Wait In Between The NET STOP And The NET START?

Oct 2, 2009

I am restarting a service, I need to wait in between the NET STOP and the NET START, I am using .NET 2008,

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Take Turn Start Which Means Timer1 Stop Then Timer2 Start?

Jul 23, 2009

I created 3 timers, i want each timer to take turn start which means timer1 stop then timer2 start, once timer2 stop timer3 start. But my code seem to be running together once i click the play button.And is there any ways to easy control how my picturebox move? Because my code for controlling it movement need to keep finding the correct number for it to move.


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How To Start A Proces And Wait

Nov 10, 2009

I know how to launch a file or executable in VB .NET 2005. The file will launch and xecution in the code continues immediately.Process.Start("MyProg.exe")But what if I need to start the program, wait until it finishes executing, read the exit code that it sends back, and take some action based upon th

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How To Start A Process And Wait

Mar 10, 2009

I know how to launch a file or executable in VB .NET 2005. The file will launch and execution in the code continues immediately.


But what if I need to start the program, wait until it finishes executing, read the exit code that it sends back, and take some action based upon the action code? How do I do that?

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Wait For Process To Start?

Apr 9, 2010

I'd like to have a function in my program that waits for a process to start, and once it does, it executes the code. Id like to have a form of 'buttonless messages box' or 'splash screen' waiting saying "waiting for process to start..." and once the process starts, a message box will pop up saying "Process has started!".

I was thinking of having a timer with a low delay constantly looping to see if the process exists, but that would be a little rough on the processor, no? Also, how would I accomplish the 'buttonless messagebox' that automatically closes once the process is found?

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Make An Application With A Start Button And A Stop Button On A Stop Watch Program?

Nov 1, 2009

I am trying to make an application with a start button and a stop button on a stop watch program. These are the codes I am using but my seconds on the stop watch don't start.

Public Form Dim intSecond As Integer = 0
Form 1
Dim intSecond As Integer = 0
intSecond +=1


After I write my code and try to run the program, the seconds will not start,

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Record The Screen When My User Clicks Start, And Stop Recording When He Clicks Stop?

Jul 27, 2008

I need to record the screen when my user clicks start, and stop recording when he clicks stop.I've searched for a while on this subject, and I have found nothing.I want to do this without adding any files to my project, I just want to use some built in function in Visual Basic, and start recording, or even take a snapshot and add it to an AVI file or something...These are some sites I have found:


This code is in VB6, but I am not sure how to even start using it?

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Make Multithreaded App Stop At A Certain Point And Wait For The User To Type Something Into A Text Box

Sep 19, 2010

I'm trying to work out how i can make my multithreaded app stop at a certain point and wait for the user to type something into a text box and click ok. It must then carry on and when a different thread gets to that point it stops again and waits for the user to input some text again.

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Running Macros - Start Process And Wait For It To Complete

Jun 11, 2012

I am running macros from a button click in my application. I want the macros to run sucessfully before it start another process. I want the StartMacrosI to start and complete first before it starts DeleteFilesI. I need to wait for it to complete before I do the next function/sub.

Below is my code.
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub
[Code] .....

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Inserting A Wait - So That Animation Has Time To Play And Stop Then Rest Of Code Will Display Other Picture And Numbers

Nov 4, 2011

I have the following

Public Class Form1
Private GIFAnim As Image = Image.FromFile("c:cointosscointoss_ani.gif")
Private frames As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


Now I would like to put a wait in after the line:

frames = GIFAnim.GetFrameCount(Imaging.FrameDimension.Time)
ImageAnimator.Animate(GIFAnim, AddressOf paintFrame)

This is so that the animation has time to play and stop and then the rest of the code will display the other picture and the numbers. Is this possible? I tried timer and sleep but I cant get them to work.

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Start And Stop A Service?

Dec 9, 2007

how to start and stop a service using Visual Basic 2008 Express?I specifically need to write a small application that will start and stop the spooler service. In other words, the command line equivalent of:net stop spooler andnet start spoolerTIA

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Start And Stop A Timer?

Mar 20, 2010

I have to start a timer when I navigate to a certain web page. I need to start the timer when my urlTextbox text has this in the textbox[url]...

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Start And Stop MsSqlServer Through .net?

Feb 24, 2009

I want to start my Sql server through a vb.net code.


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Timer About Start And Stop

Jul 23, 2009

I created 3 timers, i want each timer to take turn start which means timer1 stop then timer2 start, once timer2 stop timer3 start. But my code seem to be running together once i click the play button.And is there any ways to easy control how my picturebox move? Because my code for controlling it movement need to keep finding the correct number for it to move.[code]

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Timer About Start And Stop?

Aug 15, 2011

I created 3 timers, i want each timer to take turn start which means timer1 stop then timer2 start, once timer2 stop timer3 start. But my code seem to be running together once i click the play button.And is there any ways to easy control how my picturebox move? Because my code for controlling it movement need to keep finding the correct number for it to move.

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
PictureBox1.Visible = True
If PictureBox1.Top > 50 Then
PictureBox1.Location = New Point _


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[2005] Start/stop Iis In .NET?

Oct 3, 2008

how do I do start/stop iis in .NET?

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VB - Run Procedure (Sub) On First Form Then Stop In Middle Of It And Wait For Input On The Second Form

Mar 23, 2011

In VB.NET I've got two forms, on first one I have button, on second - two textboxes and "OK" button. I want to run procedure (Sub) on first form, then stop in the middle of it and wait for input on the second form. After that i want to process the data received from second form.

It looks something like this:

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

'Open form2 for input


The question is how to call the Form2 so that procedure is stoped till the second form is closed?

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Get Hotkeys To Start And Stop Program?

May 30, 2011

Currently I can not get my hotkeys to start and stop my program.Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Long) As Integer and


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Same Button To Stop And Start Music?

Jun 17, 2009

soo i have some music that automaticly plays when i open aplication

how i stop this music from playing and that it continues playing from where it was stopped from, when the same button is pressed

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Stop Code From Running On Start Up?

May 20, 2010

I have a combo box I am filling on form load.I am using "SelectedindexChanged" to detect changes in the index to run the code when the combobox is used.Unfortunately, it runs the code on start up as well.

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VS 2008 Progress Bar From Start To Stop?

Aug 7, 2011

i have made program and would like a progress bar to start at the start of the script and stop at the end of the script.

I was thinking of using a timer and haver timer.start at the beginning of the script and timer.stop at the end for the progress bar but timers use time :/

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Create Monitor Start/stop Of Process?

Jan 2, 2010

what is the method to tell when a user starts or stops a process? My company makes a software package that allows a tie in from vb. I want to make a package to allow me to start and stop the software remotely and to monitor when the software is running or not.Ideally there would be some sort of event in windows when the user starts or stops the software. I imagine there is some sort of way to do this with a timer, but I am sure that windows will have some sort of event process when the program starts. I have googled this and looked through the xtremevbtalk forums for this but I am not quite sure as to what keywords to use.

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Download File With Start / Pause / Stop

Jun 6, 2011

Is there any way i can pause a file download in my vb program?? I have tried both the http method and the my.computer.net method with no luck. I have also tried pausing the background worker by this method: [URL] But even if the bgworker is paused the download goes on.....


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Forms :: Trying To Coordinate Start And Stop Buttons

May 21, 2009

I'm very new to Visual Basic, and have just installed VB Express 2008 from a Sams book titled, "Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2008 in 24 Hours", by James Foxall. I've managed to make it through most of the book, which was very helpful in getting a quick jump start, but I find that I am still "not quite getting it" yet.

I've written a program that has a "Start" and "Stop" button which are suppose to control the logging of data through a serial port. When I click the Start button, the serial port gets initialized, opened, and then I go into a Do-Loop-Until loop to process the incoming data stream, and that is suppose to stop when the Stop button is pressed. However, I haven't figured out how to implement that.


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VS 2008 Start/Stop Stopwatch From Another Method?

Jul 19, 2011

I am writing a Windows Forms Application using Visual Studio 2008 Pro .NET version 3.5 with STRICT and EXPLICIT options both ON.

I am having trouble using ".Start()" and ".Stop()" for my stopwatch method from other methods. I have tried several different methods of writing the line that calls the start and stop, but none work, and VS keeps sending me in circles with its correction suggestions.

Form Level
Imports System.Diagnostics
Class Level


and promptly gives me the same error with no options for correcting it. The same thing happens for the stop command.

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Capture Keypress / Let User Pick Their Own Start/stop Key?

Oct 29, 2011

Currently I have the start-key for my vb.net application hardcoded like this:


Where vb.net sais "F2 As System.Windows.Forms.Keys = 113" on mouse-over.But I want my users to be able to pick their own Key. If I make a drop-down box (combobox) and pre-define some choices in there (Like ESC or F3), all those choices are strings. How can I convert those strings to a System.Windows.Forms.Keys integer? Also, I'd like it to also be possible to "capture" a single keypress. So they'd click the "capture" button, and the next key they hit will be saved as the start/stop button. But I wouldn't even know where to begin looking for that one.

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Get A Start, Stop Timer To Work To Keep Track Of Computers

Dec 8, 2009

at the minute i am trying to get a start, stop timer to work to keep track of computers being used in a shop, i messed with some code i found on here and it works, but i am looking for hours, minutes and seconds also if you could say if i am on the right track with the code i used, also if i wanted 10 computers would i need 10 timers to code or can 1 run a few apps.

Public Class Form1
Dim time2 As Date
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick


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Sound Recording Start / Stop In Button Click

Oct 9, 2010

I want to include a functionality in my application such that when the user clicks on a button, the user should be able to record the voice, and when stopped, the sound should be saved. Here's what I wrote for the Start and Stop button.


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VS 2010 Create A Simple Stop / Start Stopwatch

Apr 15, 2012

I am a total newbie when it comes to VB but I'm starting off with a few simple projects I've completed already! Basically Ive seen MANY stopwatch tutorials but none so far have been able to do a simple format of Second and Milliseconds 00:00 and NONE have been accurate in the slightest and have been totally off! create a simple stop / start stopwatch that is actually accurate that would be great as Im going around in circles trying to find a tutorial on this!

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VS 2010 Programmatically Start/Stop Service Using Different Credentials?

Jan 17, 2012

I was able to programmatically launch a service on my development server from a workstation using the ServiceController class with no problems.

When I try to programmatically launch the service on my production server from my workstation, I get an access error which means I do not have rights to run the service with my logged in ID on the workstation.

My question is, is there a way to launch the service using different credentials? I do not see anywhere to input these credentials in the ServiceController class.

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