Parsing Text To A Label From A Mysql Database?
Oct 19, 2010I am creating a game where i have made a login form thats uses the mysql database for the user accounts.The database stores account's login info, level, XP, Coins.
I am creating a game where i have made a login form thats uses the mysql database for the user accounts.The database stores account's login info, level, XP, Coins.
I have a form that I am loading text (strings) from a database into a label.text (so the text from the database shows up into the label) I have done this code in a class that keeps all my database stuff seperate.
Public Function getQuestions() As List(Of String)
Dim question As New List(Of String)
objReader = objcommand.ExecuteReader
Within the form that the label is in I have done this code
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
I am basically making a quiz, so that when the form loads, question 1 is on there is 4 possible answers. You then press next button and it goes to the next question.
What I have is a vb app that has a datagridview bound to a MySQL database. One of the columns is a time that is updated at a set interval using the MySQL NOW() function. The format that the now function uses is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM followed by the ante/post meridiem. What I am hoping to do is for each row in the datagridview, parse out just the time (H:MM). Then compare this time to the current time. If a minute has elapsed between the time that is parsed and the current time then throw up some kind of alert (e.g message box). I know I can loop throw the rows by using the following:
For Each DataRow As DataRow In DataSet.Tables(0).Rows
Dim time As DataColumn = DataSet.Tables(0).Columns("lastUpdateTimeStamp")
'If lastUpdateTimeStamp is greater than 60 seconds then
MsgBox("Some alert here");
However I am not quite sure on how I can parse the MySQL NOW() format.
I am building an app where I need to allow a user to add a large text (a story) to his account in server.This will be done like this:
application developed in for article formatting pass the story to php page using request variables (because direct connection to MySql server can reveal my password in app exe) php file will store data to database.But right now I get: 414 error - url too big.
How connect Vb.Net to MYSQL..? How to add info to database user informations using mysql database. How to call login infos using mysql.
View 8 RepliesI want to upload a text file to a table I have in my database. I have never done this kind of a thing so I don't have any clue. The column is in longblob.
View 10 RepliesHow to upload text file and microsoft office file to mysql database using open file dialog.
View 1 RepliesI have question about Label.Text.
When run the code Form1 load together with Form2.On Form2 I have Label1.I need that Label.Text flicker or blinking.
Is it possible to link a database .mdf file to a Label or to a TextBox.text or to any form control
View 1 RepliesI have determined thanks to the last q & a that there is something wrong with my "save to db" code as well as my "retrieve to picture" code. Even If I manually save the pic in the db it stil wont retreive. This is code i patched together from 3 or 4 examples around the net.
Dim filename As String = txtName.Text + ".jpg"
Dim FileSize As UInt32
Dim ImageStream As System.IO.MemoryStream[code]......
Those who are looking for an example like this, might find it useful (or not). I know i was looking for one like this for over a week. Ok now, to make this codes work properly, you have to make a Database in Ms Access (I used MS Access 2007) . Create a table of two Columns, one name Debit and one name Credit. Both of the Columns Data Types must be Long Integers or you might get some conversion errors at run time. Now save the database in Access 2000-2003 Database format. And last of all, put the database in your projects DebugBin directory to avoid the database Connection Errors.
How can I Refer to a Database Field insted of a Texbox or Label text?
I have tried somting like this, but it does not work. Can some one point me in the wright way?
If TableName,FieldName <> Nul Then
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
End If
I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, so I have a combobox that gets filled with items from a data base made with Microsoft Acces, the combobox is filled with the values stored in a column from a table in de database so the user can select an "option" from it, I want to add labels that show the values for the corresponding row of that column. I used the Data Source panel to drag and drop the labels corresponding to the values that I want and it works it show the value that I want when I compile the application (at least I think it does, it could be that it's only selecting the first entry) the problem is that when I select a diferent entry on the combobox the labels don't refresh with the new values. How can I do that?
how does Visual Basic Populates de combobox and gets the value of the other Acces DB entrys to change the .text value of the labels? And I mean the actual code that does that.
I have sucessfully written in excel VBA. The idea is to used the textbox1_change event to find a match in column A of table and once it finds the record, return the value of column B as label1.text. [code] In VB 2008 it's a lot different. I have set up the form the same way with the textbox and labels. I have made a dataset with (1) table (Table1) with (2) columns. Lets call them column A and Column B.I have added the dataset as a binding source to the form and also a table adapter. I also have a standardized query made for the dataset with a very simple SQL statement "SELECT Column A, Column B from Table1"..In order to get the user input to start searching Column A I assume under the textbox_change event i would put something like: [code] I'm getting a bunch of errors of course. Would somepne be able to give me some direction?
View 3 RepliesI would like to have a label's text recorded into a database when my button is clicked. I do not yet understand the database connection. I have created the db, and have the following
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Conn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5; Data Source=c: empTestDB.sdf;"
Dim tConnection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(Conn)
When I try to test this the .ExecuteNonQuery() becomes highlighted and says the given type name is unrecognized. My table is setup as table1 and the only 2 columns are datetime and temperature. I want the label text to go to temperature and I would like somehow the time the temperature was taken to go into the datetime field. I had the provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0, but I changed it since I thought this was the one to use.
I am trying to make a login system mysql try to connect to a mysql database.
Here is my code:
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class LoginForm1
Dim MySqlConnection As MySqlConnection
Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection()
MySQL databases exists for saving values as strings (text only). Is there any way that i could store files with the same speed as a mysql command ? I know that it depends on the file size but lets say that the file is "Avatar.jpg" 50KB... I ve tried FTP but this is not what im looking for. e.g. You want your users been able to upload a file like the [Add This Attachment] button does in and you dont have any background on PHP/HTML/Javascript/ASP.NET just VB.NET and the basics of MySQL plus you dont want to use it for a website. How do you accomplish this? Something silly that ive tried was opening an image as text then update the mysql server with that text but it didnt work backwards after i wrote the text on the file and oppened it said that the image was corrupted.
View 7 RepliesI can have mysql database. but i have not mysql. how to connect this database 2005. but i have mysql-connector-net . I want to mysql-connector-net use to connect this database. database path(C:Documents and SettingsAdminMy DocumentsVB.NETStock delnaSTC.sql)
View 3 RepliesI have some code here that connects to my Mysql database. It checks your username and password and if your login was successful and it retrieves the phone number under that account. How would the SQL Query look like for retrieving the phone number once connected? Then how would I be able to display that phone number on a label?
View 2 RepliesHow to Inserting Label.text data into mySql table.i have no problem with textbox.text but i can't figure out how it with Label.text[code]...
View 1 RepliesI'm making a game that I'm connecting mysql to it. I have a labels that display stuff. Such as your username,level,gold. I'd like to know how I would make the label display that information. For each label a different one. Like on label is their level. One is their username. So on and so forth.
Column names are : ID = username
Level = Level
Gold = gold
Is there an effecient way to give one label the ForeColor, BackColor and Text of another one of 3 possible labels? I need to do this frequently for a dozen labels in a windows form.
View 2 RepliesI am using a label to display a song for an mp3 player. I wanted to scroll the text inside the label for anything that is longer than the label width. I figured out the width of the label and if the width of the text inside the label is longer. But I have no idea how to turn this into subtracting parts/pixels of the text currently displayed and how to append the subtracted parts to the end of the new text.
Sub f1timer2tick()
Dim g As Graphics = f1l2.CreateGraphics
Dim s As SizeF
If f1l2.Text.Length > 19 Then
I want to parse text from PDF file. Is this possible only with .NET framework? I was read about some libraries like iTextSharp or PDFBox. What do you recommend?
View 3 RepliesI would like to be able to parse code files, so I can examine the collection of Subs, Functions (and their contents, including comments), private variables, etc. I can be open the actual source code files. So for example, if I have:
basically i need to change the text of a label where the name of the label comes from the value of a variable.So, for example,
Dim x as String = "lblTarget"
Dim y as String = "Target Text"
In this case the text of "lblTarget" would need to be come "Target Text". Basically, the label that is named the value of variable x would need to take on the text of variable y.
Is there any way to detect if the text in a label is longer than the label itself (assuming autosize is set to false)? I want to trim the text in a label so the last line is a finished sentence (everything after that sentence is removed). I hope you understand what I mean.
I want to go from this:"Hello. This is a test string. Most test stri..."
to"Hello. This is a test string."
Is there any easy way to do this?
in vb, you can use text which is in textbox instead of numerical expressions. I mean, if I write 50 in textbox1 and also I can write like that code:
Dim result As Double = TextBox1.Text + 0.4
as you see, I didnt convert any type but it works in
But I want to learn what are disadvantages of this using?
(I am just talking about arithmetic operations)
I have a complicated text file that has 10000 lines of text which is of the format
$$ ************************************
$$ Put FIXTURE alignment code below
$$ you are in Manual mode at this point
$$ ************************************
I am attempting to parse multiple lines of text from a text file using regexpressions. I am using with visual studio 2008. At the moment I am filling my datatable with the text file information and am able to return each line of text and parse the first set of numbers that I am attempting to break up. I have multiple string with varying lengths of character lengths and numeric lengths however the delimiters are sometimes different. Sometimes will be whitespace and sometimes will be whitespace and chars. But is always 2 spaces. Here is my code: