Variable Declarations In VB 2008 Express

Apr 9, 2010

Although I have been programming for many years, successfully, in many different languages, translating my large Word VBA application into VB 2008 Express is driving me crazy. While I understand the theory of OOP and have even been on object-oriented courses, it seems I can't declare my objects correctly and use them in my code. As far as I know, I'm not trying to do more than the "language" is capable of doing, but here goes.

I want to start with "aList" which would be a Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, String) object. Then I want a "bList" which is also a a Collections.Generic.Dictionary object. I would like each bList item to have a few individual simple properties (like a Byte and a String) then an aList instance as well. The application then gets a bList key value from the user, "copies" the corresponding bList item values into a work area, and does the necessary processing using the various bList(aList) / aList(bList) item values from the work area. I say "copies" because I assume that part is simply going to be a pointer copy rather than a long copy of lots of strings. Note that I really don't want to start using arrays here, as the application makes alot of use of Word VBA Dictionaries and I'd like to keep it that way if I can. Incidentally, so far, I have all my global data declarations in a separate Class, not on any of the application's forms.

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VS 2008 Declare The Variable Along With All Declarations In A Module?

Feb 4, 2012

I have an issue with variables that are used to name For-Next loops. I have had this problem in a couple programs but not consistently, i.e. some variables work, some throw a warning (not an error).

The situation is this. I declare the variable along with all my declarations in a module-

Module MainModule
Public Counter1 As Integer
end Module 'MainModule


The type for variable 'Counter1' will not be inferred because it is bound to a field in an enclosing scope. Either change the name of 'Counter1', or use the fully qualified name (for example, 'Me.Counter1' or 'MyBase.Counter1'). In the past I've always broken down and changed the names to get rid of all those ugly warnings. Sometimes I have eliminated them from being declared in the module and declared them at call time. This is not how I program and I like to keep consistency throughout.

how I can get rid of this spotty, on-and-off nonsense? There is obviously a lot I don't understand about VS and I would have never taken it up but would have stopped 3 languages ago if I weren't forced into bulkier and bulkier languages (sorry about the rant. I feel OK now).

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MyApplication_Startup And Module Variable Declarations?

Dec 15, 2009

It is my understanding that all modules are initialized and that all their variables are set up prior to MyApplication_Startup. I have code that has worked well for quite some time (XP and Vista).The Myapplication_Startup code references variables and code located in a Module.However, with Windows 7 this does not work.Anny reference to a module (Data, SUB or FUNCTION) throws a Type Initialization error at runtime. How can I correct this behavior in Windows 7?

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C# - Does The JIT Compiler Optimize (inline) Unnecessary Variable Declarations

Oct 20, 2011

I've read several articles and questions/answers that conclude the best practice is to let the JIT compiler do all the optimization for inline function calls. Makes sense. What about inline variable declarations? Does the compiler optimize these as well?


Of course I prefer the latter because it's easier to read and debug, but I can't afford the performance degradation if it exists. I have already identified this code as a bottleneck -- No need for retorts about premature optimization.

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Tool For Converting Variable And Loops Declarations From Program To C++?

Jun 25, 2010

Is there any available tool for converting variable and loops declarations from VB.NET to C++?

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[2008] Express Edition - Create A Variable /add Up The Score Of Correct And Incorrect Answers?

Feb 27, 2009

i am creating a quiz which would be 20 questions for software design students and may use alot of first problem is the score for the test, i know a friend of mine can add up the score but he cant move onto the next thread until you have got the question correct which is sort of cheating, i want to know how you create a variable and make that variable stay in all the forms and add up the score of correct and incorrect answers and come up with a final score for the user in the end.

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VS 2008 CAS Assembly Declarations?

Dec 25, 2009

I'm trying to learn more about assembly security (something I have basically neglected until recently because security in general is such a huge topic), and I have a question about CAS assembly level declarations.I get how to use them (basically) and the more blunt points of the subect, but I'm still not clear on where assembly level declarations should be made. Basically, where in the solution do you put:

<Assembly: CodeCodeCode> _

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VS 2008 Class-Level Declarations?

May 29, 2009

I have a project that is structured as follows:


I want the module to execute first before anything else, and so I call module.main() from the MyApplication startup event. At about the point that program execution gets to the beginning of module-level declarations in the module, it also starts running though the class-level declarations in the thread classes, but long before the threads are declared or the threads are started in the module code. I can't figure out why it happens! Is there some way of supressing that until later (i.e when those classes are actually instantiated)?

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VS 2008 Form Level Declarations?

Mar 24, 2009

On my main application i have a button which shows an "advanced options" form, if the "debug" is checked i was trying to enable/disable visability of a couple of text boxes on the applications main screen but when i tried:


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VS 2008 Use Declarations For An Object After Adding It In Code?

Nov 16, 2009

Dim wBrowser As New WebBrowserTabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Add(wBrowser)I used the above code to add a WebBrowser to a tab, but I have no idea how to use declarations for it after adding it in code. I'm mainly after the

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Implement Calendar With .net Express 2008 And MSSQL 2008 Express?

Sep 21, 2009

how I can implement my calendar with VB .net express 2008 and MSSQL 2008 Express. How do I get it to work with datasets, binding source etc.If I go to Properties>settings my connection string is:

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|CalendarDatabase.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True

and I have a table with fields:-



I can Add the event to the calendar I have the necessary items on my form linked to my table and I can save them to my table:


But I cant keep the event displayed on my calendar when I close it and open it again.

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Proper Update And Delete Code For SQL Express In 2008 Express Edition?

Oct 3, 2011

I'm just using the default SQL Server Express in my vb 2008 express edition as my database server for my database operation. When I tried to update the records on my table I got a runtime error which indicates the error on this line 'myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()'and it highlights a yellow background on it. The runtime error says "SqlException was unhandled: An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'Number'. ".

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand


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Unhandled SqlException In VB 2010 Express Thta Does Not Occur In VB 2008 Express?

Oct 16, 2010

I tried to start using VB 2010 Express with a program I originally developed with VB 2005 Express that I moved to VB 2008 Express successfully a couple years ago. It uses a database file (*.mdf) that is on the computer ( not out on a server). When attempt to run the program in debug mode, I get the following error "An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:Documents and SettingsTomMy DocumentsQuizzing StuffQuestion Database 2010QuizQuest ionGameQuizQuestionGameinReleaseQuizQuestionDB.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share."

I first made a copy of the entire project folder that was working in VB 2008 Express and gave it a different name. In VB2010 I opened the project in the copied folder and it said it successfully converted the project. I am able to open the Data Source inthe Designer and see the database structure as I expect. I think the project is still using SQL Server 2005 Express (because it is what is checked in the list of prerequisites on the Publish tab).

Note, I have programmed off and on for many years, but fairly new to using databases and SQL Server.

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Connecting VB 2010 Express To SQL Server 2008 Express Database Via IP

Feb 29, 2012

Here is the scoop: I am trying to make a user account SQL database work with Visual Basic 2008 Express for login purposes, i.e. usernames & passwords. Plan is to host this server so people can login to use the the application and verify they have a valid account. I would like to host all the account information in SQL due to the possiblity of hundreds of users at any given time. I also need the ability to add data to the database for users registering for the first time. The SQL server will need to be able to access the SQL Server databases remote via WAN.

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INSERT Or Update In SQL Server 2008 R2 Express In VB 2010 Express

Jan 21, 2011

I am trying to re write a VB6 program using MS Access, many years ago, using VB 2010 express and SQL server 2008 R2 Express. I have a database with several tables, which I created using the designer. I am able to connect to the database and select data and display it in textboxes etc in vb code. What I have not been able to in code is to INSERT rows DELETE rows or UPDATE any data in the tables. I can do any of these operations using the Query Designer, but I want to do it in code. I can post some code if necessiary, but I thought it might just be some property that I had not set in the designer.


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Intellisense Variable Values In VB 2005 Express?

Mar 4, 2009

Intellisense in VB 2005 Express is showing lots of member items when hovering over a variable instead of showing the variable value. For example, when hovering over DataRow("Field"), instead of showing what's in Field, it shows all the members of the Datarow object.

Is there a way to change this, so I can see variable values without using the debug window like so, ?Datarow("Field")

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VS 2008 Error: Range Variable 'sender' Hides A Variable In An Enclosing Block Or A Range Variable Previously Defined In The Query Expression

Mar 25, 2010

I am getting the error:"Range variable 'sender' hides a variable in an enclosing block or a range variable previously defined in the query expression."for this

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Linq
Public Class Form1


I can select any other item from the table without the error. "sender" has the same properties as "receiver" in the SQL table.

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Connecting VB 2010 Express To SQL Server 2008 Express Via IP

Feb 29, 2012

there Dream in Code Community! Im an okay programmer as far as skill right now I am still learning as we all are I need some help from some experienced VB.NET programmers in the community, Here is the scoop: I am trying to make a user account SQL database work with Visual Basic 2008 Express for login purposes, i.e. usernames & passwords.


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Converting A VB 2005 Express Program To VB 2008 Express

Feb 24, 2010

The program I am trying to modify was initially written using VB 2005 Express. I have subsequently downloaded the 2008 version. The program creates a monthly spreadsheet from a template. The old code that will no longer (highlighted and underlined) compile is as follows:


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VB 6 Code Conversion To VB Express - Warning: Variable StrEncTemp

Nov 24, 2010

I am converting a VB6 program to VB express and am having a couple of problems. One of them is a problem with the variable "strEncTemp". I have the warning "Variable strEncTemp is used before it has been assigned a value", and I can't assign a value to this variable without creating issues. It also seems that a null value is being returned and the code produced by this routine is corrupt. This seems to be the last issue I have in converting the code. I tried setting it to 0 but it then shuts down the program with an error. This is the portion of code that has the warning and produces a null value. [Code]

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Connecting To SQL Server 2008 Express From VB 2008 Express?

Mar 5, 2010

I'm using VB 2008 Express for our College Project. I'm also running SQL Server 2008 Express and have installed SQL Server Management Studio and used it to create my database. Both software have been installed and running locally. I'm trying to connect to the database from VB 2008 Express. Database connection wizard have 3 options:

connecting to Access db
connecting to SQL Server 3.5 compact db and
connecting to SQL Server db file.


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Connecting VB 2008 Express To SQL Server 2008 Express

Jan 7, 2010

I have SQL 2008 Express and Visual Basic 2008 Express runing on XP Professional SP2. When I select add new data source from VB I don't have the option to connect to SQL Server 2008 express to get at the to SQL Server Database. I also notice that the OLE DB connector is not availble as a data connector. Can somebody please confirm that VB 2008 Express can connect directly to SQL Server 2008 Express and how I can achieve it.

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Use VB 2008 Express And Connect To A DB Of SQL Server 2008 Express?

Jan 7, 2009

'm trying to use Visual Basic 2008 Express and connect to a DB of SQL Server 2008 Express but ... you can tell me why in the Database Explorer and the Data menu of VB only have the following options for data source? Microsoft Access Database File Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Microsoft SQL Server Database File does not have the options Microsoft ODBC Data Source Microsoft SQL Server obs.: I have the Visual Web Express 2008 installed, and there are the options available.

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Defining Types In Declarations

Jun 1, 2010

I used to do this is VB6:

Type Record
A As Long
B As String
End Type
Dim Rec As Record

When I keyed in "Type" in my declarations, I was asked to change it to "Structure". After that, I was not able to define anything inside. So, what do I need to do?

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Equivalent Events /Declarations In ASP.NET 1.1

Apr 3, 2009

I am at loss with the code shown below. I wish to write the equivalent in ASP.NET 1.1 but have failed.


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Object Arrays - 2 Declarations - What's The Difference

May 23, 2010

Dim MyOrders As Order()

Dim MyOrders2() As Order

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.net - Multiple ByVal Type Declarations?

Oct 22, 2011

Private Declare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "ReadProcessMemory" (ByVal hProcess As Integer, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByRef lpBuffer As Integer, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As Integer


This correctly returns the memory value as string. So yeah, now it's just the Single that's causing issues.

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Settings' Is Ambiguous Between Declarations In Modules?

Nov 7, 2011

I'm new to programming. I'm using Visual Studio 2010. I'm taking into two introduction classes, VB and C# with .Net. I have seen the enemy and he is me. I hope that someone can please help me with my two errors.

I do not know how I created My.CopyOfMySettingsProperty but I do know they were created when I was trying to create a project by combining my previous four projects.Listed are the two errors from my error list window that I need to correct along with my offending code:

Error 1 'Settings' is ambiguous between declarations in Modules 'Assign5Multi.My.MySettingsProperty' and 'Assign5Multi.My.CopyOfMySettingsProperty'. F:ProjectsVBAVBAssignment4MoviesMy ProjectSettings.Designer.vb 34 13 prjAssign5Multi


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StreamReader With Name Declarations And Array Bounds

Jul 3, 2009

I Changed the following: Dim UserFile As New System.IO.StreamReader(sPath & "" & UsernameBox.Text & ".txt")Dim aString As String = UserFile.ReadToEnd() (The code above says that 'UserFile' and 'aString' are Unused variables)


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Difference Between These Two Declarations For PInvoking A User32.dll Function? 

Oct 15, 2011

What's the difference between these two declarations for PInvoking a user32.dll function?The first way, which I've commented out since it gets an error (Type DllImport is not defined"), the second way works. [code]

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