Use A Single RouteURL To Route To Different Pages Dependent On The Route Name?

Mar 22, 2012

I am trying to use a single RouteURL to route to different pages dependent on the Route name but when I click on a button within my aspx page the page gets routed back to itself:Here is what I have in my Global.asax

Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Code that runs on application startup

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.net - Old Classic ASP Pages Getting Caught In MVC Route?

Dec 17, 2011

I am converting an existing classic ASP website to (VB) MVC and I don't want any of the existing URLs to break. I have read many posts (like this one: Routing Classic ASP Requests To .NET - SEO Redirects) about how to do the proper 301 redirect. With the latest MVC release, I've gathered that

Response.RedirectPermanent(objRedirect.new_url, True)is all that is needed.

I have entered all of my old URLs in a database table with a corresponding column of the new URL. I have added code in my custom 404 page to get the original URL:

Dim strURL As String = Request.RawUrl.Substring(Request.RawUrl.IndexOf("aspxerrorpath=") + 15).ToLower()

so I can look it up in the database. (Interesting sidenote, MSDN's documentation here - Redirect Mode - seems to say that if I set RedirectMode=ResponseRewrite in the CustomErrors section of my web.config, I won't have to worry about doing the above, but when I've tried that, I get IIS errors saying it won't serve an ASP page?The problem I am encountering is that any of my old, Classic ASP URLs that have the same directory as a new MVC route are somehow being partially routed. For example, "/test/default.asp" shows up as "/test/test" in the above strURL variable of my error page.


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Best Route For A Database?

Jul 3, 2009

Im a computer technician and deal with arounf 35 pcs a day that are all diff and all of them have a ID numbet that is unique. I want to keep track of the repairs on each of the ID's so i can search a ID and input different repairs each time that pc comes in. Im not sure what kind of DB would be suitable or how to do that. Im not asking for someone to do it for me but if you could give advice or examples that would help alot. I imagine a list of IDs and when i click one it brings up a history of the repairs done and i can create another one if needed.

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From Multiple Addresses To A Route?

Jul 31, 2009

In the program that im working on for a friend, are a lot of addresses (ex: 123 henry blv, City, State, Zip, county)

This is all in database, but he want to be able, to select a few of them, for ex all the ones in one county, and than the program need to put them in order fot the shortest route btween them.

All i need is the list at the and, right now he does this in a routeplanner program, but take about two hours for 15 to 20 adresses,

Programes used: visual studio 2008 sql 05 express

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Possible To Get Location Of Picture By Route?

Apr 23, 2012

i want to get location of all black pixel inside the picturebox like the picture2,3 and 4 belownd here's my code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles b1.Click


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Route To Schedule To Run Automatically?

Aug 12, 2010

The current project I'm working on requires me to automate some VB.NET code to run every 24 hours. Currently I have everything tied to a local webpage and I've just been calling it all from a button click in a browser.

My question is....what is the best way for me to start getting this to run on a schedule time frame? I've been looking into triggers, but if I'm not mistaken those are supposed to execute when an event is taken on the actual database. No action is taking place, I just need the code to execute. I've executed SQL statements with VBScript and task manager, but I've never had to work with VB.NET and SQL Server (using 2008) in this manner.

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.net - Route Event Using A Method Argument?

Nov 10, 2011

I just have a short question about adding an destination methode as variable argument into my calling methode.

I want to send a "TextChanged" event to a special textbox. But I want to have a "variable" in my methode to add the handler to the textbox. Because it is possible to change the textbox and then I can change the handler where the "Changed Events" should be routed to.

can you replace the questionmarks below??

Dim TextBox1 as TextBox
Dim TextBox2 as TextBox
Private Sub DoIt


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Find The Path Route From One Directory To Another?

Dec 15, 2011

Given that I have a file in path: C:ApplicationsGeneral UtilsAssembly1Assembly1BinDebugAssembly1.dll

and I am working in the following path:C:ApplicationsUnder DevelopmentApp1App1

is there some easy way to find the dotted path route from the application to the assembly:

General UtilsAssembly1Assembly1BinDebugAssembly1.dll

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Trace Route In Vb 2008 Express

Dec 9, 2009

im looking to do a trace route to an ip (specified in a text box) and have the results displayed in a textbox. I know that this has been brought up in the forums before but im yet to find a version thats compatible with vb 2008 express edition. The vb.netmvps example is exactly the functionality im looking for but it throws up 80 +errors(*** is no longer supported etc)[URL]the host resolution isnt an issue becasue i already have the list of ip's and corresponding host names that i would be tracing in a db.

does anyone have a tracert app that is compatible with this version of vb or indeed know where i could find one ?

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Find Packet Loss And Trace Route In .NET?

Mar 15, 2009

I am trying to code to capture the packet loss on computers, but the only way I've been able to do so was to run the NetStat.exe and the TraceRt.exe processes and capture them to a listbox (using the code below):


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Route The Events Of IMAPI2 Burning Progress?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm trying to understand how to route the events of my IMAPI2 burning progress but not sure how to do it. I've coded event handling before, but just not familiar with the IMAPI2 library so having some trouble.

This is their sample code in c#:


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VS 2008 - Route - Take For My Program As Far As UAC And Vista Is Concerned

Jun 1, 2009

This is an extension of this post: [URL]

The reason I am starting a new thread is to be more concise; explain the exact issue I now face in detail. Reading my last thread may help, but what I provide here should be sufficient. I am basically trying to find the best route I should take for my program as far as UAC and Vista is concerned. My program (SysPad) is accessible through my sig).

My program requires constant write access. The purpose of my program is to provide access to a quick notepad-esque program that is directly accessible from the Notification Area. It saves every time the user types into one of the textboxes.

The issue lies in the fact that when UAC is enabled on Vista, there is no folder that is writable to without elevation to Administrator rights. The hitch is that my program is designed to be a startup utility and the issue is that a user who has UAC enabled will have to allow my program through UAC confirmation every time my program runs at startup.

Basically, I am looking for options that will resolve this and make it less "painful" on the end user who uses UAC.

Basically, the only idea I've been able to come up with that is least annoying/intrusive, is to create a Launcher.exe program that does not require elevation and have it sitting in the Notification Area with the same icon as my program at startup. When the user goes to access the program, it then launches the actual program (exiting the launcher) thus invoking the UAC verification.

Of course this would happen every time they boot their PC or restart my program; but, at least they won't be asked for UAC verification as soon as their PC boots.

Does anyone have any other suggestions? I really would like to get this to work with UAC as best as possible. Otherwise, I could just make my program check if UAC is enabled, and if it is, tell them they can't use my program lol. But, I'd rather not do that.

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C# - Default Page Of MVC Application Not Found When Using .mvc.aspx In Route

Nov 8, 2010

I'm trying to use ASP.NET MVC with older versions of IIS that have trouble with MVC's default routing. I found a suggestion to add .mvc.aspx to my routes. So instead of this:

routes.MapRoute( _
"Default", _
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", _


What do I need to change in IIS and/or my MVC application to get the default page to work correctly?

NOTE: I tried adding RouteTable.Routes.RouteExistingFiles = True per this answer, but that didn't seem to fix the problem.

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Returning Incorrect Http Status Code From Mvc Route

Apr 27, 2011

I have a mvc route that is taking a url and doing a simple get and return the status code from the request.

<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)> _
Public Function ValidateUrlStatusCode(ByVal url As String) As ActionResult
Dim code As Integer = 0


Now if I use firefox (using Firebug) and go to the url, I get the expected 404 returned. However if I use my application to call the mvc route via an ajax call, I get 200. If I set the request object's AllowAutoRedirect to false, I get 302. I never get a 404. I am verifying this once again through Firebug.

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Returning Incorrect Http Status Code From Mvc Route?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a mvc route that is taking a url and doing a simple get and return the status code from the request.

<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)> _
Public Function ValidateUrlStatusCode(ByVal url As String) As ActionResult
Dim code As Integer = 0


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VS 2008 Expose "Stop" Properties In Route Class?

Jan 17, 2010

I have two classes clsRoute and clsStop. Each route has a collection of stops. So I created a Stops collection in the route class and a method to add stops and remove stopsThis seems to work for me. owever, the clsStop properties that I declared are not showing in intellisense.i.e. oRoute.Stops.item(i).StopName and oRoute.Stops(i).StopName

Public Class clsStops
Private _stopNumber As Integer = 0
Private _stopName As String = String.Empty


View 4 Replies - Returning Variable Page Route Value To Page (URL Rewriting)?

May 7, 2012

In my global.asax.vb I have a rule like so:

RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("defaultRoute", "{*value}", "~/default.aspx")

So, if someone enters:[URL]...Even though that page doesn't exist, the application pulls up default.aspx

Now, if this wasn't using a wildcard it would be easy to pull this value in on default.aspx like so:

Dim prospect as String = Page.RouteData.Values("value")

But this doesn't seem to work with wildcards, e.g.:Dim prospect as String = Page.RouteData.Values("*value")

How can I get the page to pick up these variable values? e.g. one time might be janedoe, another johndoe, another goose, another 12345, etc. Whatever it is, I want it to be returned into the string prospect.

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Understanding Others Project - Contains Many Directories - Many Asp Pages, Aspx Pages, Jsp Pages, Xml Pages, Css Pages

Jan 17, 2010

My boss has given me an web application that was done by his former employee. Now my boss has no contact with that employee. He wants me to make some changes in that web application. I went through the application. There is no documentation present for that application . Its a huge application. It contains many directories. I think it was a team work. It has many asp pages, aspx pages, jsp pages, xml pages, css pages, etc... How to understand other person or team's website or web application that was written in asp or and vb or

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Forms :: Many Pages In Single Form?

Mar 1, 2010

i wants to load many pages in same form which each of the pages contains different messages.example....if i press more in the page no1(form 1) it should load the page no2 at the same form(form 1)...

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Store A Single String Into Memory For Later Use On Different Pages

Jun 12, 2011

I need to store a single string into Memory for later use on different pages to be able to create a log file for my app.

so on my 1st form(Login Form) i need to pass the Username to Memory and then read it from the memory later on on different pages.

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C# - MVC URL.RouteUrl Removes RouteValues But URL.Action Preserves Them?

Oct 17, 2011

Lets say we have this route:

New With {.controller = "MyLibrary", .action = "ShowItem", .id= 0, .lang = "en"}


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ITextSharp - Calling AddImageToPage() With The The Optional Pages Parameter Will Add The Image To All Pages Though?

Dec 20, 2011

I am using Stanav's PdfManipulation2.AddImageToPage(..., Pages) for iTextSharp library (v5.1.3) and was not able to add the image to specific pages: e.g. to add to only page 1 and 3 of a five pages PDF

Dim Pages() As Integer
Pages = New Integer() {1, 3}
PdfManipulation2.AddImageToPage(..., Pages)

Calling AddImageToPage() with the the optional Pages parameter will add the image to all pages though.

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Form On A .NET Webserver Using Aspx Pages With The Vb Code-behind Pages?

Mar 19, 2009

I have a form on a .NET webserver using aspx pages with the vb code-behind pages. The form collects the entered data and then emails it, that part works fine.Right after it gets emailed, this code checks to see if the email was sent or not and then updates the landing page accordingly. I used to use just an IF THEN statement, but now that doesn't work in these new .NET pages. Here's the end of the code that I am having difficulties with:


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Make Html Pages Work Like Aspx Pages?

Jun 19, 2009

I have heard of setting server specs to have HTML pages parsed as PHP pages by changing the .htaccess or httpd.conf files. Is there a similar solution to have HTML pages parsed as ASPX pages?

A website I am working on does not want their PageRank to lower since their HTML pages are already indexed and used on other websites but wants to use some dynamic features of aspx pages (like include the navigation file so that changes to the nav will only have to be done in that one file).

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Inheritance - Dependent Types In .NET?

Sep 14, 2011

I was wondering if it is possible to have dependent types in VB.Net 4, or alternatively, if it is possible to construct inherited objects based on the base class' constructor's parameter(s). For example,


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Get Number Of Pages And Number Of Pages Printed (System.Printing)

Jul 13, 2011

i have this program which records the every printing made on a local computer.I am to record the number of pages of the document to be printed and the number of printed pages. i have this code but i don't know the number of pages and number printed pages always return 0 [Code].

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Calculate Average Dependent On Criteria?

Oct 10, 2011

I have a spreadsheet that has two columns (A and B) - Column A contains Month/Year and column B contains sales. I would like a bit of vba that will look in column A to find the month/year then calculate from column B the average sales for that period. So for example:

Date Sales
Jan 11 500.00
Jan 11 250.00
Mar 11 152.00
Apr 11 116.00

So in other words there can be a number of lines with the same date/year and the code will need to identify these and average all sales from column B associated with that particular date. I would like the output to appear in a summary table showing the total average sales for each particular month - perhaps this could be output to a new sheet?

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Dependent Versus Independent If Condition?

Oct 21, 2010

what is independent and dependent if conditions!?

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Error When Version Of A Dependent Application Changes

Jan 19, 2011

I have developed an application in which uses R Programming language. The library that help connect to R is called R-DCOM. The application requires the user to install R-Programming language into the user's computer. The application was working all fine until there was a version change in the R-Programming language. The specific libraries involved with this are: Interop.STATCONNECTORCLNTLib.dll, Interop.StatConnectorCommonLib.dll and Interop.STATCONNECTORSRVLib.dll. It also uses StatConnectorClnt.tlb, StatConnectorSrv.exe and StatConnLib.tlb to run the application. Is this something related to "DLL hell". Is there a fix to that I may not have to recompile and install the original code and install them to the user's computer all over again.

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Initialize Graphic Dependent Data?

Apr 16, 2009

There are several times in my code when I need to determine the width of some text. Under VB6 I would use the .textwidth() method pretty much any time I wished.Under VB.NET it appears that the paint event is the only place I can gain access to an initialized graphics object and from that the measurestring() method.Do I have to use a flag in the paint event when want to auto-resize my splitterbar position or is there another way?

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