Resume Stopwatch At Prior End Time?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a stopwatch that begins counting from "00:00:00" upon clicking Button2 (in UserInterfacefrm). When the user

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Stopwatch With Split Time In OOP?

Oct 23, 2007

I designing a stopwatch type OO program and am stuck on trying to figure out the split time function of a stop watch. I want to list the split times in a list box as the user presses the split button and also display the final split time when the user presses the stop button. I feel I'm real close but just can't get over the hump, especially trying to code in OOP. The rest of my program works fine (start, stop, elapsed time). I am programming in VB 2005 and will display my relative code from both the class and form areas.


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Sync Stopwatch With Another One At Given Time

Sep 16, 2009

I have an application that has several stopwatches. I would like to be able to 'sync' a stopwatch with another at any given time. I tried setting the Elapsed time of one stopwatch to that of another stopwatch but I get that that property is 'read only'.

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C# - Diagnostics.StopWatch Time Lag In XP But Not Win7

Sep 25, 2011

ETA: Using Environment.TickCount does not present the same problem. ETA2: I should add that I don't actually use the Forms.Timer in my app - as this would negate the use of a high frequency timer. I've used it here to simplify the code. ETA3: I've published a workaround as an answer below. I'm having problems with the StopWatch class that I'm observing on a laptop with XP but not a different laptop with Win7. Here's the test code:


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Forms :: Pause Then Change Stopwatch Time?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a StopWatch running, I convert the milliseconds to the following format. 00:00:00 i.e HH:MM:SS which is a label.

I can pause the the stopwatch and resume but I dont seem to be able to edit the stopwatchs time. So lets say my time says 00:00:02 , i now want to pause the program which I can, but also change the stopwatch time to 00:00:10 and resume counting.

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Stopwatch - Counts Down To Zero From A Random Time Set When The App Loads

Jul 31, 2011

I have a stopwatch that counts down to zero from a random time set when the app loads. Now what I want to do is when that timer runs out and someone clicks reset it again is random rather than the same time as before. My code is


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VS 2008 Stopwatch Class With Incorrect Time?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm having trouble with a Stopwatch one one of the user's machines. I'm using the Stopwatch class to track time elapsed on one of my applications, and it seems to work fine on everyone else's machine, but on one machine it goes really slow. It's probably 1/3 or 1/4 of the actual time elapsed.

Here's the

I'm using the timer to update the textbox that displays the time elapsed of the stopwatch every second.

Partial Public Class
Private WithEvents breakTimer As New Timer
Private breakSW As New Stopwatch


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Stopwatch Function - User Break Time Length

Jan 18, 2012

I'm currently trying to code a program which basically uses the stopwatch function to time the length of the users break. Basically when I work at home I want to allow my self 4% of my shift length in personal breaks.

So far I have
Public Class Form1
Dim elpsTmr As New Stopwatch
Dim ts As TimeSpan = elpsTmr.Elapsed
Private Sub txtshiftlength_TextChanged(ByVal sender _
As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtshiftlength.TextChanged
[Code] .....

The only fields I don't have working are hard ones. I'm trying to figure out how to subtract the length of the last break used from the minutes allowed to take and display it in a text box to display how many minutes you have left to take. And also to work out how many minutes have been used since the program has been opened or reset.

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Stopwatch Ticks - Trigger An Event For Each Tick Of The Stopwatch Without Missing Any Ticks?

Oct 5, 2011

So a timer's maximum interval is 1 which is a thousand ticks a second. A Stopwatch's frequency is 2238906 ticks a second on my pc...

I am wondering if there is a reliable way to trigger an event for each tick of the stopwatch without missing any ticks...

If I can somehow get a Tick event for the stopwatch, I believe I can increase the resolution of my input recorder....

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Click Of A Button The Stopwatch Starts Then On The Click Of A Second Button The Stopwatch Stops

Mar 23, 2010

One the click of a button the stopwatch starts, then on the click of a second button the stopwatch stops then states either in a msgbox the time taken between the two button clicks.

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Use Dispose Prior To Close?

Mar 25, 2011

Is it always a good idea to use dispose prior to close? Or only under certain circumstances?

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Assign A Conditional Value Prior To Get/set In Ascx .net?

Apr 16, 2011

In the members region I declare _Name and assign it the value "NameA" but how do I assign this value conditionally?The idea is that if in some file there's a value set than that should be the default value and not the hard coded one, if non is set the hard coded one should stick.

#Region "Members"
Private _Name As String = "NameA"
#End Region
#Region "Properties"


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Changing MDF Prior To Attaching Causes Failure

May 17, 2010

I am currently using the follwoing in my install routine, the idea is to check if the db exists. if the db does exist then leave the mdf name as is and attach it as a temp db then i can run a compare between the 2 db. however if the db does not exist i want to rename the mdf and attach it. however after renaming the mdf i cant attach the file.[code]

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DB/Reporting :: Using A Lookup Formula To A Prior Day?

Dec 29, 2008

I'm creating a Macro for reporting purposes and trying to create a formula that will look at a prior days report, save it out, and work off of that one.

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Display An Equation Prior To Solving It?

Jul 19, 2011

I want to display an equation prior to solving it. Obviously in MS word etc I can use equation editor to write an equation, but I'm writing my own program.

Is there an easy way to display an equation. Obviously I could use text to write eg as text "a=b^2-3(c-d)/5" and everyone here would have little problem interpretting what I want but I want this to be accessible to 12 year old children.

Alternatively I could try and manipulate lots of text boxes one on top of the other to try and explain what I'm doing

The third alternative I thought of was to write in equation editor export the graphic and then import a graphic.

I'm sure I must be trying to reinvent the wheel - which I believe is the one thing OE programming is supposed to avoid.

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VS 2008 Dates Prior To 1900?

May 16, 2012

I have an application that will require using dates prior to 1/1/1900. (Some historical analysis). What kind of date function can I use for this -- I want to be able to use all the standard features that are available for date, e.g. format, date differences, charting.

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VS 2010 ToolStripProgressBar Stops Prior To End?

Mar 13, 2012

Been trying to figure out why my progress bars (one in the status bar when the main window is open and the other in a window by itself before the main window is shown) go up most of the way, then stop till the processing is done.I have refresh in there where the action takes place, and that made it work mostely.Basically I'm loading a file into a string, then while in a loop, I'm processing the file by lines. I have a function that retrieves a line, then it does a:

pbProgress.Value = pbProgress.Maximum - sWork.length


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Add A Music File To The Appliaction Prior To Publish?

Apr 23, 2010

I am currently trying to publish my project, not to web but to the cd/dvd option, I have done a test and it works all fine. During my project i have code that plays an audio file (wav) in background. This file i have placed manually in my c-drive and and i reference its loaction when i call it via;


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Allow User To Return To The Form And See Prior Input For Editing

Jun 28, 2010

I would like to develop a structure to maintain my user's text input somehow on each form to allow user to return to the form and see the prior input for potential editing. My app has four forms which accept user input and form a string for output to printer. In the eventuality that the user notes a mistake in the input after leaving the app, I would like to develop a structure to "save" the user input at the form level and allow for repopulating the text boxes with the prior user input. Make sense? I have no idea how accomplish that functionality. Maybe it's too complex for my purposes. What do the pros think?

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Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding?

Apr 17, 2012

I have used the following query for my task and it returns the table..

Dim da As SqlDataAdapter= New SqlDataAdapter(strSqlQuery, objSQLCon)


But the same query some times not working and I got "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding" sqlexecption error. I have searched and referred lot of links (cmd.CommandTimeout= 0) and I did not seen any usefull info for my case..

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Datagrid To Be Inserted With Additional Values With The Prior Populated Data?

Nov 11, 2010

i have a Checkedlistbox in a windows form, and have defined 5 values in it.Also the form holds a datagrid in it. i have manually defined 2 columns in it.Now i would like to populate datagrid with some data according to the check list values selection. When any selection was done in the checkedlistbox, some data need to added to the case if i am ticking further selection, i need the datagrid to be inserted with additional values with the prior populated data.

being a beginner, i am not able to get any idea to get this worked.

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MySQL - Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of Operation

Jan 17, 2012

I am getting the following error:
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding works fine with the other 400+ updates before this one. There are only 5k records right now, and update string works fine from myphpadmin.

mysqlstr2 = "update " & turncolor & piececount & " set status1 = '1' where layoutstring = '" & layoutstring & "' limit 1"
' mysqlstr2 value at error = "update black32 set status1 = '1' where layoutstring = 'rnbqkbnrppppppp................p.....N..........PPPPPPPPRNBQKB.R' limit 1"
Dim command3 As New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(mysqlstr2, cn2)
Dim rowsaffected As Integer = 0
rowsaffected = command3.ExecuteNonQuery

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File Not Closing - Process Was Working Fine Prior To Adding The Code?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm reading a file and then closing it with the following code, but my problem is later when I start a batch process it says the file is still in use. Am I doing something wrong in closing it? The process was working fine prior to my adding this code to read the file.


This rexx exec is trying to write to the file that I read from in the prior step before creating a PowerPoint presentation, but fails becuase of the lock.I'm at a loss. I should qualify and say the process actually starts, but fails in the rexxexec after it starts, it isn't failing on the process start the rexx exec issues a message that it can't write to the file becuase it is in use.

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Put Resume On My Website

Apr 7, 2010

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 (with Visual Basic) to create my own personal web site. I want to include a page that has my resume, but I don't want the format to be affected. What would be the best way to do this. I thought that possibly putting it in as an image might work, but I haven't tried that yet.

After I get this done, is there a way to add a button so a user can download my resume?

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Run When Resume From Idle?

Sep 16, 2010

Can anyone tell me how I could make my program (running in background) do something when when Windows becomes active after being idle?

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Try Catch - Resume Next?

Jun 7, 2007

I have a case where I need to resume execution on the next line after an exception. Is there no way to do this using the structured error handling? I realize that I can go back to the "On Error .. Goto", but I can't believe there's not a way to do this with structured error handling...

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Add Seconds On A Stopwatch

Oct 13, 2010

Is there a way to add x seconds to a stopwatch once a button is pressed? the stopwatch is currently running by the way.

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How Long Can A Stopwatch Run

Jul 27, 2011

I have a VB.NET app in which I'd like to use the Stopwatch class. The stopwatch will get reset every time it enters a particular method, which may be in less than a second, or not for hours. Is there a limit to how long you can let a stopwatch run before something bad happens? i.e. an error, or performance degradation?

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How To Create A Stopwatch

Jun 8, 2011

I was just wondering if there was anyway to create some sort of stopwatch, that doesnt include labels signifing, milli seconds etc?

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Tell The Program To Pause And Resume?

Feb 7, 2012

For Each item In lbFiles.Items
Dim p As New ProcessStartInfo
p.FileName = "java"[code]....

How do I prevent the program from opening 3 windows at a time if there are 3 items in the do i tell it to not to start the process when the current process isn't finished 1 window at a time...

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