Microsoft Or Any Others Have A NLP Toolkit For .NET?

May 14, 2010

Anyone know if microsoft or any others have a NLP toolkit for .NET?

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Where To Find Microsoft Windows CE Toolkit For Visual Basic 6.0

May 30, 2012

I'm a having hard time finding Microsoft Windows CE Toolkit for Visual Basic 6.0 for download. I have a msdn subscription but it's not available. The Toolkit for Vb6 is too old to be still part of the MSDN subscriptions I guess.

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Errors Msg For Toolkit

Aug 18, 2010

why ( toolkit script manager ) the error is:

Could not load type 'System.Web.UI.ScriptReferenceBase' from assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral

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Windows Encryption Toolkit For .NET

Jul 29, 2009

I'm rewriting a VB6 application that used the Windows Encryption Toolkit and Blowfish encryption. Does anyone know if the Windows Encryption Toolkit exists for .NET? I would use a different type of encryption if necessary, but we have 2 programs where I work. Users encrypt files with one program and send them to us and we use another program to decrypt them. I'm worried that if I don't use Blowfish encryption again, users will send us files encrypted with AES for example and we won't be able to decrypt them.

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Document A Program Toolkit Library?

Nov 17, 2011

I want to start building and documenting a toolkit for a small development shop. Googling around lead me to something called VBCommenter. Is that a good tool to use? Has anyone had experience with other similar tools?[url]...

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Installation Of ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit

Mar 8, 2011

I am working on a development project with a number of other individuals using TortoiseSVN. I followed [URL] to install the toolkit.

I tried to have a look at the configuration for another project where Ajax control toolkit was installed however I have cannot get Ajax elements to appear in my solution explorer would anyone know why this might be? I had a look at this other person's solution explorer and they have the ajax control toolkit.dll, ajaxcontroltoolkit.pdb and other folders (ar, cs, de...) within a different type of folder (looks grey and has a cog symbol) called 'Bin'

I am using Visual Studio 2008, .Net Framework 3.5 and I tried the ajax control toolkit framework 3.5.

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Subsonic And The .net 2005 Interop Toolkit?

Nov 10, 2009

I have an application I am converting over from vb6 to 2.0/3.5. Using Subsonic 2.2 and the Interop Toolkit 2005. Cannot seem to get the .net form using subsonic to work inside the interop environment.It keeps saying it cannot find the subsonic service provider in the app.config. But I know it is there. Has anyone used these two toolkits together successfully? Will subsonic even work inside the interop environment in that way?

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Ajax Control Calender Toolkit Validation?

May 29, 2012

I have a form of tour application that has 2 dates, from date and To date. now i'm using the dd/MM/yyyy format for the date entry and i need to Validate To date like To date must me greater than or equal to start date. earlier days should be disable, i want to do that with compare validator.

View 1 Replies - ASP Ajax Control Toolkit - On Date Selected

Apr 4, 2010

I've got a calendar control on a text box I'm just wondering how I can trigger a sub when a date is chosen on the calendar?

There is a OnClientDateSelection changed in the extenders properties but im not sure how to use this.

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Consuming WebService With VB6 Soap Toolkit Under Win7?

Mar 30, 2011

We have a VB6 application that consumes Java webservices with soap.That works fine on XP and Win7. The login to the webservice times out.Under xp the client try to reconnect 2 times (is one call to the webservices) and then ask for new login data from user. With win7 that dont be OK.If the login is timed out, the client try to reconnect 9 times with one call. The code is the same. I trace this with wireshark.

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Tutorial For AJAX Control Toolkit Tab Container?

May 31, 2012

I need a tab-like control for Asp website. This is a tutorial for AJAX Control Toolkit Tab Container. The code below is debugged successfully, but nothing is shown on browser.


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VS 2008 - Any Way To Edit Main Look Of Controls In Toolkit?

Apr 19, 2011

So this C4F P2P Toolkit allows for creating chat rooms, file sharing and media players etc, however I cannot find a way to edit the main look of each control. They look hideous and I must make it look a little more modern. How to change the style of the containers.

View 2 Replies - Ajax Calendar Control Toolkit Style Sheet?

May 30, 2012

.ajax__calendar .ajax__calendar_invalid .ajax__calendar_day

i apply the Style, it'snot working,, i want to change the style of the disabled date,,,

View 1 Replies - ASP Ajax Toolkit Calendar Control Defaults To Mm/dd/yyyy?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a text box which has a Ajax calendar extender attached. You click on the text box, the calendar pops up, you select a date and that gets displayed in the text box. That all good but the date is displayed in mm/dd/yyyy format. Can this be changed?

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Use Ajax Toolkit In ASP.NET Page To Display A Calendar Extender?

May 31, 2010

I'm trying to use Ajax Toolkit in ASP.NET page to display a Calendar Extender with this code, but it's not working for me.

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">


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VB6 - Video Series Is Focused On The Interop Forms Toolkit ?

Jun 10, 2010

Visual Basic Interop Video Series This how-to video series is focused on the Interop Forms Toolkit and working with Visual Basic .NET and Visual Basic 6 together. The Interop Forms Toolkit allows Visual Basic developers to migrate their Visual Basic 6 applications over to .NET using a phased migration strategy. Instead of having to convert the entire VB6 application at once, the toolkit enables .NET Forms and User Controls to run directly in Visual Basic 6 applications so that you can build the pieces that you need over time.

Download the Code: Videos 13

You will need: Visual Studio and the Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0 in addition to Visual Basic 6.0

#1 | How Do I: Build Interop Forms? (11 minutes, 28 seconds)

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.net - Form Load Event Fires Twice Using Interop Forms Toolkit?

Sep 18, 2009

I've been following a codeproject article on using the interop forms toolkit (basically a way for developers to slowly upgrade their VB6 projects to .net by allowing .net components run in VB6)


While the .NET form is working fine in all other testing projects and environments, I've found that the Form_load event is actually firing twice once it's in executing in the VB6 runtime.Not only annoying, its forcing my initialization code to execute twice (causing all kind of problems on the second run).

If (runBefore = True) Then

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ERROR[HY000][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Could Not Find File '(unknown)'.

Oct 8, 2011

I'm currently doing a project that includes access 2010 My question will be what driver can I use for an access 2010 *.accdb type file? For a *.mdb it works perfectly well with

ConnString ="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=" & Application.StartupPath & "\CITSDB.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=123;"

But, when I changed the mbd to accdb:

ConnString ="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.accdb)};Dbq=" & Application.StartupPath & "\CITSDB.accdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=123;"

It resulted in errors:

ERROR[HY000][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Could not find file '(unknown)'.
ERROR[IM006][Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager]SQLSetConnetAttr failed
ERROR[HY000][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Could not find file '(unknown)'

And then it shows me that my code for

If dsLogin.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandled
Cannot find table 0

I knew it must be the driver but I don't know what accdb driver I can use for the connstring.

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Filling Array From Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Table In Microsoft

Aug 7, 2009

I have a database with one table.I'd like to populate an array with the values in the table so that I can work with the data.How do I copy the data from the table to the array?I am able to view the data with a DataGridView but can't find any info on extracting the data to an array or variable.

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.net - ERROR [22018] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Dec 7, 2011

I have an error ERROR [22018] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression. and I've been trying to solve this but unfortunately I couldn't get the hack of this error. I'm a newbie in dotNet.

Public Sub LogInContinue(ByVal senter As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim LibDS As DataSet = New DataSet
Dim LibDA As OdbcDataAdapter = New OdbcDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tblUserAccount WHERE Uname='" & txtUserName.Text & "'", LibConn)


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Fetching Data From A Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Table Into A Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Application?

Aug 7, 2009

I am building a VB 2008 Express Edition application.I have built a database (with a single table) using SQL Server Compact 3.5 and have connected it to the project. I am able to view and edit the data using a DataGridView on a second form (tutorial made this very easy). I need to work with the data in the table within the application. how to easily load the entire table into an array or even read the table a row or cell at a time so that I can make all of the data available for manipulation within the application (the tutorials only seem to show how to display the data).

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Connect Microsoft VB Data To Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2?

May 8, 2011

I am developing a database system using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. Honestly i don't have any knowledge on how to connect the data in VB to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, so kindly anyone could support me with tutorial videos or ebook or any reference

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Restrict The File Type In The File Browse Menu Of An AsyncFileUpload In The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit

Jul 28, 2010

I would like to restrict what they see in the file upload dialog, which is set to "All Files" by default. I understand how to validate that they only uploaded a certain file type, that is not the question here. I would just like to know how to default the file type in the file selection dialog.

Is there any way to change this to "PNG only" or "*.png"?

This is using AsyncFileUpload in the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit.

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Microsoft Office Installed - Warning 2 Unable To Find Dependency 'INTEROP.MICROSOFT.OFFICE.CORE'

Jul 23, 2010

So I have this error.


So I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that I don't have office loaded on my computer. Now I have another laptop, with office that I loaded this project on, and it works fine. So do I have to load office on this computer, or can I just reference something?


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Connect To Microsoft Access Database Using "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library"?

May 3, 2012

I have vb .net windows form application that I want to connect to Microsoft access database using "Microsoft DAO 3.6 object library". My problem is that when I go to Project tab -> Add reference -> COM tab, there should have been "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library" on the list, but for some reason It's not on the list. Then I googled, and found out that the location of "DAO360.DLL" is "Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedDAO". After clicking on Browse tab, I browsed to that location, and I guess I added reference on another way.This is the code that I used before for connecting to Access, but for some reason It doesn't work this way on this PC.


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C# - Differences Between .NET 4 WPF Datagrid And WPF Toolkit Datagrid

Dec 28, 2010

what are the differences between the WPF Datagrid included in the .NET Framework 4.0 versus the Datagrid included in the out-of-band WPF Toolkit? I understand that the toolkit version was released first, and targets the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

I needed a WPF datagrid quick and have utilized the toolkit version in my applications. I'm considering moving the application to .NET 4.0 and am wondering what the pros/cons will be in changing out my existing datagrids for the new ones.

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Turn A Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Chart Object Into A Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Chart Object?

Aug 5, 2010

Basically I've coded an Excel 2007 project in VB.NET 2010 that allows you to create charts with a fair amount of interactivity. I want the user to be able to save and reopen this workbook and still have that interactivity in any already-created charts, so they don't have to re-create them.

When I create the charts, I use Sheet1.Controls.AddChart(...), which returns a Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Chart with which I can handle events and such. However, when I reopen the file and look through the Sheet1.Controls collection, there are no Chart objects. Accessing the charts through Sheet1.ChartObjects.Chart gives me Interop Charts, when I need the Tools Charts.

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.net - Microsoft.sharepoint.dll For WSS 2.0?

Oct 30, 2009

I have a project where I need to add a reference to Microsoft.sharepoint.dll where can I find the dll. I am running my web application on XP Professional box and I cannot install WSS 2.0 on my machine.

I need to programmatically access a sharepoint site which is on WSS 2.0 from application.

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Add SWF To Microsoft Program?

Oct 12, 2009

How can i add SWF to microsoft VB 2008 Express editon, Sorry if i posted in the wrong place

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Have A Microsoft Certification For VB6?

Sep 2, 2010

I am a VB 6 developer and would like to have a Microsoft certification for VB6.Do we still have any Microsoft certification for VB 6?

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