Reproduce Graphically The Level Of A Auido Wav?

Sep 16, 2009

I can not find an example of how to reproduce graphically the level of a Auido wav

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ADVERTISEMENT - Reproduce In .net In An Asp:repeater?

Mar 27, 2011

I need to repeat the following in

<ul id="prod_nav" class="clearfix">
<li class="top"><a href="05-Pink-02-Category-List.html" class="top_link"><span class="down">Body and Trim</span></a>
<ul class="sub">


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Show Sales Data Graphically?

Nov 6, 2010

I want to show the sales data graphically.

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Displaying Data Graphically (Ultrasonic Radar)?

Mar 20, 2012

I'm working on an ultrasonic sonar and I would like to use the computer to display a standard green radar system detecting the objects.I'm using a micro controller with the software written in C to send out the sensor's angle and position and it works fine.On the computer side, I'm using Visual Basic 2010 to read the COM port which then contains the sensor's data in numbers (sensor's angle and distance between sensor and object) which is a constant stream. On the debug screen (Textbox) I can already see all the data coming through.

Now my question is: How do I convert those numbers into graphics?More explanations about these numbers I want to convert:I have a step motor to rotate the ultrasonic sensor, and it works that way: The motor advances 1 step forward, then measure distance between sensor and object, then send these 2 values out. So, if you see the attached file, those numbers on the text box mean:

000032 -> 000: step number & 032: 32cm between sensor and object
001031 -> 001: step number & 031: 31cm between sensor and object
002032 -> 002: step number & 032: 32cm between sensor and object
003007 -> 003: step number & 007: 7cm between sensor and object
and so on...

So those are the numbers I wish to convert into graphics. The scan line would need to rotate clockwise at same speed of the step motor. And then I would like to display dots when an object is detected.

View 14 Replies

Reproduce The FolderBrowserDialog Control Functionality But Not In A Dialog

May 27, 2009

I'm trying to find a way to reproduce the FolderBrowserDialog control functionality but not in a dialog. I'm been looking around for a good part of today for solutions but with very little progress. I found a few writeups on listing folders and their contents in a treeView but nothing about listing everything including "My Computer", "Desktop", etc. This seems like something that would've been built right in to Visual Studio. I'm working with VS 2005.

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[2008] Reproduce ADODC RecordCount In .NET Using Databindings?

Jan 16, 2009

I am porting a college project made in VB6 to VB.NET, which I am quite new to. I'm finding data bindings a little more frustrating than the ADO controls VB6 had. Here is an example of RecordCount being used in the old code, from the login screen:

Private Sub cmdLogon_Click()
If txtID.Text = "" And txtPassword.Text = "" Then

View 3 Replies

Load Unrelated Code Then Edit It Graphically Using Buttons?

Jan 16, 2012

I'm making a text Editor, that can load unrelated code then edit it graphically using buttons.So far my problem is with replace, I'm probably not using the right context some times it works, most times it does not.


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WebBrowser Control Printouts Graphically Corrupt With IE9 Installed

Mar 17, 2011

Having installed the IE9 update a couple of days ago, I'm left in the same boat that I found myself in when I tried the IE9 RC. Namely, documents printed via .Print() from a WebBrowser control in .NET no longer print correctly. What the user sees in screen is vastly different from what comes out of the printer. There will be missing characters and whitespace discrepencies virtually every time.

Here is an example:

The top is what inevitably comes out of the printer when the bottom is what the user sees on screen (outside of the pixelized part of the name & address--that was me).

If I uninstall IE9, the problem goes away.

View 20 Replies

Interface And Graphics :: Displaying Data Graphically (Ultrasonic Radar)?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm working on an ultrasonic sonar and I would like to use the computer to display a standard green radar system detecting the objects. I'm using a micro controller with the software written in C to send out the sensor's angle and position and it works fine.On the computer side, I'm using Visual Basic 2010 to read the COM port which then contains the sensor's data in numbers (sensor's angle and distance between sensor and object)which is a constant stream. On the debug screen (Textbox) I can already see all the data coming through.Now my question is: How do I convert those numbers into graphics?

More explanations about these numbers I want to convert:I have a step motor to rotate the ultrasonic sensor, and it works that way:The motor advances 1 step forward, then measure distance between sensor and object, then send these 2 values out.So, if you see the attached file, those numbers on the text box mean:

000032 -> 000: step number & 032: 32cm between sensor and object
001031 -> 001: step number & 031: 31cm between sensor and object
002032 -> 002: step number & 032: 32cm between sensor and object
003007 -> 003: step number & 007: 7cm between sensor and object
and so on...

So those are the numbers I wish to convert into graphics. The scan line would need to rotate clockwise at same speed of the step motor. And then I would like to display dots when an object is detected

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[2008] Reproduce Vista Aero Text Glow Effect

Jul 7, 2008

Have you ever seen the whitish glow around the titlebar text in Vista? You know, the feathering around the text that makes it stand out from the Aero glass? Well if you haven't, look at the picture in the attachment. Does anyone have an idea as to how I may reproduce it, specifically draw it around some text on the Aero glass? I already know that the Aero glass can be implemented using some APIs in dwmapi.dll. Are APIs for the glow also in that dll? I'm unable to find any info on how to do this in the official documentation.

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[2008] Reproduce Vista Aero Text Glow Effect?

May 14, 2008

[2008] Reproduce Vista Aero text glow effect

View 8 Replies

Application-level KeyUp/KeyDown Events (not Windows Form-level)?

Apr 1, 2012

I am creating an Excel add-in written in VB.NET. I would like to bind KeyDown and KeyUp events to the spreadsheet to record when the user presses and releases the arrow keys while navigating the spreadsheetIdeally, these events would be built into Excel alongside the native SheetActivate and SheetSelectionChange events, for example. Alas, they are not.

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What's The Difference Between Dim On The Member Level And Static On The Procedure Level

Jan 6, 2010

In Visual Basic 2008, there's two different ways that I know of to accomplish the same thing:The Dim on the member level:

Dim counter1 as integer = 0
Dim counter2 as integer = 180
Public Sub SampleSub1()


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Top Level SQL Table Row - Save The Top Level Automatically?

Mar 18, 2011

I have created a simple program which uses a two tier structure of SQL Tables.At the top level, one record holds the date of the activities and linked to it using its primary key as a foreign key, three subordinate tables hold time stamped records.The issue I have been unable to solve is that before adding any of the lower level records for a given date, a newly added top level record must be saved to the database.Doing this manually is simple - but can I rely on my users to remember to do this before they start plugging in the lower level data?I thought not, so I am looking to save the top level automatically.I've failed miserably but I refuse to believe that it's not possible.

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Multiple Level Of For Each And Linq In Each Level

Feb 12, 2011

I have multiple level of For Each and in each level, i have a Linq that is the 'In' criteria as in:


It will go inside each for (because the value is not nothing), however, it will only loop (next) in the very inner 'For Each t In tFor'. After it is finish inner loops, the outer Fors' or Next will not execute... even thought there are more than one values in that 'In'... like 'sFor' or 'fFor'. i've noticed while debuging, while break at the for (for example 'sFor', before stepping in), i get the error message:

"Enumeration yielded no results" when i expand the result for that variable and it will not step into it. but if i do not expand the result, it will step in. It seem that some how, once an element is accessed for that 'In' collection, it breaks (meaning does not loop for the rest of the elements) the next for that collection is this a bug or am i missing something in Linq? BTW: i believe it has something to do with the SqlDataReader in the Linq. I'm working with IAsyncResult.

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Import A Platinum Level Advisor .jar To Use With This Platinum Level Product Key?

Nov 10, 2009

U0161 import a Platinum level Advisor .jar to use with this Platinum level product key.How I can get this and import it to continue my completion of setup of mysql download?From where I can download that file?To enable this application, please provide a MySQL Enterprise Product Key or your MySQL Enterprise credentials.

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Getting To A Level Below

Jul 8, 2011

Hi Friends,

Hope you all are doing fine.


I have been into learning VB 2010 Express for around 2 months now; I have been doing it primarily on weekends with a nice book by James Foxall. At the moment I am in Chapter 22 of 24. I have been able to make some sense on what he says but have
been able to follow him well. I plann to read the book in full twice before doing with it at the end of August 2011.

Today's Question

In one of my previous threads 'Becoming a Programmer' @Renee Culver encourages me to try to get to a level deeper. There are many other experienced programmers who have given adivce with equal 'punch' but I like to begin with @Renee Culver's

James Foxall guides me learning smoothly but I now at the 22nd chapter out of 24 feel a little uneasy. It feels like James tells I do. In Chapter 22 dealing with automation he guides me to work on Excel through VB. The reference to the Server is
set through the VB interface. I like to know how to get to a level deeper on this today. Instead of using the VB interface can't I establish reference purely through VB code? During this weekend I like to try accessing the Google start page
Combo to get search results for 'Novak Djokovic'. Could you help me?

Thank you Friends.

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C# - What Should Go Into A Top Level Namespace

May 7, 2009

What should go into the top level namespace? For example, if I have MyAPI.WebLogic,MyAPI.Compression, etc. If I put classes into the top level namespace, am I violating the principle of encapsulation?

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How To Monitor Mic Level

Feb 10, 2008

I want to be able to have the Level of my Mic in my Form. I want a Progressbar that tracks how high my voice is just like in Windows Movie Maker or In Msn Messinger when you are doing a voice Chat there is a Progressbar like object that shows how loud it is...

View 17 Replies

Low Level Disk I/O

Feb 25, 2009

I want to do low level disk I/O using Visual Basic 2008.Particularly, I want to do track/sector read/writes to a disk (or equivalent hardware)Also important is to discover number of tracks/sectors available.

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Read Xml More Than 2 Level?

Sep 15, 2009

ihave problem when read xml file. some xml file with level more than 2 level.i want put the result in datagrid. i have no problem when read simple xml like this:


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Tic Tac Toe Difficulty Level?

Apr 9, 2010

In my tic tac toe game I'd like there to be three different levels; easy, medium, and impossible. There are 2 forms; the difficulty level form and the main game form. When the game first starts the user will be prompted with the difficulty level form which contains 3 radio buttons; easy, medium, and impossible.

I've coded three different functions based on the difficulty level; easyMove(), medMove(), and impMove(). These have all been coded in the main game form. How could I run the respective function based on the radio button that was selected in the previous difficulty level form?

If it was on the same form it wouldn't be a problem but because it is on a different form I'm unsure of how to do this.

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.exe Files Security Level?

Jun 17, 2011

.exe files security level

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C# - Why Isn't There A Trace Level In Log4Net

Sep 8, 2009

I was just wondering why there isn't a trace level in log4Net. This level seems to be missing and I sometimes feel the need to use it, for example to output what events are being executed in an application. This feature is a part of log4J. I know I can create a custom level like is talked about here but I don't want to put time and effort in something I feel should be part of the library itself. Do you know about a log4net extension library which implements this or why this wasn't a part of the port to .net ?

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Get Just The Top-level Text Of An XmlElement?

Sep 11, 2009

Suppose I have some XmlElement; let's call it element. If I want to get all of the child nodes of that element, I can call element.ChildNodes. If I want the text of the element and all its children, then I can go with element.InnerText.


EDIT: Sorry I didn't specify this initially: I'm looking for a solution not involving LINQ (we're in the Dark Ages over here with .NET 2.0).

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Get Microphone Input Level In VB?

Feb 1, 2010

I am a beginner in VB, and I would like to make an oscilloscope display - showing voltage level of microphone input.

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Get The Microphone Input Level?

Jan 25, 2010

for an application I need to get the microphone input level and "display" it with a ProgressBar.

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Get Usb Microphone Input Level?

May 10, 2010

How to get usb microphone input level ?

(i am refering to peak volume input)

what import statement, source code to use ?

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Getting The Critical Level Of The Products?

Feb 2, 2012

[URL]...From this link, it explains the formula of how getting the critical level of the products, but I can't imagine how to automatic-compute it because every month and every year there's a computation to be done

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IDE :: Calculate The Discount Level?

Feb 7, 2012

I have a Form with textboxes,combobox and a button to calculate the discount level (comboBox) discount total (textbox), tax total (textbox) and total all these up into the total order (textbox) this is working except the discount total textbox,here's my code i have so far.[code]...

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