VS 2010 Making A Online Community Program Thigie

Mar 2, 2010

I started working on a big project for like 5 mins ago. Then suddenly I figgerd out that I don't know (AT ALL) how to make a program that can:

- Connect up to a server (which will be my secound computer)
- Chat
- Make groups
- Etc

the login system is simple but the client server thing is another story.So basicly what im asking about is: How can I make a program that connects to a server (this should not be local).

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Making A FTP Chat And Online User List(No Database)?

Jan 11, 2012

I'm making an FTP chat for me and my friends just for practice. how to make the following things:

Online user list(No Database)
Banning System

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VS 2005 - Making Application Check Online For Updates?

May 2, 2009

I remember seeing a tutorial a while ago about making your application check online for updates..I did this a year or two ago but have since lost my example. Can someone explain how you do this or supply me with a link if you know a good tutorial?

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VS 2010 Making The Program Luanch ?

May 11, 2010

is there anyway u can make a ".exe" luanch without really knowing where the "user" u send it to have it installed. Well im talking about "World Of Wacraft" a game u install just like any other game.I wont this to luanch but i the users wich use this have the file/folder placed different places.Is there anyway to find this if it have been installed ?Ive been looking around but only found codes wich dident really work

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Making A Program In Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate?

Mar 16, 2011

OK, So I am making a program in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. I have gotten all the forms and everything correct. Except the text color. I need to make it so when they reach the end and it says if they got it right or not, that the program changes the textbox's text color. The code I currently have is when form2 = the first word in the spelling test. Form2.textbox1 is the first place where the user puts the answer. Form1.Textbox1 is where the user puts the original word.

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
If Form1.TextBox1.Text = Form2.TextBox1.Text Then
TextBox1.ForeColor = Color.Green


This code does nothing and there is no errors. P.S. If you need a copy of the program, you can download the solution here: [URL]...

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Making A Program In VS 2010 By ADODB Connection With MS Access

Sep 23, 2011

I am using VB6 for a (ADODB Connection & Record set) database program by connecting MS Access file (MDB). Can I make same program in Visual Studio 2010 by ADODB connection with MS Access (MDB)?

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VS 2010 Making A Screenshot Program But Unable To Draw The Rectangle?

Nov 22, 2011

I'm currently working on a screenshot program, much like Gyazo and I've come across a problem.


Now, it draws perfectly when I drag left to down (vice versa), but when I try and drag the opposite way (this is when I get negative x and y values), it doesn't seem to draw the rectangle.I've tried fixing it but with no luck at all, it just messes it up :c

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Can't Get Online Program

Sep 18, 2009

I have a customer that does not allow for local installation of any version of MSDN so telling me to press the help or F1 key in VB6 will not help. What I need is a link to VB6 IDE functionality (ie all of the special characters in the find dialogue to help in searching or how to effectively use "use pattern matching" when I press CTRL+F).

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Send A Program Online?

Aug 25, 2010

I will be teaching Visual Basic 2008 totally online for the first time soon. I was wondering how or what files should I have students send me when they complete a project, either via email or FTP

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Make An Online Transaction Program?

May 6, 2009

I want to make an online transaction program for which I need help. The problem is that, if a branch enters an entry that entry should hit three system�s databases. These three systems are connected to network but the application is not connected. For example, there is two branches namely branch1 and branch2 and a head office namely HO1. If a user at branch1 enters a record that record not only hit that branch database, but also hit branch2 and HO1 databases as well. Can I use Virtual Private Network (VPN) to do this?

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Publish A Project/program Online?

Apr 24, 2010

I have finished developing a small, completely useless but working project. It was my first in VB.

What i wouold like to know is how is the best way to get this project online for download?

I dont have a web site or web page, and this project is just a bit of fun (fitness test).

Could anyone tell me the steps I have to take? All i want from it, is to be able to place a series of screen shots explaining the project and then if someone should wish to download it they can.

I dont need prime time internet coverage, just a place to put it online, pref free. Plus, there have been many kind people from this forum who have given me thier free time and effort to help me with code issues, so if I am allowed and any one is curious i will post the site link to here and you can see where your effort has gone to, and should you wish provide positive and negative comments at your leasure.

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Communications :: Creating Online For Simple Program?

Dec 17, 2008

I dont know wether this is the right place but would i be able to use somthing like streamreader to change a .txt on another computer? If so, how?

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How To Get Program To Read Online Text File

Mar 19, 2012

I am trying to get the program to read a text file online. Thus it can return a result if present inside the text file. If text file contains XXX@yahoo.com Then show form.

Private Sub Form6_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("")
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())

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Make A Register Program That Stores Data In Online Database?

Jun 9, 2012

My code is the following[code]....

I don't have any errors on the password orr the database!!!I only have errors on the "sqlquary"

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Program Use An Online SQL Database To Check A Username And Password To Login?

Mar 10, 2009

How can I have my program use an online SQL database to check a username and password to login someone to a different part of the program?

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Randomizing Program - Making A Program Which Generates A Random Number Between 1 And 10

Oct 20, 2011

I am making a program which generates a random number between 1 and 10 and when 7 appears it is suppose to tell you how many tries it took to get the number 7 and then end the application. This is the code I have used:


This code only generates the number 7 and exits the application, each time i click the random button but i want it to show the other number it randomizes too for example 1 2 3 4 .. etc, if u dont understand, please try it, but im trying to say, when i clikc random it just says number 7 (does randomizing in background) and tells you how much tries it took but i want it to show the other number it randomized also and when 7 appears, then exit the program

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VS 2010 Get The Correct Time Online?

May 14, 2012

is it possible to get the correct time online? Because we are currently making a system that requires date and time. We are preventing a common error where the system time is outdated so we are going for online time and checking it in out system.

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VS 2010 Inserting Value Into Online Textboxes?

May 2, 2012

inserting values into text boxes, it isnt easy because each textbox has exactly the same

<input type="text" name="amount" class="trade_bid_price fliess11px-gelb"><br>

The code is in blocks that look like this (im going to put 2 blocks for comparison):

<form name="auktion_45" action="indexInternal.es" method="post" onsubmit="document.getElementById('sbmt_2').style.display='none';document.getElementById('wait_2').style.display='inline';"></form><input type="hidden" name="reloadToken" value="0a1aa23093e566cbaaa927ffa7e360c7">


This is how the 2 blocks look like: I need the program to fill in the text box and press the button bellow...

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Community Forums NNTP Bridge?

Jun 9, 2010

I decided that before I can fully and effectively criticize this monstrosity , I needed to take in the full view of it. So I went and installed the Community Forums NNTP bridge,availableSeems to be working.

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How Useful Is Dotfuscator Free Community Edition

Jan 14, 2010

how useful is dotfuscator free community edition? I applied it on my application and then checked the assembly using the Red Gate's .net reflector. It seems dotfuscator just changed the names of modules,classes and functions. once you know where to look( module or the class) , code was pretty much visible.Basically I want to secure my .net applications and to prevent them from being disassembled in to meaning-full code.

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VS 2010 Read Text From A Online *.txt File

Aug 14, 2010

how to read text from a online *.txt file ? i know how to read text from a local *.file

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Community Server Library - Deleting A User?

Oct 9, 2009

I have been asked to fix a Community Server forum where thousands of users were created via a script. All of their profile pages are SEOspam for prescription drugs, etc. The forum was not using email verification or admin approval for newly registered users. I turned on the latter for now, but captcha would be nice.

My problem is that it is very cumbersome to mass delete these accounts. I set up a .net grid (Telerik Radgrid actually) so that I could mass select users and click delete. However the following code does not seem to be working (mind the VB nubbery):

Protected Sub rgUsers_NeedDataSource(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs) Handles rgUsers.NeedDataSource
rgUsers.DataSource = Users.GetUsers().Users()
End Sub


The UserDeleteStatus result returns 'Success', however the user is not actually deleted. Am i using the correct delete function?

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Protect My Assemblies With Dotfuscator Community Edition?

Nov 12, 2010

I would like to protect my assemblies with Dotfuscator Community Edition I have a setup project that builds an MSI installer. I was wondering if theres any way to include this into my project so that when I build my solution Dotfuscator Community Edition automatically protects the assemblies

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Why Can't A Government Employee Be A Microsoft Community Contributor

Jul 14, 2011

On Tuesday, 28th June 2011, I received an email from Nestor Portillo, Director Community and Online Support, Microsoft informing me that I have been awarded the Microsoft Community Contributor (MCC) Award for 2011. It was a cheering news for me in more ways than one. I am a Chartered Accountant (or CPA) with no formal training in IT. I am a government employee in Nigeria where most people are barely IT literate. I am into programming out of personnal interest and because I see a great potential for future benefits in that field.

But my joy was cut short because as I followed the steps towards printing my Certificate and redeeming my token, I was informed that government employees are not eligible for MCC award! For once, I regretted the honesty of admitting that I'm a government employee in the radiobutton provided for that. I find it too hard to understand why I am being denied this award just because I'm a government employee. If being a government employee does not disqualify one from participating in this forum, why should it disqualify one from benefitting from the token recognition of being here and sharing ideas and knowledge with others? Shouldn't Microsoft be encouraging government employees to take part in this forum knowing that public servants are the least interested in IT? For those of us in Africa, shouldn't my recognition serve as an incentive for others in government to show interest in IT? Or is Microsoft not interested in IT education and development of government employees especially in Africa?

I forwarded a protest letter to Portillo on the 30th of June 2011 but have not received any reply two weeks later. I am using this medium to appeal to Microsoft to kindly reconsider the exclussion of government employees from its awards. I am not in any way involed with any activity that may create conflict of interest if that is the issue. I am also appealling to other forum members to join this debate with a view to reversing this patently discriminatory and obnoxious rule.

Sylva Okolieaboh
14th July, 2011.

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Read An Online Text File To A TextBox In VB 2010?

Apr 6, 2011

How can I read an online text file(just a textfile that is uploaded online) in a Textbox or a label in visual basic 2008? This is all i could find and when im using it with VB2010 it says:"A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in System.dll"

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Open Challenge To Vb Community Reading Grib Files

Nov 25, 2009

I have looked everywhere on this but do not know anyone who have accomplished it so far that is how to read values from a grib (gridded binary) file. Below is a link for Environment Canada where they store the forecast values in grib format. These file can be opened using tools like wget but is nowhere close in reading the data values from the file itself.url...

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Open Challenge To Vb Community: Reading Grib Files?

Mar 17, 2010

I currently have a program that I made which opens other apps packaged with an installer. I have set the installer to install everything to the Program Files folder. However, not all computers have a C: hard drive. I have a way in which they can enter their drive letter in one form then in the next form it remembers the drive and will take them to the program. The problem is my program stores the drive letter in an xml file. On the startup of the program it looks in the xml file to find the drive letter, if there is no drive letter the form opens then lets the user set his drive letter. The xml file is stored in the folder "Math Wizard" in the Program Files folder. But if not all

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Source - Mu Online Game - Can't Make Right "Server Status" To Show Online Or Offline

Jul 28, 2009

I have working on 1 program that is for Mu Online game. Its Mu Launcher program,but i'm having trouble with it. I can't make right "Server Status" to show Online or Offline I can't make autoupdater people to have using this for theyr server.

I make one file launcher.txt to get info the program but i need a lil help to finish thise program. The program is not for 1 server only its freewere . So here is the problem with the Server Status and AutoUpdater to get info from what server..

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VS 2010 Online Fill Forms Select Things And Repeat?

Aug 13, 2010

What it will do:It will go to the penndot website.Fill in those two forms with what the user inputed in the textboxes. Click login Then tick either reschedule, unless there isn't a reschedule then it would tick schedule Click Continue Tick the right DMV(Not going to post this because of my location If there's an error at the top It won't do anything.If there are available choices.Then it would send an email to the email in the email textboxSo.. after writing all this out...

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VS 2010 Winsock - Can't Connect To Any Online Computers (using Port 7771)

Mar 18, 2012

I am facing a situation with winsock. My application successfully connects to any computer that is connected on my router but i can't connect to any online computers (using port 7771). It simply doesn't connect without any kind errors. Any ideas? I am using port 7771 as local and remote port.

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