Use Media Center Remote Controller For Application?

May 12, 2009

I am looking to buy Xbox 360â„¢ Universal Media Remote or Harmony® Advanced Universal Remote for Xbox 360® to use on my application. Is it possible to use them from vb or csharp?

If it's possible where should i be looking for some infomation?

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VS 2008 : Media Center Remote/Arrow Navigation?

Jul 10, 2009

I have made a really simple program launcher for my home theater pc that allows me to launch 6 programs, open/close the optical drive and shutdown.I don't have a mouse or a keyboard normally hooked up. I can navigate the buttons with the up and down arrows fine, but only in the tab index order. Is there a way to allow the left/right arrows to focus on the buttons to the side? Here is a screen shot of my application to hopefully give a better idea of what I'm asking. (eg. Can I hit the right arrow from my first button and focus on the Open button?)

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Create A Windows Media Center Add On?

Nov 15, 2009

Can I use VS2008 to create a windows media center add on? If so how would i do so.

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Windows 7 Media Center Add In Template And Example?

Nov 23, 2009

I cannot believe after all the hype of .net framework and using any language that MS and the VB.NET team keep ignoring Media Center add ons for us VB.Windows 7 is now out, put something together for this and let the add ons start flowing from the VB world...A template and an example app.It is high time MS and the VB team aid us in getting into the MCE world.

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[2008] Get Form To Appear On Top Of Media Center?

Jan 19, 2009

i have media center's "put media center always on top UNchecked, but it doesn't seem to affect how the program works if it's maximized. I have a custom media control interface with functions that change depending on an event such as holding the button in. To show the user what it's SUPPOSED to be doing, i've tried a few different ways to get a notification to show over the top of media center's screen.

1. Had media center's display notifications turned on and showed a balloontip in the task bar... NO EFFECT

2. Found a MCE Plugin i can shell to, but am unable to actually find a download site in english for it

3. Wrote a simple program to give a popup form to show text but it appears behind the mce window always, even when i have the form's "always on top" checked, and i even tried the setwindowpos api call, although i might not have used it correctly since i manually converted it from vb6.

My final attempt will be to send the keycommand to "restore" the media center window which will open up some screen real estate on the bottom and right, exposing part of my program's window that i can show text on.

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VS 2008 Write Programs Like Media Center?

Dec 13, 2009

I've used Windows Media Center and I'm very impressed by its UI. I wonder how to write such a program like that, I mean "full screen", effects... I think it is written in DirectX or something. I want to know this just for my curiosity.

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Media Center Plugin To Show Internet Tv From A Local Provider?

Dec 9, 2010

We are working on a media center plugin to show internet tv from a local provider. They are distributing their metadata as this link[URL]..It seems to be an xml list of rss feeds, because if I open the links in internet explorer, I get a nice html page.

My task in this project, is to write an aggregator that read the xml feeds, convert this into collections of metadata objects, that will be used to build the menu in media center. These will be simple List of... objects with categories, synopsis etc.

What is the best way in .NET to make this happen. It isn't even pure xml but rss feeds and I have never worked wit this. Can I benefit from technologies like xsd schemas, LINQ etc to make my job easier?

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Get The Teletext Buttons On Media Remote Control?

May 4, 2009

my problem is how to get the Teletext Buttons on my media Remote control (RC118 from Maplins) which are the RED,GREEN,YELLOW and BLUE to be recognized by my program. I have little code so far, just a timer, which checks every millisecond for anything I don't know where to go though, below is what I have:


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VB - Desktop Computer With Cable Connection On Back Allows To Watch TV On Computer Using Windows Media Center

Jun 12, 2010

I have a desktop computer with a cable connection on the back that allows me to watch TV on the computer using Windows Media Center. I had the idea of writing a program that would access this feed and send it to another computer (laptop) via my network. That way I would be able to watch TV from anywhere that my network spans. I have no idea if this is possible or how I would even do it,

So I have three questions.
1: Is it possible?
2: How would I go about access the feed?
3: How would I send it over the network?

My original thought was doing it in Flash, but I'm not very good at Flash so I wanted to do it in VB.Net.

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Remote Desktop - Make An Application Of Remote Management For Images

Aug 5, 2010

I want to do a small application that made the broadcast of images from a PC. The idea is to make an application of remote management but without the management part, only with the viewing of images. Anyone know any code already done or any API that helps in the project?

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Connect Micro Controller To Internet Via VB Application?

May 29, 2012

i m currently working on application that has to monitor temperature and humidity of a particular place and constantly report the same to the user over internet. So far, I m using LPC1768 and its ethernet module collect the data, process it and send it to the router. On the other side, i have a computer which is connected to the same router and running a VB application where the data is mined and reported in a excel.

This setup works just fine. Now, i want to monitor the same data over internet. How can i do the same?
Here i was able to connect to the micro-controller using the IP port 80. I m aware that the IP is a local one and to access the micro controller from Internet there is another way.I have a IP based webcam which enables us to monitor from internet. How should i make micro-controller data be accessible from internet.(similar to IP Camera).

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Center An External Application Using .net?

Mar 23, 2012

how to center an external app on the screen, an example would be Adobe Reader, using either Process.Start or Shell. I've 'attempted' both but haven't found anything to control the position. I've also found some code using Api32 functions, FindWindow, MoveWindow, etc, but have not been successful at those either.

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Center The Messagebox On The Parent Form Rather Than Centering It On The Center Of The Screen?

Jan 3, 2012

When I call this Messagebox, is it possible to center the Messagebox on the parent form rather than centering it on the center of the screen?

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Picture Box - Display Content In The Center Of The Application

Nov 17, 2011

I have a quick question I have 10 picture boxes 5 on left side 5 on right side of screen and basically I would like for when I click on lets say picture box 1 it will display content in the center of the application. Where would I start to add the content as well? Would I have to create a separate form to be able to do this?

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VS 2008 Start Application At The Top And Center Of Any Screen?

Mar 4, 2010

How can i have my app start in a certain position on "any" screen. I want to start my application at the top and center of any screen that its open on.

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Center Image / Pbject In Center Of Screen?

Jun 11, 2012

i found this video today and its a simple vb game but made me wonder how they kept the charater centered during movement.url...Anyone have a simple snippet to demostrate how they made a larger resulution then vewable and kept the picturebox centered and only moved the viewable area?

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Remote Desktop Application? Safe To Use Winsock In Creating A Client/server Application?

Jul 18, 2012

Im planning to create a Remote Desktop Application and I'm having problem with viewing other computers monitor or screen.

Im not asking for the code on how to do it. and one more thing is it safe to use winsock in creating a client/server application?

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Application With An Embedded Media Player?

May 4, 2006

I have an application with an embedded media player. I would like to be able to load music files from a cd into my file system for use by my application. I am confused about the .cda file extension on music files. Is there a way for me to actually load the music files directly from the cd using 2003.

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VB Application Running From CD (or DVD) With Media Player And Use Esc?

Feb 16, 2009

I have an issue with my project and I don't find the answer. I created a CBT project. The end result should be as follows: when the user inserts the CD (or DVD), the player will boot automatically. The media player and the video files are on the CD. When the media player is launched, the user can select the CBT he/she wants from a ListBox which will then play the file on the player. So far I build the player with all the necessry buttons but I have two things I can't find the solution for:1. how can I place the media player play the selected file from the listbox if the media files are on the same CD where the media player is located? As you can see on the below code, I manage to do that is the files are located on a drive (C:/ or D:/).2. I placed a FullScreen button which will expand the WMP to fullscreen mode but I can't figure out how to return it to the initial mode if pressing a key, for instance ESC.

Public Class frmMain
Private Sub frmMain_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown


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TCP Messaging -application Call Center - Team Leaders Can Send A Message To Individuals Whilst They Are On The Phone

Aug 7, 2009

Im currently writing an application for our call center to use and would like it to have messaging functionality so that team leaders can send a message to the individuals whilst they are on the phone.

I have used a couple of tutorials around the web, but they differ to what i actually require. They all seem based around the whole "client must connect first" thing, is this really necessary? I just need each user to be a "server" constanly listening to any message recieve on a specific port, and display it in a popup when one is.

At the moment the code i have sort of works, but its a bit flakey and doesnt handle the initial connection/final disconnect very well.

Client program (team leaders console):


Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets


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Control Windows Media Player From Application?

Dec 7, 2010

It's usual to see hoe to build a player with the AxWindowsMediaPlayer.

But in this occasion, I'm interested in control de Windows Media Player from Windows 7 with my own application.For example, I want to create a button that is able to pause or play the video that I'm watching with the WMP.

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VS 2008 Track Media Buttons When Application Is In Background?

May 8, 2011

I would like my application to respond to when the user press the media keys on his keyboard. Anyone know how to make my application capture this when it's in the background.

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Access Url Attr Of Media:thumbnail And Media:content Elements In RSS Feed?

Nov 21, 2011

I am attempting to consume my Zenfolio RSS feed so that i can display the images in the feed. How can i access the url value of the media:thumbnail and media:content elements in my RSS feed? I have googled high and low and not found an answer regarding how to access the url value. There was a similiar unanswered SO post.

Examples of the elements:
<media:thumbnail url=""


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ITunes Media Key Mapper - Detect When Media Keys Are Pressed While App Is Out Of Focus?

May 9, 2010

im working on a little app for my self, to make my life a little more convenient. I have some media keys on my laptop, and I would like to use them with itunes while it is minimized. I found a app that did it for me a long time ago, but cant seem to find it now. But I would like to try my hand at my own, and I've managed to do so, but, my app has to be in focus for it to work. is there any way to still detect when these media keys are pressed while my app is out of focus?

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Windows Mobile Appication - Have A Media Player To Play Video On The Application?

May 1, 2009

how have a media player to play video on the application??? is there a drag and drop media box?

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Run An Application On A Remote Server?

Nov 10, 2010

I want to create a simple console application that has two input files and one output file. The code is very straightforward. The question is that I want to execute the application from the remote server or unix/dos batch etc instead of local machine.

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.net - Find Media Item In WMP Media Library?

Apr 25, 2010

I am messing around with the WMPLib component provided by Windows Media Player 12 (wmp.dll) in VB.NET with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

I am trying to retrieve a media item from my media library based on its name (assuming there are no duplicate names). At the moment, I'm grabbing the entire media library, and looping through every media item, and quitting the loop when I've found the correct media item. This works well (except for when a media item with that name cannot be found), but I was hoping there was a more efficient way of doing this.

Here is my code so far:

Public Class WMPTest
Private myWMP As WMPLib.IWMPCore
Private myMediaCollection As WMPLib.IWMPMediaCollection


So what I really want is a way to optimize findTrack() to do its thing without looping through the entire media library (which could be huge).

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Open Media File With Media Player?

Oct 27, 2009

I have created a media player ( 2005) using the media player control. Plays fine when using open dialog box and url. I have set my player as the default player but when I click on a media file, the player will open but not play. I am sure it has to do with on open event and coding the url to see the selected file just like any other media player out there.

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C# - Application To Connect To Remote Server

May 11, 2012

Scenario: I want to develop an application.The application should be able to connect to my remote server and download data to the local disk , while downloading it should check for new files and only download the new ones simultaneously creating the required(new) folders. What am i doing?: The app first checks for internet connection , if available pings the server to check if the server is active.Then it has to download the new files.

Problem: I have no idea how to compare the files in the server with the ones in the local disk.How to download only the new files from the server to the local disk? What am thinking?: If i can create the exact folder structure(hierarchy) in the local disk as it is in the server...than i can download the new files accordingly to folders by maintaining some index file in both server and local disk.

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Mobile Application Cannot See Remote Sql Server?

Jun 20, 2010

I would like to develop a very very very simple application which will connect the MS SQL SERVER in my notebook and will be run at hand terminal-with windows mobile 6.Here is the code which i used :

Dim strSQL As [String] = "SELECT COUNT(studentid) AS totalp from Students where gender='m' "
' Dim Conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=MYDBX;User ID=TEACHERA") <<< i used this too,
' Dim Conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=MYDBX;User ID=TEACHERA;") <<< and also tried this[code].....

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