Minimize All Scopes With A Single Command Instead Of Clicking In The Small Box?

Jan 8, 2010

How do I minimize all scopes with a single command, instead of clicking in the small box with the minus sign for EVERY function, sub class etc.

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Close All Scopes Instead Of Clicking On Every Single Plussign-in-a-box?

Oct 7, 2009

Is there an easy way to close all scopes, instead of clicking on every single plussign-in-a-box?

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Single Clicking, Double Clicking And Contextmenu?

Mar 27, 2010

Someone asked me to add a function when the notifyicon is doublcliked. I figured that'd be easy with the mousedoubleclick event being available. I find out that then both the single and double will then be called. Well that sucks, I want it to only do the one the user requests. So I tried to get it to work:

Private Sub DblClick_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DblClick.Tick


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How To Minimize Form On Clicking On Taskbar

Jan 12, 2012

i made a border-less form. I minimize it by clicking on a picture-box.

Private Sub picminimize_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles picminimize.Click
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized
End Sub

If my form was not borderless then i could minimize and restore it by clicking on taskbar icon.... But since i made it borderless it doesnot get minimize on doing so... How do i enable it. Such that when user clicks the icon of my program on taskbar it gets minimized..

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How To Minimize Form When Clicking On Icon

Oct 15, 2011

How to minimize the form It's borderless and I need to minimize it while clicking on the Icon. Example: [URL].

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Write Small Single Function Wrapper?

Jul 15, 2009

I am looking to write a small application that will mount an image using imagex and show a progress bar as to how much of the image has been mounted.

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Update A Single Field In A Row In A Database By Clicking A Button?

Jul 16, 2009

I have two buttons on a form , clock in and clock out, and i have two fields in an access database, fldCheckIn and fldCheckOut, when i click the check in button i want it to get the current time and set it to the field in the database

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Unable To Draw In A Picturebox After Clicking A Command Box?

Dec 14, 2010

A rectangle is painted in Sub pBox1_paint. My intent is to add data to pBox1 via 'drawstring' in Sub btnMoreThan30. The first line of Sub btnMoreThan30 originally included 'ByVal e As System.EventArgs'. The compiler flagged the phrase '' with the error:'Graphics' is not a member of 'System.EventArgs'. I then modified line 1 of this sub as it appears in the code below. The compiler finds no errors but when I click on button 'btnMoreThan30' I get the runtime error,'InvalidCastException was unhandled. 'Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs'. How can I draw lines and strings in a picturebox from a button_click sub? Code follows:

Public Class frmScoreboard
Private pbox1 As New PictureBox()
Private Sub frmScoreboard_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _


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Call Command Button Click Event Without Clicking It

Dec 30, 2010

let's say I have a btnX_click event calling each time when I click btnX:[code] I have menuX menu item and click event for it:[code]I just want every time when menuX item clicked on to do the same thing as btnX control does when clicked.I haven't been programming in VB for ages;Actually haven't been programming at all for a while..But definitely remember writing (calling command event without explicitly clicking on it) this in Delphi; but cannot remember how;

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Program Launched From Command Line Versus Clicking

Jan 8, 2010

I'm writing a program in The program can be started from another program by passing some arguments or it can be lauched by clicking .exe. I'd like to show the user some options depending on where he is coming.Is the below approach correct? [code]

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Single Command Shell (cmd.exe) In Interactive Form?

Jun 17, 2011

I would like to have the single command shell, aka cmd, in my app within a form in an interactive way.

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Data Structures - Nested With Statements From Different Scopes?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a List Table (lstTable) that is on the same form that I am trying to fill in with information from a public structure (ELEM_DATA). I understand nested with statements will work if it is within the same scope but how can I do this with example 2 below:

Example 1:

With me.lstTable.Items(RECORD)
.SubItems(1).text = ELEM_DATA(RECORD).name
.SubItems(2).text = ELEM_DATA(RECORD).number
end with


I didnt know if it is possible or if it would be as simple as changing (.name) to something else.

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VS 2008 - Single Instance (Command Line In Program)

Aug 6, 2011

I use a single instance in my application. What if I give command line arguments to the exe of my program, so I can be selective in what was given command line in my program, but still single instance?

test.exe /show
When the command /show, then my program will

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Passing Command Line Arguments To Already Running Single Instance App

Jan 19, 2010

I have a single instance database app that emails out notifications. I would like to add a link in the emails that when clicked would open up the app and go to the section of the program that its supposed to go to. I implemented my own URL protocol so that links starting with my codewords get passed to my EXE. So far so good. I then parse the URL and pull the keyword and identifier out to open that section of the program. So if a user clicks a link like this:


My application will start, it will grab the arguments (LoadCompany?ID=323), pass this to my load company routine and then load up company ID 323. Works great.

Now the issue is if the program is already open I still want the links to work but since it's a single instance app it just closes the second app. How can I add something ot the app to watch for this or receive a message from the second app? I know I will need to check status of what I'm doing and make sure things are saved, check security, etc but I can get all that done easily enough. I've found some examples online but none really did what I wanted them to.

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Make A Small Program For Ticketing On A Parking For A Small Hotel?

Aug 27, 2010

I need to make a small programm for ticketing on a parking for a small hotel.So i have 2 Printers pariking In (for delivery of the tickets) and 2 Readers PArking Out.Both Printers and REaders are working Serial.So i need to poll the serial ports of the printers and readers every second.The data is stored on a SQL database so i need to read and write in the database.Can i do this with 1 PC and 1 programm or 1 PC and 4 programms that are runnning at the same time ?

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Create A Small Application That Can Make Small Calculations?

Feb 1, 2010

On form 1 , i have a number of buttons that open up different websites.What i want to do is when i click a button on form 1 , i want forum 2 to show ( ) , Form 2 will have a list (Buttons) of internet browsers.

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"truncate" Command - Databse Manipulation - Delete Multiple Rows In A Single Table

Jun 2, 2011

How to delete multiple rows in a single table i used "truncate" command.

This is my code for deleting:

Private Sub tranc()
Dim dbconn As OleDbConnection
Dim dbcom As New OleDbCommand
dbconn = New OleDbConnection(cnnstring())


I used access database on it. when i run my prog. i got this error "Invalid SQL statement; expected 'delete','insert.... or 'update'.

View 1 Replies

Clicking The [X] Closes But Clicking Exit Button Does Not?

Jul 11, 2011

When the user clicks the Exit button it closes the forms and if there was an open file it asks the user is they would like to save. But after the application closes there is still memory being held in Processes by the application. However, when pressing the [X] in the top of the form the application closes again but in this instance it is not held in Processes. How do I write the close for Exit to take into account how the [X] works and close the application cleanly?

Friend Sub CloseAllForms()

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Send A Command To A Command Line And Then Submit The Command?

Apr 30, 2010

First let me say that I am not sure whether or not this should go in this section or the API section, and if it needs to be moved I apologize. My issue is fairly straight forward, but for some reason I cannot get it to work.

I am trying to send a command to a command line and then submit the command. I have been trying without success to get this to work in v2008 Express and v2010 Express, Here is the code I am trying to us:

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" ( _
ByVal lpClassName As String, _
ByVal lpWindowName As String _


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Use The DHCP Server Management API To Query Scopes And Reservations On A DHCP Server?

Sep 28, 2009

I'm looking to use the DHCP Server Management API to query scopes and reservations on a DHCP server.

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Is Running Multiple Threads Faster Then A Single Thread On A Single Core Cpu

Dec 23, 2009

Say I have a code with 3 methods that do some pretty intensive work. Would executing these methods on 3 seperate threads be faster then executing them one after the other on a single core cpu? And what if it's a dual core or HT?

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Querying A Single Column And Displaying All Results In A Single Textbox?

Sep 5, 2010

I am trying to make a list, separated by a comma, of entries from a single column in a SQL database. I have been spending the last several days searching for a way to do this, but every thing I found either didn't work, or wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

The query will pull all the email address that are not null. What I need to know is how to take the result of that query and make it look like this:,,, etc, etc, ...

I feel like I should know this, but for the life of me, I can't remember nor can I find it in any of the textbooks I have.

I am using Visual Basic 2010 and SQL Server 2005. I also have access to Visual Basic 2005 if needed.

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SqlCommand Parameter / Replace A Single Quote With Two Single Quotes

Oct 23, 2009

I use SqlParameters when executing database statements. I know that I can replace a single quote with two single quotes... but in the past SqlParameters took care of this for me. I have two projects.. in one, the SqlParameter does this and it handles single quotes fine, in another, it does not and I'm at a loss why (I even copied and pasted the code):


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VS 2008 Bind A Single DGV Cell To A Single Class Property?

May 7, 2010

I am trying to use the DGV to view various properties from a variety of different class instances. Is it possible to bind each cell individually?

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Update A Single Row And A Single Cell In Ms Access Database?

Dec 3, 2010

I am trying to update a row or a single cell in ms access through But when i update the text box named NRIC, say for example i want to update "s4522147B" to "tr4521856C" and mean while leaving the other fields the same.

But the thing is when i make the changes in nric.text (textbox), the dataset actually updates the whole column in the table instead of the selected textbox.

Below is my code for the update part


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Using Psexec.exe From PsTools To Send A Command To A Remote System To Fire A Command

Mar 17, 2010

I am currently using psexec.exe from PsTools to send a command to a remote system to fire a command through a command prompt however I am finding that the shell I am doing does not seem to like the spaces in the path.


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ExecuteReader Requires Command To Have Transaction When Connection Assigned To Command Is In Pending Local Trans?

Nov 8, 2007

Any ideas on how I handle the following error thrown in the SqlDataAdapter.Fill as a result of the BeginTrans in the callee?

System.InvalidOperationException = {"ExecuteReader requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction.The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized."}


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IDE :: ExecuteReader Requires Command To Have Transaction When Connection Assigned To Command Is In Pending Local Trans?

Jun 30, 2010

Public Sub ExecuteTransaction(ByVal connectionString As String) Using connection As New OleDbConnection(connectionString)

Dim command
As New OleDbCommand()
Dim transaction
As OleDbTransaction


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Command Line Switches - Keeping Command Window Open?

Feb 24, 2010

I am using the following code to run defrag and to analyze if the C: drive requires defragmentation:

Dim analyze As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:WindowsSystem32defrag.exe", "C: /a /h /u /v")

This process runs through analyzing, runs it in normal mode & prints the progress to the command window.

My problem is that as soon as the process is complete the command window closes. I need it to stay open so that I can read the results.

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Send Command To Command Line From Windows Form Application?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to send a command to the external command line (cmd.exe) from the Windows form application that I'm writing in VB.NET (using VS2008).

I can only access the external program thru the command line (its not my program) and I must do so from a form app.

I am trying to use the following code. I am able to call a cmd.exe window, but I can't pass the command line my command.

Using mp As New Process
With mp.StartInfo
.FileName = "cmd.exe"


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