timer with Me.tmrOK_BlinkForm.Enabled = True...fires Timer code in event: Public Shared Sub tmrOK_BlinkForm_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrOK_BlinkForm.Tick

Form3.Visible = True
Form3.Label1.Text = gNowButtonDispText
Form3.BackColor = Color.White


There must be a way to do this, I just need the correct BackgroundWorker Syntax send Stop commad to Form1.Timer from Form3.Click_event...all inside a Form1.BackgroundWorker thread started in Form1.

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Forms :: Form Variable Value Blank / Null When Move From Form1 To Form2 And Back To Form1

Oct 27, 2009

In my window application, Form1 variable eg. Public str as string. value blank/null when move to Form2 and Back to Form1. How to maintain Form1 varable's value when back to Form1 In if any one know, reply me soon

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Make Form1 Start Form2 Once It Has Finishes Writing A File

Jun 9, 2011

I have a program which has 2 forms. I execute form1 first because it reads files and then writes to a file. Then I execute second form (form2) that will read the file created by form1.

How could I make form1 start form2 once it finishes reading file and writing to a file?

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Winforms - Make The Form Title (form1.text) Moving?

Mar 11, 2011

is there any way to make the form title(form1.text) moving?like marquee in HTML?

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Forms :: Navigate From Form1 To Form2. And Then Close Form1?

Feb 16, 2009

I have got 2 forms ----- form1 and form2

i wanted to navigate from form1 to form2. and then close form1

i did the following code.

-sub form1 _ page load
dim form as new form2
-end sub

i also tried -- form1.close() and form1.dispose() but all in vain

Problem is that my form1 is not getting closed

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When Background Worker Opens Form1 / Form1 Is Not Responding

Jun 12, 2010

I have an aboutbox1 and form1..I also have a button. When I click the button it runs the backgroundworker. My background worker then opens form1.My backgroundworker doesnt just open it, it does alot of other stuff so don't ask why im doing it like that.My problem:When the background worker opens form1, form1 is not responding.

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Difference Between Form1.Close & Form1.Dispose?

Oct 21, 2010

Which different abount Form1.Close and Form1.Dispose?

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Exchagning Parameters - Able To Start With Form1, Move To LoginForm, Then Back To Form1 Taking 2 Variables And The "values"

Apr 8, 2010

I need to be able to start with Form1, move to LoginForm, then back to Form1 taking 2 variables and the "values" they have in the LoginForm back to Form1 and using the variables. I start with the main form (Form1) and have the user enter some information. Once they click OK I have the LoginForm open. After they enter their credentials I will check to make sure they are legal users, then go back to Form1 (here is where I need to take the Username and Password with me) to log onto a server using the same credentails from the login form.

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Difference Between Vs Dim A As New Form1

Jan 9, 2010

I have these code in my project one from my lecture one that i did myself [code]what is the difference between "dim" something as new form than using the form name straightaway?

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VS 2008 Set The Form1 As A Mdi Child?

Jul 19, 2009

How can i set the form1 as a mdi child? when im showing the form in the mdi parent the form appears but the form is not exactly inside the mdi parent. In vb6 i can make it by setting the form1 to mdi child into true, but in vb9 i cant find it.

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Error:"There Is No Editor Available For C:...Form1.vb. Make Sure The Application Type (.vb) Is Installed."

Jan 30, 2012

I just upgraded from Windows XP Professional to Windows 7 Ultimate. Now I have a program in which I am receiving the following error:"There is no editor available for C:...Form1.vb. Make sure the application type (.vb) is installed."

This occurs when I try to open the designer view of the form.This problem does not exist in new programs (ones created after the upgrade).I am at a loss to explain this.

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