Read Autocad's Dxf Files?
Sep 13, 2010I've been going in circles trying to read autocad's dxf files. I've downloaded the dwf tool kit, however nothing seems to work.
View 1 RepliesI've been going in circles trying to read autocad's dxf files. I've downloaded the dwf tool kit, however nothing seems to work.
View 1 RepliesI am trying to load files into a Datagridview:
If FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim myFileDir As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath)
For Each myFiles As System.IO.FileInfo In myFileDir.GetFiles("*.*")
I am able to get the files.I have 2 columns "filename" & "readonly"
a) how can I filter just .dwg
b) how can I get readonly a tag that says "yes" into datagridview, so I can see which files are set to readonly.
c) I will be launching the list of files through autocad (I know the process.start method to launch, is there any way I can launch then via desktop shortcut, the reason I ask is there is a script file attached to the shortcut, which amends the drawing when autocad is launched:
"C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD 2012 - Englishacad.exe" /b "A:SCRIPTSmyscript.scr"
I have a VB.NET project in which it would be extremely helpful to the users if they would be able to print multiple .DWG files at the same time without manually opening each one and clicking on the print button.
Is this possible to do in VB.NET using the Autocad API's?
I want to develop an application which can Write, Save, Read text files(or html files) What I want the application to do is. When I open my application I can write stuffs and then it will save it to my hosting/server. Then, the application will read the text which I already save.. So far, I can only make the application read it by using WebBrowser control and navigating it to a specified URL. Example: [URL](or message.txt) Which I modified from the website not from the application. I want to modify the text or html files from my application.
View 6 RepliesI want to read data (read only) from excel files
I use this connection string
Con_BarCode = New ADODB.Connection
With Con_BarCode
.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm,
have some sample code for customization of AutoCAD using VB.NET for drawing some complicated steel structure?
View 2 RepliesIm a newb so if I word this a little funny im sorry. I am using 2005 developer edition and Im trying to import a layout of a conveyor belt system onto a screen. We will be using the screen to show status on motor overloads and devices attached to the conveyor. For example here is a jpeg of one of the screens I would like to make:
We will have to change the color of the symbols when the are active or non active. Also, we want to have the ability to scroll over the symbols and have a message box pop up and tell the status. I am just trying to figure out the most logical way of doing this. I can change the file format of the drawing to Jpeg or bitmap or even PDF.
problem statement is to open the image file on form & edit the image in same form & to set the properites of the object in that image when clcik on the image & then provide the edited image to controller which will run a robo on it Input image is autocad factory map
I also wanted to know how can i get the object of autocad files as they have table block structure inside their file format i wnat to store these image so what should i use??
I am using AutoCAD 2012 and the .NET API. Can someone help me how can i loop through the document objects of all the open documents? i am trying to do something like the code below..I have this question on Autodesk Forum too.[code]...
View 2 RepliesI'm currently developing an AutoCAD 2008 Addin in Visual Basic (.Net 3.0, VisualStudio 2010).I'm able to define my own command and I want the user to be able to cancel my command by hitting the ESC key.In AutoCAD 2010 or higher there exists the
method. But not in ACAD 2008. how the user may be able to cancel my command?
I am trying to open a dwg file in forms without opening a autocad application But tere occur a problem : The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E).Also i want to edit the image in dwg file i.e most probably a factory layout & store information about object used in layout to figure out the best possible way to reach from source to destination.This factory layout map is input for a robot which will move according the path avaiable.
View 1 RepliesI have made a userform in AutoCAD, I made some buttons where I want to start software from.The programm I want to run is started by an VBScript from the manufacturer.When I double click the VBScript the program starts, but trying to execute if from a button_click on my AutoCAD userform it returns that I am missing MSVCR70.dll files.The missing file is in the folder of the program I want to run, aswel in my System32 folder.I tried to execute it the next ways:
Process.Start("C:WINDOWSsystem32cscript.exe", """C:Program Files (x86)ProgramRun.vbs") and
Process.Start("C:Program Files (x86)ProgramRun.vbs") What is going wrong ?
I am trying to create an autocad drawing in visual studio with the code :
Dim strTemplatePath As String = "C:\acad.dwt"
Dim acDocMgr As DocumentCollection = Application.DocumentManager
Dim acDoc As Document = acDocMgr.Add(strTemplatePath)
acDocMgr.MdiActiveDocument = acDoc
However, when I try to run the program I get an filenotfoundexception and the program asks me to verify if the file exists in the specified location. The file does exist in the specified location.
I'm trying to write a program. This should be a simple task for most of you, but I have taken one class of programming back in High School so I'm kinda lost.
The program needs to do the following:
-Open AutoCAD File
-Close AutoCAD
If possible to select a whole folder full of these AutoCAD drawings and have the program run a loop until all the files in the folder have been exported into a pdf file.
I have been using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in MS Office packages and in Auto CAD. The Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) engine is no longer provided with AutoCAD OEM installation media, but it supports am bit confused of Visual Basic 2010 and Which version shall I go for to learn
View 2 RepliesHow I can change Autocad information inside block Attributes(I think on width, rotate, text style, layer, height..etc ) in visual basic? For example, We have some block with 2 attributes and I want replace width factor.
View 2 RepliesIm designing a program that will read from various text files (preferably RTF files) and then put them into the RTF box in the program when a button is clicked.
Here is the portion of my code that i am referring to.
Dim fileText As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("c:\" & selectedHero & ".rtf")
MsgBox("Selected Hero currently has no File with us.")
End Try
Now heres the problem. In the file i have a few pictures and its formatted and what not. I thought since its a RTF file and the Box is RTF it would auto format.... but anyways. It appears like this in the RTF Box.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20{\object\objemb{\*\objclass Paint.Picture}\objw3000\objh3000{\*\objdata
Ok so im not sure how i can read from a RTF file and put it in the RTF box with the right format....Ive been searching around for a while.
i want to write a code that user can drag and drop an icon to layout which this layout become consist of coordinate (x,y) and when icon was dropped to layout by right click appear a menu.
View 4 RepliesHere's the content of the file that i want to read: [code] Instead of using a streamread isnt there another way to read .ini files?
View 5 Repliesi have a jpg file in which lot of text data has written . i want to extract text data from jpg file i used stream reader but when it access the data it is likewhat is it please tell me how i will read i
View 1 RepliesI would like to know if it is possible to parse .eml and .msg files in dot net (preferably from a memorystream) such that I can use them on an ASP.Net page.
View 3 Repliesi'm using sharpdevelop to program WPF application(I'm newbie to WPF i've knowledge of VB only and no C#, is it necessary to learn C# to know WPF ?).
and i want to read CSV file first. after that i want to modify and save file. any suggestions and pointers for this ?
i tried out this [code]i can create and write in the .bin file but how to read it then?
View 20 RepliesI would like to make my program able to read the content of a *.txt file which I've uploaded on a free server (dmon) I've tried this:
"System.IO.File.ReadAllText(" ")"
I am creating a small project for my company ie; document controller. In this project a small module is reading documents. I already made reading of other documents like word,text, etc. But I am unable to create a program that can read pdf files. My main aim is to find out the searching a word available inside the file.
I tried with some codes but it showing some unexpected outputs like that
6 19
0000000016 00000 n
0000000859 00000 n
give me a source code with that I can read the pdf file effectively.?
How can i read .rfe extension files using,
View 6 RepliesI have the following code for reading XML files.[code]...
View 8 RepliesI am working with Vb.Net 2005, at run time I receive the error; UnauthorizedAccessException was unhandled Access to the path 'F:New FolderTest' is denied and this path does exists..
Label1: 'F:New FolderTest'
Label2: 'F:New FolderTest2'
Private Sub btnUnpackFolder_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUnpackFolder.Click
UnzipArchive(Label1.Text, Label2.Text)
My primariry task is to read all the zip files in folder Test, unzip them and copy them to folder Test2.
When I google how to read and process XML files in VB.NET there are heaps of different ways - what way is right? which way is quickest?
View 2 Repliesreading and writing files. Let's say I have a text file with multiple lines that I want to be read into my visual basic program. The first line is displayed in textboxA while the rest of the lines are displayed in textboxB. How do I accomplish this? Am I able to use the peek method for textboxB but somehow tell it to skip the first line? Now textboxB is obviously a multiline textbox and I want the user to be able to type something into another textbox (textboxC), press a button, and it will be displayed in textboxA. How do I make the text in textboxC get displayed on the first line of textboxA and move all the other lines down the list?
View 2 Replies