Populate A CheckBoxList With The Contents Of The DataTable?
Mar 9, 2012
I've got two lists, ones a DataTable, the others an array list. I want to populate a CheckBoxList with the contents of the DataTable, and check any entries that exist in the array list:
Heres the DataTable that will populate the checkboxlist with the product column:
index product
1 Prod1
3 Prod2
5 Prod3
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Aug 18, 2011
I am trying to display value of the field ("UserID") for every row exists in datatable to checkboxlist(make the checkboxlist item selected).
I used for loop, but only the field value from last row of RoleUsers table is selected in the checkboxlist.
Here is my code
Private Sub DisplayRoleUser()
Dim conn As SqlConnection
Dim cmd As SqlCommand
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Nov 3, 2011
I am using vb.net to code and sqlserver 2008 as backend.I have a checkboxlist that needs to be filled up with data from the database.The data in the field is comma delimited (Blue, Red, Orange...)How do i populate my checkbox with this data from the DB?
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Feb 27, 2012
I have a datatable loaded from a database. I bind the datatable to a gridview on page_load. Now I want to filter the gridview by a user selection so I made a checkboxlist and wrote some code as follow at CheckBoxList1_SelectedIndexChanged
With this code above, it can filter if there is only one selection on the checkboxlist. I try to loop the checkboxlist myself but always ended up in errors. Hope someone can help me out to make this work.
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Nov 18, 2009
load the contents of a query from a dataTable Adapter into a datatable?
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May 19, 2012
I've got 1 form that has the user enter 7 fields of data.When they click my "Save" button those values are stored in a .DAT file.On that first form there is a button that brings up a second form with a listview control.I have all the headers set up but can't figure out how to populate the listview control with the contents of the .DAT file.A friend of mine told me I may need a Do while loop but this is my first time doing this and I am so lost. I don't even know where that loop would go and whether or not I need extra variable for it.
View 6 Replies
Feb 20, 2010
I want to create a datatable using he contents of a DataGridView.
View 9 Replies
May 27, 2010
I have a "For
Row As
DataTable.Rows" type loop. I want to save the contents of a field to use in subsequent processing.
It looks to me like the proper way would be to use something like the following:
Dim saveCatalogWorkID As VariantType
For Each clsWTRow As System.Data.DataRow In clsWTDataTable.Rows
saveCatalogWorkID = clsWTRow.Field("CatalogWorkID")
Next clsWTRow
View 2 Replies
Jan 26, 2009
Am using the following code to print the contents of a DataTable
The columns are overlapping each other and am not able set the printed page to landscape
I checked the example in the code bank but it is way more complex than what I need
View 6 Replies
Dec 3, 2011
I populate a datatable from a database. The table is sorted by the first column.
Then I add some new rows to the table. After that I sort the table with pgds.Tables(0).DefaultView.Sort = "firstcolumnname"
The new added rows are listed after the originally ordered rows and not in the right order.
View 7 Replies
May 3, 2012
I'm making a questback in Windows forms (VB). I've succesfully setup the MySQL-database, and made connection with everything needed. I've also manage to populate a DataTable called tblAlt for the alternatives for the question.Then I try to populate each radiobutton with rows from the DataTable.Here's what I tried:
For Each row In tblAlt.Rows
If tblAlt.Rows.IndexOf(row) = 0 Thenof the table).
View 1 Replies
Mar 19, 2012
I am trying to build a DataTable to populate a DataGrid in VB.NET. The columns will be the username and then question from an exam. Each row will be the answers by user for each question.
So it would look something like this:
Username | What is your favorite color? | What is your favorite book?
Joe Blue The Hobbit
Fred Red The Road
That works great and gives me a table that has the needed columns, but I am stuck as to how and get each users answer and put it under the appropriate column.
I tried adding rows in the same loop, but that just adds all of the answers under the first column.
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Oct 8, 2010
This is my GET Method to get my data from my DataTable
Private Function GetData() As PagedDataSource
' Declarations
Dim dt As New DataTable
View 1 Replies
Apr 12, 2011
I'm trying to populate a List with a column of a DataTable in order to later convert it to a AutoCompleteStringCollection later. Is there a neater way to do it than the "good old" For Each?
Is there a way to use myDataTable.Rows.CopyTo for this task?
View 2 Replies
May 5, 2010
I want to modify this function to populate an array with each item in the database.
I have tried various options, but I just can't get it to work[code]...
View 1 Replies
May 5, 2010
I want to modify this function to populate an array with each item in the database.
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Oct 6, 2011
How do i populate datatable with listview. . . .i have tried this code but it doesnt give the items that contained in listview to datatable. .
dt.Rows.Add(ListView1.Items("Quantity"), ListView1.Items("Description"), ListView1.Items("Price"), ListView1.Items("Total"))
View 10 Replies
Sep 23, 2008
Probably a very dumb question but I have a program whereby I create and populate an in memory datatable, which I then add to a data-set. I then run a couple of updates on the dataset and need to know how to then send these updates down into the in memory datatable :Here is a mock up of the code structure following the creation and population of the table :
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Jun 3, 2010
There's a thread that i'd read wherein you reply regarding on shortcut on populating a listview with databatable or dataset, but i forgot it. How did you populate a listview with datatable or dataset with just one line.
In datagridview .DataSource how about in listview ?
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Mar 1, 2011
I have a DataTable that has a hierarchyid data type column pulled from SQL Server. Is it possible to use the column to easily populate a treeview object in Visual Studio 2008?
View 7 Replies
Oct 12, 2011
Part 1 of what i want to do is on the Load Event of my form i want to look at an excel worksheet and populate a data table with the data found in the first two columns of the worksheet.
Essentially column 1 is Descriptions and column 2 is pricing
Part 2 of what i need to do is that when a user selects a description from the combo box it populates a text box with the appropriate pricing.
After doing some reading into this all i have seen is some threads on how to use Jet4.0 to link and grab the data but it is my understanding that Jet doesnt work with 64 bit OS.
Nonetheless I need to figure out a way to accomplish my end goal and make it as universal a solution as possible (ie. i do not want it to only run on 64 bit or 32 bit machines)
View 5 Replies
Aug 26, 2011
I am having a heck of a time with some very simple json. I have a very basic VB.NET webform which which writes out the contents of a datatable serizlized with JavaScriptSerializer.
On the jquery side I am doing this.
This is returning "invalid json"
Here is the output
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May 5, 2012
I've populated my DataTable will all the results from a SQL search. Upon a button click I want to populate a combobox with all the results where a condition is met. My DataTable as a column called UserID and I want to add all results where the UserID is equal to a set value (for example 12). I can do this to add all results and I guess I could add a if statement inside this to be If Entry.Tag = 12 Then but is there a better way?
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Aug 12, 2009
I am trying to populat a treeview with nodes that are the values of a column in a datatable. I have managed to get the correct number of nodes but the text is not displayed next to the nodes, there is just a 3 shape but the other way round and with square corners shown.
The code is below. I would like to have these parent nodes populated on the form load and then (i think this is what i have read) to be quicker i would like to then load the childnodes once a parent node has been selected, as i don't want to load the whole database on form load or when the form is refreshed.
Here is the code with more dtails below:
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Apr 11, 2008
I want to modify this function to populate an array with each item in the database.I have tried various options, but I just can't get it to work
Private Function ConnectMe() As DataTable
Dim conn As String = "Server=;Port=3306;Database=wswc;Uid=r oot;Pwd=Jack"
Dim cmd As String = "SELECT * FROM st_users"
Instead of fill, I want to one by one add it to the dataset and also an array?
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Nov 11, 2010
i have an array of booleans whose current boolean values I want to preserve but add additional length to the array? How can I achieve that? My code looks like this:
Dim Array() As Boolean
Dim ArrayInterimShort() As Boolean
ReDim Array(119)
View 9 Replies
May 10, 2011
I am trying to create a code where I placed sets of numbers in an array.I'll use a masktextbox to have the user enter the numbers to match what's in the array. If the user enters the number, ex: social, and the data is correct (matches the numbers in the array), something happens if the number entered in the masktextbox does not match any of the number sets in an array then another thing happens.The masktextbox so far only validates format and gets number only, however, I want the number entered to match whats in the array.
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Mar 30, 2009
Im trying to use a CheckboxList Control to Store Yes and No and i noted there its a property on the control
"Selection Mode" One/MultiSelect/MultiSelect Extended
i set One expecting it to allow only one item being select at the same time but it doesnt work as expected, my question is there its another property to achieve this without having to code the event?.
i could do it by coding the event but, im tired of coding stuff that really isnt needed, since there are routines for that on VB.NET.
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Apr 12, 2011
I am learning asp.net and needed to have a CheckBoxList which items will be initially selected if the are in a CSV string from a database.I have got it working although I just wondered if I have gone about it the best way as it seemed a little long winded?[code]
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Sep 17, 2009
Using a checkboxlist not a simple checkbox I need to select 1 checkbox otherwise display a error message in an label once I submit the form. My checkboxlist does generate correctly now I just need to validate it
'check checkboxlist
For Each ckbox In checkBoxCropsFertilzed.Items
If ckbox.Selected > 1 Then
lblErrorMessage.Text = "too many selected"
End If
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