I want to check for a node in a XML document and if it is not present I should insert some dummy values .I am not able to select/search the node. Below is the sample xml where I need to check if dummy1 and dummy 2 both have node1 and node2 :-
I have assigned nodes in my treeview keys depending on what they are to do with and now i would like to use a select case to choose the right calculation depending on which node is selected.i have tried selecting the key like this:
Select Case tvwFCOM.Nodes.IndexOfKey(tvwFCOM.SelectedNode.Text) Case Is = "assi06" Call MinimumSpeeds()
but option strict on dissalows conversion from string to integer. there are more cases, but i have only shown one here. How can i code so that the key is selected from the selected node?
I bring this file into a dataset in visual Studio. The problem ixs that I cannot associate a particular set of options with a particular line item - I can't distinguish Item num="0" from Item num="1" and so forth, because the element 'Item' presents itself as a table withing the dataset, and the element 'Option' also presents itself as a table within the dataset. I don't know how to connect the two.
I'm Trying to select node on treeview with: Try Dim nodes As TreeNode() = TreeView1.Nodes.Find("Test", True) Dim node As TreeNode For Each node In nodes TreeView1.Focus() TreeView1.SelectedNode = node Next Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) End Try As you can see I'm trying to select the node "test" which is also sub-node. But I get no error nor a selected node.
Why I right click on a node in my treeview the focus moves to this node and then immediately back to the previously selected node. Is there some way that I can allow the right click to select the node?
I have been working with VB 6.0 for years. I am converting an app that uses treeviews to VB.Net 2008. The way it use to work the tree grid started with a list of the drives on the system. Left click drilled down in the selected drive or directory. Right click would perform an action with the selected drive or directory. In VB.Net it appears you can only select with left click using the AFTERSELECT event. Is there a way to select a node with right click?
I would like to select a default node in a treeview(dirDB). That comes from a default drive selected in a combobox(drvDB) that selects files and puts them in a listbox(filDB) i haven't added anything to do that yet. at the moment i have this code:
If optMData.Checked Then drvDB.SelectedValue() = "M:" dirDB.SelectedNode.Text = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(CStr(drvDB.SelectedItem), 2) & "ase_wdata" End If
I bet there is a function or a selectNode If kindof thing? i am totally looking over that can choose these. vb seems very good at putting things right infront of me and i just completely miss them..
I want to select a node and make another control visible for that node using an if then statement. From what I read I think I have to put the code in the After_Select method. I gave each node its unique name and unique tag but can't figure out how to address a node name. basically want to click a node and make a panel visible associated with that node. tried something like "If me.treeview1.selectednode.nodePanel1 then pnl1.visible=true" but intelisense doesn't recognize any of the named nodes. can anyone give me some sample code.
I want to add nodes that behave in a similar fashion as when you add new folders in windows explorer. i.e. right click > new folder > then the new folder is added and highlighted as New Folder so that as soon as the user types they are overwriting the folder name.
I can add a new node as a child node of the node I have selected and label it "New Node" but I can't figure out how to select the new node and have it highlighted so that when the user types, they are overwriting the "New Node" text.
I have tried this but it doesn't work.
Private Sub AddProjectToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddProjectToolStripMenuItem.Click Me.trvProjects.SelectedNode.Nodes.Add("New Node") Me.trvProjects.SelectedNode = trvProjects.Nodes("New Node") Me.trvProjects.Focus() End Sub
I have a TreeView populated with some nodes, and some of those nodes have children. Is it possible that when the node, or child is selected that the entire node including the children be selected? I still want to deal only with the value of the root node, but for the UI I want the root + children to be selected.
I have a treeview that is populated. The user will have some node selected in that treeview. A refresh function is called, and the program remembers the full path, so that after the treeview is cleared and repopulated, the same user selected node can be reselected for them automatically.
I have the full path of a tree node. If the full path is "nodea odeb odec" how can I automatically select that node using code?
I'm looking for a way to update a certain part of xml node. I would like to be able to change only the date part ('2009-02-01') in the SELECT command in the following xml[code]...
I want to select a node from my tree view, whatever I select is going to get a record from my database, I need a unique ID in each node so it will collect the correct document relating to the selected node.
How can I do this? the name of the node maybe used more than once? Each row in my database has an ID and Title, the title is the name I guess the ID being unique needs to be tied in somehow.
I'm using the following sub routines to allow the user to move treeview nodes up/down:
Public Sub MoveNodeUp(ByVal Nod As TreeNode) Try If Not (Nod.PrevNode Is Nothing) Then Nod.Parent.Nodes.Insert(Nod.Index - 1, CType(Nod.Clone, TreeNode)) Nod.Remove()
Is there a simple way to keep the moved node selected after the move?
I have been playing with, and researching, this all day and can't figure it out. I have a Windows Explorer style form with a TreeView and a ListView. I've populated the TreeView with directories and when a node is selected, the ListView fills with the contents of the directory associated with that node. No problem there, but I want to be able to select a directory in the ListView and automatically select the associated node in the TreeView, just like it works in Windows Explorer. All the information I've found online tells me how to populate the ListView from the TreeView, but I haven't found any good examples of how to populate the TreeView from the ListView.
I have a webbrowser control & a treeview control...once I load a website I create a HTML DOM tree representation of the website using the code below...What I want to do now, is the following:mouse over any HTML element, which will then select the corresponding tree node on the HTML DOM Tree select any tree node and have the corresponding HTML element highlight, with a red border around it?
Private Sub UpdateDOM(ByVal HTMLDocument As mshtml.IHTMLDocument3) TreeView1.Nodes.Clear() TreeView1.BeginUpdate()
I use an XPathNavigator Select to get a node iterator in the code below and get an invalid token error. If I take out the @contract I do not get an error. I then have to use MoveToAttribute, which works, but shouldn't be needed. Why do I get an error when the @ syntax is valid XPath?
I'm trying to programmatically select the first node loaded into a treeview.
There are 4 main branches - that each node is added to
'If ndeSelect Is Nothing Then ndeSelect = nde Select Case cdr(1).ToString Case "Translation"
I tried creating an NDESELECT object to "remember" the node - then tried the old boolean first/loop trick - but it's not remembering that SELECTEDNODE. Seems that the NDE object is just a node object - maybe not "smart" enough to know where it got loaded??
I am working in VB2008. I don't know what process is started when a user double clicks on a folder to display its contents. I am working on an application where I store paths to various folders in a database that is displayed in a treeview. I would like to be able to select a node in my tree and then pass the path to the associated folder to the application which can display the contents of the folder. I need to know the name of the application or process that I am trying to startup to display my folder contents.
Is the following possible in one XPath expression (see sample below) Select all (span tags of class msg) AND all ((img tags that have a non-empty alt attribute) AND (are NOT located inside a span tag of class msg))
i have a treeview which has a bunch of parent and child nodes preset at design time, there is 1 parent node tho which is called developer, that i want to add child nodes to at runtime.When the form first loads im trying to have it check a text file and for each line in the text file add the text/string from that as a child node tot he 'developer' parent node.
vb Dim reader As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath() & "ConfigDevs.txt") Dim strs() As String = Split(reader, Environment.NewLine) For Each s As String In strs
Thats what i have so far, how can i set it so 'Dim parentNode As TreeNode = ' points at the 'Developer' node?
I have a sqlite database and want to update the sort column in my table.
Col1 - Col2 C - 4 A - 3 B - 5
I want to sort on col1 then update Col2 with new values i.e. 1-3 Don't know if it's possible but doing it in code by looping and doing individual writes is a little slow.
I have a treeview which have a listimage. And it has imageselectindex property (image is yellow ball)My problem is : When i click any node, the image of that node shows imageselectindex . I only want thirth child node will show it. I dont want when i click at first node (rootnode) or child of roodnode , the yellow ballon shows.
i need to check all child node when the parent node is checked and i had do research from the internet but it seem that i had a error which is Type 'MSComctlLib.Node' is not defined.do i need to import any reference? [code]