Using The Database Of The .mdf File?

Feb 11, 2010

i have a problem regarding the vb2008 when im using the database of the .mdf file.i cant create a database whose extension file is .mdf.. my first step is to create a new project then, i go to TOOLS then OPTIONS, then DATABASE TOOLS then database connections, i change the sqlexpress to blank for default and then when i add a new application which is to add a new database the error occurs. and this is the message show.

Connection to SQL Server Files (*.mdf)require SQL SERVER EXPRESS 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL


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Error "File Opened That Is Not A Database File File Is Encrypted Or Is Not A Database" Accesing SQLite File

Oct 14, 2010

[URL] to create my sqlite db file. I created it as a sqlite db version 3 file. When I go to open the connection


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Add An SQL Database File Using VS 2005 Getting Error Message Saying Version Of Database Server Not Supported?

May 18, 2009

I recently upgraded the MS SQL Server installed on my personal computer from 2005 Express to 2008 Express. Problem is when I try to add an SQL database file to a project using VS 2005 I get an error message saying that the version of my database server is not supported, I must have SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 or later installed. I didn't do it yet but I'm pretty sure that when I open the other projects that I included a database file to it, I'm going to get the same error.
My question is it possible to have two SQL Servers installed on my machine? If so, is it a good idea to have two DB servers in the same machine?

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Developed Database Project On Vb6 Using Adodc And Datagrid Using Ms Access Database File?

Mar 2, 2010

Friends I have Developed my Data base Project on vb6, using adodc and datagrid using ms access database file, it was working nice in vb6, I also put Search box there and used adodc1.recordsource="select * from table" sql query.

later i needed to convert it in I converted it, every thing is working fine, but one problem appears, an adodc's Recordsource query for searching records is not working, it only works if there is data in dataset (Datagrid),suppose once i pressed search button to search record and if no record found then dataset / datagrid becomes empty, now i wanted to search an other record with other name, but this time it does not work and following error appears Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.


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Firebird Database - Combined All That Data Into One Database File Called RECDATA

Jun 22, 2010

I am sitting with a situation that I have to combined (3 years) for 26 site of 29000 database files where there is 1 table in each data base called RECDATA, I need to combined all that data Into one database file called RECDATA.

For example there is a database called DB1 with a REDATA table inside it, and then DB2 with a RECDATA table inside it, DB3 with a RECDATA table inside it est. So I need to put all the Recdata into 1 Database file, or to copy all the RECDATA from all the database files to 1 RECDATA they all have the same columns All I need is to get all that data into 1 RECDATA table.

The program where this database comes from is a voicerecording system creating a new database every day. There is 1 database just for indexing (to view the recordings) and then the daily database is where the recording lies in, that Colum is called RECFILE. I will give you a example of the 2 database.

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Sql Server - Convert A SQL Database To A DBF Database Without Provider Using Text File?

Jun 8, 2011

I work with I have a sqlServer database and i need to migrate to a DBF database.I know that a dbf file sctructure is a hexadecimal text file.I want to generate this file without a provider...building this file with this hexadecimal structure.

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Setup File - Developed A Software Using SQL Compact Edition Database (.sdf File)

Nov 15, 2011

I've developed a software using VB.Net and SQL compact edition database. (.sdf file) Now i want to add my .sdf file to setup file. I've search internet and create setup file. when i install the software, it is created new folders in program files including my database file and exe file. after double clicking exe file, it is open the software. but when using, it's shown a message "connection current state is closed". but when i run my vb project, it is working well.

Other details.

1) I create data base inside of /bin/debug

2) I've created setup file using this method. File menu --> add --> new project Then, Setup and deployment -> Visual studio installer After that I selected Setup project, then click OK.

3) I add database using this Right click on setup file -> add -> file (In solution explorer window) Then i selected my .sdf file.

This is my connection string


It is created only 3 files in Program files.
1. my exe
2. my sdf file
3. System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll file

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Sql Filestream - Update A File And Save Changed File Back To Database

Oct 30, 2009

I have implemented the filestream feature of SQL Server 2008 in a VB.Net application. I can insert files, and then retrieve/view them just fine. However, I have huge problems trying to update a file. Eg. The user selects a file from the grid which I execute via process.start. If that file is a .txt file, the user may choose to edit it. In case that happens, I need to save the changed file back to the database. So far I have failed to do that.

What I do, is take the retrieved file, copy it (cause i got some errors about it being used), and then Process.Start it. After that, via .NET filestream, I convert the file to bytes and try to update the record. SQL Profiler and a manual SELECT on the varbinary(max) column tell me that the file is updated properly, but the very next try to retrieve it I get an unchanged file.

After that I also tried to update the file by changing its File-System Version, but the file still wouldn't seem to update. Does Anyone have a code sample of how I can achieve this operation? Like 500 sites on the internet have examples of how to Insert And Retrieve the file, but not a single example on how to update. This is how my second attempt of trying to update the file via the filesystem looks like. The code for inserting/retrieving is very similar and it works properly. [Code]

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C# - Show Video File And Word File In Gridview From The Database?

Jun 15, 2011

im the beginner of .net, im doing the project to save and retrive the files in with c# , i done saved the files to sql in binary format, and i dont know how to retrive the file in grid view, also i dont know how to play the video file in gridview,

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Create Custom Database In Windows Application - Double Click Custom Database File?

Jul 21, 2006

With, I'm coding a simple application to get more used to the new .Net format.

I'd like to save all the information to a 'new' database file. how to create a database on the fly, once that is done i'll be able to connect to it no problem, but actually creating the file is proving difficult to work/find out.

Also, with and the newly created custom file, how can it be made to automatically open that information with the program?

Is there a method in installation to associate the file type with the new program? How can i check when the program loads if a database file has been 'double-clicked' (rather than just running from the .exe of the program) and proceed to load the data?

EDIT1 - Extra InfoThe windows application has many different fields and content etc, then i need to save that to a file that could later be loaded by 'double clicking'. I assumed the easiest way would be to create a mini-database for each unique file

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No Access To An Mdb Database File After Copying The File?

May 21, 2009

I have the following code where I make an copy of my database that I use. the code executes 100% but the problem I have is I'm not able to access my database afterward.I get a "Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user." and so if I restart the application it all works fine again.I'm certain the reason is because I can only access that database using a specific account name and password which is not account I'm logged in with.What i want to try is to default that database mdb to the point where no user is accessing it, or to reassign the the only account name that can access it to that database mdb. I've tried playing around with file security but had no luck.

Private Sub cmdBackup_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdBackup.Click
BackupDialogDB.DefaultExt = ".mdb"


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Delete File On Server From A File Path From A Sql Database File Path?

Feb 4, 2010

I am having a big problem with deleteing a file form the server. I have the filename for a image stored in my SQL database. the problem is i am getting an error of "Illegal characters in path. " Here is the code below:Everything is working fine until the delete command.

Protected Sub DeleteButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim tmpEquipID As String = Request("EquipID")
Dim tmpImageID As String = (CType(FormView1.FindControl("ImageIDLabel"), Label).Text)
Dim d As New equippicsDataContext


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.net - Use XML File As Database

May 1, 2012

How can I use a XML file as a database and execute some basic SELECT command only on it ! ex: select author from file.xml where title="MyTitle"

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<book id="bk101">


I've never worked with XML file (as DB) so have no code to put here

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Binddata From Database Using A .wav File?

Oct 11, 2009

I want to insert a .wav file using a DATABASE with 2 fields1) text2) .wav fileI want to insert a group of .wav files into my Dialog Form using a Database...the database has over 2,000 words...

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Cannot Read Database File

Jun 21, 2010

I have an old VB.NET project that can read my database files perfectly.I have a second project (which is the exact same code as the first, just an updated GUI) that cannot read ANY access database files. Even if I create a new one from scratch. How can one project open database files without error, but the new one I made can't?This is the code I have for both of them.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Private con As OleDbConnection
Private cmd As OleDbCommand


I get the following error:Yes, I blurred out my file paths because you don't need to see the names of my folders due to privacy concerns.

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Connect To Sql Database Using Ini File?

Sep 16, 2011

im trying to connect to an sql database using an ini file, this is a code i have found:


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Database - Specified File Cannot Be Opened

Feb 20, 2010

I can't connect to my database now, although yesterday it was perfectly fine. An error message comes up saying "...A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share" this has never happened before. Why can't I access my database?

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Database From Text File?

Nov 11, 2010

I am making a project for college and I would like to be able to get the data from a text file into a datagridview. The different values are split with a ";". I also want to be able to edit the datagrid, probably by editing the original text file.

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Download File From Sql Database

Jul 26, 2011

I'm trying to download files that I uploaded. There are a gridview inside my page, where I press download button inside the gridivew, I can download my file. The file is stored inside a table called "tblfile" and the column name is "ID", "Filename", "filetype" and "data" which is binary data type.[code]I get this error when I press the download button : "Input string was not in a correct format." Any idea what is going on ?

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Embedded MS SQL Database (MDF File)?

Jun 27, 2010

I need to target an MS SQL compatible MDF file for database entry, but I need a database engine that can be embedded in an application - don't want to run MS SQL Server on every machine where the application is installed.I've been through a lot of documentation without any luck.

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File Path In A Database?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a project that is like a server and a terminal interface. the server is the one that can only make changes in the database and the terminal is more of storing what is in the database. here is the problem, i have stored a PDF file path in the database through the use of the server, but the problem is that i cant seem to display it on the terminal. i was thinking that the terminal was assuming that the file path was stored in its local hard drive. can u please help on how will i specify that the file path is on the local hard disk of the server and not on its local hard disk?

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File Writing Or Database?

May 18, 2009

I'm makin an application which will calculate the amount of carpet needed to floor a room, i would like to add in an order management bit too the application so that the user can add, delete and amend pending jobs. I'm a bit of a beginner so i don't know which way is really best to go, should i use file writing on database? I will be takin values from variables and textbox's if thats of any importance.

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How To Save Zip File In SQL Database

May 7, 2009

I want to save a zip file at a sql database. I tried to to the same like saving txt files, but if I want to open the saved file (it was created from a stream) the zip file is corrupted!

Saving zip file as stream
Dim fs As New FileStream(tmpPfad, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim bytData(fs.Length() - 1) As Byte
fs.Read(bytData, 0, bytData.Length)
Dim i As Integer
[Code] .....

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IDE :: Retrieve File From The Database?

Jan 31, 2011

i have a project that can store a different files (.txt,.doc,.pdf,.jpg) in database (.mdf or sql server 2005)

but my only problem is when i view a data from the database there have a error..

the error is "the multi-part identifier ".doc" could not be bound"

this my codes.

'Get table rows from sql server to be displayed in Datagrid.
Private Sub GetImagesFromDatabase()


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Import A CSV File Into A DB2 Database Using .NET?

Aug 3, 2011

I am doing a Windows application. How do I import a CSV file into DB2 database table? Through google I got one command:

IMPORT FROM 'C:Documents and SettingsMy Documentssample.csv' OF DEL MODIFIED BY COLDEL | METHOD P (1, 2, 3) MESSAGES "C:messages.txt" INSERT INTO myTable(myTable_col1,myTable_col2,myTable_col3);

But this is also not working, so is there any other command or any kind of code in .NET?

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Printing A Database File?

Nov 3, 2010

I am wanting to print a access database file by going up to my menu strip and clicking print. I don't want to preview the file or anything, I just want the code to simply pop up the default print dialog box and be able to hit print. Everything I have looked at seems to be very complex, is there not a easy way to just print this database file? Again I don't want to edit the output file at all with fonts, borders, etc.

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Produce A XML File From The SQL Database?

May 28, 2009

I have created an program that can produce an XML file from the SQL database.and the code is looks like below:


why is there a <NewDataSet></NewDataSet> node?2. How to remove that node?

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Reading From A Database File?

Oct 2, 2009

I have been trying to create a login page for a while and most of that time I have been searching for info on how to make it read the username, password and any other information off of a database.

I recently gave up and decided to use some code which reads it from a .txt file and this works and therefore I could complete the rest of the page and test it using the .txt file. However, a .txt file is not an ideal place to store the information as it is difficult to look at the text and find what you need to change if you want to upgrade the system to hold more data than before so therefore I came to this site to seek help on making the login page work with a database.

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Saving File Into Database?

Jun 3, 2010

saving a file into database ?

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XML File Import Into Database?

Jan 15, 2012

I receive large pre-formatted XML files. Each XML is formatted the same way - in that they all have the same Parent Nodes and Child Nodes. Each Parent node has at least one Attribute (sometimes 3 or 4) and some fields also have attributes. In my opinion, the formatting of these xmls files is poor and very hard to work with.The Parent Nodes are Databases Tables, the Child Nodes are Fields within the tables and the Attributes are Index Fields in the Tables.My job - is to import these xml files into one database (lets say MSAccess in this example). This database already has the Tables, fields etc...the goal is to import one or more xml files into these tables to create a Consolidation of data.I am successfully doing this now using XPath to navigate through the xml files basically record by record (field by field) and creating INSERT strings which then are used to import into the database tables via OLEDBCommands. Using...

-XPath XML Document
-XPath Navigator
-XPath Node Iterator


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