Queryinterface For Interface Failed - Using An Interop COM Assembly ?

Jul 30, 2009

I'm using an interop COM assembly in my 1.1 VB.NET code, and when I try to set a property of a class, I get an InvalidCastException with the message "QueryInterface for Interface ¦ failed."

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QueryInterface Fails In Windows Service For An Interface Of Type IUnkown?

Jul 9, 2009

Here is the IDL definition


I am getting the following error:Unable to cast COM object of type 'TESTSERVERLib.TestClass' to interface type 'TESTSERVERLib.ITest'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{DAFB7D76-0158-452F-8FD0-FF97A683DEA3}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Whereas the same code works from an VB .Net Forms application.Can anyone explain why this code does'nt work in a VB .NET windows service.

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Interop.Excel Failed Due To The Following Error: 80040154?

Sep 11, 2009

I get this exception message when I run my web site in my development pc. I've found many links that say that what I have to do is to register the dll, modify the COM properties and other when I pass my project to the server.Now, the curious thing: in the same computer I created a user control that create an excel document and It works fine, but, I took the control and I put it inside the other Web Site project with all the same references and it throws me this exception. I did not change

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IDE :: Error: Could Not Load File Or Assembly Interop.XXXX.dll

Jan 14, 2011

it works on 32bit and framework 4 - error: could not load file or assembly Interop.XXXX.dll Steps to reproduce:Create a new VB.Net winform project on a 64 bit system with framework 4 drop windows media player control on form. builds and runs fine. project references has two interops to temporary directory under obj folder copy if necessary the two interops to the build output path and delete the old project references and add new ones pointing to the interops in the output path build and run, everything is fine.ste the target frameowrk to 3.5 and repeat the whole process. the build fails.This is just a simple example of what I am seeing on a much mor complex project. It happens with all interops, not just WMP.

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Could Not Load File Or Assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel'?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a program that reads data from excel.

I use:Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop as well as a Reference from the "COM" tab called "Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library"

I built my program then copied the .exe from the inDebug folder to a location on my company's server. I then double clicked the .exe and it ran as I expected it would.My boss then tried (from another computer) and he gets this error:See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.


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VS 2010 Error: Could Not Load File Or Assembly 'Interop.ActiveDs.Version=

Apr 22, 2010

I am working on an application which compiles fine on machine that is Win 7 and 64 bit CPU. But when copy and I run the exe file on similar machine (Win 7 64bit) I get error message: Error: Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.ActiveDs.Version=,... I have added ActiveDS Type Library 1.0 C:WindowsSysWow64activedstlb as a reference in the project file.


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Could Not Load File Or Assembly ' Interop.DTS,version=,cultral,publickeytoken=null' Or One Of Its Dependencies

Jun 27, 2009

I have problem when i use DTS package in my Application which I use VB.net .when i install the Application in the client and run it the are message appear :" could not load file or assembly ' interop.DTS,version=,cultral,publickeytoken=null'or one of its dependencies . the system cannot find the file specified " In my PC run successfuly but in the client the previous?

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IDE :: Assembly Manifest Error - App Failed To Initialize

Apr 10, 2009

I've been having an error with my Visual Studio 2008 with .net framework 3.5 Sp1. I am creating a project, and it would run properly until after a while when I try debugging the project I would get a error message that says:
"Error while trying to run project: Could not load file or assembly 'Name_of_Project' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest."

Also the .exe file that it creates in the bindebug folder gives and error that says:
"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b). Click OK to terminate the application."
These errors after a format of the machine would disappear for awhile but not indefinitely.

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Project 'MyProject' Requires A Reference To Version '' Of Assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel'

Apr 14, 2011

I have Visual Studio 2010 and a VB Project that had a reference to Microsoft.Interop.Excel 12.0. Well recently I changed the reference version to 14.0. That was actually a mistake and now I need to bump it back down to version 12.0. However I get this error in my project now...

Project 'MyProject' requires a reference to version '' of assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel', but references version ''
of assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel'.

I tried removing references and adding the com object to, but no avail.

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SqlClientPermission Failed When Accessing Database By Loading Assembly From Web?

Apr 25, 2012

I have 1 exe and 1 dll. The dll (ClassLibrary1) file is located in the root of a website. In the dll I have a UserControl that populates with data its controls, from a database that is on a website too. The end user gets the exe file. This exe loads the dll and displays the UserControl1 on the form. This is how i load the control from inside the dll (located on the web site), on my form (exe file).

Private _dll As String = "http://www.site.com/ClassLibrary1.dll"
Private _class As String = "ClassLibrary1.UserControl1"
Private WithEvents cont As UserControl


The error is "Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed."Note that if i dont load the usercontrol from the web and instead have it locally, there is no problem. The data are fetched from the database (db is on the web) with no problem.The problem seems to be that the loaded assembly from the web (the usercontrol1 inside the dll) has no permission to access anything. I am not trying to access stuff from the user's pc (like file IO), but access a database located on a web server.

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C# - Multi-level Interface Inheritance With .NET And COM Interop

Jun 18, 2010

This question is a follow-up to my last question with a reference to COM Interop. Let's say I have the following 2 interfaces and implementing classes:


Interfaces are important in COM interop for exposing properties and methods to IntelliSense in the VB6 IDE (per this article). However, because ICartItem is inherited from ISkuItem, SKU is not explicitly defined in ICartItem and thus is not visible in IntelliSense in VB6 and even throws a compiler error when trying to write to objCartItem.SKU.

I've tried using Shadows and Overloads on the SKU property in ISkuItem, but then the compiler wants me to explicitly implement SKU for both ISkuItem and ICartItem within the CartItem class. I don't think that's what I want. Is there a way (in either VB.NET or C#) to explicitly declare the SKU property in ICartItem without having to declare SKU twice in the CartItem class?

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Interface And Graphics :: MouseWheel For Interop'ed ActiveX Control?

Apr 18, 2011

Is it possible to get the MouseWheel event from an Interoped ActiveX Control?

I have a DXF Viewer (with measure) control I wrote in VB6 that is quite frankly... Huge. It would take an inordinate amount of time to rewrite the whole thing and supporting tools in VB.NET. The MouseWheel event is used to Zoom in and Out. The control has a MouseWheel_Input() method to accept MouseWheel data from the host.

I added all the VB6 Mouse events, the Enabled Property, and The ActiveControl Property in VB6. Recompiled and registered the control on my VB.NET development machine. Added the control to my new VB.NET project and verified it has a focus method.

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[VB2010] - Activex Control Warnings "reference Was Created To Embedded Interop Assembly 'stdole'"

Nov 27, 2011

i compiled 1 control in vb6. now i'm trying use it in vb2010, but i recive 2 warnings:
"Warning1A reference was created to embedded interop assembly 'stdole' because of an indirect reference to that assembly from assembly 'AxInterop.Sprite'. Consider changing the 'Embed Interop Types' property on either assembly.WindowsApplication1" and "Warning2 reference was created to embedded interop assembly 'stdole' because of an indirect reference to that assembly from assembly 'Interop.Sprite'. Consider changing the 'Embed Interop Types' property on either assembly.WindowsApplication1 "why these warnings? (i have sure that in vb6 don't give me any errors)

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Read Interface Details From Dynamically Loaded Assembly?

Nov 16, 2009

We loading and executing an assembly dynamically from code. While reading a dynamically loaded assembly how can we find an interface within the assembly which is marked (decorated) by another class like below

<ExternalDataExchange()> _
Public Interface IwfService
Event firstEvent As EventHandler(Of ExternalDataEventArgs)
End Interface

Here how can we find that we have interface "IwfService" which is marked with "ExternalDataExchange()" class.

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Interface And Graphics :: VS Form Designer Failed To Load Properly?

Jul 31, 2009

this error is appearing when i open a form in designer mode. A picture showing what happens to VS when this error occurs.The error code is:One or more errors encountered while loading the designer. The errors are listed below. Some errors can be fixed by rebuilding your project, while others may require code changes.Unable to cast object of type 'System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute' to type 'System.Attribute'.

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VS 2008 How To Use QueryInterface

Jul 6, 2010

Just wondering if anyone knew of or could provide a good example of how to use QueryInterface?I have been told that I need to QI Direct2D1. Render Target for Direct2D1.IGdiInteropRenderTarget object?

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Error : Unable To Cast The COM Object Of Type 'System._ComObject' To Interface Type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.CustomProperties'

May 10, 2009

I have been trying to use vb2008 to automatically update CustomDocumentProperties fields that I have set up within a pro-forma document. I can load the Word application and word document without problems.I want to update the CustomDocumentProperties fields with data read from a dB. To do this I am assuming that I need to iterate through the CustomDocumentProperties fields within the word document and when one is "found" that matches the data I wish to merge then assign the dB value to the field.The problem is that I am getting an exception error when I try to reference the document customdocumentproperties

"Error : Unable to cast the COM object of type 'System._ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.CustomProperties'. ...... "

my code looks like;

Dim WordApp As Word._Application
Dim odoc As Word._Document
Dim BContinue As Boolean = True


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Published Setup Requires Assembly CrystalReports 10.2.3600.0 In Global Assembly Cache

Dec 28, 2005

When running setup to install published program, the following message occurs: System Update Required: Unable to install or run the applicaiton. The application requires that asssembly CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Version 10.2.3600.0 be install in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first. This version is listed in the references of the program and in my mind, be included in build. How do I get by this error?

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Published Setup Requires Assembly CrystalReports 10.2.3600.0 In Global Assembly Cache?

Apr 18, 2012

When running setup to install published program, the following message occurs: System Update Required: Unable to install or run the applicaiton. The application requires that asssembly CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Version 10.2.3600.0 be install in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first. This version is listed in the references of the program and in my mind, be included in build. How do I get by this error?

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VS 2008 Unable To Emit Assembly: Referenced Assembly AxInterop.MSFlexGridLib Does Not Have A Strong Name

Dec 4, 2009

I have recently upgraded an VB6 project to vs2008. I was almost finished when the following error occured. Unable to emit assembly: Referenced assembly AxInterop.MSFlexGridLib does not have a strong name Prior to this error appering, I tested my app several times and it was fine. Only after publishing it did the error appear. I have tried all solutions I could find, but nothing helps. I have read [URL]

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Unable To Load Assembly Ensure That The File Is A Valid .net Framwork Assembly?

Jun 17, 2009

I receive this error as "Assembly Load Error" whenever adding a form or other object that has to be inherited.

"Unable to load assembly. Ensure that the file is a valid .net Framwork assembly"

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C# - Loading An Assembly Using Assembly.LoadFrom() As The Assemblies Are Located In A Different Path?

Apr 2, 2012

I am loading an Assembly using Assembly.LoadFrom() as the assemblies are located in a different path from Application Base directory.

Dim oAssembly As Assembly = _
Assembly.LoadFrom("C:\MyFolder\" + ddlXlate.SelectedItem.ToString() + ".dll")

And I consume a Type from that assembly without any problem:

oXML = CType(oAssembly.CreateInstance(sBaseType + ".XlateContainer"), _

However, the problem occurs when I try to use a Type from this assembly from within another method like the one below:

oComboBox.DataSource = _
[Enum].GetValues(Type.GetType(sType + "+ItemEnum," + sAssemblyName))

sAssemblyName is the one I loaded using LoadFrom() actually. After it said it cannot find the assembly, I used AssemblyResolve event which solved my problem :Subscribing AssemblyResolve event :

AddHandler AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve, _
AddressOf MyResolveEventHandler

Event Handler Method:

Private Shared Function MyResolveEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As ResolveEventArgs) As Assembly
Return Assembly.LoadFrom("C:\PSIOBJ\" + args.Name + ".dll")
End Function

And I thought maybe the error occurs because it cannot find a dependent assembly defined in assembly manifest file I loaded using LoadFrom() already but when I checked the args.Name, I saw it was trying to load same assembly and after that it worked without any problem. So basically a type in the loaded assembly cannot be found before the event adding change.

My old code was using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load() and Assembly.Load() methods and they were working fine without the AssemblyResolve event. I was able to reach types in dynamically loaded Assembly from every where within the same AppDomain.

LoadFrom() can find dependencies automatically within the same requested assembly path and that couldn't be problem as everything this dll needs was there. So at first it looked like a AppDomain problem to me as it looks like it seems it can reach assemblies from Load context instead of LoadFrom context and I am now using LoadFrom context.But now it seems I should pass oAssembly instance evertwhere to use any type from the loaded assembly?Doesn't it load the assembly where I can reach it everywhere (same AppDomain) using simple Type.GetType(...) method?

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"Unable To Emit Assembly: Referenced Assembly?

Jun 1, 2011

I'm wanting to include a system tray icon in my WPF project, and found this resource:[URL]..which looks like it will work beautifully, but it's written for C# and I'm using VB.net for this project. I downloaded his project and built the notifyicon as a DLL, then added as a reference to my project.

It throws up an error: Unable to emit assembly: Referenced assembly 'Hardcodet.Wpf.TaskbarNotification' does not have a strong name So I'm trying to figure out the best way to proceed. Do I need to strong name it, or is there a better way to do this?

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The Located Assembly's Manifest Does Not Match The Assembly Reference

Oct 9, 2008

I've got an exception when I deployed my application: "the located assembly's manifest does not match the assembly reference" What I remember is changing the project name from the previous source code, does it affect that much?

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Error: "The Query Builder Failed. Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed. Login Failed For User <User Name>"

May 8, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic Express 2010 and SQL Express 2008 in Windows XP. At first I couldn't add a datasource (the .mdf file for the database) because of a "Operating system error 32" which I seemed to have resolved by giving myself full permissions for .mdf file (by right clicking on the file and going into properties and then Security) and restarting the SQL SERVER (SQLEXPRESS) service. The dataset for the database is in my solution explorer but when I right click on a table adapter to add a query and attempt to open up the query builder, I get the error in the title above.

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C# - Retrieve Info In DLL Assembly About Calling Assembly?

Jun 25, 2012

I have created several DLL (.NET) libraries that are used in several projects. In these DLL libraries I want to know/retrieve which assembly (EXE) calls/uses the library, so if possible I want to know info like assembly name (EXE), strong name, version number, etc.

NB: Examples may be in C# or VB. I use both languages.

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Deployment :: Referencing Assembly From Another COM Enabled Assembly?

Apr 7, 2009

I have written a .net assembly which plugs into to a third party COM application. The .net assembly is COM visible to the third party application. However this .net assembly references other regular assemblies. If I put these assemblies in the GAC the COM visibile assembly sees them without a problem. However for various reasons I do not want to put them into the GAC but I cannot get my COM visible assembly to see the other assemblies when they are in other locations. I have tried putting them in the same directory as the COM visible assembly. I have tried putting them in the same directory as the third party app's exe but neither of these work.

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"The Query Builder Failed. Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed. Login Failed For User <User Name>"

May 8, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic Express 2010 and SQL Express 2008 in Windows XP.I created a database on my local PC HDD. At first I couldn't add a datasource (the .mdf file for the database) because of a "Operating system error 32" which I seemed to have resolved by giving myself full permissions for .mdf file (by right clicking on the file and going into properties and then Security) and restarting the SQL SERVER (SQLEXPRESS) service.The dataset for the database is in my solution explorer but when I right click on a table adapter to add a query and attempt to open up the query builder, I get the error in the title above.

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Could Not Load File Or Assembly"project Name" Or One Of Its Dependencies.the Module Was Expected To Contain An Assembly Manifest

May 31, 2009

When ever I finish simple programs no matter what it is and i click to debug it it comes up"Error while trying to run project:could not load file or assembly"project name" or one of its dependencies.the module was expected to contain an assembly manifest"

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.net - Compilling Assembly From The Other Just Compilled Assembly?

Apr 21, 2011

sorry for my English, I don't speek well... I need to compile assembly in memory, that can compile another one. There is a form with one button. Here is a code of the form

Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.CodeDom
Imports System.CodeDom.Compiler
Imports System.Collections


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