Use "IN" Operator Together With OleDbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue ?

Jul 8, 2011

Is it possible to use "IN" operator together with OleDbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue ?

I am using Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft Access 2000.

I have search online but find no solution on it. Below is my code:

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
Dim Adapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim strSQL As String
Dim dsDoc As New DataSet


Where there is 2 Document No inside parameter @Doc , i can't get any of them. When there is only 1 Document No, then it is ok.Is it possible to use "IN" operator together with OleDbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue ?

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.net - OLEdbcommand.Prepare Error - OleDbCommand.Prepare Method Requires All Parameters To Have An Explicitly Set Type

Jul 21, 2010

I am getting an error: OleDbCommand.Prepare method requires all parameters to have an explicitly set type.

on the last line of the code below.I have seen things saying you have to set the datatype of each parameter but how can i do that when it being generated by the command builder?


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C# - Difference With Parameters.Add And Parameters.AddWithValue?

Feb 6, 2012

Basically Commands has Parameters and parameters has functions like Add, AddWithValue, and etc. In all tutorials i've seen, i usually noticed that they are using Add instead of AddWithValue.


since it saves my coding time. So which is better to use? Which is safe to use? Does it improves performance?

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Equivalent Of Parameters.AddWithValue In MySqlClient?

Mar 10, 2011

What is the equivalent of Parameters.AddWithValue in the MySqlClient?

I've tried Parameters.Add and it's not working, but AddWithValue gives me an error.

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Set Parameters Via Addwithvalue To Stored Procedure Using Odbc?

Sep 21, 2010

I use codes below to inserts values to database by executing stored procedure.

Dim connstring As String = "dsn=test"
Dim oConn As Odbc.OdbcConnection = New Odbc.OdbcConnection(connstring)
Dim com As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("{? = call sp_test1(?,?,?,?)}", oConn)


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MySQL Parameters / AddWithValue - How To Avoid To Check For Nulls

Sep 15, 2010

Let's say I have a MySql stored procedure that inserts a record with some nullable CHAR fields. In VB.NET if I don't check for Nothing (or Null in other languages), I get an exception from the db driver, so I write:
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("_name", if(name Is Nothing, "", name)).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

And this is the first thing I don't like; I'd like to pass Nothing and the driver knows it has to put NULL in the Db. But then, in the stored procedure, I have to check back the field if it is empty:
(name, -- other 200 char fields)
(NULLIF(_name, ''),
-- other 200 char fields

I have to check for nothingness/emptiness twice. Is there a better, more direct, way? Even worse, for non reference types (i.e: Integers) the check for nothingness makes no sense, since a primitive type can't be nothing (yes, I could set an Integer to a non meaningful value, say -1 for a positive id, but...).

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OleDbCommand Named Parameters And Order Of Addition?

Apr 8, 2012

I have an ACE OleDb connection to an accdb file that�s working well but I�m mystified by something I recently discovered when using named parameters. Order of adding of parameters overrides the parameter names. I see in the MSDN that is states when in "Text" mode named parameters is not supported. My testing has proven this to be the case. The example below puts "Value 2 in Field1 and "Value 1" in Field2. In fact I could change @value2 to @blahblah and it works.

Dim command As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO Results(Field1,Field2) Values(@value1,@value2)", con)
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@value2, "Value 2")
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@value1", "Value 1")

what is text mode and how do I change it and what other types are there? According to John McIlhinney�s earlier explanation things like date variables are added in a binary fashion including support for DBNull. So this is not "Text" so how am I sending binary data to a Db in Text mode? I�m just not getting why it supports names when it ignores them. Is it simply the case that there is no way to add parameters out of order in my case?If adding out of order is impossible should my command use some other syntax? I see other syntax that just uses question marks in the command dim for the Values section. EG "Values(?,?)".

Is there a way of adding parameters without names?In general I�d love to hear someone to explain this so I can understand the inner workings here a little better and have a little more confidence in what I�m doing here. I can fix my code to work but I feel like an idiot using parameter names that are ignored. I just know I�m doing something wrong even if it works.

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An Error "OleDbCommand.Prepare Method Requires All Parameters To Have An Explicitly Set Type"?

Nov 2, 2009

when I search for a customer, it can search but the problem is that when I search for customer and I wanted to update or delete, It has an error which says "OleDbCommand.Prepare method requires all parameters to have an explicitly set type." What does that mean? Here is the code that I am using:

Public Class EditingCust
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Dim myAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter[code].....

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Use IN Operator With Variable Number Of Parameters?

Mar 11, 2012

I have a dataset connection to an MS Access database. I want to use IN operator in WHERE clause like: WHERE DepartmentID IN (1,2,3)This means that all record with an ID of 1, 2 and 3 will be filtered. But the problem is I cannot create a parameter like:


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TableAdapter FillBy Query With Parameters Doesn't Work With LIKE Operator

Jan 19, 2010

Banging my head against a wall here. I have a query that looks like this.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members

That works absolutely fine in query wizard and the DataTablePreview data window. However, when I do this.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members
WHERE FirstName LIKE ?

I get nothing when I run the fillby method. If I change the LIKE to =.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members
WHERE FirstName = ?

Everything works great. I need to get LIKE working though so I can wildcard search.

I'm using the SQL server OLE db connections if that means anything.


Using the LIKE operator doesn't work at all. When I just swap out = for LIKE. Nothing is returned.

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.net - VB MySql AddWithValue Doesn't Pass The Value Successfully?

Jan 18, 2012

I have the following VB code.Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand("SELECT code FROM decoder WHERE ann_id = @aid", conn) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@aid", 1)Dim reader As MySqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

The reader.Read() then gives me nothing, however, if I replace the code by.Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand("SELECT code FROM decoder WHERE ann_id = 1", conn) Dim reader As MySqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() reader.Read() gives the correct result. Tried using Add instead, doesn't help. What am I missing here?

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Check If An Oledbcommand Succeeded?

Dec 31, 2009

Im working on an access database, and I want to know how can I fix the code below so that I could display the correct information to the user. The problem is, I want to display an error message if the oledbcommand did not succeed.


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OleDbCommand Access Databases?

Aug 7, 2010

created a database and I am able to read from the database into VB and also able to create a new set of feilds. I do needte a set of records, can't seem to find the right code.The access database has 4 columns one of which is a unique code (column name is 'code') that relates to each different item so I would have the user put in the code to the textbox and then the programme will delete the set of records corresponding to that code

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VS 2010 OleDBCommand With More Than 1 Parameter?

Jun 24, 2011

I'm using the following

Dim conz As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:BdadosCV_PARTS.accdb;Persist Security Info=False")


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Error: Option Strict On Disallows Operands Of Type Object For Operator '='. Use The 'Is' Operator To Test For Object Identity

Jan 27, 2010

I am tightening up my coding with the Option Strict set to ON. It has now produced alot of errors. An example of this is:

If AllocatedDGV.Rows(i).Cells("RoomNumber").Value = RoomsAvailableDGV.Rows(j).Cells("RoomName").Value Then

It gives me the following error: Option Strict On disallows operands of type Object for operator '='. Use the 'Is' operator to test for object identity.

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Option Strict On Disallows Operands Of Type Object For Operator Use The 'Is' Operator To Test For Object Identity

Apr 6, 2012

I need to write an interface to get data to/from our data files.

We have a low level class that holds field values for each record read from the files.

This just holds two values, the value read from the file (DBValue) and the updated value that may need to be written back to the file (CurrentValue).

These values may be any of the standard value types (integer, date etc) or a string.

Either value (DBValue or CurrentValue) may be null if not defined.

I have written the class to manage this data which works fine while option strict is NOT on.

But we have an office policy of having option strict on all the time.

When I put option strict on, my object value comparisons fail with the error: "Option Strict On disallows operands of type Object for operator '='. Use the 'Is' operator to test for object identity."

Question, how should I change the following code to handle option strict on ...

This is all running on Visual Studio 2010


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Coalesce Operator And Conditional Operator In .NET?

Mar 10, 2009

Possible Duplicate: Is there a conditional ternary operator in VB.NET?

Can we use Coalesce operator(??) and conditional ternary operator(:) in VB.NET as in C#?

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OleDbCommand Select Returning Null

Feb 16, 2011

Having trouble importing a value from a .csv file to a .csv file. This this done because data needs to be massaged and the data file renamed. This is a user interface. Do not want to have the user touch the .csv in any way except upload to the application so the applicaiton can do manipulation. Either way here is the issue.

There is a column in the original .csv file that contains a zip code. The first row of the .csv has a value of 17003 in the zip code column. In the second row of the .csv the zip code column has a value of 11746-9984. The value in the zip code column from the second row always comes back as a Null value. My guess is that the OleDbDataAdapter is defining some kind of Schema. Again, the first row containing the zip code column probably insists the value must be numeric. When the data table field is established it probably gets defined as numeric. If that is true and the second row of the .csv zip code column is not numeric that must cause the zip code value to be Null.[code]...

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Sql - Exception On ExecuteReader() Using OleDbCommand And Access

Mar 23, 2010

I'm getting the error below for this SQL statement in VB.Net 'Fill in the datagrid with the info needed from the accdb file


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VS 2005 OleDBCommand String Manipulation?

Jan 26, 2011

I am getting a syntax error missing operator, I have tried this so many times by eyes are crossed can someone spot my mistake?

"SELECT * , Left([DateSold], Len([DateSold])-(InStr([DateSold], 'AM')-InStr([DateSold],'1')+1) AS DateSold , FROM " & Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName & " Where


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VS 2005 Working With An OleDbCommand Statement?

Jan 15, 2010

I need some help working with an OleDbCommand Statement existing statement

OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select *, (([AddressDisplay])&', '&([City])) AS Address

The City is stored in database with the city name and an additional abbreviation added. I need to get rid of the abbreviation, if possible.I DONT control the database its from a 3rd party.

Example: Houston[HST] I need to remove the [HST]

Can this be done? Either in the command statement of perhaps in the displaymember of the combobox that reads the database?

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Oledb - SELECT Through Oledbcommand In .net Not Picking Up Recent Changes?

Sep 28, 2009

I'm using the following code to work out the next unique Order Number in an access database. ServerDB is a "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection"

Dim command As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("", serverDB)
command.CommandText = "SELECT max (ORDERNO) FROM WORKORDR"
iOrder = command.ExecuteScalar()
NewOrderNo = (iOrder + 1)

If I subsequently create a WORKORDR (using a different DB connection), the code will not pick up the new "next order number."e.g.

iFoo = NewOrderNo
iFoo2 = NewOrderNo

will return the same value to both iFoo and iFoo2. If I Close and then reopen serverDB, as part of the "NewOrderNo" function, then it works. iFoo and iFoo2 will be correct. Is there any way to force a "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection" to refresh the database in this situation without closing and reopening the connection. e.g. Is there anything equivalent to serverdb.refresh or serverdb.FlushCache

How I create the order.I wondered if this could be caused by not updating my transactions after creating the order. I'm using an XSD for the order creation, and the code I use to create the record is ...

Sub CreateNewWorkOrderWithNumber(ByVal iNewOrder As Integer)
Dim OrderDS As New CNC
Dim OrderAdapter As New CNCTableAdapters.WORKORDRTableAdapter


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OleDbCommand Returns Missing Semicolon (;) At End Of SQL Statement?

Jun 14, 2012

I am using VB .Net to loop through a regex Match and generate a sql statement. I'm creating the sql like this

sql = "Insert Into Agencies (Address) Values"
While MatchObj.Success
sql = sql & "(""" & MatchObj.Groups(1).Value & """), "


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VS 2008 : Error Creating New Table Via OleDbCommand

Jun 12, 2009

I'm trying to add a new table to a database connected via MS Jet driver. When I run the following Code, the error I get is:

Quote:In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user.I'm not sure what it is exactly hanging up on.

sql = "CREATE TABLE tblTable2 ([Text1] text(100) WITH Compression, " & _
"[Text2] text(25) WITH Compression, " & _
"[Int1] int(4) WITH Compression, " & _


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Vb 2010: Type OledbConnection, OledbAdapter, And OledbCommand Is Not Defined

Jan 9, 2012

I'm trying to import data excel (*.xlsx) to reportview... but i'm getting stuck for six hours to solve this problem :

type OledbConnection, OledbAdapter, and OledbCommand is not defined

i also couldn't find any reference named Microsoft Jet OledB 4.0 in my visual studio 2010 ......... but i find Microsoft Jet and Replication Object 2,6 Library... i added it to my reference , but it didn't work to solve my problem where can i download reference to Microsoft Jet OledB 4.0... is there any mistakes in my installation package visual studio 2010? once, i got message that type "crystalreport" is not defined, probably because i use visual studio 2010 that's not include crystal report in their package installer, and i decided have to download it as 3rd my codes so far... i'm not finished it yet to the report view... i was stuck in this "type not defined error"here i attached also my files ( my macro.xla (zipped in *.zip), and some excel files to execute)

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btn_PilihFileExcel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_PilihFileExcel.Click


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DB/Reporting :: Create Access Database (VB 2008 Express Edition) OledBcommand

Jun 20, 2009

I want to create a table (called "Customers") in a Microsoft Access database and then insert/delete records into the table and update the table. The table shall have 3 columns:

Customer Name
Customer Address

I know i need to make the "ID" column as an autonumber and a primary key, as i need to insert and delete records and update the table. I am using the Visual basic 2008 Express edition and quite familar with the OledBcommand.

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C# - Search For Names In The Database That Matches Whole Parameters Or Any Part Of Parameters

May 13, 2011

I'm writing a query to select all records that has any part of parameter. I have one table called Employees. Some people have name like this: John David Clark If the parameter is


I should be able to get result back as long as there's a match in the parameters. If I use Function Contains (q.FirstName & " " & q.LastName).Contains(employeeName), I will not get any result back if employeeName is "John Clark" Function Contains looks only for next words from left to right. It doesn't match a single word at a time. So that's why I used this in the Linq to SQL:


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Error [07002] The # Binded Parameters < The # Of Parameters Makers

Aug 30, 2010

I am getting error [07002] the # binded parameters < the # of parameters makers, i checked both parameters were perfect even though i am getting this error here is my code


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How To Use Operator As A Comparison Operator

Nov 11, 2009

I want to perform equality comparison in VB.NET and cannot get it to work. Error: value of type Boolean can not be converted to System.Drawing.PointF


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Get The GET Parameters And POST Parameters In Just One Function?

Aug 6, 2011

is there a way to get the GET parameters and POST parameters in just one function or Collection in ASP.NET? Like using $_REQUEST in PHP? I'm using VB.NET.

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