Retrieve A Time Stamp And Then Find Out What The Fiscal Year Is

Aug 4, 2011

I am having a hard time finding some code to find a fiscal year. I want to be able to retrieve a Time stamp, and then find out what the Fiscal year is. July 1st thru the end of June So July 1,2011 thru Jun 31st, 2012 is all Fiscal Year "2012"

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Calculate Date From The Given Week Number For Fiscal Year?

Jan 22, 2010

I m working on a site which requires me to calculate date(s) from the given week number for the year start set by the user in his setup.for ex. user set the year is from 1st April to 31st May in his setup and he selects week say 23rd then I have to find out dates for the week selected.

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Converting Unix Time Stamp To Normal Format Time?

Dec 18, 2010

Is there a way of converting a unix time stamp to normal format time and date in .NET?

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SQL Time Stamp To Millisecond?

Apr 25, 2012

How can I convert SQL time using a datetime stamp to milliseconds. I am doing a highstock chart using VB.Net

and this is my selection code so far

Dim mydatalist As New List(Of XyData)
Dim sqlReader As SqlDataReader
Dim strConn As New


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.net - One Time Password And Time Stamp In VB?

Jan 17, 2012

How to do one time password for login with a timestamp of 60 sec? I am doing a security project and i am required to do a one time password for a more secure login.Anyone has any example?

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Compare Two Files By Time Stamp?

Mar 31, 2010

I need to compare 2 files one on a PC in country X and 1 on a PC in Y.Country X and Y could be any country in the world.

When I compare the last modified dates of the files, it returns the local modified time, so they are always different.

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File Time Stamp Changing?

Jun 14, 2009

I need to know how to change the last access, last write, and created time, of files and folders

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Autofill A Textbox With A Date/time Stamp?

Feb 11, 2011

How can I autofill a textbox with a date/time stamp?

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VB9 Build Date / Time Stamp Function?

Jul 13, 2009

Does VB9 provide a compile-time date/time stamp function? I know VB6 did not; I'm hoping VB9 does.

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.net - Saving A Date/Time Stamp From VB 2005 To MS Access?

Oct 12, 2009

I am coding ib Visual Basic. I need to store the current system time in MS Access timestamp field. How do I go about it.

Dim row As DataRow = ds.Tables("StudentTable").NewRow

row("SSMA_TimeStamp") = System.DateTime.Now.ToString()

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Record Of Values Changing Over Time With A Datetime Stamp?

Aug 22, 2010

I have been dabbling in VB before and i played around wiht linq to sql back then but im wondering what i should go with here.I need to have a list of people.. They should all have their own id nr.

The people in the list are supposed to keep a record of values changing over time with a datetime stamp. (In my case its numbers from a test outcome of blood)You have to be able to add people and delete people. All records will be deleted too.A Chart will read information from the records and display changes over time in chart.I was thinking of doing it with linq to sql and i was kinda aiming at Creating datatables with id names from the script

Havent found a way of creating datatables from a script though..I was hoping for a solution like that.. And i was hoping id be able to search databasetable names.

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Using A Text Box To Display The V_KEY Code And Time Stamp It?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a really interesting task I need to code and I'm stuck. The application I'm creating Takes the mute button on my laptop and triggers an even when the mute button is pressed.

The issue is I found when the mute button is pressed, the computer sends the v_key code for volume down in a rapid rate. What I want to do is display the v_key code and a time stamp in a text box:

When I press the mute key, the v_key code and time stamp are displayed for every instance that code is thrown. The same goes for un-mute.I'm having issues with my application not triggering the event when the mute is pressed because the computer is shooting out the v_key code so many times, so fast.

My plan is to create a kind of de-bounce logic- IF the v_key code is detected x amount of times in y timespan then.To do this I need to know how fast and how many times this code is occuring.

Any direction or ideas on how to go about this?

Dr.Bones- " If my application is too hard for a 5th grader to run, I've made too complicated"

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VS 2010 Time/Date Stamp To Mysql Returns 0000-00-00?

Aug 10, 2011

Im having a problem passing a date and time stamp from vb to mysql. My code is as follows:ComboBox1.Text.ToUpper() & "', '" & TextBox1.Text & "', '" & Now() & "'"Where the comboBox populates the first field, the textbox populates the second and in the third I get 0000-00-00 00:00:00. I have formatted the field as date and time - which is what I am after

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Microsoft Access Database From VB6 - Vista - Run As Administrator - Different Date / Time Stamp?

Mar 27, 2010

I have a VB6 application which has been running succesfully for years under XP, however under Vista data loss has been observed.It appears that if the app is run 'as administrator' then it connects to the correct database file, however if the app. is not run as administrator then vista creates a copy of the database (no idea where) - hence I end up with 2 versions of the database.

In fact I can delete the database file entirely and the app. still works fine because vista is using it's own copy - the problem is how do I back up this 'vista copy' when I can't find it (search doesn't find it).

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VB 2008 Express - Retrieve Age And Update Every Year?

Apr 16, 2009

I am doing a system for my project. The system will request user choose or fill-in the birthday date. From the birthday date, I need to calculate the age and store it into database (MSSQL). My problem is, if I am able to calculate the age and store it into database, how do I update the age? How do I update all the age in the AGE column every year? (no matter update based on YEAR or MONTH DATE as long as there is a way to do it, automatically)

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Retrieve Records From Db Based On Month And Year Concatenation?

Jan 25, 2012

I have combobox for year and combobox for month concatenated to make the date format "2012-01" My db field is RecordDate and is smallDateTime In my select statement im trying to use the left function to find match my concatenated string to the RecordDate field.Here is my code, hopefully someone can help me. Currently im getting the error "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string."

Dim newRecordDate As String = (CStr(ComboBox2.SelectedValue)) & "-" & val1
Dim val10 As String = CStr(Convert.ToDateTime(newRecordDate))
Dim val21 As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(val10, 7)


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Find The Month Of The Selected Year Within A Datagridview?

Jan 4, 2010

I,ve build an agenda within acces and now i use acces as a datasource now my question is how can i find the month of the selected year within a datagrv this my code


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Find The Date Of The Sunday Of The First Full Week Of A Year?

Apr 2, 2009

How can I find the date of the Sunday of the first full week of a year using the DatePart function or something else? Jan 4 for 2009.

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Date And Time Picker Cant Read Data On Previous Year?

Jan 24, 2012

my date and time picker cant get data on my SQL yog database it only get data on year 2011 .it cant show me data on year 2012...i hava a range of code is :sSQL = "select * from qry_reciept where product_name LIKE '%" & txt_name.Text & "%' and b_desc = '" & cbx_brand.Text & "' and d_purchased >= '" & datetimepicker_1.Text & "' and d_purchased <= '" & datetimepicker_2.Text & "'"

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VS 2008 - Printing On Fiscal Printer

Aug 26, 2010

I work on software for cafe bar, and the bills should be print on fiscal printer (e.g. like this [URL] Do I need approach different from printing on common printers?

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Insert Booking_no As Combination Of Year And Sno(year/sno) Into Database?

Jan 26, 2010

i want to insert booking_no as combination of year and sno(year/sno) into database here iam giving the code as follows,,,,,,,,,
here sno stated from 1.........

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("guest1").ConnectionString())
Dim booking_no, sno As String
If Len(sno) = 1 Then


but here booking_no was not inserted properly,it was inserted as "0/ ",,iwant to insert booking_no as "2010/sno" ,

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Validate The Day If The Selected Year Is A Leap Year In Combo Box?

Jun 12, 2011

how to validate the day if the selected year is a leap year in combo box.

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Find Time Falls Between 2 Specific Time Range?

Jun 15, 2012

I want to verify if the current system time falls within the specified time range between 7:30pm - 9:00pm. If it falls within the specified time range then display a message.

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How To Retrieve 10 Records At One Time

Jan 24, 2009

I would like to do like this...When I click a button, it will capture the times the button had been click retrieve 10 records at one time...For example, when the button being click for first time, it will retrieve the first 10 records and put into 10 textbox. Then if the the button being click for second time, it will retrieve the records from 11 to 20 and put into 10 textbox and so on. I had the following codes:


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C# :: Retrieve The Time From The TimeSelector In The Gridview?

Jan 29, 2012

i have a gridview and inside i have a TimeSelector, but how am i going to retrieve the time from the gridview cause if normally it is a TextBox we will use this Dim rbSelect TextBox = DirectCast(GridView2.Cells(1).FindControl("TextBox"), TextBox)so how should i retrieve the time from the timeselector in the gridview?

time picker control:
<%@ Register Assembly="TimePicker" Namespace="MKB.TimePicker" TagPrefix="cc1" %>


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How To Retrieve Value Entered In DataGrid At Run Time

Mar 14, 2012

I have created a datagrid with datagridtablestyle columns. I have to enter the data in the datagrid at runtime. After the user enters the data into the datagrid when we press the save button the values has to be stored into an access database.

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Retrieve Data From Database One Time?

Nov 25, 2011

can only retrieve data from database one time with read code:

While reader.Read
End While

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Retrieve Pictures From A Directory At Run Time?

Jan 21, 2010

Suppose I have a folder named "Pictures" on my computer.

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Retrieve Value Entered In A Datagrid At Run Time?

Mar 14, 2012

I have created a datagrid with datagridtablestyle columns. I have to enter the data in the datagrid at runtime. After the user enters the data into the datagrid when we press the save button the values has to be stored into an access database.

View 1 Replies - Retrieve Date/time Of A Http Request?

Oct 19, 2009

Is it possible to retrieve the date/time of a request in ASP.NET (preferably VB.NET)?

I have tried HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers.Get("date"), but it returns nothing (null).

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