Split String In Group?

Apr 9, 2010

how to split string in two part.My string is in Time format (12:12).& I want to seperate this in hour & minute format.the datatype for all variables are string. for hour variable used strTimeHr & for minute strTimeMin .I tried below code but their was a exception "Index and length must refer to a location within the string.

Parameter name: length"
If Not (objDS.Tables(0).Rows(0)("TimeOfAccident") Is Nothing Or objDS.Tables(0).Rows(0)("TimeOfAccident") Is System.DBNull.Value) Then


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String - Split A Group Of Text?

May 19, 2010

I am looking to split up multiple lines of text to single them out, for example:



How can I split each section into a different textbox, so that section one would be put into TextBox1.Text on its own:


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Regex - Split String On Several Words, And Track Which Word Split?

Dec 15, 2010

I am trying to split a long string based on an array of words. For Example:Words: trying, long, array Sentence: "I am trying to split a long string based on an array of words."Resulting string array:Multiple instances of the same word is likely, so having two instances of trying cause a split, or of array, will probably happen.

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String Split - Error Value Of Type '1-dimensional Array Of String' Cannot Be Converted To 'String'

Mar 11, 2010

my code is :


The error is Value of type '1-dimensional array of string' cannot be converted to 'String'.

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Can't Split String With Space Character Using Split(" "c)

Dec 28, 2011

I'm trying to split a Yahoo historical stock price csv file, downloaded into a string, by what looks like a space character. I want a new row for each split. The split function works for other characters I see in the string. I suspect the characters may be a non breaking space character but I've been unable to split on them. This is the test csv file that is downloaded into the string: [URL] I'm trying to split the string like this:


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Split Comma Separated String In Text File And Save Each String In Different Variable?

Dec 5, 2011

These is the content of my txt file which is saved in D drive in my pc abc,1,2,3..I tried the flowing but it didn't work:[code]I am getting error on this line.. data = line.Split(","c)...it says this line isn't in use anymore or something and that I rather use LineInput but thats asks for filenumber and i don't know what that is. I am sorry but I am a complete beginner. what else can I try? [code]ok that error is gone now but now if I want to add these values to a list box..how can i do that?

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Way To Use String.split Command To Get Section Of A String Without Using Intermediary Array?

Aug 27, 2009

Is there a way to use the string.split command to get a section of a string without using an intermediary array?for example, if my string is "1 2" and I want to get the "2" part using string.split(" "), is there a way to avoid creating a new array, and just get the bit of the string I want in a single line?

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Why Do 'string()' Overloads For String.Split Not Work As Documented In MSDN

Jul 29, 2010

After having some trouble in my own code using String.Split and the Split(String(), Int32, StringSplitOptions) overload, I decided to look to the MSDN.I copied the entire VB.NET code example from this link: url...I placed it in a new class, and received the following errors (same errors as my own code example):[code]Why can my code not recogognize the string() parameter overloads to String.Split? Remember, i took the code from the MSDN link above, copied and pasted and it still did not work.I am counting on using the string() instead of char() overloads shown here: url...

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Winforms To Web - NullReferenceException Error On String Split / String Builder?

Apr 11, 2011

Background: I have a winForm app that registers a user in the database based on the information provided, auto-generates a random password and username, and e-mails the user a link to take an application based on the marketing company selected. Problem: hen the user clicks "Send Invitation" with data inputted iton all fields except the bundles listbox in debug, the NullReferenceException Error is thrown highlighting the line: Dim MCShort As String = Trim(splitMC(0))How do I fix this issue Here's a screenshot of the web app: Here's the code of the Send_Button_Click method off default.asx.vb:

Private Sub Send_Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Send_Button.Click
'TODO Add code to validate that all selections that are reaquired are met.


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Asp.net - Split String Adding Extra String When No Data Is There?

Nov 12, 2010

I have some code that splits a session into strings by a -

My session looks something like this 123-456-789- and I split it like this

Dim MyString As String() = Session("MySession").Split("-"C)

And i've got a some code like this

Dim x as Integer
For x = 0 to MyString - 1
Response.write("Ref: " & MyString(x) & "<br>")

This writes the code like this

Ref: 123
Ref: 456
Ref: 789

So it's adding an extra Ref where it shouldn't be because there is no data after the last -

Is there a way to stop this adding in the extra one?

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Split A String Into A Fixed Length String Array?

Sep 11, 2011

I have a long string like this

dim LongString as String = "123abc456def789ghi"

And I want to split it into a string array. Each element of the array should be in 3 characters length[code]...

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Split String, Modify Array Value And Join The String Together

Apr 29, 2009

I have a string which I've split into an array. I need to change a value in the array and join the string together. However I cannot set the value of the array variable as it's read only.Is there any way to do this without creating another array?

Dim LineOfText As StringDim aryTextFile As String[code...]

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Take A String From A Text Box And Split Each Letter Of The String Into An Array?

Aug 19, 2009

I want to take a string from a text box and split each letter of the string into an array. Then, I want to take the first item in the array(the first letter of the string)and capitalize it. Once I've done all that, I want to combine the array and convert it back to the original string it was, except I want the first letter to be capitalized(I've already placed this into a variable.)

Here's what I've come up with so far:


how to combine the array back to a string except I replace the first letter of the original string with the "firstLetter" variable I created.

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Split A String On A String Not A Character?

Jan 22, 2010

I want split a gridview row on an html tag. How can i do this preferably in C#??.row.cells[1].Text.Split("htmltag")

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Split String And Add 1st 20 Words To New String?

Jun 29, 2011

i was unable to implement a multiline label or a transparent multiline textbox. So ive come up with the long way.I have paragraph of words (approx 100) that changes on a click. i want to split the paragraph into blocks of 20 and create 5 strings.

' Split string based on spaces
Dim split As String() = movieDetails(0).movieInformation.ToString.Split(" ")

i dont know how to put them into array. I keep getting this error " variable has been used before it has been assigned a value"

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.net - Split The CSV String?

Jun 6, 2009

How would I split the following string?

test, 7535, '1,830,000', '5,000,000'

The result should be


I try:

Dim S() as string = mystring.split(",")

But I get,



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How To Split The String

Mar 10, 2009

have this stringmain

String="/MyApp/ViewPage.aspx?userId=admin&password=1&id=975"and i have two sting variables1)strTempUsername2)strTempPasswordin these variables i want to store userId and password values from mainStringso for this requirement how i wirte logic in codeHere


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Split String In .net?

Jan 29, 2009

I'm using vb.net 2.0. Here is my input string "When the string needs to be splited to fit on the lines, it is tried to split the string at a gab between words." I want to split string for the given word "to fit on the lines" and i gave like this code:

Dim string1 As
String() = strBody.Split("to fit on the lines")

But the output came like this :

string1 {Length=16} String()
(0) "When " String
(1) "he s" String
(2) "ring needs " String


I want is to split the string as :

string1(0)="When the string needs to be splited " string1(1)=", it is tried to split the string at a gab between words."

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Split The XML String?

Apr 6, 2012

i have one long field, a string. it looks like it was once xml. i am wondering if there is some way to split this field into the correct parts.


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.net - How To Split And Concatenate A String

Jun 2, 2011

I have a filename in a string. I want to split the given string into 2 (1 is filename without extension, 2 is only extension) strings. Then add _dev to the end of first string and concatenate with 2nd one.

ex: Dim name as string="abc.txt"
Dim finalName as string

The finalName should be like this "abc_dev.txt"

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.net - String Split And Search .NET?

Jan 28, 2010

Need to take a string in vb and split it. Also need to look through the two returned values and return the value which contains [URL]. Pipelines are the delimiter.

txtEmailFrom.Text = "john@huno.com|james@domain1.com"
Dim brokened() As String
brokened = Split(txtEmailFrom.Text, "|")

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.NET String.Split Method?

Oct 27, 2011

I'm having some issues using the String.Split method, Example here:

Dim tstString As String = "something here -:- urlhere"
Dim newtstString = tstString.Split(" -:- ")

The above, in PHP (My native language!) would return something here AND urlhere in the message boxes.

In VB.NET I get:

: (colon)

Does the String.Split only work with standard characters?

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C# - Split A String Without Separator?

Sep 8, 2011

I have a string variable with value "abcdefghijklmnop".now I want to split the string into string array with say 3 characters(last array element may contain less) in each array element from the right end.


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How To Split Multiline String

Oct 16, 2010

When I try to split a string into a string list where each element represents a line of the initial string, I get the "square" character, which I think is a linefeed or something, at the start of each line, except the first line. How can I avoid that? My code is as follows:

Dim strList as List(Of String)
If Clipboard.ContainsText Then
strList = Clipboard.GetText.Split(Environment.NewLine).ToList
End If

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How To Split String (Take Out Every Picture)

Aug 25, 2010

I have a string that looks like this: pic1*pic2*pic3*

I want to take out every pic from the string like this:

I got the first pic but how do I get the other two?
Dim line as string = "pic1*pic2*pic3*"
Dim pic1 As String
Dim pic2 As String
Dim pic3 As String
pic1 = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf("*"))
pic2 = ?
pic3 = ?

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How To Split String Into Variables

Mar 7, 2009

Ive looked it up, nothing really worked on 2008, I have a string that always the same length, and want to split it up into variables. The string looks like:
I have 3 designated variables for each number and I don't want to put them into an array.

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Split A String And Add New Column?

Jun 11, 2011

i got a data like tis 1(0-AGF-MYR-100101), i wan split to 4 part(0 , AGF, MYR ,100101)
and after tis i nid to add 4 new columns to a datatable to display the value!

Dim writer As StreamWriter = File.CreateText("D: IMS.csv")
For i As Integer = 1 To ds.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
If i < ds.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1 Then


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Split A String AND Insert Into It?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm trying to do a bit of basic string manipulation - but for some reason i cant get my head around this. Basically i have some text boxes with strings in them, they are pulled from SQL money columns so show to 4 decimal places.[code]...

Thing is i want to do both these things on the string. If i try to combine the two then the insert refuses to work, or even causes the whole app to crash.What would be nice is to bash this into a function so it can be re-used over and over since its something id use a lot, but i cant sus out how to do that since how im doing it is on a particular textbox, how to make it so i could run it as a function on any text box escapes me.

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Split A String By Crlf?

Apr 29, 2011

how to proper split a string by crlf below is the code:

Dim str As String = "Hello" & vbCrLf & "World"
Dim parts As String() = str.Split(ControlChars.CrLf.ToCharArray)
For Each part As String In parts


I want to get rid the blank space in between the two.

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Split A String In A Array()?

Nov 6, 2009

i want to split a string in a array() i.e. if i enter "input" in the textbox it should stored like.......

and so on..

after that the value of s(0) in changed to his ascii code and increment by one then again changed from ascii code to char and should be changed again from a array to string.

for example if i enter a then it should change to b.

it is a just a little prob the bigger one i am facing is to store a file bytes to database and retrieve it back,and i reached to decision that its not possible with ms-access but how to do with mysql and oracle?

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