Syntax Highlighting For Java In RichTextBox1?

Dec 26, 2011

I want to have syntax highlighting for Java in RichTextBox1.

When the user entres "//" (without quotes), i want the "//" to turn green, while the rest of the text stays black.

i've started with:
If RichTextBox1.Text.ToLower.Contains("//") Then
'do something
End If

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Syntax/Command Trying To Implement Syntax Highlighting In RichTextBox?

Oct 12, 2011

I am having an issue trying to figure this out. I am writing a script editor that uses tabs (a tab control) and I want to implement syntax highlighting. My issue is that every sample I can find on syntax highlighting uses

Private Sub RichTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.TextChanged

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Get Syntax Highlighting For A RichTextBox?

Dec 29, 2011

I've been trying to get syntax highlighting for a RichTextBox.I am struggling trying to code it myself, so I looked around a bit, and found a cool .dll file called ColorCode.


So I went into my project and imported the ColorCode.dll file. (Project>Add Reference)However, I don't know how to use it!?Is there anyone out there that has used this .dll file?How can I use it to get Syntax Hilighting in RichTextBox1?

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IDE :: Syntax Highlighting For Dates?

Jul 15, 2010

Looking in the "Display Items" list in the "Fonts and Colors" section of options, I don't see a way to color code dates. I can color numbers, strings, comments... all kinds of stuff, are Date and DateTime hiding under something else?

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IDE :: VB Syntax Highlighting Not Working

Feb 5, 2011

I've been looking everywhere for a solution to this problem. I'm new to VB, well programming in general, and am using VS2010 ultimate. Everything has been running smoothly until recently. For some reason, there is no syntax highlighting for my code. All other code is highlighted and colored correctly, just VB is not. All i get is black characters. Keywords, comments, everything is black! I have attempted to reset all the settings, and I have made sure that the font settings are all set to default.


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RichTextbox Syntax Highlighting?

Jan 9, 2009

I have a richtextbox on my form and currently have made a simple syntax highlighting for it. It works great with a small amount of text but as the text amount increases it starts flashing and locks the textbox while typing.

This is my current code. I call the sub on the textchanged event.Basically what happens is I have a list of words that it checks for and if it finds it, it colors the word.


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Syntax Highlighting Richtextbox?

Aug 1, 2011

I'm building an app that has an sql editor with syntax highlighting and intellisense. I've got the frame, but i'm stuck with the re-coloring of the RTBSuppose the RTB has got a large volume of lines. when i start editing, the on-textchange event triggers the re-coloring of the current line. using;

- selectionStart
- selectionLength
- selectionColor


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VS 2008 Syntax Highlighting?

Jan 10, 2010

Ok, So i am building a code editor for a new Multi-Player modification thats being coded (IV-MP), And i was looking into making the syntax of the code highlight, Like it dose on this picture:

The code is 'Squirrel', But i totally have no clue on how to make it highlight like in those pictures, And all the code would be in a large Rich textbox.

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.net: Syntax Highlighting In A RichTextBox Control?

Sep 29, 2010

I need help Related to this form [URL]...Related to that topic Using the same code how can i add more then one color so how can i add it more then once So like words = the and bob ect... but I make a new dim call it words 2 = for next then ect... diffrent color I do this and it cancels out the blue the first one, so like this


So then i try it purple works but now blue does not..i know its possible with this one! All i want is to be able to add other words in a different color! Because this code works like a charm

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Get A .NET Plugin For CodeRay (or Any .NET Syntax Highlighting)?

Sep 10, 2010

I recently set up a Redmine server for my time. Redmine's Wiki uses CodeRay for syntax highlighting. However, most of my team prefers to code in VB.NET, which CodeRay doesn't support.Are there any plugins out there that offer syntax highlighting for VB.NET in CodeRay? If not in CodeRay, maybe through some other library (that could be integrated into Redmine)?

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How To Add Syntax Highlighting To CodeMirror Editor

Dec 10, 2011

How to add a Visual Basic .NET syntax highlighting to CodeMirror editor? Does exists the mode for this language on any library? What should I correct except keywords, blockKeywords and atoms? [code]

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Syntax Highlighting In A RichTextBox Control?

Apr 23, 2008

I am currently working on a code editor program for Linden Scripting Language (Second Life Code) and I am having a lot of trouble using the Syntax Highlighting class which i have found on a website [URL] I dont understand, the Class inherits the System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox so it should change the color of the text if i type one of the keywords shouldnt it and i should not have to do any codeing for the RTB (or do i?)

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VS 2010 Richtextbox Syntax Highlighting?

Sep 6, 2010

I have the following

Private Sub RichTextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.TextChanged
Dim words As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)(New String() {"select", "insert", "delete", "truncate", _
"from", "where", "into", "inner", "update", "outer", "on", "is", "declare", "set", "use", "values", "as", _


The only problem is that if I type one of the key words, the word highlights, but if i type a word with one of the key words within it, part of it gets highlights as well.Example:


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IDE :: RichEditText Box Syntax Highlighting With Undo / Redo

Sep 23, 2010

I am trying to build a simple syntax highlighter editor along with undo/redo feature. I have the code to syntax highlight the code on "TextChange" event but the undo/redo feature does not work.Any work arounds on implementing syntax highlighting with undo/redo?

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Write A Syntax Highlighting Application For A C/AL Editor?

Jun 22, 2010

i planned to write a syntax highlighting application for a C/AL editor. I have a tool which has a little autocomplete function in C/AL.At first i would test it in my notepad. I thought about this procedure.1. Start application (minimized in tray, defined match words)2. Open Notepad (my application notice it)3. While typing the application the color of my text changes in notepad

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Basic Syntax Highlighting Is Coloring Stuff After Instance?

Apr 1, 2011

Dim listbox1 As New ListBox
Dim int As Integer = 0
Dim line As String = RichTextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(RichTextBox1.SelectionStart)
For Each item In listbox1.Items
[Code] .....
My coding selects an item from the list box and tries to color the words in the currently selected line, however, it often colors characters that come after the instance. Why is this happening?

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Make Make Syntax Highlighting And Keyboard Behavior Identical For C# In Visual Studio 2008?

Aug 25, 2010

Types have their own color (cyan by default).Enter completes the auto-complete suggestion.

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Winforms - "Caret Position" In .NET For Syntax Highlighting?

Dec 17, 2009

I'm trying to make a TextBox with syntax highlighting (for (HTML/CSS) in VB.NET 2008.I figured that if I use RichTextBox.Find(), I can color specific text, but then I need to call RichTextBox.DeselectAll(). The problem is that the the cursor jumps to the beginning of the RTB.

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Remove A Line In Richtextbox1?

Oct 4, 2011

I would like to romove any line that doesn't have "http://" Or "https://" within Richtextbox1.text.



I need any line above that doesn't have the http:// or https:// to be remove and no empty lines left.

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Richtextbox1 To Parse Data?

Oct 5, 2011

I'm trying to create a quick little program in VB 2008 that can parse extract the google search results based on the search criteria of the user input.

Basically what I have is a textbox1.text that enters the keywords into google, google will then put the url results back into my richtextbox1.text.

Here is the code that I have:

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
Me.Text = WebBrowser1.Url.AbsoluteUri


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Use The Size From Combobox1 In Richtextbox1?

Jul 22, 2009

How can i make the font's size in richtextbox equal to combobox1?

RichTextBox1.font.size = combobox1.text

not working

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VS 2010 Get Line In Richtextbox1?

May 25, 2010

ok I was wondering if its possible to get the line were setLSBCookie( is at . This is my code but didnt work out

i = RichTextBox1.Lines.IndexOf("setLSBCookie(") This is my error:

Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'IndexOf' accepts this number of arguments.

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Button Which Adds Text To My RichTextBox1?

Feb 20, 2009

I'm using Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition and I was just wondering if someone could help me out with a few things? I'm making a Notepad-type program just to clarify things.1. I have a button which adds text to my RichTextBox1 (excuse the name), but when you click it it adds text to the end of the script. I want to make it so the text is added where your "cursor" (the blinking thing which lets you know where you're typing) is, at the current part of RichTextBox1. At the moment I'm using:

RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text + "The text I'm adding" If anyone could tell me the code to make it put "The text I'm adding" at your current cursor that'd be great.

2. I have a Save As button and a Save button. When you click Save As and save the file it works 100%, when you click Save and you haven't saved previously then it works 100%, but after you have saved the file and then click save it doesn't overwrite the file. Here's the code for Save:


So if anyone can tell me the code that's needed so it will overwrite the current file 3. I have a FontDialog but I have no idea what the code is supposed to be to make RichTextBox1's font change after you click Okay in the FontDialog.

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Dim As Color Error For RichTextBox1.SelectionColor?

Jun 23, 2009

i want the richtextbox1.selectioncolor to be able to pickup and use the color in a label's text and not just the Color.LightBlue..the label1.text=Color.LightBlue

Dim labelcolor As Color
labelcolor = Label1.Text
RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = L


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How To Zoom In And Out The Text Displayed On A RichTextBox1

Sep 15, 2010

Text displayed by the RichTextBox1 is too big. It creates vertical and horizontal scroll bars. It there any way to zoom in and out to make the text fit as one desires?

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If You Resize Form1, RichTextBox1 Resizes Too

Jul 23, 2009

My rtb to be resized with the windows notepad!

Original Form Size - 809; 699
Original RTB Size - 791 to 556

dim none as none

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Read The Text From Richtextbox1 In Richtextbox2?

Mar 1, 2012

It is necessary to find certain text from richtextbox1 and put it in richtextbox2

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Scroll One Line At A Time On Richtextbox1?

Feb 8, 2011

Have been trying to scroll one line at a time on my Richtextbox1 for quite some time - Hit upon this code which doesnt seem to work.

Class RichTextBox1
Inherits RichTextBox
<DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)> _
Private Shared Function SendMessage(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal Msg As UInteger, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr


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VS 2010 : Do 'Something' If Richtextbox1.text.Is A URL = True

Mar 16, 2012

Basically I want a piece of code that will only do something if richtextbox1s text is a url. Here is a MOCK code.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If richtextbox1.text.containsURL = True Then
End If
End Sub

or something similar.

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Writing The New Number From RichTextBox1 Into The XP File?

Dec 10, 2010

My program automatically checks if a file exists when they go to save. If it doesn't, it automatically creates the directory and file. Then, after that, it should save the data in my RichTextBox1 form, but how do I get it to write the new number from RichTextBox1 into the XP file?I DON'T want a select file menu. I have my own path to the file.

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