Run The FindPath() Function 2000 Times, And Return The Resulting List Of Moves Into IntLists()(), My Jagged Array?

Mar 31, 2009

I'm working on a program dealing with jagged arrays.Code is below.The FindPath() function works perfectly.It essentially randomly chooses an action from 3 possible choices.The goal of this function is to make it to position (3,3) from (0,0).Sometimes it makes it, sometimes it doesn't.It gives up after 2000 moves.

The PushButton() function is where I have the problem.I want to run the FindPath() function 2000 times, and return the resulting list of moves into intLists()(), my jagged array.I want to use

intRuns = 0
For intRuns = 0 To intLists.GetUpperBound(0)
lstMoveList.Items.Add(intLists(intRuns).GetUpperBound(0)) 'here is where I get the problem.

this section of code to dump the number of attempts it took into a listbox on the main window.I do this at the bottom of the FindPath() function, but that is for testing purposes only.I eventually want to take the successful attempts and manipulate those, so eventually I get the minimum possible number of movements to get from the starting point of (0,0) to the ending point of (3,3).

Function PushButton()
Dim intRuns As Integer
Dim intLists(2000)() As Integer[code]...............

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Make Function Which Return Jagged Array?

Apr 4, 2012

Can we make function which return jagged array? If so, could u give example of it?

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Function - Searching Though An Empty Jagged Array?

Oct 17, 2011

So I have a function that looks up values in a jagged array, and it goes like this:

Private Function Lookup(ByVal Search_path As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer = 0
Do Until MasterIndex(i) Is Nothing 'throws an exception here


Problem is, when I test this with an empty array, it gives me the error of Index was outside the bounds of the array at line 3. How do I fix this?

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.net - Function To Accept List(Of String), Array & String And Similarly Return List(Of String)?

Jul 29, 2011

I want the Function to accept List(Of String), Array & String and similarly return List(Of String), Array & String respectively. The Function simply adds a string (month) to the input collection. I just want to use it for string, array and list with needing to think of conversions.


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Function To Return Array?

Aug 5, 2011

Before adding rows to a table I am evaluating the SSN number. These will later be flagged for correction so I am setting a datatable column to true or false if it passed muster or not.

I wrote a function to check the number and make the determination plus pad it with zeros and hyphens where they should be. My problem is I want to return the results in an array. I am getting system.string[] as the return value.[code]...

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Function Won't Return An Array

Jun 1, 2010

I'm trying to write a function that returns an Array that I can pass into a String.Format[code]...

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Return An Array From A Function?

Nov 4, 2011

I want to return an array from a function.dt is a DataTable that is global

Dim dr As DataRow
For x As Integer = 0 To adoc.GetUpperBound(0)
dr = ds.Tables(0).NewRow()


I'm definitely missing something here. I am trying to return an array forn the sql statement, chich I can reference as abom() in the original source.The ultuimate goal is to manually populate dt.

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Why Won't Function Return An Array

May 3, 2012

I'm trying to write a function that returns an Array that I can pass into a String.Format:

Public Function ToArray() As Array
Dim vals As New ArrayList()


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Use A Function To Return A List Of Strings?

Oct 5, 2011

Update: I didn't make it clear but I meant this to be a question about where/how I would use a function to return a list of strings when I'm trying to just work with classes.I have a class called Account.

I have data access class called AccountDAO.I have various functions that return lists of objects like GetAllAccounts, GetAccountByID etc.I want to populate a drop down list with just the account names and nothing else. It's proving rather slow when using lists of objects and databinding them to the dropdownlist.

I feel like I should be using a simple "Select Account_Name From blah" type statement and returning a list of strings but I don't know how to work this into my class and data access class.

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Function Return An Array Of A Certain Structure?

Apr 24, 2012

I've this code, but there is a problem with setting values. I get "null object" error. how to work properly with functions.

Public Structure Results
Dim Nickname As String
Dim Result As Integer


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Function To Return The Parameters As Array?

May 20, 2010

Dim oList as new Hashtable
How can I create a a function to return my objects like the above one.


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Return An Array From A Function To The Original Sub?

Oct 14, 2009

I'm trying to call a function from a sub, and have it return an array to the original sub.

I currently have:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Call Registry_GetUsers()
End Sub


Which works, but I want to loop through each of the items in users from within the original sub, not the function, as it currently does.So I need to return the array to the original sub, so I can then iterate through it from there.

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Function To Return A List For A Dropdownlist Or Combobox?

Aug 27, 2009

I have written a function before to delete and update records, but never anything to return values back to my call of the function. Here is my code, and I will try to explain what I'm trying to acheive.

If Not Att1 = "" Then
Attribute1.Text = Att1
Attribute1.Visible = True
ComboBox1.Visible = True


That codes goes on up to att20. It works just fine, but it is forever long, and I would like to clean it up.I want to do something like:

Or, should I pass the combobox number also, so that the code can fill the appropriate combobox? Like.comboboxfill(Att1,Combobox1) how to write the function and how to pass back the information or just how to make it work in general?

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VS 2008 - Search Function / Resulting Files Added To ListBox?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a folder with a whole lot of music in it (*.mp3 files.). Now on my form I can play these songs in playlists, and other extra's. But now what I want to finish it, is to create a search function. Here is a picture of my Form. And what I want to add is a Listbox, TextBox and a button.

When I type: "Eye of the Tiger" in the Textbox and click the Button, All *.mp3 files in my folder, and the subfolders, with "Eye of the Tiger" in it, are added to the Listbox (The full name, like: "Survivor - Eye of the Tiger") will show at the Listbox. How can I do this, in an easy way, if possible.

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Return The Array List?

Feb 6, 2009

I am having a little trouble trying to use an array list. I am using a function that I want to return the array list. However, I am having a problem getting it to return the arraylist. when i do this:


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.net - Return A String Array From A Function Without Initialising It First?

Dec 10, 2009

Public Function Foo() as String() Dim bar As String = {"bar1","bar2","bar3"}

Return bar End Function

My situation is similar to the code sample above where I'm returning a string array from a function.

What I would like to do is just return the string array without having to declare a variable first and then return the variable.Something like this, although this obviously doesn't work:

Return {"bar1","bar2","bar3"}

Is it possible to do this, I can't seem to find a method that works?

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Customer Class - Return Array In Function?

Apr 12, 2009

I have a class called Customer. It has some property like custID,custName..etc. Inside Customer class I have a function which returns an array of customer.

I wrote a function like this :
Public Function InitLoadCustomerDetails() As Customer()
sql = "SELECT* FROM tblCust"
ds = classDC.queryHandler(sql, "InitCustomerDetails")
Dim customerArray(classDC.maxrow - 1) As Customer
Dim currentCustomer As New Customer
[Code] .....

But it is not returning an array. Just a customer variable??
Public Function InitLoadCustomerDetails() As Customer()
Return customerArray
End Function
Fix this to return an array of customer!!

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Get The Correct 1 Dimensional Array Return From A Function With Arrays?

Nov 9, 2009


Expected Results: A scalar result of the comparison between Array1 and Array2 such that when Array1>Array2 it is true. See expected array above.
Actual Results: When Result(x) is true, all elements become Array1(x) and Array2(x) .What is wrong with the function?

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Algorithm - Combine Multiple Lists, Resulting In Unique List And Retaining Order

Apr 28, 2010

I want to combine multiple lists of items into a single list, retaining the overall order requirements. i.e.:

1: A C E
2: D E
3: B A D

result: B A C D E

above, starting with list 1, we have ACE, we then know that D must come before E, and from list 3, we know that B must come before A, and D must come after B and A.If there are conflicting orderings, the first ordering should be used. i.e.

1: A C E
2: B D E
3: F D B

result: A C F B D E 3 conflicts with 2 (B D vs D B), therefore requirements for 2 will be used.

If ordering requirements mean an item must come before or after another, it doesn't matter if it comes immediately before or after, or at the start or end of the list, as long as overall ordering is maintained.

This is being developed using VB.Net, so a LINQy solution (or any .Net solution) would be nice - otherwise pointers for an approach would be good.

Edit: Edited to make example 2 make sense (a last minute change had made it invalid)

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Jagged Array From Datatable?

Jan 7, 2010

I have an requirement where I want to create a jagged array out of datatable and pass the jagged array over WCF.

Dim ObjJaggedArray(15)() As String
For Each row As DataRow In ObjTables.Tables(pKeyName).Rows


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Cannot Store Strings In Jagged Array?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a text file called COUNTERS_SETTINGS.DAT having the following contents:


I'm Trying to have that entries in a Jagged array of Strings like this

Array Name is : Core (2,1)

(0) (1)
(1) PASSWORD | ADMIN1[code]........

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Declaring Jagged Or Rectangular Array

Sep 21, 2010

I'm working on a reporting section of code for an inventory app I'm making for my office.I call a text file, read every line into an array then populate information pages with what has been pulled from the text file.For reporting, I want to read every text file in the directory, reading each one into a multidimensional array.Thus I can call and report on each item, i.e.ItemArray(i,2) would be all systems with Windows 2008 EE..I have code that lists all files in the desired directory and counts each file, so I eventually get counts of how deep I need the first level of the jagged array to be. but not until after code execution. Basically how can I write each array of data to the jagged array.[code]But I get a null reference exception. "Use the new keyword to create an object instance".

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Dll That Returns A Jagged Array Of Double?

Mar 1, 2010

I currently have a VB.NET dll that returns a jagged array of double. This is the declaration:

Public Function CalcMatching(ByRef dataArray1 As Object,
ByRef dataLen1 As Integer, ByRef dataArray2 As Object,
ByRef dataLen2 As Integer, ByRef matchingType As String) As Double()()

It works well inside VB.NET, but when I insert it into a VBA project, I noticed that after the execution of the funtion, while retrieving the data, the "Type mismatch' excpetion is raised inside VBA.I searched over the internet, but I could not find a delcaration of a jagged array inside VBA. is that possible? If yes, how can I do it?

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Extract Value From This Jagged String Array?

Mar 16, 2011

Dim strTest(recordSet.Count)() As String[code]...

Then once the array i populated above, i need to find the if another variable is contained in the second dimension of the second paren contains the value of my variable like this.[code]...

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Make A Multidimensional Jagged Array?

Mar 26, 2012

I am trying to make a jagged array that has,

3 columns
with 5,4,4 rows respectively
that each have 2 rows

that have a varying number of rows, for example 6,9,5,6,4 I have the first part setup but I don't know how to get to another level of the jagged array.

Dim potentialStructure()() As Short = {New Short() {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, New Short() {0, 1, 2, 3}, New Short() {0, 1, 2, 3}}

And how would I access an element at say, the lowest level?

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Null Value From Database And Jagged Array

Feb 12, 2012

I need to scan database and insert its values into an array. But I'm having some difficulties in handling null values and array.

The database looks like this:
0 1 2 3 4
30 31 32
33 34
36 37 38 39 40
38 39 47 48

I want to make array rr_item which gonna looks like this:

Every code I've tried result in error everytime I tried to insert null value into any kind of c=variable, including array which I want to use. And I'm not quite sure with what I'm doing in jagged array I want to build.
sql_list = "SELECT * FROM retail"
oledbCnn = New OleDbConnection(connetionString)
[Code] .....

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Runtime Dimnsionalize A Jagged Array

Dec 13, 2010

Okay I'm tring to make a fairly simple class


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VS 2005 - Initialize Jagged Array

Oct 2, 2009

how do i declare jagged array? it has 7 elements consisting of 2 to 8 elements consisting of 3 elements.[Code]

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VS 2008 Loop Through A Jagged Array?

Dec 15, 2010

I am trying to loop through a jagged array and keep getting an exception.

Dim jagged()() As Integer = New Integer(1)() {}
Dim test() As Integer = {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7}
For i As Integer = 0 To 1


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Create A Jagged Array And Put Some Strings Into Its Cells?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a question with jagged array, every element can contain strings, be empty or be nothing.

I would like to create a jagged array and put some strings into its cells.

Public Sub S1 ()
Dim MyArr(7)() As String ' OK
MyArr(1) = New String(8) {} ' OK the second cell contains 9 subcells


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