Record Datetimes Back In The Time Before 0001 A.D. (C.E.)

Aug 6, 2011

DateTime: what do you use when you need to record Datetimes back in the time before 0001 A.D. (C.E.)

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Retrieve The Record And Display The Record In A Listbox Displaying The Time Field As The Text For That Record?

Apr 18, 2009

I hav a web service which pull records from a database and I am hosting these services in IIS which works fine but I am trying to retrieve the record and display the record in a listbox displaying the time field as the text for that record.I have created the following function

public sub get_data()
dim dt as new data.dataTable
dim service as ws webservice.webservice


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Finding Available Times From Two Datetimes

Jul 9, 2012

I'm struggling to think of the best route to go down.

Basically, it's a booking system and in the database I have two datetime fields.


As you'll see, these particular records represent seperate bookings, each taking an hour each. My question is what would be the best way of viewing what times I have available (taking into consideration the data in the database)? After 11:00, the room is free, so I'd like to return 11:00-17:00 is available.

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Convert Two Strings To DateTimes And Compare Them?

Apr 10, 2009

String comes back from the database with a format: '00/00/0000' I need to then compare it to a date that the user has entered in the same format. How do I make the conversion and compare the two dates?

View 5 Replies Mvc - Passing Record Id Into View And Then Getting Back On Form Post

Dec 9, 2011

MVC 3. VB.NET application.. I am trying to pass a id along to keep track of which record a file name needs to be saved in.. The problem is that the id is getting passed into the view but on post back to the controller it is being lost...I have hammered on this for hours now and I am stuck...


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Binding Only Binds Upto 3 Record Forward Or 26 Back?

Nov 10, 2009

i am fairly new to VB.Net programming having been a VB6 developer for years (the copmany i used to work form maintained VB6 apps)?I am writing a new application. I have created my form, databindings to the fields and everything works ok.

In order to filter through the dataset i have decided to use BindingContexManager. I have tried currency manager also.The problem i am incurring is that when i click button next it goes forward 3 records then loops back to the first record again. If i skip to the end of the dataset i can browse back 26 records before it loops back ot the first record and gets stuck in a loop.


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Record A Start Date And Time And Then The Stop Date And Time In A Rich Text Box

Jan 12, 2010

I am using VB 2008 and want to record a start date and time and then the stop date and time in a rich text box, i can get the start time into the box but so far can only stop the time instead of 2 seperate times, what i have is a drop down box with a list of computers 1-10 i was trying to get it so you picked a certain computer and that went into the text box then you started the timer and that was recorded, finally you stopped the timer and that was recorded but as i am a total newbie it does not work

Here is the code i have.

Public Class Form1
Dim time2 As Date


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VS 2010 Back With Another Question This Time About Textboxes

Jun 23, 2011

Well I want to create a simulation program for a friend that will generate IP addresses (not real ones of course). I can generate codes with the correct amount of digits but I can't seem to find a way to create the correct formatting of the number.For instance I can create the number 26253169234 but I want it to come out as there any ways to set parameters to format it that way and if so is there a way to make sure it will never start with/repeat the same number sequence?

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Create Files Like 0001.txt 0002.txt ?

Apr 26, 2011

i need the code too check the files in the debug folder and if there is already a file with 0001.txt file i want the code to make a new file called 0002.txt file.


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SQl Query On Form Returning Value Of 1/1/0001

Jun 11, 2011

I am developing an application that based on when a user has last entered a payroll, my program tells them the next available Sunday that is available to them based on

1. The date that the last time payroll was entered

2. If payroll ran = "yes" or "no"

I have a sql query that returns the next Sunday back to me based on this criteria, but when I put it into my application, it returns 1/1/0001 to me.

Here is the query:
select MAX(payrolldate) AS [payrolldate],
dateadd(dd, ((datediff(dd, '17530107', MAX(payrolldate))/7)*7)+7, '17530107') AS [Sunday]
from payroll


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SQL Query Returning Dates Of 1/1/0001

Oct 26, 2010

I am building an application where a button click runs a sql query and shows a user the next available date that they can process from. The problem was that it needed to be the following Sunday and not the following day.

That code looked like this:

Public Class Form1
Dim ReturnValue As Object = Nothing
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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SQL Query Returning Dates Of 1/1/0001?

Oct 27, 2010

I am building an application where a button click runs a sql query and shows a user the next available date that they can process from. The problem was that it needed to be the following Sunday and not the following day.That code looked like this:

Public Class Form1
Dim ReturnValue As Object = Nothing
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim connectionString As String


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DB/Reporting :: SQL Query Returning Dates Of 1/1/0001?

Oct 21, 2008

I am building an application where a button click runs a sql query and shows a user the next available date that they can process from. The problem was that it needed to be the following Sunday and not the following day. That code looked like this:

Public Class Form1
Dim ReturnValue As Object = Nothing


Code:"select payrolldate from payroll where(payrolldate <= getdate())and payrollran <> 'yes'")but when I add that query it just returns a value of 1/1/000 as the date.

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IDE :: Running A VB File Error 8001 0001

May 26, 2010

I keep getting this error: Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {6D7AE628-FF41-4CD3-91DD-34825BB1A251} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80010001.

We think it has to do with the fact that we are on company computers that have limited access. If that is the problem, is there a way around it?

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Query In An Application Is Return Date Of 1/1/0001?

Oct 27, 2010

I am building an application where a button click runs a sql query and shows a user the next available date that they can process from. The problem was that it needed to be the following Sunday and not the following day.That code looked like this:

Public Class Form1
Dim ReturnValue As Object = Nothing
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim connectionString As String


"select payrolldate from payroll where(payrolldate <= getdate())and payrollran <> 'yes'")but when I add that query it just returns a value of 1/1/0001 as the date.

View 39 Replies

Show Msgbox It Goes Back To Previous Subroutine At Else Statement And Runs Again But This Time It Displays

Nov 6, 2010

I have a routine that has an if else statement at the else part it calls another routine. Within that routine it has a msgbox script. At the part that is actually is suppose to show the msgbox it goes back to the previous subroutine at the else statement and runs again but this time it displays. I have never seen this before.

THe code is posted below.

1 Else
2 Me.lblTurnsLeft.Text = Me.lblTurnsLeft.Text - 1
3 If Me.lbltimer.Text = "0" Then


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Query To Just INSERT A Whole Record At A Time

May 8, 2009

No Update to DB?? ***?


And why isn't there a query to just INSERT a whole record at a time, based on a DataSource, or is that a better kept secret than what REALLY happened during the final hours of the Titanic?

Also, I'm under the impression that the default CommandType is Text.

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Record Amount Of Time Computer Has Been In Use?

Aug 6, 2009

i would like to have program a timer that will count the seconds during which there is mouse movement or any keyboard movement.

the point of this application is to record the amount of time an employee has been using the computer (does not matter what purpose or application it has been in use for)

i would like to do this in for winforms

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Record The Time Of An Object's Action?

Sep 29, 2011

Private Sub MyXbeeZB_XbeeZBIODataSampleRxIndicatorEvent() Handles MyXbeeZB.XbeeZBIODataSampleRxIndicatorEvent
Dim MachineNumber As Integer
For j = 0 To i - 1
If MyXbeeZB.XbeeAddress64 = XbeeAddress64Array(j) Then


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Accessing Same Record By Two Users On Different Machines At The Same Time?

Mar 4, 2009

I am developing Client/Server application in Visual Basic 2005 with back-end SQL Server 2005 Database.I have lot a users to access to this application.I have a problem with accessing same record by two users on different machines at the same time.For example: Two user fetches the same record display on the machine.Now both have same data on the machine. The first user modified and saved the record and after some times another saved the data without modified or modifed some other columns. Now the last user who modifed the record contains the old data.

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Loop N Numbers Of Record At A Time In A Dataset?

Oct 19, 2011

I am trying to loop through a dataset and process n numbers of records at a time.For example lets say I have around 240 records in my dataset. I need to loop through the dataset and then create a new batch of 50 records. so for the dataset which has 240 records I want to create 6 batches. Out of these 6 batches, 5 would have 50 records and and last batch would have 40 records.

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Update Record Base In Date & Time

Jan 27, 2012

Day Programmers how do i Update the record based on the Date & Time?? here's the code:


the problem is... it's updating but not on time... it's updating in advance... i just want to update it in the date & time that the record has and i'm thinking that it' may affect the other record's that not on time to update

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Update Record Base In Date & Time?

Feb 15, 2012

how do i Update the record based on the Date & Time??

here's the code:
Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
lblTimeOfDay.Text = Format(TimeOfDay, "hh:mm:ss tt")


i just want to update it in the date & time that the record has and i'm thinking that it' may affect the other record's that not on time to update

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Daily Time Record Sytem Faculty And Staff In Php

Mar 15, 2012

How to create dailytimerecord system in php please please help me...our defense will be on Friday march,16...

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Front End - Record Updation Taking Long Time

Jul 6, 2009

I have a backend database in MS access, which is updated using excel as front end. Due to network issues the record updation takes lot of time. Would it be faster if i use as the front end.

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Record Of Values Changing Over Time With A Datetime Stamp?

Aug 22, 2010

I have been dabbling in VB before and i played around wiht linq to sql back then but im wondering what i should go with here.I need to have a list of people.. They should all have their own id nr.

The people in the list are supposed to keep a record of values changing over time with a datetime stamp. (In my case its numbers from a test outcome of blood)You have to be able to add people and delete people. All records will be deleted too.A Chart will read information from the records and display changes over time in chart.I was thinking of doing it with linq to sql and i was kinda aiming at Creating datatables with id names from the script

Havent found a way of creating datatables from a script though..I was hoping for a solution like that.. And i was hoping id be able to search databasetable names.

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Logging The Time A New Record Was Created And Added To The Database And Then Adding Interest To The Balance?

Feb 18, 2009

Hi how's it going. In the middle of coding a banking application for a project. Part of it involves mortgage interest repayments. Was wondering if there was any way of logging the time a new record was created and added to the database and then adding interest to the balance owed periodically every 30 days..

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Scroll Back In Time X Days Or X Days Forward?

Apr 15, 2012

I need this for 2 different changes.ON one form i got a week calendar, the other a month calendar.Was hoping to add 2 buttons previous & next.To scroll back in time x days, or x days forward.And similar for the months, but instead of days months.Can anybody give me a exaple or a method how to get this to work?Figured it could be done with a loop, but not sure anymore.

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Quering Record - Check A Record In Database Before Inserting A New Record

Aug 9, 2010

I am trying to check a record in database before inerting a new record here is my code but problem is when i enter a names first alphabet it imediatly populate massage. i want to check it after entering whole name

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
Dim cnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" &


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Back To The Previous Page On Click Of Custom Back Button?

Aug 25, 2010

I am using an image button and on click of it i want to go to visited page.Now i am using - Response.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()),It is going to previous page, but when i am in a page of some user details where the link is looks like - users.aspx?userid=25 and i visit some other page and click back(image button) i want to see the same userdetail page. How to track that.

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