Protect My Assemblies With Dotfuscator Community Edition?

Nov 12, 2010

I would like to protect my assemblies with Dotfuscator Community Edition I have a setup project that builds an MSI installer. I was wondering if theres any way to include this into my project so that when I build my solution Dotfuscator Community Edition automatically protects the assemblies

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How Useful Is Dotfuscator Free Community Edition

Jan 14, 2010

how useful is dotfuscator free community edition? I applied it on my application and then checked the assembly using the Red Gate's .net reflector. It seems dotfuscator just changed the names of modules,classes and functions. once you know where to look( module or the class) , code was pretty much visible.Basically I want to secure my .net applications and to prevent them from being disassembled in to meaning-full code.

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C# - Protect Exe Through Dotfuscator In Vs2008 By Post Build Option

Aug 23, 2011

I am new to Dotfuscator. I want to protect my .exe file through dotfuscator in visual studio2008 using post build option.But I am unable to do this ok,I am using the command


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IDE :: Where Is The Dotfuscator In VB 2010

May 16, 2011

I have been using Dotfuscator for years with VB 2005 without a problem. I remember, vaguely, that it first came with a very simply one that we can upgrade to Community Edition without any cost (which I did). And once it is updated, it is pretty simple to do in my VB 2005. First I build the project as usual, then I make a new Dotfuscated Project from New Project Menu (which the Community Edition automatically add itself to, in VB 2005). I can't find the Dotfuscator at all. While, in the Pre-Emptive website, it is said that it is included free in Visual Studio 2010. How can I dotfuscate my project in VB 2010?

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Casting After Obfuscation With Dotfuscator?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm trying to obfuscate some VB.NET 2003 app.The resulting assemblyes are obfuscated and "run" with some errors.I cleaned all potential reflection problems, but I'm not being able to read the selected value of a combobox.

I load the Combobox using their Datasource properties, using a collection of "VTPair" (a class created by me with 2 properties: one of string type and other of object type to store the value)

This combobox handle pairs like "Male | M" or "Female | F".When trying to see what is selected, I use if mycombo1.SelectedValue = "M" then.This code, after obfuscation, throws me an exception that cannot cast type "XX" to string "M".

So, I changed the code to something more correct, explicitly casting the selected value to String:

if ctype(mycombo1.SelectedValue,string) = "M" then But the error is the same.Debugin my original code, the SelectedValue property is of type "Object" but it is a string.I tried using the ComboBox.SelectedItem property that is also an object but this time what is inside is of type "VTPair" (my own class) and then trying to access its "Value" property (which is of type Object) and trying to cast to string fails again.

Does anyone have an idea to "translate" this piece of code to work OK after Dotfucate it?

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Encrypt The VB2008 Code With Dotfuscator

Jun 16, 2009

I have forgotten the right procedure to encrypt the VB2008 code with dotfuscator community edition, may you explain the way to use it (the dotfuscator) step by step?

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VS 2010 Packaging A Dotfuscator Assembly?

Mar 17, 2011

I have developed an app and an installer for it and everything works fine. I now feel I should add a bit of obfuscation to the code before it gets released into the wild. VS2010 comes with the CE edition of dotfuscator so I've run it and it produced an .exe in a 'Dotfuscated' folder. Do I just replace all four 'Primary output from. custom actions with the assembly from the Dotfuscator folder or am I missing something?

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VS 2008 Handle Word And Excel Files With Edition Or The Professional Edition Is Required?

Mar 16, 2010

Since I am new to VB .NET , I would like to ask some general questions about it . Here we go :


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[2008] Dotfuscator Breaks Resource Stream?

Feb 3, 2009

When I use Dotfuscator Enhanced Community Edition to dotfuscate one of my programs, it breaks the part of my program that takes an ebmbedded GZIP file and decompresses it to a normal stream which is then written to a file. Here is the code that dies:

Dim Stream As New GZipStream(Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(MyNameSpace & "." & EmbeddedResource), CompressionMode.Decompress)

I did some investigating by putting in messagebox outputs of the variables and it seems the reason it dies is because MyNameSpace is a blank string. This global variable is defined early on in the program as such:

Public MyNameSpace As String = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().EntryPoint.DeclaringType.Namespace()

So what I need is either another way of accessing the root namespace, another way of getting to an ebmbedded resource or a way to make Dotfuscator not destroy that namespace. I did think about using My.Resources.... but the problem with that is that I can't pass the string "EmbeddedResource" to the subroutine - I'd have to do the files all in individual lines I think.Also, a side question: The only enhancement I can ever find with the Enhanced edition of Dotfuscator is "Deep Visual Studio Integration" but I cannot see any evidence of this. I mean there's a button in the Tools menu to start Dotfuscator but that's not what I'd call "deep integration". I assumed it meant you could tell it to automatically dotfuscate when compiling but I can't find any documentation on how to do this.

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Community Forums NNTP Bridge?

Jun 9, 2010

I decided that before I can fully and effectively criticize this monstrosity , I needed to take in the full view of it. So I went and installed the Community Forums NNTP bridge,availableSeems to be working.

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Community Server Library - Deleting A User?

Oct 9, 2009

I have been asked to fix a Community Server forum where thousands of users were created via a script. All of their profile pages are SEOspam for prescription drugs, etc. The forum was not using email verification or admin approval for newly registered users. I turned on the latter for now, but captcha would be nice.

My problem is that it is very cumbersome to mass delete these accounts. I set up a .net grid (Telerik Radgrid actually) so that I could mass select users and click delete. However the following code does not seem to be working (mind the VB nubbery):

Protected Sub rgUsers_NeedDataSource(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs) Handles rgUsers.NeedDataSource
rgUsers.DataSource = Users.GetUsers().Users()
End Sub


The UserDeleteStatus result returns 'Success', however the user is not actually deleted. Am i using the correct delete function?

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Why Can't A Government Employee Be A Microsoft Community Contributor

Jul 14, 2011

On Tuesday, 28th June 2011, I received an email from Nestor Portillo, Director Community and Online Support, Microsoft informing me that I have been awarded the Microsoft Community Contributor (MCC) Award for 2011. It was a cheering news for me in more ways than one. I am a Chartered Accountant (or CPA) with no formal training in IT. I am a government employee in Nigeria where most people are barely IT literate. I am into programming out of personnal interest and because I see a great potential for future benefits in that field.

But my joy was cut short because as I followed the steps towards printing my Certificate and redeeming my token, I was informed that government employees are not eligible for MCC award! For once, I regretted the honesty of admitting that I'm a government employee in the radiobutton provided for that. I find it too hard to understand why I am being denied this award just because I'm a government employee. If being a government employee does not disqualify one from participating in this forum, why should it disqualify one from benefitting from the token recognition of being here and sharing ideas and knowledge with others? Shouldn't Microsoft be encouraging government employees to take part in this forum knowing that public servants are the least interested in IT? For those of us in Africa, shouldn't my recognition serve as an incentive for others in government to show interest in IT? Or is Microsoft not interested in IT education and development of government employees especially in Africa?

I forwarded a protest letter to Portillo on the 30th of June 2011 but have not received any reply two weeks later. I am using this medium to appeal to Microsoft to kindly reconsider the exclussion of government employees from its awards. I am not in any way involed with any activity that may create conflict of interest if that is the issue. I am also appealling to other forum members to join this debate with a view to reversing this patently discriminatory and obnoxious rule.

Sylva Okolieaboh
14th July, 2011.

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Open Challenge To Vb Community Reading Grib Files

Nov 25, 2009

I have looked everywhere on this but do not know anyone who have accomplished it so far that is how to read values from a grib (gridded binary) file. Below is a link for Environment Canada where they store the forecast values in grib format. These file can be opened using tools like wget but is nowhere close in reading the data values from the file itself.url...

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Open Challenge To Vb Community: Reading Grib Files?

Mar 17, 2010

I currently have a program that I made which opens other apps packaged with an installer. I have set the installer to install everything to the Program Files folder. However, not all computers have a C: hard drive. I have a way in which they can enter their drive letter in one form then in the next form it remembers the drive and will take them to the program. The problem is my program stores the drive letter in an xml file. On the startup of the program it looks in the xml file to find the drive letter, if there is no drive letter the form opens then lets the user set his drive letter. The xml file is stored in the folder "Math Wizard" in the Program Files folder. But if not all

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VS 2010 Making A Online Community Program Thigie

Mar 2, 2010

I started working on a big project for like 5 mins ago. Then suddenly I figgerd out that I don't know (AT ALL) how to make a program that can:

- Connect up to a server (which will be my secound computer)
- Chat
- Make groups
- Etc

the login system is simple but the client server thing is another story.So basicly what im asking about is: How can I make a program that connects to a server (this should not be local).

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IDE :: Creating Data Entry System For Local Community Group?

May 14, 2011

I am trying to create a data entry system for a local community group. I am working with VB.NET 2010 and MSAcess 2000. I am completely new to using a DB in VB.Net. I have created a form with the membership table bound as details on the form and the classes they are attending as a DataGridView. I used all the Visual Studio GUI tools for this. It was reasonably straightforward once I got the hang of things. My problems arise when I try to ensure that a user cannot move to a new record or create a new member without first saving any changes they have made.

I am using ColumnChanging events in the ...DataSet.vb class to set flags to indicate whether any data values have been changed on the form. My problem is that the ColumnChanging events for the classes DGV fire immediately on changing the data whereas the ones for the member details don't fire until I start to move to a new record. I don't know if it is important but my member navigation is achieved by means of a combobox on the form that lists the member names from the table. I have absolutely no idea why this works - it just did; the form updates as soon as the user selects a new member in the combo box.

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C# - What Is The "official" Place For Community Support For The Mere Mortals .NET Framework

Jun 14, 2010

My team is using the Mere Mortals .NET framework from Oak Leaf. Being used to working with primarily open source software, I found it excruciatingly painful to find ANY community support for MM.NET. When I asked if there was any, the only place I was given to look for support was Universal Thread, which is a site which requires a membership for search on archived questions. It seems like a third party, pay-for site should not be the primary source of support for anything like this, especially MM.NET which costs $700 per developer. It doesn't seem to me like an entire community around MM.NET would choose to all pay on top of the license just to use a forum. If not Universal Thread, then what is the "official" place to find support for the Mere Mortals .NET framework?

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How To Assemble Assemblies

Jun 13, 2011

In my .aspx file I have:

<%@ assembly src="extensions.vb" %>
<%@ assembly src="debug.vb" %>


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.net - Stop Looking For Assemblies In GAC?

Sep 20, 2011

I have started working on a legacy project (ASP.NET 1.1) which was done in an old machine (which I dont have access to). And I am unaware of the development environment settings used for building this project.

Nonetheless, I am able to build the project and deploy it all well from my machine (I created the full development enviroment locally). In my machine everything works great.But some screens where one of the assembly dlls (third party dlls) are used do crash on any machine other than mine! They probably do net get the proper assembly (with matching version or something), even though when I have put all the assemblies in bin (and used the same files while adding references to the project). .NET runtime probably tries to find them in the GAC of the other computers? Or probably in my system itself it loads from GAC and not from the bin? How could I know all this? The question is it runs perfectly fine on my machine, where the assemblies are at both places - in bin and in GAC.

I am lost what I should do to so that no matter which machine I deploy the project, it should always look in bin only! Also, I dont want to change the code in any way because its a legacy code and has been working all right since ages! Just some settings e.g. maching.config or soemthing?

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C# - Get Assemblies Without Instantiating Them?

Mar 30, 2012

I am trying to get all assemblies in CurrentDomain using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() to write their FullName into a DropDownList, however if I don't instantiate them, they are not seen in returned array from GetAssemblies() in CurrentDomain.They are all added as Reference and in Reference folder of the solution. Only time I can get them from the GetAssemblies() is when I first instantiate them.How to overcome this problem with an easy and more generic way instead of instantiate them everytime when I add new Assembly, etc.Due to company policy, I have to obfuscate some parts of the images: All the assembilies are referenced in Reference folder:

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Assemblies Not Being Loaded Properly?

Sep 19, 2009

I have a windows forms Application using DCOM to connect to another server in order to retrieve data from a database. The program works perfectly fine on my develeopment box both inside of and outside of the idea.However it throws an exception on my test box: System.Exception.... TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY. The error happens when accessing a property of on the the public DCOM classes. The property holds an instance of one of the private classes for the DCOM. I've compared the registries and all the relevant entries seem to be the same. When I compared the dumps I noticed that System.Config and System.XML werent loaded on the test machine, even though they are installed and appear to be in the GAC.


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C# - Compare Compiled .NET Assemblies?

Mar 16, 2009

compare to compile .NET assemblies?

For example I have HelloWorld.dll ( and HelloWorld.dll (, and I want to compare differences how can I do this?

I know I can use .NET Reflector and use the Assembly Diff plugin. Are there any other good tools out there to do this?

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C# - Dynamically Loading .NET Assemblies?

May 25, 2009

I am writing a program and I want the program to support plugins. I created an interface that the program must implement. I am using the following code from my main program to call the plugin:

Dim asm As Assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(ff.FullName)
' Get the type
Dim myType As System.Type = asm.GetType(asm.GetName.Name + "." + asm.GetName.Name)
' If the type is null then we try again without the root namespace name


I set this property from my main program and everything works. Except, after a while, m_PanelObject gets set to Nothing for some odd reason. I'm not setting it to Nothing anywhere in my program and there is no place in the plugin code that sets it to Nothing.

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C# - Dynamically Loading Assemblies In .NET?

May 24, 2010

We've built a small component which takes an Id, looks up an entry in the database for an assembly/namespace/class, and dynamically loads an instance of the class that we're after. It has been working fine up until now, but when running this code in VS 2010, it's failing.

Private Function AssemblyLoaded(ByVal assemblyFile As String) As Assembly
Dim assemblies() As Assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies
For Each asmb As Assembly In assemblies


But it feels dirty. Is there a better way of checking if an assembly is already loaded, and handing that back to the caller? Are the issues above specific to .NET 4.0 or Visual Studio 2010? I haven't tried this outside the IDE as it requires fairly significant configuration.

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Dynamic Assemblies Loading?

Dec 22, 2009

Do you know any other alternative for dynamic assemblies loading? Other than the method below:


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Install Assemblies In The Gac Without The Gacutil?

Jul 18, 2010

I'm deploying a vb 2005 application that references crystal report XI release 2 components. How do i install these components to the gac? The client machine does not have gacutil and i don't know how to use msi to do the job. I have researched the web for answers without success.

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.net - Extension Methods In Referenced Assemblies?

Sep 16, 2010

If I try to call my extension method which is defined like this:

Module LinqExtensions
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function ToSortableBindingList(Of TSource)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of TSource))


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Assemblies - Building An Object Browser ?

Dec 18, 2011

I thought I would practice using reflection by building an Object Browser similar to what's in VS2010.

The reflection part is easy enough, but I'm can't find any means of determining where all of the assemblies are installed. On my machine (Win 7) the GAC would seem to be located at C:Windowsassembly.

However, 4.0 assemblies look to be located at C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETassembly in either GAC_32 or GAC_MSIL.

VS Object Browser obviously knows where to look, you can even filter on "All Components" or select a framework version.

But when I look at the Object Browser in VS, I find that it lists assemblies from several different locations: For example...


How does VS know to list these assemblies? Is there some registry key I'm missing that defines all of these locations?

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C# - Strong Named Assemblies In Winforms

Feb 1, 2010

Ok, I've read every question on here about strong named assemblies and just want to clarify something. First though, from what I've read, GAC aside, strong named assemblies prevent a malicious 3rd party changing and impersonating your code. It'd be great to have some links to some real world examples of this kind of spoofing that happened pre strong named assemblies. If security or the GAC are not a concern, It seems that it's still advisable to strong name assemblies because:

(A) Clients who have strong named assemblies can only reference your assemblies if they are signed.

(B) Clients who do not have strong named assemblies can reference your assembly whether it's signed or not.

Is that a fair analysis?

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Dynamically Referenced Assemblies And VBCodeProvider?

Mar 17, 2010

We have a large application that implements "scripting" (i.e, dynamically compiled user code that can include user-defined .dll references).

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