Outlook Navigation Pane Control ?

Jun 10, 2011

I am interest to make a control like outlook pane i search online there had a few example on codeProject site.

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Create A Navigation Pane In .net Looks Like Windows Xp?

Mar 7, 2010

Create a navigation pane in .net looks like windows xp

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Do Not Show Tab On Main Navigation Pane

Sep 29, 2010

I have an app, that when they start it, I dont want it to show up on the main navigation pane, I only want it to show in the area where the clock is etc.

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Interface And Graphics :: Creating Outlook Style Navigation User Control?

Feb 3, 2010

I believe that this is in the correct forum due to it being about creating an interface item, but if I am wrong then let me know and I'll try and bring this thread to the attention of the mods to be moved to a more appropriate forum. I am currently trying to create a generic navigation control with a similar style to the outlook navigation bar. I have figured out how I would be able to dynamically create the bottom part where you select the menu option, but I'm struggling to figure out how I would be able to create the top part, which can contain any user control that the developer would want.

So basically what I'm trying to figure out is, is there a way to allow for a developer to add controls to a specific area of your user control?If there is a way of achieving that then if anyone knows how to do this;In ASP.Net you have the login controls and with one of them, you are able to have different views depending on whether the user who is viewing the web page is logged in or not. Is there a way of achieving this in VB.Net for a user control that could be set up so that I could have the developer able to switch the view in the designer to show them the view for when a specific navigation option has been selected.

The one thing that I have thought of that could possibly cause a problem is having the capability of knowing when one of the user controls has been clicked, while I haven't figured this out exactly, I believe I should be able to achieve this by having an event for the navigation user control that provides the developer a reference to the control.

While I would hope that I have explained what I'm thinking well, its before my first coffee of the morning so I might have missed out some detail which would help someone to help me if I have then please let me know and I'll provide any details required.Also if what I'm envisioning is Pie in the sky, then let me know and I'll just have to make a base which I would just have to make a more bespoke system.

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Use Program To Manipulate Word 2010's Navigation Pane?

Jun 8, 2010

Nor Macros or VBA can manipulate it. Is it possible with Visual .NET 2010? Even with the Express version?

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Add A Navigation Bar Like Outlook (VB 2010 Basic)?

May 8, 2012

I'am new in Visual Studio 2010 I'am creating a New Project in Visual Studio 2010 (language is Basic)

How can i add a NavigationBar like Outlook?

I Have a COM DLL named GDListBar but i can't add it to a Form in My Project.

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Develop Navigation Bar Menu Like Micorsoft Outlook Express 2007

Dec 11, 2010

I want to develop Navigation bar menu like micorsoft outlook express 2007. Is it possible in vb.net.

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Adding Control Population Of Control & Navigation In Datagrid View

Jul 8, 2009

1. when i pick a value from a combo in next col of data grid which also have a combo should populate conditionally.

2.when i edit the cell having combo previous selected value is overwritten by first value of combo it should be if i select any value from combo but should not over written default as i click the cell. (edit mode is on click)

3.by pressing enter key cursor should jump to next cell in same row . means navigation should horizontally but should jump to first cell of next row if cell is last cell

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Creating Navigation User Control?

Feb 3, 2010

I am currently trying to create a generic navigation control with a similar style to the outlook navigation bar. I have figured out how I would be able to dynamically create the bottom part where you select the menu option, but I'm struggling to figure out how I would be able to create the top part, which can contain any user control that the developer would want.So basically what I'm trying to figure out is, is there a way to allow for a developer to add controls to a specific area of your user control?

If there is a way of achieving that then if anyone knows how to do this;In ASP.Net you have the login controls and with one of them, you are able to have different views depending on whether the user who is viewing the web page is logged in or not. Is there a way of achieving this in VB.Net for a user control that could be set up so that I could have the developer able to switch the view in the designer to show them the view for when a specific navigation option has been selected.

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Submit Form From Navigation Control?

May 31, 2012

Basically, I have created a search facility which is housed inside the navigation control on every page. My predecessor set every single page up enclosed in a form for postbacks.

I need these postbacks to continue working however I need the search when submitted to post to go to a separate page and post the data. I tried various methods such as "postbackURL" on the ImageButton but it didn't do anything.

Below is an example of my form code from my navigation.ascx control:

<div style="height:8px;"></div>
<asp:TextBox Width="116px" CssClass="search-textbox" Text="Search" style="height:


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Asp.net - Navigation SiteMathPath - SiteMapPath Control Is Not Displaying On The Masterpage When I Log In?

Mar 25, 2011

My application has a number of different users, currently there are different masterpages set up for them. The idea is for some type of breadcrumb in the system i.e. home > details > ...What is the best approach for this? I think I will need to define the separate paths that each user can have (all the pages they can view) in the Web.sitemap (will have multiple SiteMapPaths) and then add the sitemap control to masterpage and link them to the appropriate SiteMapPath, does this sound like the right way to approach this?

I am having an issue with setting up the SiteMapPath within the masterpage. I used the following tutorial http:[url]....aspx to try to use the control, but the SiteMapPath control is not displaying on the masterpage when I log in do you know what the problem might be?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" >[code].....

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Automate Login And Navigation To A Website Using The WebBrowser Control?

Sep 4, 2009

I am trying to automate login and navigation to a website using the WebBrowser control. I can successfully logon to the site using the wb control but after that I can't seem to get access to the newly loaded document's elements within the same routine. I check for ReadyState Complete and IsBusy but they don't seem to be working. There don't appear to be any frames being used at all so I can't figure out why this won't work. I know that the wb control is successfully logging in because I can see the page load in the wb control. However, after the page loads I try to access the HTMLDocument for the new page (after logging in) and it is either set to Nothing or it's the previous page's HTML. I've tried putting in a Sleep to wait for the page to finish before trying to access the HTMLDocument on the new page but it still doesn't work. If I create a button on my form that accesses the HTMLDocument and click it it works fine. I can't figure out how to ensure that the entire page has finished loading within my routine. I tried putting a switch into the DocumentCompleted event but that doesn't work either.

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Navigation In A 'mutlipage' Control Embedded In A Form Layout In Excel ?

Jun 13, 2008

I have two questions concerning navigation in a 'mutlipage' control embedded in a form layout in Excel:

(1) I would like to be able to automatically move from page_1 to page_2 through a closeout button click command on page_1 (i.e. when actions are complete on page 1, page 2 will open without needing to click on the tab). Is this achievable ?

(2) secondly, While realising it is a simple step to set up navigation to another Excel workbook, is it conveniently possible (from a button command in the multipage) to open another directory, e.g. MMC console

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Outlook.Application, Outlook.MailItem,Outlook.Attachments,not Defined?

Jun 8, 2009

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Public Class Form1
Public Sub SaveAttachments()
Dim objOL As Outlook.Application


This is my code. When i am tryng to run it in my VB editior i got the errors

1.Outlook.Application, Outlook.MailItem,Outlook.Attachments,not definedWarnings as Warning1Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'Microsoft.Office.Interop' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases.C:\Documents and Settings\E1002176\Local Settings\Application Data\Temporary Projects\WindowsApplication1\Form1.vb19WindowsApplication1

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.net - Control For A Calendar - Outlook Or MAC Mail

Sep 21, 2011

I am trying to find a good control for a calendar. And I do not mean a datepicker, but a calendar similar to the one in outlook or MAC Mail. The best I have found so far is this one: [URL] It is not quite what I want, but close. Anyone know of any other similar components? Preferably cheap once...

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VS 2005 Outlook Type Control

Jun 23, 2009

I need to develop an inbox/outbox/sent items type interface and I believe that copying the outlook view would make it much easier for my users.I just can't seem to find any control for VB.NET that copies the feel of Outlook.

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Duplicate Outlook Calendar Control That Allows To See Appointments On 15 Minute Intervals?

Aug 7, 2009

How can I duplicate the Outlook Calendar control that allwos you to see appointments on 15 minute intervals? It scrolls up and down and has mixed ssize fonts on it. I could duplicate the fonts but how do I get it to scroll? There are only a few controls that will scroll or allow you to scroll them.I am trying to create a scrolling schedule with a preselected time increment. (15 minutes intervals)

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Outlook Lastmodification Time Doesn't Gets Modified After Change Of Synced Outlook Item

Jul 3, 2009

I have written a code in VB.NET using "Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library" to create an appointment, task or contact in Outlook. Now the problem is once i create an appointment, task or contact from my VB.NET code and then if i open these item in outlook and modifies and save the content (like body of an appointment) then the lastmodification time of these item doesn't gets modified. It always shows the previous lastmodification time. This happens only for those item which got created from my VB.NET code.

I have tried realsing the COM object in my VB.NET Code.

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Trying To Use 2008 Express To Export Outlook 2000 & Outlook 2003 Address Contacts Into Excel Or CSV File

Apr 20, 2009

I work for a somewhat large company.There are about 160 Windows XP Pro users. We are still using Microsoft Office 2000 for the most part.We have upgraded some users to Office 2003. We are not using Microsoft Exchange.I have to export every users' Outlook 2000 or Outlook 2003 Contacts into an Excel or CSV file every 6 months as a way of backing the Outlook Address Contacts.Currently I am doing this by physically going to every pc and manually exporting the contacts.This is a large pain.I am trying to find out if I can use or create a Visual Basic 2008 Express program or script that will export the contacts from Outlook and save it as an Excel or CSV file.The name of the file should be the same as the computers net name.It should be saved in the same location, on the network, each time.I am new to programming and new to VB 2008 Express.I do not know or have any code to start with.

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Error When Using Outlook To Send An Email From 2008 When Outlook Is Running?

Aug 5, 2011

If i use this code to send an e-mail with outlook (2010) from my vb.net app (2008):

Dim app As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application
Dim appNameSpace As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._NameSpace
Dim memo As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem
app = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application


I get an error. It's work fine, when outlook is not running.

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How To Create A Dockable Pane

Jan 16, 2010

How can I create a dockable pane in visual basic 2008..like those dockable pane in office 2003?Do I need 3rd party application to do this stuff?To aim is not enough. You must hit.

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MS PowerPoint Slide Pane?

Apr 20, 2010

MS PowerPoint, on the left side, there is a slide bar showing slides/pages available, is it that a slides pane? And how can I do that, let say if I want to create a new page/slide, how can I create a new blank slide? Also the side bar will display the pages/slides but is in smaller view...

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Sliding Pane On A Form?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a Form called 'Form1' and I want an addition pane/panel that slides over the Form from left to right which has additional controls on it. But I cant get the desired result.For example - the exact thing I need is in the .NET environment you have many sliding panels such as the 'Toolbox' that slides over on the Form. I want this exact replication so that it slides over 'Form1' from left to right when the user hovers over it

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Sliding Pane On Form?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a Form I have alot of controls on it. Some of the control I want to place inside a sliding pane (somewhat like a docking pane thats the same as the "Toolbars" sliding pane in .NET) how can I add one of these sliding panes to my Form?

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VS 2008 Reading Outlook And Outlook Express Data?

Oct 9, 2009

I'm working on an application that takes certain outlook email messages, saved as text files, and loads data from them into a database. It would be better if I could read the messages from the inbox directly into my app without the user having to save them as text files. I've searched the web and every example I find is from 2003 or earlier and is using VB6. I'd like to read both Outlook and Outlook Express Inboxes. Can someone either provide me with the code to do this or a good "recent" link with a tutorial?

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Disabling Task Pane In MS Word?

Sep 8, 2008

I have a trouble when using dsoFramer control with auto popup task pane. I have a write protected document, wich open in dsoFramer control, but when i pressing a button in focus, control resizing and trying to show task pane. So dsoFramer can't show task pane and looks awful - left part contains text, and right not refreshed picture. How can i change this behaviour of task pane, or disable it for instance of Microsoft Word or temporaly for all instances?

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Ajax - Asp.net Update Pane Will Not Fire Event

May 18, 2012

I am trying to implement an update panel on my web page. when I add this, everything works fine:

<script runat="server">
Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Me.Label2.Text = Date.Now.ToString


This will cause the event to not occur. If i change the "<" from the string, all is well. why cant I have "<" in my strings? This is important because i wont allow me to put an xml string in the text box.

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How To Clear Task Pane Office Clipboard

May 1, 2009

im using Visual Basic 6 to automate a large amount of excel and word content into a single word document and am having to use selection.copy and selection.paste on a regular basis. this continually adds items into the office clipboard and fills it up rather rapidly making a huge drain on resources until word eventually gives up and crashes.i have a couple of things that i would like to do to that i think would prevent this from happening....

1-clear the task pane clipboard

2-switch the task pane clipboard off before my code starts automation

i've tried a couple of options to clear the clipboard but they only seem to clear the system clipboard and not the task pane one (containing its 24 resource hungry and useless items)[code]i can manually choose 'Stop Collecting' from the system tray icon menu, which appears to do what is says but i need to automate this function in someway.i find it hard to believe that microsoft would introduce a feature without giving even the most basic of access to programmers.

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Resize The Pane And The Content Adjust To The New Size?

Jun 6, 2012

how I can resize the pane and the content adjust to the new size?I've tried to do this Panel_Menu.Width = 200 but the content does not resize to the new size. i want to see the information of 0 ,0 0 on on on , 7,5 IRE but I want the new size of the panel see all the information but in a smaller size. the problem is that when the user presses a button panel must be made ​​smaller but has all the content?

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Convert An Outlook 2007 Add In To An Outlook 2010 Add In

May 18, 2011

I'm trying to convert an outlook 2007 add in to an outlook 2010 add in, but I'm running into some problems. One such example is finding the 2010/.net 4.0 replacement for:


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