Populating A Datagridview With Information From A Database?
Aug 15, 2011I am populating a datagridview with information from a database. One of the columns is a monetary amount. Right now my datagridview columns just show a double.
View 2 RepliesI am populating a datagridview with information from a database. One of the columns is a monetary amount. Right now my datagridview columns just show a double.
View 2 RepliesI need to be able to save data from a datagrid for recall later. The next day for instance. I dont want to use a database. I dont thing that using the user.config system is the right way.davidbell
View 12 RepliesI need to populate some information into several ComboBoxes. The infromation should be read from the table in my database. Is it possible to read the information and populate it onto a combobox without using data binding?
I tried to populate several ComboBoxes, but if I use databinding, the ComboBoxes all show the same value.Also, if I select a certain value, it also selects that row in the table, which I do not wish to do..
Im just pulling information from SQL and populating textboxes etc.My question is firstly i have an issue because i can figure out how to do it, and secondly is there an easier way of writing this.So my Issue, i wrote a function to connect to SQL and pull information back which is fine it fills DS(Dataset) and then i want to be able to assign the relevant information within the DS to the desired textboxes,
I am creating a reporting app that pulls information off of a Sql database and populates the data in a datagridview control (DVG). I am using tab pages (Tabcontrol), and I have about 10 tabs with within the control. What I have done is created a dynamic control that will populate in each tab page once the tab is selected. I am using a split container and in my split container.panel 1 is where all my buttons and search functionality will be. In my split container.panel2 to is where the main DGV control will be. I have got this to function properly, however now I am unable to add anything to my split container.panel1. I would like to add diffrent labels and buttons in the panel1 one without putting another panel on top of the split container.panel1, and also if i do this when I resize my container the panel will just sit there. I am using the selected index changed event to get my split container to show in each of the diffrent tabs
Private Sub searchTab_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles searchTab.SelectedIndexChanged
The program is currently trying to pull information from three different database tables and compiling the information onto one screen, to do this i am using three different connections and a function to handle the data at each stage. The issue is as my code hits PageLoadStage of "2" and runs the QueryDatabase() Function i am encountering an error of: "OleDB exception unhandled: No value given for one or more of the required parameters." This occurs on line 15 of the first code snippet. Can anyone explain this and/or identify any code issues if that is the cause.
I have a form which the datagridview will be built manually by reading in certain data from a text file (this is because the data in the text file will change periodically)The code is correctly adding the proper amount of rows but it is NOT putting the required values in the cells. Any thoughts?
in short not populating, below is the code i'm running with but it isn't loading. Newer to Datagridview so I know I'm missing something. The SQL import I've successfully done with a listbox and borrowed some of the code from that.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub gettournies()
Dim sqlconn As New SqlConnection
I have a DataGridView which reads data from a custom (CSLA) list object. The dataset might have 100,000 records, and obviously I don't want to show them all at once because, for one, it would take ages to load.I think it would be nice if I could read the first (for instance) 20 records, and make it so upon scrolling to the end of the list, it reads the next 20 and adds them to the DataGridView.
I have experimented with various ways of doing this, mostly using a custom class inheriting from DataGridView to capture scroll events and raising an event which adds new records. I will include the code below:
Public Class TestDGV
Inherits DataGridView
Public Sub New()
Though this (sort of) works, it can be buggy. The biggest problem was that if you used the mouse to scroll the DataGrid, it would get stuck in a loop as it process the scrollbar's ValueChanged event after the data was added. That's why I added ScrollbarOff and ScrollbarOn - I call them before and after getting new records, which disables the scrollbar temporarily.
The problem with that is that after the scrollbar is re-enabled, it doesn't keep track of the current mouse state, so if you hold down the 'Down' button with the mouse (or click on part of the scrollbar) it stops scrolling after it has added the new records, and you have to click it again.
Historically I used Tek-Tips for stuff like this but I can no longer access my account there and they do not respond to form based mail. Maybe they got tired of the questions too :-)
I am not a student. I manage a 'large' network. Every now and then I need to roll up something for a specific task. Most of the stuff I write only sees my desktop so neatness and originality are not an issue.My current 'project' is throttling back a few of my users disk storage. I am not allowed to implement Quota's (Server 2003 infrastructure) so I thought the next best thing would be a duplicate file report. I purchased Folder Sized 4 which is a beautiful product (I have used it since it's humble beginnings as Bullet Proof Folders). The end users claim that the filename and date checks are not enough to prove a duplicate. Enter my idea.
I have cobbled together a MD5 hash generator from a function found out on the web. Now I want to send the results to a datagridview instead of my current disk files.I has thought that I could access the rows & columns like dgv.row(x).column(x) = "strFile", dgv.row(x).column(y) = "strMD5"Nope, hunting through the available properties did not point me to any likely candidates.
Again, if this is not the place for questions of this nature please let me know. I am not a programmer, nor am I in training to be one. I just toss little things like this together when needed. Importing a CSV file into Excell is working, but it seems rather lame to be taking so many steps.
I have made a list of the objects that I need on the datagridview but how do I display my list items onto the grid? How can I make each of my list items populate on an individual rows?
View 2 RepliesI am using the below code to populate my combobox inside datagrid view; i got the code below from different source hoping that it will work;
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
I am trying to populate a datagridview from a .txt file but I dont know how I can do this.Text file will include data copied and pasted from excel. So the text separator will be tab.
View 3 RepliesI have a scenario. Database name my_db
Am Using an Untyped Dataset to populate a datagridview from Table_3. Issue is i really need to Show the 'ColumnStudentsName' from 'Table_1' that corresponds to 'Table_3'
I have an unbound DataGridView control that displays a few columns of account data. The first column is a combobox that I fill with data from a dataset of names filtered by what's in a customer field on the form. When you click on a combo on one of the populated rows, the available names come up in the combo. But if the first click in the datagridview is on a new row's combo, various (incorrect) names appear. Only after you click on one of the populated row's comboboxes, does the correct data appear in the new row's combobox control.
I don't really understand why this is happening. I have been using the EditingControlShowing event to populate and add the combo to the new row, but it doesn't seem to be working very well. I hope someone out there has some ideas about the correct way to do this.
[VB 2008]. I'm trying to populate a DataGridView based on information in the Items in a ListBox (specifically, the file names without hypens or file extensions) and the content of the actual files. The DataGridView is supposed to look something like this:
IDNon-Hyphenated File NameFile Data
1. Some fileThe sky is blue.
2. Another fileThe grass is green.
The Items in the ListBox (lstFiles) look like this:
What is happening is that the DataGridView is being populated, but it looks like this:
IDNon-Hyphenated File NameFile Data
1 Another fileThe grass is green.
2 Another fileThe grass is green.
It's adding the second file's information to the DataTable twice and not adding the first file's information at all.
Private Sub btnDoSomething_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnDoSomething.Click
Dim pattern As String = "([w:\w /]([a-zA-Z0-9-]+?).w+)"
Dim reg As Regex = New Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
Dim mat As Match
For Each Item In lstFiles.Items
[Code] .....
My windows application uses a webservice (sql server backend) and now I'm trying to create a new form that has a datagridview control on it and I'm uncertain how to set it's datasource. I'm using visual studio 2005 and I have little experience using the datagridview control. In my webservice, I started the code that will be the datasource - should i be returning a dataset? I know that this code isn't correct, but I'm not sure what it needs:
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function SetMyDataSource() As DataSet
Using DBConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(sConnectionString)
SetMyDataSource= Nothing
I am populating excel from a data grid view. Everything works fine except that header does not show in excel (just details).
Dim wapp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim wsheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet
Dim wbook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
wapp = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
wapp.Visible = True
[Code] .....
I am trying to populate a datagridview with the content of a text file.
the text file contents are as follows:
I get no error while building the project. The textline variables are being populated correctly.
I've got a window with multiple datagridviews. Each with data from a separate dataTable. All of which are part of the same DataSet. There are a couple of places where one DataTable has a field joined with the lookup dataTable from the dataset. For example a lookup table for LugSizes has a field called LugSize that is also it's primary key. Another table called Device Terminations has a field called LugSize to which the user can only select those values from the LugSize lookup table. I thought it would be as simple as using the Items.Add method for the combobox column whenever a new lookup table row was added to its own datagridview. Unfortunately, when I try to initially clear the items list, the data error event is triggered for every row.
Here's a sample of my code if it helps:
Private Sub FillLugSizeComboBox()
If colDTLugSize.Items.Count > 0 Then colDTLugSize.Items.Clear()
I have a form with a DataGridView and ComboBox, both of which are populated with data from an Excel spreadsheet, the source is unbound. My problem is in repopulating the DataGridView with data from another worksheet in the same Excel file when the user selects the corresponding value from the ComboBox. For example if they were to select January from the ComboBox then the DataGridView would load in and display the data contained on say Sheet2, selecting February would load Sheet 3 and so on. I am running Visual Studio 2008.
View 6 RepliesI've been playing with a DGV. Let's say for my question here, I want a grid that is 10x10. I would like the font in each cell to be Arial 10 regular. Only one character will be in each cell (I'll use "M"). I would LIKE the cells to be 17 pixels by 17 pixels. But, if I manually force the column width to be 17, I get about half of my M and three dots "M...". I'm thinking this is a padding thing but as far as I can tell, everything is set to 0. See code and then more comments below:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
With DataGridView1
Question 1: How can I reclaim some of what seems to be lost space around the cell contents so I don't have to make them bigger than they need to be? I'd like them to be 17x17 with the single character centered within.
Question 2: Do I have to manually set the height and width of each row and column? I'm thinking the RowTemplate setting but can't seem to get it to work.
FYI: This is a new project with a DGV dragged onto the form. All changes have been made programatically.
I am getting an overflow somewhere while populating my database.The number of records inserted is different every time I get the error and I have been unable to trace where it is coming from.
View 7 RepliesSo i have some data in an 1 dimensional array, is it possible to dump this data into a database?
View 4 RepliesI am trying to populate listview with the code below:
Public constr As String = "Data Source=adesina-pc;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Integrated Security=True"
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
how to populate my listview using database.
View 2 RepliesI need to populate values from a database(Access) in to vb.net form. after selecting a field from first form, the next form should display all the parameters used in the selected field from the data base. Also if do editing it should be updated in the database.
View 4 RepliesI want to create a 2 dimensional array and populate it with data from database. I wrote this following code.I made some mistakes here with the arrays.
I have a database that has tables in it. Tables can be added to this databse programatically as well as the data that needs to be in those tables.I need to be able to query that database to get what tables are in it, place the names of those tables into a listbox so that when a user clicks on the name of the table, It will update a DataGridview with the data that is in that table in the database.I assume that you would need to build a dataset at runtime based off of what tables are in the DB, but i have no idea how to do this.
View 2 RepliesI am populating a collection from some tables in the database which serves as a look-up from controls (combobox) I am using but what I want is rather than hitting the database each time can I just cache the collection and get the collection from the cache? The look-up table may or may not change all the time so I would want to have a way to validate if the cached collection is still valid or not.
View 2 Replies