Use The Fileopendialog To Read The Contents From That Saved File Back Into Textboxes?
Dec 22, 2011
So I managed to sync up the filesavedialog to save the contents of my textboxes to a file in a location, but how do i use the fileopendialog to read the contents from that saved file back into my textboxes?
Private Sub SaveFileDialog1_FileOk(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles SaveFileDialog1.FileOk
Dim FileToSaveAs As String = SaveFileDialog1.FileName
that's my save dialog. i want to bring up the saved text from textbox1 back into the textbox on my application using the fileopendialog.
View 15 Replies
Apr 18, 2012
if i had say 10 labels with 10 textboxes how would i save all those labels accosiated with that text box as one text file
say example
label = name ---- textbox1
label2 =surname ---- textbox2
label3 address ---- textbox3
so in the text file it saves it to look like this
name = hayden
surname = doh
address = johnston hwy
View 3 Replies
Mar 10, 2010
i have 6 text boxes on a form the contents of which changes depending on a list box, i also have a button which will be used to create a log file, my question is how do i write the contents of the 6 textboxes to a new text file, and on separate lines in the txt file when the log button is pressed.
EDIT: preferably also needs to use the save file dialog so user can choose file name and location to save to.
View 13 Replies
May 9, 2012
I have 4 list boxes and I am trying to write the contents to a .txt file to load back into the list boxes. I am having trouble with the code to write all the contents into the file. Should I make a file for every list box individually? Or just one file? Here is the code I have so far...
Private Sub SaveButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveButton.Click
Dim FileString As String = "F:Microsoft Visual Studio 2010Advanced VBVB Auto
View 1 Replies
Apr 25, 2010
I have an XML file created using VB 2008 and I want to read the entire contents of the XML file into a text box.
View 8 Replies
Oct 16, 2011
Is there any way I can read the contents of PDF file in Visual Basic 2010 ?Is there any ActiveX Control available for this purpose?
View 2 Replies
Nov 17, 2009
I want to read a PDF file having lots of text, images, tables in it. I want to read the entire file content by content page by page, from top to bottom.
For example:
The top of the page contains the Heading
Then on left hand side the contents and on the right hand side images
So I first want to get the heading then the contents then the images. Is there any Open Source for reading the PDF or any coding reference for .net 2.0 or greater version.
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Mar 6, 2010
I'm trying to make a form that will read my wordlist. txt (one word or phrase per line) then using a timer, insert one word randomly selected from the list, and display it in textbox1 where it will remain until another timer changes the word. The word in the textbox will display for a random time 1min to 7 min, then the textbox displays another word randomly selected from the word list.
View 1 Replies
Jul 18, 2010
I'm trying to read the contents of a text file. Everyone says it's a piece of cake, but I still get error "404 Not Found" even though the site exists.
I'm using the following:
Dim myRequest As HttpWebRequest
Dim myResponse As HttpWebResponse
myRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create("[URL]") 'This does work
myRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create("[URL]") 'This does not
myRequest.Proxy = New WebProxy("http://proxy address", True)
myRequest.Method = "GET"
myResponse = DirectCast(myRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
When I hit the [URL] the myRequest.GetResponse command passes the contents of the site into myResponse. However, hitting the [URL] always returns 404 even though it exists.
View 2 Replies
May 25, 2010
I have developed a dll (.net 3.5) which does the following :
- I have data of several stock market companies.
- They are stored in several folders under a main folder.
- These files are random access files.
- There can be around 4000 files in total for example.
I wrote a program which reads a current csv file and stores contents in array. Then I store name and path of companies in folders (which I was talking about). Then I match one company from csv (stored in array) to companies in user's folder (again reading from array). If found I insert data in the file (random access file). This whole process takes for eg. 2 min my system. A similar program was written years ago by someone in powerbasic which takes slight less time if run one but if run for multiple csv files it takes only a few seconds doing the same thing for other files. When I do the same thing (by writing code to .net dll) and making a dummy app to run it, no matter how many times I run it takes same time. And is way slower than the earlier one (PB) one I was talking about. But if I paste the same code in my win (.net) app and not use .net dll then it runs a bit faster.
I need to show status so if I pass my form's label reference to .net dll and it updates it does that slow down process a lot. As I mentioned I am trying to process the files and it takes longer in .net. What should I do to get best performance? Unfortunately due to unexplainable reasons I cannot change the format or use a db. The files which I am reading/writing (random access files) are use by other products so I have to stick to that format. What I am doing is storing the location of those files in array so that I don't have to search folder again. that is not taking time. But opening reading and writing files is time consuming if I am doing it for few thousand of them. A similar program in powerbasic (developed years ago) runs fast. Running code thru .net dll is slower than running it thru program. Why?
View 4 Replies
May 21, 2009
I'm wondering whether anyone else has had to do this. I've looked in to some third party solutions.
The two I've used with the most success are: 1. xPDF. This includes an executable, PDF2TEXT.exe, which takes an argument that is the path to the PDF file to "read" and a second argument which is the name of the text file where it will write the output. This works well and fairly quickly, but it's external to my application and calling it via a Process.Start() command raises security considerations and requires to user to allow the external executable to run. They must allow this to happen AT LEAST every time they run the import application (IF they will check the "Don't keep bothering me about this" box).
2. A solution from Foxit, which is GREAT, but costs a good bit of money to use. Does anyone have a solution that I can implement IN MY CODE (like #2) but that's free (like #1)?
View 1 Replies
Jul 2, 2009
I have a text file which look like this:
Now I need to do is I need to read the file after the line DETECT, ON then if I find T250, T169, T176.....Txxx which ever line start with T. I must read and write that line back in between the line FMAT, 2 and DETECT,ON in my same text file.
View 5 Replies
Oct 9, 2011
I am totally embarrassed at having to ask this question, but I'm having trouble with file IO.I want to write a line to a text file. On another form, I want to read the contents of the text file one line at a time, so I can make comparisons of it's contents.
View 5 Replies
Feb 19, 2012
I am unable to read from the text file in VB. I want to read the contents for text file and store them in array. See my code below and the text file. How should I read this text file.
'Purpose : This program will read student name & final marks for a set of students from the text file and then calculate & display class average, class standard deviation, number of students above class average, name of student with highest mark, number of students with A's(90-100), B's (80 < 90), C's (65 < 80), D's (50 - < 65) and F's (<50).Calculate for standard deviation of a set of numbers:Step1. :Find the average Step2. : Square the difference between each number and the average
View 4 Replies
Mar 5, 2009
I need my program to 'take a peek' into a ZIP file and see if it contains a certain file. I need it to do this many times for a large number of files, so I would prefer it without having to unzip the entire zip-file each time, as that would take far too much time (it's a fairly large zip-file of about 250 MB).Also, I don't need the actual file at all. All I need to know is if it exists inside the zip file.
If IO.File.Exists("C:FolderIPFile.zipfolder_in_zipfile.jpg") Then
' "file.jpg" exists inside zip-file!
View 3 Replies
Aug 24, 2011
I decided to rewrite my project. Hit another snag. How do I write the contents from a datagrid to a file and back into the datagrid again later? (Actually, I've done the writing ok - but for the life of me can't get the data back into a blank datagrid.
Here's what I done so far:
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
View 4 Replies
May 2, 2012
I have store the variable in
Dim Lastname, Surname, Middlename, age As String
and the data are saved in notepad. how can I put them back in their exact of my lable is
View 1 Replies
Oct 2, 2010
can you write me code of data storage?for example: I want to saved the data through textboxes when the program does not work.
View 2 Replies
Aug 15, 2011
The gist of the program is to:
- Read a CSV file into an array
- Get this visible in a list box, so the values can be:
- Sorted
- Edited
- Deleted
- Added
- Finally save these manipulated values back to the text file
Would love some suggestions and code as to how to get this going, hopefully I'll get the hang of it and come back and fourth for help
View 1 Replies
Nov 18, 2010
I would like to read an HTML file, search each line to see if it starts with </head>. Then add the centering code after it. That line at destination file should read:
</head><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="760"align="center"><tr><td>
After this I don't care to search for anything. Just read from source and write to destination. I know there are programs out there to find/replace text in series of files but I am not allowed to use external programs.
View 16 Replies
Aug 8, 2009
I have a program that has over 100 labels and over 40 textboxes. I was using the code below to save the text. However, when I open it, some of the text is in the wrong spot (for a label or textbox) and some of the text that shouldn't have been saved is. Is there a way that I can get all these labels' and textboxes' data saved? I would like to stick to the code somewhat if thats possible. I may be looking in the wrong direction too as I am very new. Thank you.
Private Sub SaveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveAsToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim myStream As Stream
Dim saveFileDialog1 As New SaveFileDialog()
saveFileDialog1.Filter =
"txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
saveFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2
saveFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory =
If saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
myStream = saveFileDialog1.OpenFile()
If (myStream IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim myStreamWriter As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(myStream)
End If
End If
Sub OpenProjectToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenProjectToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim myStream As Stream = Nothing
Dim openFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog()
openFileDialog1.Filter =
"txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2
openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory =
If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
myStream = openFileDialog1.OpenFile()
If (myStream IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim myStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(myStream)
txtName1.Text = myStreamReader.ReadLine()
txtName2.Text = myStreamReader.ReadLine
End If
Catch Ex As Exception
"Cannot read file from disk. Original error: " & Ex.Message)
If (myStream IsNot Nothing) Then
End If
End Try
End If
View 4 Replies
Nov 3, 2011
I have a program that has over 100 labels and over 40 textboxes. I was using the code below to save the text. However, when I open it, some of the text is in the wrong spot (for a label or textbox) and some of the text that shouldn't have been saved is. Is there a way that I can get all these labels' and textboxes' data saved? I would like to stick to the code somewhat if thats possible.
View 25 Replies
Mar 23, 2011
How can i read an object "Structure" data from saved file into an array?" I saved my data by (FilePut) Function "this is part of the code I used
Dim MyFile As String = SaveFileDialog.FileName
Dim X As Integer = FreeFile()
FileOpen(X, MyFile, OpenMode.Binary)
View 1 Replies
Apr 13, 2009
I am creating a simple button based rpg and was wondering if someone could help me with 3 things how to hold information within the game until the player save's the game, Saving the game, and Loading the game.I want the saved games to be saved onto a encryted file like .db or .dat file..
View 3 Replies
Apr 9, 2010
i want to retrieve only the selected file name not the entire path..
i want to display only 1.txt not the path..
View 1 Replies
Sep 8, 2010
Could someone with more experience than myself please take a look at my code and maybe tell me why I can't reset my textboxes back to "zero".[code]
Nothing works.My Textboxes still retain there last values even though the impulses are no longer present.I think it has something to do with the updatetext event but I have no Idea how to get around it.
View 7 Replies
Jul 26, 2010
I have a problem in printing
I have 8 textboxes i want to print only contents of textboxes not controls.
View 5 Replies
May 18, 2009
I need to add the contents (integers) of two textboxes and display the result in a label. I've been trying like this within a button click event:
Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
TextBox1.Text + TextBox2.Text = Label.Text
End Sub
But it doesn't compile, and I dont know why. I've used arithmetic operators before, but now I'm just confused.
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Jul 2, 2010
I have been working on a program (obviously) I have several textboxes and a webbrowser. I want this webbrowser to show a preview of what you have so far in these textboxes. Up to now I have:
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf (ctrl) Is TextBox Then
WebBrowser1.DocumentText = CType(ctrl, TextBox).Text + WebBrowser1.DocumentText
End If
End Sub
When I debug it everything is ok until I press preview. I type hello in each of the boxes. By the way all textboxes are small and positioned close together. So I type H in one box E L L O etc and i press preview. And H only appears in the preview. I press preview again then H appears Once Again.
View 4 Replies
Jun 23, 2011
Well I want to create a simulation program for a friend that will generate IP addresses (not real ones of course). I can generate codes with the correct amount of digits but I can't seem to find a way to create the correct formatting of the number.For instance I can create the number 26253169234 but I want it to come out as there any ways to set parameters to format it that way and if so is there a way to make sure it will never start with/repeat the same number sequence?
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