Repository Record - Dirty Columns Are Always Zero

May 29, 2009

SubSonic 2.2. I use the repository record pattern, with a table "appointment" with an appointmentId as auto-incrementing int. I am trying to update it, but when I do update the fields with something totally different, dirty columns are always zero, and I get an exception.


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LINQ VB To Read Many Columns (or Fields) In One Row Record Data?

Oct 1, 2010

The LINQ VB code below is to read the first record data for database table
ProductTable that has 3 colounms (or 3 fields):

TableCol1, TableCol2, TableCol3. The reading data is stored at variable
'-------start LINQ VB code in Visual Studio Web Developer 2008-------'
Dim MyArrayFirstRow


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TableAdapter.Update(...) Inserts NULL Values In All Columns For A New Record?

Oct 22, 2009

TableAdapter.Update(...) Inserts NULL Values in all columns for a new record?

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Create A Function To Remove Dirty Words From User Input Text?

Sep 15, 2009

I am trying to create a function to remove dirty words from user input text and want to replace those dirty words with four ****. In my scenario , i have list of dirty words where i would iterate the input user text and want to replace. Say for example.,

Dim InputTxt As String = "hi bush how are you.... $hit and @ss"
Dim OutPut As String = " hi **** how are you... **** and ****";

Problem: It works fine to replace some word like " bush" however fails in the below function doesn't replace "$hit" and "@ss".

Note: I do not want to use string.Replace because it doesn't have word boundary in the sentence..

Public Function pReplaceWords(ByVal dirtyWord As String, ByVal inputText As String, ByVal options As RegexOptions) As String


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C# - Commit Current Dirty Cell On Clicking Save Button From Any Datagridview On Form?

Dec 14, 2009

I have a form with multiple datagridviews. On save the entire dataset will be serialized to a strongly typed property bound to a sql varbinary(max) Works fine. Of course the current "dirty" cell will not be saved as mentioned here :


My problem is the user could be coming from any one of 20 datagridviews when they click SAVE. Is there any way, short of checking for a dirty cell in each datagridview to commit any dirty cell before the save ( clicking another textbox control before the save does the trick but calling the focus() of that textbox prior to the save does not ) I was thinking perhaps catching the event of leaving the grid but it seems the base problem is clicking a button (for reasons I think I understand) does not fire lostfocus events for the current control and it doesn't seem the click handler args knows what the last current selected control is.

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Mvc - Using The Repository Pattern

Feb 23, 2011

I am using the Entity Framework with POCO's generated using the T4 Templates. I have the generated classes in a separate assembly. Ok, so a very simple example: I have a Category entity in the model which has SubCategories (1-Many with SubCategory). When I use the following code, I get The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection. [Code]

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Best Way To Use NHibernate With The Repository Model

Mar 16, 2009

I have a repository class that defines some basic Get/Save/Delete methods. Inside these, I use NHibernate to do the work on my business entities. For example:


However, on my User class I have some properties and collections of other objects that ideally I'd like to be lazy loaded. But of course, the ISession is created and disposed within the repository, which I guess is why, outside of that, when I try to access those properties I get a "Could not initialize proxy - no Session" error.Is my only option then to disable lazy loading when using repositories? Or is it possible (or just foolish) to somehow get the session into scope in the business layer?I do like the repository model, and NHibernate is growing on me (after lots of initial frustration trying to make it work), so what's the best way you gurus have found of using them together?

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Repository - .net Code Repositories Around?

Aug 1, 2010

I was wondering if there are any good code repositories around where people share code they have written, widgets they have developed, classes developed? I hate re-inventing the wheel.

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.net - VS 2010 Entity Repository Error

Jun 12, 2010

In my project I have it set up so that all the tables in the DB has the property "id" and then I have the entity objects inherit from the EntityBase class using a repository pattern. I then set the inheritance modifier for "id" property in the dbml file o/r designer to "overrides"

Public MustInherit Class EntityBase
MustOverride Property id() As Integer
End Class
Public MustInherit Class RepositoryBase(Of T As EntityBase)


however produces the error "Class member is unmapped" when i use VS 2010 using the 4.0 framework but I never received that error with the old one.

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LINQ To SQL: Fake Repository With Many-to-Many Relationships?

Aug 6, 2009

I have two tables, Clients and Administrators, which are linked in a many-to-many relationship by the table ClientAdministrators. In the real application this works fine and I can get a list of Administrators for my Client. My problem comes in trying to unit test the service class that is retrieving this from the repository. I have a FakeRepository class which implements my repository interface and I have several internal lists of objects for the service class to query against.


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Using The BusinessObjects SDK To Interact With Objects In Its Repository?

Oct 27, 2009

The File Class has methods for sending/receiving (CopyTo and Overwrite) binary data to/from the File Repository Server (where files like Crystal Reports are stored), both of which have an overload that supports 'Binary data (safearray of VT_UI1)

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Binding Source And "Dirty" Data

Nov 18, 2010

I think this is a dirty data issue, but I'm not sure. I have a data-bound form with a bunch of textboxes. I have a table adapter, binding source, and dataset in my form.


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Files/sub-dirs When Adding Items In A New Repository?

Mar 23, 2010

I didn't see a question on this subject in the archives, so here goes: For those of you experienced Mercurial users, is this a correct .hgignore file to tell VB.Net Express to ignore files/sub-dirs when adding items in a new repository?


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Generic Repository With Entity Framework 4.0 Function Imports?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a generic repository that I communicate with my object context with. My object context has function imports that I want to be able to call through my generic repository. Currently I call them through an "Execute" function, but this is not ideal because I have to pass in my function name and parameters as strings which can cause run-time exceptions. My function imports map to complex types.

Is there a way to do something similar to:

Dim rep As IRepository(Of ComplexType)

Dim type As ComplexType = rep.Find(where:=Function(t) t.FunctionImport(parm, parm)).First()

Here is my generic repository as is:


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Repository Is Nothing But Added In The Container Later (correctly) (using Unity, Repositories) In ASP.Net MVC 3?

Sep 1, 2011

I have a "MenuService", which uses an "MenuRepository".When the MenuService is created, it loads correctly with the MenuRepository.Then it wants to save it in the UnityControllerFactory, but the MenuRepository in the MenuService is Nothing then (it wasn't before).Some additional info:I'm using the Unity and Repository pattern.The problem happens with a partial view (for a menu), which i have included in the "HomeController", it could be relevant information, so i included this, just in case:

Function Menu() As ActionResult
Return PartialView("~Views/Shared/_Menu.vbhtml", _MenuService.GetAllMenuItems)
End Function

Also, my partial "menu" view is like this:

@ModelType IEnumerable(Of FacturatieMVCv2.Domain.Slave.MenuItem)
@*<div id="myslidemenu" class="jqueryslidemenu">*@


And i'm calling the partial view with:


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Retrieve The Record And Display The Record In A Listbox Displaying The Time Field As The Text For That Record?

Apr 18, 2009

I hav a web service which pull records from a database and I am hosting these services in IIS which works fine but I am trying to retrieve the record and display the record in a listbox displaying the time field as the text for that record.I have created the following function

public sub get_data()
dim dt as new data.dataTable
dim service as ws webservice.webservice


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.net - Repository Pattern - Remove Child Elements From Multiple Parents

Nov 16, 2011

I have the following tables

Public Class Tag
<Key()> _
Public Property TagID As Integer


I implemented the repository pattern.

Now i have a list of Tags which contain the right TagReferences, but the tags may not be deleted, it's the TagReferences.

Variabels = ReferenceValue,ReferenceID
IEnumerable(Of Tag) = TagRepository.GetMany(Function(el) el.Reference = ReferenceValue And el.TagReferences.Any(Function(bl) bl.ReferencedID.Equals(ReferenceID)))

How can i remove all the TagReferences which contain the ReferenceID in one line?

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Svn - TortoiseSVN Hangs With .vbproj File On Initial Import To Repository?

Aug 25, 2011

we have a CollabNet Subversion Edge server running on a Windows server. Subversion Server is configured to serve via https. When trying to import a Visual Studio project folder with TortoiseSVN it hangs when adding the project file (.vbproj). Test 1: It happens exactly the same when the server is configured to serve via http.Test 2: Importing any project folder using the console utility (svn) works fine.

Both these tests lead to the conclusion that there is neither a network nor authorization problem.

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All Columns To One Column / Record Row To One Column

Feb 22, 2012

I am trying to implement a DataViewGrid in VB.NET that will be simply for identifying and selecting GIS features that are already within a database. Simple enough with DataGrids and DataSets, although there is one slight twist.First, I need to be able to populate the grid based on one record of the column [Name] that is chosen from a ComboBox(I have been able to populate the ComboBox, but not the grid).Second, I need to restructure the DataGridView so that each current column name is in a column called "Field" and the row for that one record chosen is in another column called "Value".As you can see here, each "Field" is a column name and each "Value" is one record for each of those columns. So, if I could somehow parse through all of the column names into a "Field" column, and also populate a "Value" column with one record for each [Name], I would be on the road to happiness.

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Quering Record - Check A Record In Database Before Inserting A New Record

Aug 9, 2010

I am trying to check a record in database before inerting a new record here is my code but problem is when i enter a names first alphabet it imediatly populate massage. i want to check it after entering whole name

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
Dim cnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" &


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DataGridView, Set Up Columns, Populate Data Table, Bind, But Not Using Columns Created In Code?

Oct 26, 2011

I'm using 2005. I have working programs that I populate DataGridViews with something like the following:


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Add/subtract/divide/multiply Certain Columns And Place The Information Into Other Columns?

Nov 30, 2010

My goal is to connect to my database either manually or using an sqladapater, and get information from two of my databases on sql server 2005. Then I want to take this information and on run-time begin to add/subtract/divide/multiply certain columns and place the information into other columns. I can do this in queries, however, I want to do it on run-time what is the best way to achieve this.I had some of this working, but I just want to start fresh and see how you would go about doing this.


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Mvc - Repository Pattern Implements Methods By Adding Add1 But Should Use Methods Of The Baseclass?

Aug 29, 2011

This is the original code in c#

public class CategoryRepository: RepositoryBase<Category>, ICategoryRepository
public CategoryRepository(IDatabaseFactory databaseFactory)
: base(databaseFactory)


Does anyone has an idea what i should change to let it work and let my UserRepository use the methods in RepositoryBase while implementing the IUserRepository?

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.net - Aggregate The Columns To Group On The Period And Sum The Count Columns?

Jun 29, 2011

I have the below Linq query that is returning the data but I need to aggregate the columns to group on the Period and Sum the Count columns. How do I go about doing this?

from t In tblTimes
join h In tblEngineeringDashboard_CADMachinesCounts on t.ID Equals h.TimeID
Order By t.Period


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Adding Columns And Modifying Columns In Access Database Using NET/SQL?

Oct 15, 2009

I am using the following code to alter an table imported from an Excel spreadsheet

Dim SQL As String = "ALTER TABLE receipts ADD payee integer, account integer, category integer, reconciled boolean"
Dim dataread As New OleDb.OleDbCommand()
dataread.Connection = Connection1


Both ExecuteNonQuery() actions yields the exception message {"Syntax error in field definition."}The error message does not happen with the first if the boolean column is not there (I tried Tes/No as a definition - but that also failed.The second query to modify the ID column from autonumber to integer I assume fails because it is a Primary KeyHas?

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Organize Columns - One Table Which Have Tree Columns (ID, Number, Name)

May 23, 2011

Imagine the following scene: I have one table which have tree columns (ID, Number, Name).

A Select query result on this:


Now, the user deletes the Number 3 and 4. So, now the Select query is going to be:


And I want to have:


How can I organize the column?

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Force Users To Save Current Record (If Current Record Has Changed) Before Going To Next Record

May 17, 2010

How do I force users to save the current record (if current record has changed) and not let user go to the next record unless the save button is pressed?

View 5 Replies - Averaging Columns In A Table - Ignoring Certain Columns

Feb 21, 2011

I've the following code which successfully makes an average for all the columns from a table. What I need to do though is ignore certain columns in this equation.

Dim totalNumber as Double = 0
Dim count as Integer = 0
For x = 0 To xyz123.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1


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Averaging Columns In A Table - Ignoring Certain Columns?

Feb 28, 2010

Averaging columns in a table - ignoring certain columns

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How To Use Something That Functions Like Label Box But Can Handle Several Columns And Columns?

Feb 18, 2010

What should I use and how to use something that functions like a label box but can handle several columns and columns? Something that looks like this. [code] Name | Age | Birthday are headers and the letters are variables

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