Dependent Versus Independent If Condition?

Oct 21, 2010

what is independent and dependent if conditions!?

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[2005] Versus Now Versus DateTime.Now?

Jan 16, 2009

just want to know what is the difference between these date values?Once some one told me that its difference is server date and client date but not sure which one he meant.Below is 3 type of date currently I'm using and don't know what is the difference between them.

DateTime.Now is from System.DateTime.Now
Now is from Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime is also from System.DateTime

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Web Browser Independent Of IE?

Dec 31, 2011

I would like to make a web browser for my own use with various customizations. However, in VB6 the various web related control like winsock, inet fetch only html. Using webbrowser control is not the answer because it uses the same settings as windows IE. What I'd like to know is a control somewhat like the webbrowser but independent of windows IE setting. So that the changes made in IE wont effect my web browser. And also the webbrowser control does not have features such as blocking a specific image/CSS according to URL etc.

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Inheritance - Dependent Types In .NET?

Sep 14, 2011

I was wondering if it is possible to have dependent types in VB.Net 4, or alternatively, if it is possible to construct inherited objects based on the base class' constructor's parameter(s). For example,


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Independent Sub Procedure To Do Conversion?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm actually having problems converting fahrenheit to celsius in my code.I needed a independent sub procedure to do my conversion, and a button that will Call the independent procedure to convert it. Here's my code so far


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Make An Independent Web Browser?

Dec 18, 2011

Been trying to make an independent web browser... One thing I would like to do is to make my tabbed web browser to have a 'separate web browser engine' than to have it run off any default browser. I know that it will take a long time I have been looking at lots of websites but they do not give me any helpful information which is annoying except to read small snippets of useless data.

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Simple Independent Sub Procedure?

Jan 18, 2012

I am currently learning about Independent Sub Procedures and am having trouble Calling the Procedure back to execute in the program what would i put within the parameters near the Call function? Simple application get two numbers from two different textbox's and multiply those numbers and put the output into a label. Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Right Here
Call CalcTotal()


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Calculate Average Dependent On Criteria?

Oct 10, 2011

I have a spreadsheet that has two columns (A and B) - Column A contains Month/Year and column B contains sales. I would like a bit of vba that will look in column A to find the month/year then calculate from column B the average sales for that period. So for example:

Date Sales
Jan 11 500.00
Jan 11 250.00
Mar 11 152.00
Apr 11 116.00

So in other words there can be a number of lines with the same date/year and the code will need to identify these and average all sales from column B associated with that particular date. I would like the output to appear in a summary table showing the total average sales for each particular month - perhaps this could be output to a new sheet?

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Error When Version Of A Dependent Application Changes

Jan 19, 2011

I have developed an application in which uses R Programming language. The library that help connect to R is called R-DCOM. The application requires the user to install R-Programming language into the user's computer. The application was working all fine until there was a version change in the R-Programming language. The specific libraries involved with this are: Interop.STATCONNECTORCLNTLib.dll, Interop.StatConnectorCommonLib.dll and Interop.STATCONNECTORSRVLib.dll. It also uses StatConnectorClnt.tlb, StatConnectorSrv.exe and StatConnLib.tlb to run the application. Is this something related to "DLL hell". Is there a fix to that I may not have to recompile and install the original code and install them to the user's computer all over again.

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Initialize Graphic Dependent Data?

Apr 16, 2009

There are several times in my code when I need to determine the width of some text. Under VB6 I would use the .textwidth() method pretty much any time I wished.Under VB.NET it appears that the paint event is the only place I can gain access to an initialized graphics object and from that the measurestring() method.Do I have to use a flag in the paint event when want to auto-resize my splitterbar position or is there another way?

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Plugin Which Is Dependent On Main Program?

Jan 23, 2012

I have developed an application with a plugin architecture using interfaces. I realized that when I release the API for 3rd party plugin development, someone would be able to create a loader program to replace my main program quite easily. Is there any way I can make the plugin dependent on my main program? All my main program does is get an icon and a description of the plugin from the DLL plugin (using the interface) and then calls the dll's interface function to create and display the form.

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Populate Cascading Or Dependent Comboboxes?

Feb 12, 2010

how you populate cascading comboboxes? I have one combobox on one form, from which I'm trying to populate another combobox on another form. The first combobox contains Locations while the second combobox contains offices for whichever location is selected in the first combobox. I would like it to work as follows: user clicks on first combobox to select a location, and then the second combobox lists all the offices for that location.As of right now, the second combobox is just displaying the first office that is in the first record for the respective database table it is pulling from.

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Show Images Dependent On Check Box Value?

May 19, 2012

I am using a DataGrid, in VB, I have a check box. If it is checked I turn image.visible to true. This is done within the ItemDataBound method. How can I get it so when the check box status is changed, the DataGrid is rebound and uses the if statement to decide whether to show the images or not? [code]...

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Data Interchange Between Two Independent Applications

Feb 19, 2009

Which is the best way (fast and robust) that .net framework (3.0/3.5) provide for interchange information (for example: dataset packages) between two independent applications?

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Make A Resolution Independent Application?

Dec 19, 2009

The development machine's and client machine's screen resolution are very likely to vary. I want a code that will RE-SIZE and RE-POSITION each and every control so that no matter what the development machine's resolution is, the application will look exactly the same on the client machine irrespective of its screen resolution.

These two links are as close as I get to the answer, but they are not very clear.


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Make My Application DPI Independent In Windows XP?

Jun 24, 2010

How can I make my windows application DPI independent, while running it on Windows XP.

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Make The Form As Resolution Independent?

Jun 9, 2011

Can anyone throw idea to make the form as Resolution Independent?

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Opening New Independent Page In WebBrowser?

Dec 16, 2009

I want to ask that this code opens a new web page in my web browser in
dim form as new form1
But there is one problem that page opened closes down when we close the parent form - How to open new page as a new independent page with blank page.

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Pass Value From Child To Independent Form?

Jul 1, 2009

i have a from child and independent form.. i want to pass value form chilc form to independent form.. how to do it?

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Debug Conflicts Between Different Version Of The Same Dependent Assembly?

Sep 18, 2009

when I build I get this warning "Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly"the target for the application is any cpuI went through all refernced project/solutions - they are all any cpu, .net 3.5. There are some externally supplied dll from microsoft, sybase which I don't have control.

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Forms :: Populate Cascading/Dependent Comboboxes

Feb 12, 2010

How I can populate a combobox (combobox2) based on the selection made from another combobox (combobox1)? They are on different forms. Combobox1 lists locations, while combobox2 lists offices for each location. I would like it to work so that when the user clicks on combobox1 and makes a selection, the 2nd form loads with combobox2 showing all the offices for the selected location.

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Found Conflicts Between Different Versions Of Same Dependent Assembly

Jun 9, 2011

What's the meaning of this error? The first version the I had installed is the vb. 2008 express edition. Now I try to used the vb.net2008 team system. Is there any conflict with those versions that I had installed to my pc?

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Remember Variables Which Were Completely Dependent Upon Count?

Oct 6, 2010

So I am working on a project for class. I first hit a bump when I could not figure out how to get this to count the number of times the button was clicked. Now I have hit a road block. Here is what I have so far (I stopped where I couldn't get it to work):[code]How can I get this to remember variables which were completely dependent upon the count?The project is asking for 5 prices entered 1 at a time, clicking the button ("Include Price"). After each number is enter, I am supposed to be getting the largest, lowest, and average of the numbers.

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Modify A Payroll Application Using An Independent Sub Procedure?

Mar 15, 2009

I am attempting to modify the payroll application below using an independent sub procedure rather than a Function procedure I'm not sure why things are not working after I managed to get the thing to work with the Fwt function. It's got to be something minor that I'm overloking. I get the correct amount for "gross pay and "FICA", but get "0.00" for FWT (it should be 35.78) and I get 369.40 for Net pay (should be 333.62)' This is the "CalcFWT Function" version

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class MainForm


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[2008] How Can Two Independent .NET Application Can Exchange Data

Jan 28, 2009

I wanted to know how can two independent .NET application can exchange data. Something like DDE which was there in older versions.My purpose is to have an upgrade application (which is a seperate .net program) and my main application. Now I wanted to know that when my upgrade app runs it should be able to confirm that my main application is not running. How can I achieve this ? I know thru process name I can find out if my main program is running or not but thats risky if there is another program with the same name.Thus I wanted a way whereby my independant .net program (upgrade app) is able to determine if my another application (main app) is running or not.

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Warning : -6248: Could Not Find Dependent File CrystalDecisions?

Jun 11, 2012

My software works perfect when I run it from VB 2010 Professional.However, when I use the InstallShield Limited Edition from VB it comes up with the following errors that I is giving me gray hairs to resolve.I did all types of searches and nothing seem to work.

-6248: Could not find dependent file CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.dll, or one of its dependencies of component SMS_API_CLICKATELL.exe[code]....

ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.dll, or one of its dependencies of component SMS_API_CLICKATELL.exe

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C# - Populate A Masterpage Control Which Is Dependent On The Content Page?

Aug 20, 2009

I have a master page called SampleMaster.master and this page contains a Repeater control

The Repeater control will be used to display the relevant tags associated with each content page and the tags will vary between content pages

The data extraction method Tags.GetTags() is working but I do not know the best approach to populate the Repeater control in the master page dependent on what the content page is.

Would the code reside in the masterpage page code behind or the content page code behind?

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Compiling Readings - Timer Dependent Data Average

May 24, 2011

Below is my code. I have a system that provides me voltage readings that changes based on a timer (interval of 300 milliseconds). I want to compile voltage readings for over 5 seconds (but I need the timer reading to remain at 300 ms) and then spit out an average of the THAT data. How do I do this? I was thinking of using datasetvalue but wasn't sure.

Public Class Form1
Private Daqboard As MccDaq.MccBoard = New MccDaq.MccBoard(0)
Private RangeSelected As MccDaq.Range = MccDaq.Range.Bip5Volts
Dim ULStat As MccDaq.ErrorInfo
Dim Channel As Integer = 0, DataValue As System.UInt16, EngVolts As Single
[Code] .....

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Dependent Object Will Not Return Data For Extended Fields In TPT

Jul 22, 2011

I am using TPT modeling and writing the EDMX by hand as our data model is much more complex than the designer can support. My model includes a ProjectObject which has a dependent object name Project. When I query ProjectObject.OfType(Project) using Linq to SQL, I receive back data in all the fields that are inherited from ProjectObject, but no data in the fields that only in Project. I have ran a SQL Server Trace and captured the actual SQL and ran it using SSMS and it returns data there, so I am relatively certain the data is being passed back, but it seems to be getting lost somewhere in EF. Everything appears to be ok in my model, but . . .

<EntityContainer Name="Insight_ModelStoreContainer">
<EntitySet Name="Project" EntityType="Insight_Model.Store.Project" store:Type="Views" store:Schema="dbo" store:Name="vw_insight_Project">
[Code] .....

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Error : Found Conflicts Between Different Versions Of The Same Dependent Assembly

Jan 23, 2012

VS2008 / XP Pro sp3 / .NET 3.5 I develop during the day on my office computer and bring home projects on a laptop to work on over the weekend. After working at home then at work, I have a conflict that I don't understand. When I build, all is normal but when I debug, I get "Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly." If I click on the warning message I also get "Do you want to fix these conflicts by adding binding redirect records in the app.config file"?Both computers have same O/S, same SP, same .NET, same VS. Only thing that could be different is particular O/S updates that have been installed on each machine. What causes this warning and where do I look for differences? I really hate to let mSoft keep changing my code every Saturday and Monday. I just don't trust it on Mondays.

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