LINQ VB To Read Many Columns (or Fields) In One Row Record Data?
Oct 1, 2010
The LINQ VB code below is to read the first record data for database table
ProductTable that has 3 colounms (or 3 fields):
TableCol1, TableCol2, TableCol3. The reading data is stored at variable
'-------start LINQ VB code in Visual Studio Web Developer 2008-------'
Dim MyArrayFirstRow
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May 5, 2011
I am looking to define data types by fields in SQL Server 2005. My source is an Excel spreadsheet and I cannot define by columns because each row requires a set of definitions applied to each field in that row. Ex, row 1 requires field1 to be CHAR while in row 2 field 1 needs to be DATE.
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Jan 23, 2011
My database : table1
1 Sumit 22
2 Sanjeev 23
i have gridview 1 and textbox1 and button1 i want when pages load the gridview displays the all records from table1 and also ...i i wanna search record for firstname by typing sumit in textbox1 and click on button1 then in gridview the record of sumit will be shown default gridview display alll records from table1 How to do this My Selct Query is below : but it doesnot display all record ...but it can display record if you search for a particular record .
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Dec 2, 2011
I know how to select items from an array with LINQ, but what I can't figure out how to do is access a database using an IQueryable. I connected the database to my project, added two classes from the database to the "LINQ to SQL" .dbml file and saved it. In my programming assignment, I am not supposed to create a data source (table thing) to display the data, but update my own interface manually. In order to do it, I was told to instantiate this:
Private dogs As System.Linq.IQueryable(Of Dog)
(Dog is a class that I added to my .dbml file from the database file)Also, I am told it involves using a method
.AsEnumerable.ElementAt(index As Integer)
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Feb 29, 2012
i need to bind two fields to an existing columns. but i dont know what to add on my for loop and on how to bind it to an existing column. see my code below.
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May 5, 2010
Im wondering how would i work with a text file. which would allow me to Read the next Record, Cut record out of the program.
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Mar 4, 2011
I want to select column 'F1' from an excel spreadsheet and dump the data into my datatable 'oleDT'. How do I map the column F1 to the column i've added called 'colTest' ? When i call Fill, the dataTable has 2 columns, which are 'colTest' full of nulls and a created column called F1.[code]...
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Jan 28, 2009
I have VB.Net Exp 2008 with SQL Exp 2008, on a windows form I have 6 databound textboxes and 6 unbound textboxes, in the bound textboxes the records show as the bound dataGridView rows are selected, in the unbound textboxes is where I will enter the new record to be sent to the database. Added an SQL database in the designer which gave me a dataset(MdDB1DataSet) and a tableAdapter(MdTBTableAdapter). My problem is with adding, updating and deleting records. The add records button addes it during debug to the dataGridView, but does not return when I debug again. So this means it is not added to the database. The update button updates the fields in the DGV, but no record was retained.
Add Record button:
Dim nr As DataRow = MdDB1DataSet.Tables(mdTb).NewRow
nr(0) = Trim(txtAdd1.Text)
nr(1) = Trim(txtAdd2.Text)
nr(2) = Trim(txtAdd3.Text)
nr(3) = Trim(txtAdd4.Text)
[Code] .....
View 12 Replies
Jun 1, 2012
I'm trying to concatenate two fields in LINQ so that I can then filter with a keyword. I found a question posted here that I thought was my answer, but I'm getting 0 records back for some reason. This is supposed to return a JSON result for an autocomplete textbox (it works when I don't concatenate fields).
Here's my code:
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Oct 26, 2011
I'm using 2005. I have working programs that I populate DataGridViews with something like the following:
View 6 Replies
Feb 16, 2012
I am writing a parsing method for a csv record and want to throw an exception if the number of fields in the record do not match the expected length
View 3 Replies
Mar 24, 2012
I have a Table:
I'm trying by LINQ-query (VB.NET) to return a count for distinct value of Objects, Stuffs and Colours for every Room:
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Apr 3, 2012
I am stumped. I have a DTO object with duplicates patient address data. I need to get only the unique addresses.
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Feb 25, 2010
I have a dynamic query which returns a DataTable. This DataTable will contain a varying number of columns depending on the selection used in the query. I want an efficient way of filtering the records in the DataTable.
For Example The DataTable contains columns : A, B, C and D
I need to query this data at serveral points in my program. At some point I may need records where A=10 and C>40. At another point I may need records where A<10 and D=90 etc.etc. The selects are dymanmic, I do not now what Columns or values are needed until the code is executing.
I could simply use a DataTable Filter and build the selection string dynamically. I have no problem with this. However I was wondering if using LINQ would be more applicable. I am completely new to LINQ and would like to use it but don't know its capabilities.
(At present I am using a DataTable but in future this may change to a collection of Objects)
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Jan 13, 2011
How can I use dynamic fields in LINQ in the PART OF THE where query? I mean that I want to write where x = *dynamic fields* I want to do the select query in all of the tables that are in the dataset, not on one datatable.
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Jul 26, 2010
My LINQ query contains the following Group By statement:
Group p By Key = New With { _
.Latitude = p.Address.GeoLocations.FirstOrDefault(Function(g) New String() {"ADDRESS", "POINT"}.Contains(g.Granularity)).Latitude, _
.Longitude = p.Address.GeoLocations.FirstOrDefault(Function(g) New String() {"ADDRESS", "POINT"}.Contains(g.Granularity)).Longitude}
The query works, but here is the SQL that the clause above produces
SELECT [t6].[Latitude]
SELECT TOP (1) [t5].[Latitude]
but this produced an error: "A group by expression can only contain non-constant scalars that are comparable by the server."
View 1 Replies
May 29, 2009
SubSonic 2.2. I use the repository record pattern, with a table "appointment" with an appointmentId as auto-incrementing int. I am trying to update it, but when I do update the fields with something totally different, dirty columns are always zero, and I get an exception.
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Sep 23, 2011
LINQ drives me crazy. Why does following query not return the duplicates, whereas it works with only one identifier? Where is my error?
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Apr 15, 2011
I am trying to make a simple search method using sql to linq in visual studio. In my database, i have the fields "Firstname" and "Lastname", and my search string is "name". How can i make a simple linq query which searches both fields?
in plain SQL i would do something like this: "SELECT (Firstname + Lastname) as 'Fullname' FROM table WHERE Fullname LIKE '%searchstring%'
View 3 Replies
Dec 12, 2011
I'm trying to get LINQ SQL to grab and total this data, I'm having a heck of a time trying to do it too.
Here is my code, that doesn't error out, but it doesnt total the data.[code]....
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Jun 7, 2011
I'm trying to query old Access database tables and compare them with SQL Server tables.They often don't have primary keys, or they have extra fields that had some purpose in the nineties, etc., or the new tables have new fields, etc.I need to find records - based on a set of fields specified at runtime - that are in one table but not another.So, I do this kind of query all the time in SQL, when I'm comparing data in different tables:
dim fields_i_care_about as string = "field1, field2, field3"
'This kind of thing gets set by a caller, can be any number of fields, depends on the
dim s as string= ""
It tells me it can't convert a Boolean - Is there any way to do this without Linq expressions? They seem far more complex than what I'm trying to do here, and they take a lot of code, and also I can't seem to find examples of Expressions where we're comparing two fields in a subquery.Is there a simpler way? I know I could do the usual EXISTS query using JOIN or IN - in this case I don't need the query to be super fast or anything. And I don't need to use a DataTable or DataSet - I can put the data in some other kind of object.
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Feb 13, 2012
how to execute this SQL Statement
Given Tables T_Data, T_AllDesc, T_System1, T_System2
Given Fields:
T_Data= f_id, f_Desc, f_CreationDate, f_CreationTime, f_System1, f_System2
View 7 Replies
Dec 6, 2011
I have a list of attachments that I need to group by clientCLID and EmailAddress. From this grouped list I only need a list of clientCLIDs. After fiddling for a while I've managed to get it to work as follows:
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Mar 19, 2012
how to sum upan specific columns in gridview using linq? I can't find anything in Google regarding this topic.
I tried this but not exactly what I want to be the output.
Dim total = Aggregate rowItems In Gridview1.Rows _
Into Sum(Cdbl(rowItems("AMOUNT")))
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Aug 26, 2009
I have a table that contains procedure codes among other data (let's call it "MyData"). I have another table that contains valid procedure codes, their descriptions, and the dates on which those codes are valid. Every time I want to report on MyData and include the procedure description, I have to do a lookup similar to this:
From m in dc.MyDatas _
Join p in dc.Procedures On m.proc_code Equals p.proc_code _
Where p.start_date <= m.event_date _
Is there a way to turn a complex lookup (i.e. a non-trivial join) like this into something SQL can recognize so that I can define it in one place and just reference the description as if it were a field in MyData? So far the only thing I can think of is to create a SQL view on MyData that does the linking and bring that into my data context, but I'd like to try to avoid that.
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Jun 29, 2010
I have the following code:
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 20
Dim captionTextBox As TextBox = DirectCast(Me.FindControl("news_Image" +
Where the comment is in the code above, I need to insert the value of the textbox (text) into Linq columns. For example: articleToUpdate.news_Image1Caption, news_Image2Caption, but I need to change the number after news_ to the value of i in the for loop.
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Nov 4, 2010
The following data is created by joining two sql tables together:I would like to group together distinct rows of DateStamp/UserName/ StudentName/ InstructorName/TableName/PrimaryKey (I'll call this 'group records') and then group under these ColumnName/PreviousValue/NewValue (I'll call this 'subgroup records')The end result would be that I could iterate through the 'group records' - there would be 5. In each 'group record', I could then iterate through the 'subgroup records'. The 5 groups would contain 3, 2, 5, 2 and 1 subgroup records respectively.What would be the syntax to create a query to do this? Ideally this would be in a linq syntax.
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Aug 9, 2010
I have the following table structure. I want to select distinct CustomerId and CustomerName, TotalCost.[code]
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Jun 22, 2011
How to update columns in datatable using linq without conditions. I have an idea that I'm just gonna loop all the data in the datatable but don't know what comes in LINQ.
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Oct 22, 2009
TableAdapter.Update(...) Inserts NULL Values in all columns for a new record?
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