Retrieved From The Datafile?

Nov 11, 2010

so im trying to do this project, and it gives me a a data file, and asks me to use stream reader to put it in the combobox, and when i click the selected items from the combo box, it fills in the textbox's with other information i retrieved from the datafile...Does anybody know the solution?? heres what i have so far(option strict must be on) Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


this gets all the Item names from the data file to appear on the combobox... now if i knew how to get the other information to appear in the textbox's when i clicked on it,

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VS 2008 CR Not Finding Datafile?

May 14, 2010

I have a problem that I�m sure will not be hard to fix for anyone who has been using CR for some time.

To start I have created a program in VB2008 that uses a MS Access data file, I can connect to it with no problem and can also add data and amend data, so all seems to work perfectly. I have published it and it once again runs perfectly on another/s machines.I have now a requirement for a number of reports so have chosen CR for this purpose. I have connected the report to the database and that runs with no problems at all, that is until I try to run it on another machine, it seems not to be able to find the database and comes up with a database Login panel wanting me to log in with a password and Admin name.

I feel it's properly a problem with the path to the database but if I modify the path manually it still won't work.

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Fill An Array With A Datafile With Spacers In It?

Jul 19, 2009

I've made a program that calculates the costs of a transport, wich to my own surprice works. Because the prices vary with the weight of the transport, extra services and delivery within the 3 countries of the Benelux (Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxemburg), I use an array. The array is filled with data from a textfile (in this case not *.txt but *.prc). The data in the datafile is presented as follows :


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StreamWriter Add Row To Text File DataFile?

Sep 26, 2011

I need to add a row of data to an exisitng TextFile that is in Tba delimited format. My program currently used ADO to read and update the table but that was creating to many problems with varying 3rd party providers of the Text File.

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VS 2005 Create A Chart .txt Datafile?

Mar 13, 2011

I am looking at trying to make a chart from my data I am retriving form a 3rd part textfile datafile

I am reading on report viewer, but so far everything i see references using an exisitng database, my database will be created at run time

I create datatables uisng OleDb connection and bindingsources to comboboxes and textboxes for display of data

I just need a simple x/y scattered chart/graph

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VS 2005 Add Record Text DataFile Database

Jan 2, 2011

I am inserting a record to a text file database using OleDb command Builder I am getting an error in one the fields could not insert .... expect type is decimal The problem is the column contains a mixture of Letter and numbers Ex:


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Attachment - .net Attached Datafile .mdf Data Displayed Runtime?

Mar 7, 2012

I am using a application connected with a .mdf database file.The application is running successfully, and when I try to insert records its accepted.Everytime I close and reopen the application, new records from previous run disappear. This happens inside the VS IDE when I'm testing it.

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How UI Items Retrieved From List

May 5, 2012

I have this list (Just a typical .net list) and I am adding a bunch of UI Items into it, the list is then taken for a Sub which goes through it with .getenumarator and While loop. Now the question is how are my items retrieved from this list?

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No Error But No Data Retrieved As Well?

Jun 21, 2012

I tried the following code which doesn't throw an error but it doesn't show as well in textboxes:

cnobj =
cmd.Connection = cnobj


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Check If BIT Retrieved From DB Is True Or False?

Aug 4, 2011

I'm trying to check if a bit retrieved from database is true or false but i have always the error IndexOutOfRangeException no matter how i get the value.


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Read Values Set In A String That's Retrieved From The Web?

Jun 10, 2011

I would like to read values set in a string that's retrieved from the Web, I've already got the string in a string called Webdata.The string is like so...

"Info" {
"Name" {


I need to set Value1, Value2, Value3 as strings that I can use.

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Retrieved Data In Excel Sheet?

Jun 11, 2011

I retrieved data from access in vb10 between two dates and here is the code for dat:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form4
Dim con As OleDbConnection


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Store Retrieved DB Values In Variables?

May 31, 2010

I have a database in my app which loads and displays some information on a form by binding the Comboboxes and Textboxes. However, I need to get some of the other values from the database for calculations before they are displayed on the form and I can't seem to find out how to do this.I could bind a couple of Textboxes to the database and then use those values to calculate, but it doesn't seem like a very efficient way of doing things.The dataset is created using the wizard and the controls are linked in the UI.

Please bear with me, I'm still a noob.

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Cannot Store Retrieved Values From Database To Array

Mar 21, 2011

is that instead of receiving data from one row and assigning it to the same array Im receiving data from multiple rows, but the information is the same because its from the same one column from the database. The error I keep getting is 'index out of bounds of array'

here is the code

What it does is it loops through once and retrieves the first value from the db then it throw the exception when it goes to retrieve the second value.

Dim qBkNum As String = "SELECT BookingNum FROM Bookings WHERE BookingID = '1'"
Dim bkNum(5) As String


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Increase The Size Of Runtime Retrieved Images?

Jan 23, 2010

I am retrieving Images in a Picture Box at runtime using the following code.

Public Class Form1
Dim myDir As String = "C:Users rujadeDesktop" '-- my folder for images
Dim x, y As Single ' the coordinates of the 'next' image to add
Dim pic As Image


I wanted to add more functionality to allow user to increase the size of images that have been retrieved in the Picture Box. How to do so?

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Reflection - .Net How Does One Call A Function Name Retrieved From A Table

Sep 11, 2009

In VB.Net how does one call a Parameterised function name retrieved from a table?

My Parameterised Function Name is below

procTextToDBTemp(Application.StartupPath & "" & strFileName)

from above function i Stored procTextToDBTemp into the SQL Table How can call that function in the How can i do that?

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Resize Images Retrieved From MySQL Database?

Dec 13, 2011

I'm using VS 2010 and MySQL 5.5. I've got a data grid view displaying the results of queries entered by the user, shown below. It works; the trouble is that if there's an image in the results, you'll only see a cell-sized very long thin strip of it.

So I want to a) resize any images to a reasonable thumbnail height (say, 100 pixels, naturally maintaining aspect ratio) when displaying them, and b) resize the row to fit them.[code]...

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Save A Retrieved Column From A Datareader Into An Array?

Mar 17, 2011

I would like to retrieve a single column of about 800 rows in a table and save these values in an array so as to reference them later on. How can I do it? I tried:


And it didn't work. The col1 is of type Int64 and so is the array prev_ob(). Please let me know how I can save it to an array.

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Save To NotePad - Can Be Retrieved After A Program Closes

Mar 4, 2010

how you would go about saving information(username, password, security questions) in a notepad, so it can be retrieved after a program closes. i'm making a log in program in my class, but we haven't done this, so when the program closes, everything is gone. rather annoying, to have to make a accounts each time i'm testing it.

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Setting The DataContext On An Entity Instance After It's Retrieved?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm trying to find a way to have the DataContext available from within Entities.

I want to do something like this:

partial public class MyEntity
public DataContext as MyDataContext
private sub OnLoaded()


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Use Retrieved Table Values As Object Names?

May 2, 2012

I've Created a Table in my Database "T_OPTIONS"

my table looks like this.[code]...

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Using Multiple Rows Of Data Retrieved From Database

Jan 4, 2012

I am trying to select multiples rows from a database table and insert the text into several "label" controls. For example, if the database search returns 5 results. then insert the first row's text into label 1, the second row's text into label 2, and so on. The number of rows will be variable. I was thinking of a while statement. I am having a problem understanding how to even seperate multiple rows from a query in VB. Would using an array for the query results be the right way to go? row one would be row(0), row two's text would be row(1), etc.

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Written Files In Bin Folder When An Image Is Retrieved?

Mar 12, 2011

i have this code which i am using to retrieve image stored in image data type from sql database into a picture box.This code works well but i have just realize something which will not help me if left unattended.When ever i retrieve an image it write some file with a numeric name into my bin folder.I do not know how and the importance of that file written there. Even though it work perfectly for me.It means that if i am to retreive about 500 photograph within an hour, then i will get chunck of these file in my bin folder with will affect me because it take some space.please help me fix this problem
This is the code

Dim barrImg() As Byte
Dim cmdSelect As New SqlCommand("select Photograph from Personal where MyID=@ID", connect)


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.NET Reflector - Retrieved Code Of My Project EXE File - Error

Jun 18, 2012

Recently I retrieved code of my project EXE file. And it was almost same with 100s of errors. So my question is Is career in .NET is safe? And is our code safe? Can this be done with other languages?

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Setting Captions Of All Labels Retrieved From Excel Sheet

Apr 22, 2010

I have 20 labels on my Excel VBA user form. I have named them as lbl1, lb2,..... lbl20. I need to set the caption of all the labels retrieving from the excel sheet. for e.g.,
Dim objthis as object
Set objthis=thisworkbook.sheets(1)
. so on till

I felt this was crazy to write 20 lines of code for just captioning labels. If I can write it this way
For i = 1 to 20
lbl & i = objthis.cells(i,1)
I know this is incorrect and wont work. May be I am near to finding out the approach or may be its not possible.

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Show An Image In Picturebox Retrieved From Access Database?

Mar 13, 2010

I have following code retrieving image from access database (OLE object)and assigning it to pic ctrl.

Dim bite() As Byte = CType(dg1.SelectedRows(0).DataGridView("subdivisionimage", dg.SelectedRows (0).Index).Value, Byte())


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Does An Object Retrieved From A List Get A Copy Of That Object Or A Reference To It

Feb 1, 2012

In, when I retrieve a value from a list do I get a copy of that value or a reference to it?

dim blah as someObject
dim listOfBlahs as list(of someObject)
listOfBlah.add(new someObject(1))


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