Proper Syntax For Importing The VB6 Compatibility In .net?

Apr 22, 2011

Anyone know the proper syntax for importing the VB6 Compatibility in .net?


Imports VB6 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6

Doesn't seem to work anymore.

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Benefit Of Isolating Win32 API Functions In A Single Module - Syntax And X32/x64 Compatibility

May 13, 2012

In developing a Windows Forms application (VS2010/VB) with several dozen classes and modules, I seem to have incorporated a variety of Win32 API function variations throughout my application, some of which seem to be duplicative/redundant. For improved code


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VS 2008 Proper Syntax To DELETE?

Dec 21, 2010

Is this the correct syntax to delete a record from a dataset? [code]

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Can't Get The Proper Syntax OfUpdating An Access Database

Jul 17, 2009

i did the following code:


but it does not work.... where is my mistake in the above code?

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Proper Syntax For Comm Port Comunication

Dec 31, 2009

Now I know whats going to happen, I will post a request for code syntax and one of the admins is going to say that I need to post the code I already have. The code I already have is irrelevant to what i wish to do. So, continuing on; I have a micro controller that i wish to send commands to it in HEX data type. Communication is via the serial port RS232. (well technically its through the USB to serial converter)Steps:

1) Sending a "001" tells the micro controller to await instructions as to what to set the duty cycle to

2) The data that follows i.e." 050, 010, 185 " will be added to 400 (by the micro controller) to come up with a duty cycle based on a 10 bit resolution of 0-1024. I am only going to be using the range of 401- ~500.

I can communicate with the micro controller via hyper terminal. Using the Alt + #keys method I can transmit data to the micro controller, and this is what i with to do with[code]

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.net - Proper Syntax For LINQ Query Selecting Only Certain Columns?

Sep 13, 2011

What is the proper syntax for this:

Dim qry As <??> = From f In dirInfo.GetFiles("*.QBW") Select File = f.FullName, Include = True
Dim dt As DataTable = qry.CopyToDataTable()

I tried as "IEnumerable(Of DataRow)" but that didn't work. At runtime it said:

Unable to cast object of type
to type

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What Would Be Proper Syntax To Define A Font Size In Code

May 16, 2010

TextBox1.font.size = "8".Gives me an error.... what would be the proper syntax to define a font size in code.yes I know it can be changed in the properties but I need to know to change it in code too..

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VS 2008 Proper Syntax To Identify A Text Document For SAVEAS Method?

Dec 10, 2009

Using Excel Automation classes I am seeking to save an Excel file as a delimited text file. The examples given in the MSDN library refer to versions older than Express 2008 with (apparently) different syntax options for FileFormat.Based on the snippet shown, I get a COM exception error (800A03EC). Other variations produce the same error.

Am I improperly applying the Automation features?
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop


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Error BC30464: Namespace Or Type'Compatibility' In The Project-level Imports 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility' Cannot Be Found

Jan 16, 2009

I've started to use a Vista machine for development. In case it is significant: I'm using MSBee so that I can code in the Visual Studio 2005 IDE while still building against the 1.1 framework.On the Vista machine, when I tried to build a particular vb project, I got this error:

error BC30464: Namespace or type'Compatibility' in the project-level Imports 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility' cannot be found.

The same project built fine on my old XP machine. I checked in this folder on my Vista machine:


...and sure enough, "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll" was missing. So was "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll". Copying them from my XP machine to my Vista machine allowed me to build the project successfully.I'm just a bit puzzled as to why this happened. Why was "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll" missing? I'm also not very comfortable with my chosen solution - copying the DLL manually. It works, but surely there must be a better way.

As far as the configuration:

.Net Framework 1.1
.Net Framework 1.1 SP1
.Net Framework 1.1 SDK


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ActX Compatibility WITHIN .NET App?

Dec 13, 2011

I havnt found any info on this, probably because I expect there is no real way to do it... but does anyone know if there is a way to run an ActiveX control in 'copatibility mode' or some sort ov virtualization WITHIN a .net app?

We have a legacy control that does not work in Vista (and up) If we set the whole app to WinXP SP2 compatibility mode, the control seems to work well enough.

I would like to be able to rig it so we don't need to manually set that on every system.

My next step is to start looking if we can just set the compatibility through install, or the app itself.

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VB 6 Compatibility With Windows 7

Nov 4, 2009

Am I still able to develop programs in Visual Basic 6 that will run easily under Windows 7? If no then must I convert to VB.NET? Are there other strategies?

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VB 6.0 Future Compatibility

Apr 7, 2010

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form2
Dim Conn As OleDbConnection

this is my codes in vb?I am thinking what is the error in this code?because everytime I execute this There is an error appearing in this part OleA.Fill (DSSearch, 0) it says that "No value given for one or more required parameters." so, what should i need to do?

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VB Compatibility With Windows 7 64 Bit

May 17, 2010

I have a small application I wrote in VB with visual studio express. This app uses a timer tick to wait for a certin time, the opens several comm ports, reads data, creates an output string, an sends the string via email. I tested this app for several days
on a windows 7 32 bit machine, with no problems. I compiled (published) the program, and am attempting to run it on a windows 7 64 bit machine. However, on the 64 bit machine, it freezes up and can only be stopped with Task Manager.

at the time the app hangs the only things going on are 1. a timer checking to see if it's time to read the comm ports. and 2. a background thread checkig to see if the internet is available to email the string.

I tried ;loading visual studio on the 64 bit machine, and compiling the app there, with the same result. However it seems to run (tested for 1 hour) in debug on the 64 bit machine.

Has anyone noticed anything like this? any ideas?

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Syntax/Command Trying To Implement Syntax Highlighting In RichTextBox?

Oct 12, 2011

I am having an issue trying to figure this out. I am writing a script editor that uses tabs (a tab control) and I want to implement syntax highlighting. My issue is that every sample I can find on syntax highlighting uses

Private Sub RichTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.TextChanged

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How To Make Compatibility Of Software

Jul 26, 2011

have developed software in with xp.will it work on win vista and win 7 ?

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Office 2007 VBA Compatibility?

Dec 28, 2010

I have an Excel file endowed with a macro written under Office-2007.This file can be opened by Excel-2003, but the macro can't run because 2007-objects can't be recognized.My question is: does it exist a library or some trick to allow the macro running under Office-2003?

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VS .NET 2008-SQL Backwards Compatibility?

Nov 27, 2009

Was just wondering, is VS .NET 2008 compatible with SQL Server 2000?

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VS 2005 .NET Assembly With COM Compatibility?

Sep 8, 2009

I have . VB.NET DLL that I have made COM visible and it works fine.However, I've now added another class which I also want to expose to COM but I am now getting an erro when I build it:


Error1The assembly {...} could not be converted to a type library. Type library exporter encountered an error while processing 'TOPSMileageLookup.JobMileage, TOPSMileageLookup'. Error: Type 'JobMileage' and type 'Job' both have the same UUID.

JobMileage is the name of the original class I had that is COM visible and it worked fine when it was on it's own. Job is the name of the new class.Now, the obvious suspician is that I have copied over my COM GUID's but I can assure you that they are most certainly different. But what else could it be?

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Compatibility Between The 32-bit And 64-bit Versions Software Of .net2010?

Oct 25, 2011

Compatibility Between the 32-bit and 64-bit Versions software of .net2010

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Compatibility Mode Required To Run Program

May 16, 2012

I have several executable files that make up a full .NET application. One of the .net applications downloads a new version of the software, exits the main application, makes file changes directly inside of the c:program filesmy application area directly. I install this application using Installaware and it is code signed and verified with godaddy, so it gets around the antivirus programs. This has been running for a long time, and I never put too much thought into what security levels are allowed to directly access the files in this area, because it always seemed to worked perfectly in Win7, Vista and XP.

Now I have created a virtual machine, one inside Windows, and then one inside Parallels on a Mac. In these two virtual machines, the executable file that installs a new version of the software only works properly if I choose the two options on the compatibility tab in Windows, "Run this program as an administrator" and "Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows 7". Now I have found this article: [URL]. This even let me set up my registry settings in the set up of my program so that one specific exe will just run properly. I am concerned about just patching something this way.

With Visual Studio running in the virtual machines, the code executes perfectly. When I run the executable that I JUST COMPILED from Visual Studio, that executable will only run properly with the choices stated above, or more specifically, this registry setting:
"c:\program files\onespot\onespotinstall.exe"="WIN7RTM RUNASADMIN"

The exact same PC that has been mirrored onto these virtual machines works fine. It has been impossible to troubleshoot where the problem lies. The line of code that gets executed to EXIT the main program finds the process, and does a gentle shut down. That works fine. Even testing inside that application works fine. But I never can get a return from the Process.Start line. Narrowing down to a line of code is not working.

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Detect Whether IIS 6.0 Metabase Compatibility Is Installed?

Feb 17, 2011

I have built a web setup project using VS 2008, wherein I need to check whether IIS 6.0 Metabase compatibility is installed. I tried it by accessing registry keys specifed in here in custom actions. But when I run the installer, I the key comes out to be blank irrespective of whether metabase compatibility is installed.

To further check the problem, I created a Console app to access the same keys. When I run it on win7, the app fails. Then, I ran it in WinXP SP3 compatibility mode and it ran perfectly.

I am open to other bullet-proof means of detecting whether IIS 6.0 Metabase compatibility is installed

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Operator Overloading In Getting Some Kind Of Compatibility?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm working together with someone on a project, but I'm writing code in VB.Net, and hes coding in VC++. I'm trying to get some kind of compatability going on, so I'm putting my support classes into a VB dll. I've tested it a little, and it seems that all of the functions work, but the operator overloading that I did in VB doesnt seem to carry over to C++.

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VS 2008 Compatibility Of Crystal 2011 .net?

Jan 19, 2012

Anyone using Crystal reports 2011 with VB.Net 2008 Pro? my work is willing to buy this but I just want to make sure it will work, the dynamic as opposed to static query values is what interests me about it.

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VS 2008 Win.7 Program Compatibility Dialog?

Jul 8, 2010

I've made a program which runs smoothly on XP and also on Windows 7.But after installing it on a windows 7 machine, windows 7 immediatly shows another dialog box of the program compatibility assistent stating:(translating from Dutch, so forgive any mis-translations )

'This program may not have been installed correctly.If this program is not correctly installed, you can try to reinstall the program with compatible configuration of this version of windows.'You than have the option to reinstall the program with the advised compatible settings (?) or choose 'this program is correctly installed'.

If you choose 'reinstall with adviced compatible settings', windows 7 installs the program with 'windows XP, SP2' settings.My program uses only an access database and an internet connetion. Nothing fancy, exotic, registry items or something else.

For writing permission on the database (also win.7), I install the program in 'all users/app data', and not in 'Program Files'. I can't find anything usefull on google,

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VS 2010 .NET Framework Backwards Compatibility?

Jan 30, 2012

I have made an application with VS2010, meaning it requires .NET framework 4 to run properly.If the program is ran on a machine with .NET framework 3.5, it returns an error stating I should install 4.

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What Pillars Should Be Used To Determine Machine OS Compatibility

Jul 4, 2011

What minimum pillars of a machine (in terms of specifications) can be used to determine its compatibility with an OS? My software currently calculates processor speed, RAM, Hardrive space and graphics card version to determine a PC's compatibility with a specified OS. What other specs would you recommend?

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Add Older Versions Compatibility Of Framework To Project?

Aug 16, 2010

I made a small program which i have sent to all users in my network. Unfortunately i forgot about older versions of framework.

Is there a quick and easy way to add older versions compatibility of framework to my project?

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Algorithm For Star Sign Compatibility Lookup

Jul 28, 2010

I'm using VB.NET but any other known language should be fine as long as it uses basic features. My task is to create astrological compatibility chart, when two users have certain astrological sign as inputs and there is a text about those signs compatibility. for those who are unaware of astrological signs but still want to help, there are 12 signs. Each sign has different compatibility with other sign or itself. So basically i get into 12^2-12 conditions. ie. Aries with Cancer "do not match at all" so I can save one record of that issue as backwards it is the same (thus -12 at the end). Question is simple is there any other way to create this except of using 12^2-12 case issues...


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C# - .NET Outlook Automation - Ensuring Future Compatibility

Jul 12, 2010

I'm automating some outlook functionality in a .NET app. It works great. I am compiling it and using v of the Outlook Interop assembly. My code should work on any version of Outlook so it seems silly to have to bind it to a specific version. Is it possible to use reflection to do this instead of compiling a reference? Are the interop assemblies on PC's by default that have Office installed anyway or do I need to include them with my application?


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C# - Check Whether IIS 6 Management Compatibility Feature Has Been Installed?

Apr 23, 2010

Using either VB.NET, C#, or VBScript, how can I check if the IIS 6 Management Compatibility feature and its subfeatures have been installed on a machine running IIS 7.x?

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