I've made a program in VB 2008, but when i tried to run it on my other computer (XP Home Premium x86) a error appeard.It says: "Retrieving the COM class factory component with CLSID {D6BCA079-F91C-4EIE-B453-32A0477D02E3} failed due the following error: 800736b1".I tried the program on my third computer (Vista Ultimate x64) to see if it worked, but the same error appeard : What should i do?
I went to ConfigurationManager -> Active solution platform and tried to change it to x86, but no difference :(
This would be easier if I were able to have the external computer get its own name and just pass it to a web service as a variable, but I'm not able to do that right now. There are a variable number of computers from several different entities that regurarly access a web service on one of our servers. Changing only some VB.Net code on the server and nothing at all on any of those external computers, how would I be able to get their names programmatically in VB.Net?
I am moving from vb6 to vs2010. I installed vs2010 but no vb program, even the simplest will run. As soon as I load a solution either vshost32.exe or vshost32-clr.exe will shut down.If I create a vb application, even with just a form, a button, it will not run but will exit with the following.
'WindowsApplication1.exe' (Managed (v2.0.50727)): Loaded 'C:WINDOWSassemblyGAC_32mscorlib2.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089mscorlib.dll' The program '[3000] WindowsApplication1.exe: Managed (v2.0.50727)' has exited with code -2146233082 (0x80131506).
If I create an exe it will run on other computers but not mine, exe's that are created on other computers will run there but not on mine, so it doesn't seem to be a vs2010 problem but something else. I removed and reinstalled .net framework, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5 but that didn't help either. Since exe's that I create will run on other computers but not mine, I suspect it's .net framework but other than uninstalling and reinstalling it, I have no idea what to check.
We have created our program in vb and we have a connection to a database as well, but we tried to run the program on other computer using VB it does not work it shows an error message because the data base has different path in my computer so if I run the program on other PCs it will not work.
on an xp computer .. i used vb-2008 professional to create a program i then used the (setup-wizard) to create the files and folders to deploy the program on a CD.i followed the walkthrough documentations on how to use the (setup-wizard) .. but when i install the program on a different xp machine .. i get the following message:
** the feature you are trying to use is on the cd ** ** an installation package for (setup1.msi) can not be found **
here are the steps i took to create the deployment setup files:
.. i added a (setup-project) to my solution .. called (setup1). .. on the (choose-project-output-to-include) screen of the (setup-wizard) .. .. i selected .. (primary-output-from-MyProgram).
I have been working on a program on my old computer. Now, I have gotten a new computer and would like to continue to work on it there. The program is not yet finished. I would like to copy my program to my new computer. How can I do this? I tried copying the folder from my old computer to my new one and it opened the project, but I could not edit it as there was no permission given to edit it. It shows it as a read-only.
I have written a program using Visual Studio 8 that simulates engine balancing. To simualte the forces I have used teechart, and have also programmed a genetic algorithm to optimise the system. However, I have just reformatted my computer, and now I cant get the program to run. I can access the code (in Form1.vb) and there are no problems, but 2 errors, and 5 warnings exist in Form1.Designer.vb.
The errors codes are: 'Type AxMSFlexGridlib.AxMSFlexGrid is not defined' 'Type AxMSFlexGridlib.AxMSFlexGrid is not defined'
Is it possible if I want make my program only work for certain computer user?
Means the program will check the current system user... and If the user is allow by the program... the program will Run...and If the user not allow by the program the program will display Message..."You are NOT ALLOW to use this program" and the program will close.
At college we run 32 bit computers and at home i build my programs to bring in but i have a 64 bit computer, i need to know if theres a way so it builds and saves the program as a 32 bit on a 64 bit computer.
i was wondering if it is possible to changed the background of the actual computer desktop. i've searched, but all i can find is how to change the background of the form.
I have a major problem, I took a class in VB, to get into my Computer Science Bach. Program and I am so far behind in VB, is there anyone who is willing.I just want to pass this class, so I can get my Bachlors and transfer to a University.. If there is anyone willing to help me please please please give me a message, you can either email me @ {email removed} ; MSN Messenger is {msn removed} or my AIM SN is {aim removed}
I'd like to make sure that a program could run on a specific computer and get information like pc's identity. This way it won't be possible to run on another computer.
i want to make my program to where when you install it, it will automatically start up with your computer everytime, but will start up in the background to where you can't see it....is this possible?
how to add an application from my computer into my program. Do I add it as a resource or a reference? #2-How can I start that application in vb from a button? This is what I tried: (a button's code)
Im trying to launch a program from any computer by using Application.StartupPath & "firefox.exe", but i cat get it to open , heres what im using atm.[code]I dont wanna use the full path names as they may be different on other computers, i know Firefox and IE etc will be the same , but im loooking to open any program regardless of its location.
I am a programmer Mtbdy in Visual Basic Dot Net I want to ask a question What are the files that must be packed on to run the program in each computer?
I have a program that needs to access the files that are open by another program on the computer.When my application comes up I can easily see if the other application is running with the .net Process.GetProcessesByName method
Dim MyProcesses() as Process = GetProcessesByName("AnApplication") For Each Instance as Process in MyProcesses If MsgBox("application is running - do you want to end it?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo or MsgBoxStyle.Question, "Warning") = MsgBoxResult.Yes then
The problem is that the Instance.Kill does not allow the application to end gracefully. In VB6 you could use the SendMessage API to send a close message to the application and it would end gracefully - i.e. give the user the normal closing prompt. This just slays the application - leaving any open files in their potentially incomplete state, etc.
I'm making a simple app that checks if Windows Media Center is open, if it is open and the program receives the close command from windows, make my application shut down the computer. I was wondering if this was the most efficient way of doing this: