Update Sharepoint List From Winform

Mar 21, 2012

I'd like to write an app that would allow users to modify existing records in a WSS sharepoint list and/or create new records.I feel confident that its possible, but I just don't know exactly how. Sharepoint access, for me, is accessed with domain credentials, so I"d need some method for getting those from the user, in the winform, and passing those along to the WSS server.

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Update Records In An Access Table Linked To A SharePoint List From VB?

Jan 23, 2012

I am writing a small program to update data in a SharePoint list. Now where I cannot develop or use applications for SharePoint unless I am on a SharePoint server, I thought I would cheat the system by using Access to link to SharePoint lists, and then use Visual Basic to play with the Access tables. I need additional functionality other than what VBA can provide me, so that is why I am using the VB layer.Is it possible that this is not permitted? Whenever I try to update an item in the table, I receive the message:

"cannot update '(expression)'; field not updatable"

The word 'expression' here is not a filler I added, this is the actual error.If I try to make the edit manually in the table using Access, it works fine (I haven't tried it through Access VBA yet...).

How my code works is this:I have a Dataset added to the project which connects to the Access database. I add one of the tables to the dataset and create a Class object to reference the table adapter (essentially a Data Access Layer). I can read all of the data fine, and when a change is made in SharePoint, my application sees the updates when it refreshes. But when I try to write back to the table I get the error message above.

Each r As
DataRow In TableAdapter.GetData.Select("Name LIKE '*" & FileName &


There are other columns in the table and some of them have default null values. I only want to update these two fields, but it almost seems like this is not possible. I thought I might be somehow opening the Dataset in a Read Only mode, but I can't seem to find that option anywhere.

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Connect To A Sharepoint Datalist From A Winform?

Aug 24, 2011

Is it possible to connect to the SharePoint site /data list and query data from?

I want to create a data source from share point on my winform application.

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Add Item To Sharepoint List Using Vb Code

Sep 29, 2011

I am trying to add items in a SharePoint list and I would like to use vb. I have tried using this this from here: [URL] but i get this error: Type SPWeb is not defined.


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Adding To Sharepoint 2010 List Programmatically?

Oct 7, 2011

I am trying to create a new item in a sharepoint list. Not getting any error messages but the item does not appear in the list.

Here is my code:

'Declare and initialize Lists Web service.
Dim listService As New Lists()


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Retrieve A List From Sharepoint Using Lists() Web Services?

Jun 12, 2012

So I've been trying to retrieve a list from sharepoint using Lists() web services and then displaying the list on a datagrid. However I am having some weird problem. My code so far is

'Declare and initialize Lists Web service.
Dim listService As New Lists()
listService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials


1) It also displays a column called "ows_owsHiddenversion" which I have no idea where it's coming from.2) The order of the columns that are displayed are different from the order in the sharepoint site.3) I have a column called "DONE?" and it is a choice type with the options of choosing 'Yes' or 'No'. But for some reason, in the datagrid, the column under DONE is all blank and I cant figure out why all the 'Yes's and 'No's are not showing up. All the other values for the other columns appear fine.4) I am sorting the data from the sharepoint list by the "Division" column which is fine but the header of the column in the datagrid is labeled "Title". I checked the XmlNode outer and inner xml and for some reason the Field Ref is set to "Title" to represent the "Division" column

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VS 2008 Connecting To A Sharepoint List Linked Table In Access 2007

Apr 30, 2011

First timer here, I love the site!


- VS 2008
- Sharepoint 3.0
- Access 2007
- Windows Vista (The machine I'm developing it from)

History: (Do excuse me if I don't reference different methods I've taken so far correctly, I'm still learning!) I am building some search software for a law firm that I work for in Australia. It's all coming along really well, but I seem to have hit a snag getting data out of sharepoint lists and into my project!

I first attempted to add a web reference to sharepoint and after a while was able to pull in all of the data from the lists, fantastic!(OR NOT!). The issue then was when I attempted to load it up into an array using XMLNodes, whilst it loaded up fine and I could see all the data, if there was a null value in one of the columns, it wouldn't pull that null value across, therefore, I couldn't really use the data...


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Winform Update GUI Between Syncronous Sql Calls?

Jul 15, 2011

I have a (presently) single threaded application written in VB.Net The major processing steps are 12 checked list items in a treeview control. The program executes the steps (functions, and stored procedures) in turn and checks the result before continuing.The steps (greatly simplified) are:

1. Import data from a txt file

2. Bulk Insert it into a database

3. Do some processing

4. Use that data to retrieve a lot more related data across a network in a complex join from a linked server.

5. Update the local database with the results

6. Do more processing

7. Insert the final results into a different database on a different server.

I won't go into all the reasons it had to be done this way like (different server owners within the company, lack of trust between servers, read only access to certain databases, etc.) but the problem is Step 4.Depending on the processing load on the (foreign) server and the amount of data in the import file, this step can take 1-1/2 hours to execute. Since this is a single threaded app the gui freezes waiting for the data to be retrieved from the linked server.Aside from the grey block on the desktop (due to no gui updates) the program runs perfectly.

Attempted solutions:

1) I tried the suggestion of a timer to refresh the form with no success.

2) I have tried using the background worker process but could not get the application to wait for a result before the program continued.

3) I also tried different examples of threading with no success. All the other steps complete so quickly that the gui never freeses, but I wouldn't be averse to threading all my sql calls in this app.

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.ComponentModel[code].......

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Batch Update WinForm Program 2010?

Apr 18, 2011

Is there any method to do batch update winForm in VB 2010

Using Microsoft Access2007 as database, VB 2010 WinForm (DataGridview + Textbox)

There are a lot of record need to be Updated, It is very efficient if that data is just going through Batch Update, meaning just one click will update all the data rather than click one by one.

Any Demo or code showing how to do this Batch Update (VB.net).

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.net - Update Statement Updates 0 Rows Via The C# Winform Application?

May 29, 2010

I'm trying to update a row via c# winform application. The update query generated from the application is formatted correctly. I tested it in the sql server environment, it worked well. When i run it from the application i get 0 rows updated.Here is the snippet that generates the update statement using reflection - don't try to figure it out. Carry on reading after the code portion:

public void Update(int cusID)
SqlCommand objSqlCommand = new SqlCommand();
Customer cust = new Customer();


The above final update statement works on the sql environment, but when running via the application, the execute non query runs ok and gets 0 rows updated!

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Winform Application Based On BackgroundWorker Thread Concept / UI Update

Jan 26, 2012

I have build a VB.Net windows application which does uploads data into database and basically updates two controls:

1. A textbox which is constantly updated with one line per database record upload.

2. A label which keeps track of the count of database record uploaded.

I have used BackgroundWorker thread concept, where the thread's bgwWorker_DoWork() method contains the business logic for upload and bgwWorker_ ProgressChanged() updates the 2 UI controls based on uploads.But the issue I am facing is that I do not get complete updates on both the UI controls. Sometimes the thread bypasses update of textbox and sometimes of label. I could resolve this issue by adding System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(25) before each UI control update code.[code]

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.net - What WinForm Control To Bind List (Of T)

Jul 1, 2009

I have been working on keeping things object oriented for my project. Currently, I'm using a .DLL which supplies all of the app's classes to the WinForms project acting as the presentation layer.My .DLL will, for example, return a SortableBindingList(Of T) to code in a form. The SortableBindingList(Of T) comes from here. Let's assume a SortableBindingList(Of Product). Assuming that the .DLL's function Services.Products.GetList() returns a SortableBindingList(Of Product), I can easily do this:

DataGridView1.DataSource = Services.Products.GetList()

Now, the DataGridView is properly populated with my list of Products. Fine. However, there is no .SelectedItem property which gives me back my object which was selected in the DataGridView:

' Doesn't exist!
Dim p As Product = DataGridView1.SelectedItem
' Need to make another DB call by getting the Product ID
' from the proper Cell of the DataGridView ... yuck!

However, a ComboBox or a ListBox does in fact store and return my Product objects intact:

' Valid!
ComboBox1.DataSource = Services.Products.GetList()
Dim p as Product = ComboBox1.SelectedItem

Another however ... the ComboBox and ListBox do not show all of the fields of the Product object, only the value of the DisplayMember property.Is there a nice control in VB.NET 2008 that I am just missing, which gives me the object oriented functionality that I want which will actually display an entire object's fields and also return that object back when selected by the user?

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VS 2008 WinForm - Where To Find Dropdown List

Dec 15, 2009

I searched "All Window Form" but I didn't find a thing which you use to select an item from a list by clicking on the selected item (like the thing you have to press on while selecting what Prefix you use when starting a thread). I guess it's easy to find, but I checked the whole list twice.

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VS 2008 Will Not Need To Update Each Component Variable Of Products List When Components List Changes

Sep 21, 2010

I think (?) this is about object design, and perhaps about structural and/or creational patterns. But a bit hard to say when I only know a couple of patterns yet.[code]But... what if we INSTEAD want each Product instance only to (in some way) refer to one instance of a specific list of Components. So we wan't to save the products list to one file, and the components list to another file. Then would I build the objects the same way, or different? So let's then say we have now Class B as below. [code]

1. Will not need to update each component variable of the products list when the components list changes.

2. If the Product object shall be shown in a DataGridView, for editing properties, it seems easier to implement the selection of the component property.

Is this wrong approach? Is it suitable in some cases, and if so, when? Are there other solutions I perhaps am not aware of that would be appropriate? Is this about structural design patterns? and if so, can the alternatives above be catagorized to some pattern type? I don't really know exactly what I'm looking for.. But I think probably I'm looking to understand whether the object design will be determined by the way the objects are saved.. And if i shall save the objects by serializing to file, vs saving to a database, would I create the business objects differently?

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Passing Value From One Winform To Another Winform?

Jul 7, 2010

A Form is to Accept User Name and Password from user, after verification the form should display another form that will accept user's full data. When a user press the Ok button, the information entered on this form should be display in another form (Showing the user what he/she has entered)

i have Design the Firs Form and the second form, how can i pass the information entered on the second form to third, and also what will the code look like I need help on this or Code Sample?

NB: i am trying create an instance of the second form in the third form and declare a variable in the third form that will holed the value, but still not working I want to learn .NET Programming in VC#, ASP.NET And VB.NET. I am student and really get excited when it comes to programming

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'Update' An Item In A List?

Jan 23, 2012

i am trying to 'Update' an item in a list The idea i was try to use was going to be to remove the item then add it again. so far this is the code i have


The problem i am having is here,Tempcarmake has a Make property which holds the car make eg Honda, Ford, VW i want to find the item in the that has the same Make as the TEMPcarmake that the user has been using

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Delegate To Update A List Box?

Mar 27, 2012

I've been fooling around with this for two hours and getting nowhere. I want to update a list box on a form with some text. Unfortunately the event that calls for the update is a timer which gives me a cross thread error.The listbox relies on a combo box which tells it the number of items to display. Here's my sub that performs the update.

Public Sub EventUpdate(ByVal EventMsg As String)
Dim DateTimeStamp As String = Format(DateAndTime.Now, "MM/dd hh:mm:ss")
With lbxEvents


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Update List With Linq Instead Of For Each?

Mar 9, 2012

I am a bit new to linq, I am only using linq for filtering the data. [code]...

Con.Numbers is a dictionary, but now I converted it into a list, hence the above code wont work with list[code]....

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Update Item Quantity In List(Of T)

Jul 6, 2010

I'm working on a project for a client (he wanted it in VB.NET so I dont have a choice) and have hit a wall. I have a Product class, and a List(Of Product) that I'm using to store products in while a new order is being built. The problem I'm running into is updating the Quantity value of a product if it's found in the list (instead of adding the product again).


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.net - SQL Server - Update Rows Based On A List?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm working with Windows Forms - VB.NET.Here's what I have:

A ListView with checkboxes set to True
A Button (triggers the update)
A database table with similar fields as the ListView

What I want to happen:when the user clicks the Button, all items on the ListView with checkbox checked will be updated.My progress:I've already collected the ID of the checked items and stored them in an array. I'll be using this to update the database table.I don't know how to put them in the SqlCommand.Parameters Also, I don't know the update command for such scenario (where in/exist (@parameters))

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C# - Design Question - DataSet Or List - Update Changes

Aug 5, 2009

Not sure if I have the correct subject line. Here is my issue. I have a form with 2 GridView. One GridView has a list of all zipCodes. The users is to select a location from a dropdown list, then select the zipcodes he/she wants to be assigned to that location and then click the "Add" button. The zipcodes then appear in the second GridView. When the user clicks the "Save" button, the data is sent to the database. The is also a "Remove" to remove zipcode(s) in the second GridView.

How do I track changes only in the second GridView. There could be 1000's of zipcode in the second GridView. Do I just remove and re-insert the list for that location evertime the user click save? I was thinking of using a DataSet, add DataRows and then update, however I am not using a DataAdapter to load my dataset, so there is no way for me to use DataAdapter.Update(ds). I am using the SQLHelper.ExecuteDataset(parms)

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Get The Values From A Textbox And Also Update A List Box On Another Thread?

Mar 29, 2012

I have a textbox which will accept a user input for a email address or phone number.I want to using a new thread do a search for various results and populate a listbox.I know i need to do this in another thread so my main form will still operate but how can I do this? I've never used threads before and I know it's tricky to get the values from a textbox and also update a list box on another thread.

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SQL Server - Update Rows Based On A List

Jun 8, 2011

I'm working with Windows Forms - VB.NET.

Here's what I have:

A ListView with checkboxes set to True A Button (triggers the update) A database table with similar fields as the ListView

What I want to happen:

when the user clicks the Button, all items on the ListView with checkbox checked will be updated.

My progress: I've already collected the ID of the checked items and stored them in an array. I'll be using this to update the database table.

The problem: I don't know how to put them in the SqlCommand.Parameters Also, I don't know the update command for such scenario (where in/exist (@parameters))

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Update Property Of Object In List In ForEach?

Apr 2, 2011

I have a List(Of SomeObject) that I enumerate over using a For Each loop. This SomeObject contains a Property that references another Object, as such

Class SomeObject
Public Property Another As AnotherObject


If not, what is a valid way to do it? (ordinary for loop perhaps?)

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Use The Update In The Main Class To Access The List?

Jan 15, 2012

i need to use the update in the main class to access the list in the footballadmin and then display each in a list box but i cant get it to work.

Imports Football
Public Class FootballAdmin
Private fTeam As List(Of FootballTeams)


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.net - Microsoft.sharepoint.dll For WSS 2.0?

Oct 30, 2009

I have a VS.net project where I need to add a reference to Microsoft.sharepoint.dll where can I find the dll. I am running my web application on XP Professional box and I cannot install WSS 2.0 on my machine.

I need to programmatically access a sharepoint site which is on WSS 2.0 from aSP.net application.

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SharePoint RoleAssignment Won't Add?

Oct 19, 2011

I am trying to manipulate SPListItem permissions on folders in a document library but I can't seem to add any new permissions, though removing security inheritance works beautifully.I've done my best to create a slimmed down version of the code for testing purposes. The function GetListItem returns the SPListItem we are working with based on the URL. The item.BreakRoleInheritance(False) works great and I've verified properly breaks inheritance and clears out any permissions, I've also tried it with the True flag and verified that all original permissions are copied from the parent.

The code below throws no exceptions and as far as I can tell appears to work fine, until I check the actual permissions on the folder in my document library and see that "Viewers" is not listed.


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C# - Update User's Role From A Dropdown List Within A Repeater

Jul 5, 2010

I have repeater which shows a list of users and there roles. There is also a dropdown list to chnage there role see below

<td><asp:DropDownList ID="ddlChangeType" class="controlwidth100" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="change" /></td>

the change event works but what I need is the ID of the row so the user can be updated.

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Forcibly Make MdiChildren Menu List Update?

Sep 19, 2011

I have some MdiChildren that have their form titles updated. However, in the MdiParent, the "Windows" Menu does not update their titles when something changes until I change MdiChildren focus.

how to forcibly make the MdiChildren Menu list update?

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ListView Update : Refresh The List Information Without Clearing First?

Nov 1, 2010

My listview clears and updates every 2seconds. Is there an easy to refresh the list information without clearing first? Like taskmanager

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