Retrieve Some Kind Of Computer ID?

Oct 21, 2011

I am writing a vb program that I want to copy-protect. I need to retrieve some kind of computer ID. I have read what I can on the net, but can not find a suitable solution.It does not need to be incredibly secure. The idea is that the program is not intended for advanced computer users, and needs to be protected from simple sharing.

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Lookup For A Specific Computer Given Ip Or Computer Name ... Retrieve The User Logged On

May 21, 2010

how can i look up for a specific computer given ip or computer name ...retrieve the user logged on..

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How To Retrieve Computer Model Information

Oct 18, 2009

How do I retrieve the computer model information?For example, I have a dell inspiron 1545. How do I retrieve that information in a label? I search a lot of WMI information but can't seem to find it. It SAYS 1545 on my system properties

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VS 2008 What Info Can Retrieve That Is Unique To Each Computer

Aug 11, 2010

Basically I'm adding a registration feature into my program, or a similar thing to that. So, when you purchase you can install up to 3 copies (for example), but not more.To do this, I need to know some kind of information that is unique to each computer (to store in my database online), I thought of the name of the computer, but that isn't unique, obviously.

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VS 2008 : Use The DHCP API To Retrieve A Computer's MAC Address When Given The IP Address?

Nov 27, 2009

I'm trying to use the DHCP API (using the references on to retrieve a computer's MAC address when given the IP address but I can't get the code to work. I've run all the C# code on through the C#-to-VB converter but I'm stuck now.

Here's what I have so far. The value of res is always 5 (should be 0). Thing is, I can't find any documentation on what the return codes mean

Private Sub GetMACDim client As String = "" Dim server As String = "" Dim si As New NativeMethods.DHCP_SEARCH_INFO si.SearchType = NativeMethods.DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE.DhcpClientIpAddress si.ClientIpAddress = Convert.ToUInt32(StringIPAddressToUint32(client)) Dim res As UInteger Dim oInfo As IntPtr


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What Kind Of Array Is Foo() As Foo()

Dec 3, 2010

We generated a class from an XML file a while back. I think we used xsd.exe.

One of the main node collections in the XML file was rendered as:

<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("PRODUCT")> _
Public Property PRODUCT() As PRODUCT()
Return Me.pRODUCTField


And sure, there's PRODUCT class defined later on, and it worked fine. Serialized and deserialized fine. Didn't need to worry about it or manipulate it. Only now we have to revisit and manipulate the data.

But what kind of collection (array?) is Public Property PRODUCT() As PRODUCT(), and how do we loop over it? And add to it? Basic question, I know. Probably got too comfortable with generics and now xsd has thrown something at me which isn't List(of T) I'm running scared.

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A Different Kind Of Flicker.

Mar 8, 2011

I have just run into an issue of screen flicker that I haven't been able to solve. I have a panel with dozens of controls on it. Painted onto the panel, behind the controls, are a few colored rectangles.

Those rectangles flicker whenever the mouse is moved over any control, or off the panel. Basically, a paint event for the panel is raised whenever the mouse leaves the panel.

Therefore, I thought that if I only painted the rectangles when they needed to be painted, not every time the Paint event was raised, that I would be able to avoid the flicker. After all, there is no obvious reason why they would need to be re-painted just because the mouse moved over a control on the panel.

the paint event was still being raised, and the panel just wasn't painting the rectangles, so they weren't being drawn at all (but they sure didn't flicker). So, the flicker is being caused by the fact that the paint event clears the panel, which gets displayed in a cleared state for a fraction of a second, then the rectangles are drawn in.

Doublebuffering the form has no discernible impact, which may well be because the screen draws the absence of the rectangles on one frame, then draws the presence of the rectangles on the next frame. They both get shown in sequence, so the rectangles appear to flicker badly.

One obvious alternative is to not even draw the rectangles, which works great, and they are only useful visual guides, not essential components. Still, that doesn't seem like a good solution.

So what I am looking for is a way to supress the display of the undrawn image before showing the finished image.

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What Kind Of Database To Use

Mar 29, 2012

i want to design a billing software using am planning to use microsoft sql can i save different invoices in a database? i mean,i need to save the whole invoice( invoice no, date, products, rate quantity etc, ie the whole invoice so that it can be accessed again and editted as well ).

can i do it in sql server itself or should i save it in microsoft excel? or is there any better method which i can adopt?

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How To Valorize This Kind Of Collection

Aug 21, 2011

i've build this type of collection, because i need to add first a single top item(classBGThreads_type), and then after this i'd like add to it a sequence of sub items (classBGThreads_type_detail)

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VS 2008 What Kind Of Component Is This

Nov 30, 2010

what kind of components is this? specifically the tab control that acts like a chrome browser wherein you can add Tab and remove it at the same time, in addition adding new tab displayed the Main menu for whatever tasks the user wants...

Here is the screenshot of the tab control.[code...]

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What Kind Of Controls To Add To Certain Applicaitons

Jul 10, 2009

I knwo the one approach to create an application of a type (Assume an HRMS or RMS) to imitate a one that is already in teh market. THis is good if some one doesnt know what kind of controls one should include in an interface.At the moment, i'm creating few applications, a stock management systems, Service log and Time Attandace registry.But i'm struggling to figureout out what kind of controls that i should add for certain interfaces of some applications. Therefor i'm looking for some sample applications to get some ideas about the interfaces.Cold any one give me some links that i can downlaod some sample applications or demo applications of the kinds that ims looking for?

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Download All Kind Of Files From An FTP Server

Apr 18, 2010

i'm starting to create a project in wich I will be able to download all kind of files from an FTP server. I'm using this code to upload files and it works.


But I can't understand how do I do a download from the server. I did the same project in vb6 with inet1 and I'm new at so be patiente

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Make A Hex Converter To Any Kind Of Sort?

Nov 12, 2010

How can I make a hex converter to any kind of sort (integer , decimal , etc...).

Download Genius Web Explorer , It's free.
Download Genius Desktop Clock , It's free.
Download Genius Wallpaper Changer , It's free.

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Operator Overloading In Getting Some Kind Of Compatibility?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm working together with someone on a project, but I'm writing code in VB.Net, and hes coding in VC++. I'm trying to get some kind of compatability going on, so I'm putting my support classes into a VB dll. I've tested it a little, and it seems that all of the functions work, but the operator overloading that I did in VB doesnt seem to carry over to C++.

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Possible To Add As A Line Item In Some Kind Of List

Sep 8, 2010

I have a user control housing text labels, buttons, images, etc.Is it possible to add this as a line item in some kind of list (without building a custom control to resize, scroll etc)?Could list view work?

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What Kind Of Security Has To Be Built Into Application

Jan 23, 2010

What kind of security has to be built into the application if it is connecting to a remote database server, mail server, on the company network/over a WAN?

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Button Can Recognize Kind Of Input Data?

Dec 21, 2011

If textbox input is letter i wanna that button will be disabled,and if input is a number,button will be enabled?How button can recognize kind of input data?

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Find A 3 Of A Kind With In A 5 Element One-dimensional Array?

Oct 2, 2009

I am working on a very basic draw poker program. I need to analyze the hands. So far I have been able to identify a a pair, straight, a flush , and a straight flush. I'm not sure how to find three of a kind, full house, etc I have a function that uses a hash table to find out if there are duplicates in my array. I can use it identfy a sequence of cards. (i.e. if it returns a 5, that would be five cards in sequence) I'm not sure how to/if at all to use this for a pair , three of kind etc.. Maybe a differant approach would be useful. I've tried various pseudo code idea on paper and just don't see it.


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Kind Of Make This Loop Work Faster?

Dec 10, 2009

Basically what i need is for something to look at the items in a list box then compare it to the contents that is in the database. The issue is that the listbox can have more than one of the same item. For instance, LstBox_Order.items(0) could be the same at any position in the listbox. This code works, but it is slow if there is like 10 or more items added.


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Make My Xbox 360 Controller Be Used As Kind Of A Mouse?

Oct 9, 2008

I want to be able to make my xbox 360 controller be used as kind of a mouse how can I do this?

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Making An Game Launcher Kind Of Thingy For Pc?

Jul 3, 2009

I have this question. I am making an game launcher kind of thingy for my pc. I want to show all the games i own, and when you press it, it launches. But there is this admin pannel to add games,

but how should i save the data? Since i must be able to add as mutch games as i want. How should i do that?

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Setting Registry Values With Binary Value Kind?

Sep 14, 2010

I am a newbie so please forgive me if my terminology is incorrect.I am trying to Update a Registry sub key value. I have done this a few times before with success. But this time is kinda different. I noticed a few things,like the sub key value is in HEX when I export the key (The value that I want to input is from a sub key that I exported) I can only get the registry to accept the command if I do not specify the registry value kind, but that doesn't do me any good if its not the correct value kind.


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VS 2008 Add Some Kind Of File To A Folder In Documents?

Jun 26, 2009

I have a context menu strip, and I need a way to add some kind of file to a folder in my documents. My program will get all the files in that folder then allow the user to pick one of the files. When a file is picked, the file changes the context menu strip completely. I can't figure out how to do this. I figured it could be done with a class library but I guess not. Any help would be great. And some extra info. I need to be able to externally code the file so that when a button in the context menu strip is pressed it does whatever the files tells it to do. How can these things be done?

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What Kind Of License Need To Make And Distribute An Application

Mar 31, 2011

I'm an old programmer who knows VB6. I want to write an application and distribute it to a friend. I have not enough time to learn now Visual Basic Express 2010. What can I do ? How may I obtain a license for this ?

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Match Whole Words With Regular Expression For Any Kind Of String?

Jan 4, 2012

I want to match whole words for any kinds of strings, my

Text: to happening behitond .to.the to curtains of this .<NET> open <NET> sou<NET>rce project.<NET>

now i have tried this to find "<NET>" (without quotes) the whole word with[code]...

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Set ListBox Item Text Without Knowing What Kind Of Object It Is

May 14, 2010

I'm creating an editable ListBox control, where the user can double-click an item to edit it. When double-clicked, I simply overlay a TextBox over the item, so the user can change the text and then commit it by pressing Enter or leaving the TextBox. The 'commit' is simply this:[code]where 'editingIndex' is the index of the item being edited, and 'textBox' is the TextBox object.If the ListBox contains strings, this works just fine. The item being edited is replaced by the textbox Text string.However, if the ListBox contains some other object (let's say a custom class), this is a problem! It still "works", in that it still sets the text of the item, but the item is no longer an instance of that custom class! It is now a String, and all other information about the item is lost. So, I really want to let the user be able to change the text representation of ANY object, without replacing the object with a string. Obviously, I cannot know how the object displays its text (well, by the ToString function of course, but I cannot know what the ToString function returns).Now, I am having a few ideas how to approach this, but none really work the way I want. I am pretty sure that I'm going to have to provide some kind of event that the user has to handle. I'm thinking something like this:

- When the item edit is committed, an event is raised
- This event contains the Item being edited (as an object, the user has to cast it himself), and the new text of the item.-
- The user handles this event, and assigns the new text to the correct property.

For the Person class, this could look something like this.My ListBox should raise this event, and assign the new item like this.[code]I think this should work (although I haven't tested it), but there's one problem with this approach:When the items are just strings, the user still needs to implement this event handler, while he shouldn't have to (I can simply assign the new text string to the item). So, if the user is simply using strings, he still needs to do this for every instance of my listbox:[code]So what I'm really looking for is a way so that I can implement the default behavior (for String items), and still allow the user to override this behavior if he is not using strings.I may be overlookihe obvious solution here, but I can't figure it out... Overriding is done when you inherit a class, but the user isn't going to inherit my custom listbox (well he CAN, but he shouldn't have to). He is just going to handle the event. And if he doesn't handle the event, my listbox uses the default implementation.

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VS 2008 - Put App In Some Kind Of Wait State For A Certain Key On The Keyboard Before Continuing?

Mar 31, 2010

Can i put my app in some kind of wait state for a certain key on the keyboard before continuing? But that key can be targeted to any window, not just my app. My app would be out of focus and i hit that key on the keyboard and it would act.

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.net - Some Kind Of Error, Possibly When Viewing A Windows Form In The Designer?

Jun 24, 2009

I though I had solved this problem, but it is back:Code generation for property 'SelectedPeople' failed. Error was: 'Type 'ECS.Entities.Persistency.Person' in Assembly 'ECS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.'The property on the error message is a List(Of Person) and for some reason it trigger this error, for almost anything I do, and its getting really anoying.Okanswering to the answers here is a little more information about the problem.

Yes it is during design time, it happens bascially anytime a open a form that has a UserControl that contains the Selected property in it, sometimes it happens even if I don't have focus on the form, also if I try to compile/run it happens and the message come in the form of a Message Box with just a OK, ECS.Entities.Persistency.Person is just a LINQ to SQL Generated Class, this should not matter at all to the problem, although I have added the attribute before the posting.he reason that this happens is because the Designer attempts to put the property on the Property Panel, and for that to happen, serialization happens.tryed to hide the property from the designer by using this attributes.

<DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _
<Browsable(False)> _
Public Property SelectedPeople() As List(Of Person)


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Have A Stick Figure Kind Of Person Who Moves Around With The Arrow Keys?

May 26, 2009

I want to have a stick figure kind of person who moves around with the arrow keys, and i want to have him move in different positions depending on what key is pressed. What is the best way to acomplish this without using pictureboxes?

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IDE :: Incorrect Value In Quickwatch/watch Window Or Date.Kind Property?

Mar 23, 2010

When viewing a dates Kind property in the watch windows the value "unspecified" will always be return regardless of the actual value.I'm kinda guessing this could be more of a general bug relating to the quick watch window evaluating the shared "Date.Kind" property rather than the specific date instances property.

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