Way Of Implementing A Plug-in Based System

Feb 18, 2011

I've written a pretty good browser in vb.net (it's in the "Share your Project" forum). I now want to give users and other developers the ability to extend/add buttons & functions to it. Can anyone suggest to me a good way of implementing this bearing in mind that I've never tried to do anything like this before? (so basically a way of implementing a plug-in based system. I was planning on these being small snippets of code which my application has the ability to compile.)

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Working On A Project That Is Based On Modules And Plug-ins?

Aug 24, 2011

I'm working on a project that is based on modules and plug-ins. Any of these modules might alter some part of a database in various ways. One module might write or edit one table, while another module might write or edit other tables.

The modules all communicate via events raised on a common object. Therefore, when a person using module A enters a certain change that would edit data managed by module A, the module raises a Proposed Edit event such that all other modules that might be affected by the edit will have a chance to accept or reject the edit. If no module rejects the edit, then module A makes its changes and raises an Edit event, at which time all the other modules make any changes they need to make.

That's the basic pattern, but there's a problem. If I don't share a transaction during the edit, then module A can successfully edit their tables, but module B might fail to edit their table. In some cases, the failure by B should rollback the changes made by A. Therefore, it would make sense for module A to share an open transaction for all the other modules to use while making their changes, and this gets either committed or rolled back, depending on whether everyone was successful, or not.

The problem with that design is that a person could write a new module C that had a bug which caused it to fail to update correctly. That would cause it to signal that the transaction failed, such that all the other modules, which had been working up to that point, would no longer work because this new module kept canceling the transactions. In other words, the modularity of the program has now been lost. Every module depends entirely on every other module that even cares about its data.

In most cases, what would be lost if certain modules failed would be minor, whereas what would be lost if other modules failed would be catastrophic, as there would be no way to re-create the lost data with any kind of ease.As long as this explanation is, it may not be sufficient. At least it might start a discussion. Do the actions of all the modules act in the same transaction, or should they be left to succeed or fail on their own?

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Make A System With Plug-in Applicable?

Aug 18, 2011

those applications that has a plug-in features. What I meant by plug-in is that the application has a capabilities of integration with 3rd party softwares for enhancements.

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Implementing Web Based UI That Allow Drag / Drop?

Oct 15, 2011

I would like to implement a web based UI that allows people to drag and drop "chairs" and "tables" onto a floor layout (grids) and save it to their profile by storing in the database. I am wondering how do I start doing this? I am using vb.net with ajax control toolkit.

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Implementing A SPECIAL System?

May 9, 2009

Dim SPECIAL As Acronym = "Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck." The game I'm working on is going to use this style of system.

What I need to do is:

1. All SPECIAL values have to be between 1 and 10. [DONE]

2. When adding and subtracting from any SPECIAL; update remaining points accordingly.

3. If remaining points = 0, then you cannot increase any SPECIAL.

4. If remaining points <> 0, then you cannot continue until all are spent.

I'm up to task 2, but having some difficulty.I managed to figure out how to do it for one. For example:

Sub Numeric_Up_Down_Strength_Value_Changed() Handles Numeric_Up_Down_Strength.ValueChanged
Label_Remaining_Value.Text = CStr(10 - Numeric_Up_Down_Strength.Value)
End Sub

But I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it work for all. I've had some ideas but upon trying to implement them I've been having data type conversion errors.

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VS 2008 - Implementing System To Check Whether Plugin Installed

Jul 8, 2009

I am trying to create a plugin system. I have the actual plugins working fine but now I want to implement a system that knows whether the plugin is installed or not. I can get the plugin name when the form is loaded (ex. "Plugin1"). I then want to check this against something to see if that specific plugin is already there (if not add it) and if it is there is it enabled. I was thinking of doing this with an xml file but thought that might be a lot of work reading and writing each value. I then thought of the My.Settings and was wondering if this is possible. I would want to create an "element" for the name and give it a value of either true or false.

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How To Auto-insert A Code Snippet When Implementing Interface Like When Implementing IDisposable

Aug 10, 2010

Is it possible to automatically insert a Code Snippet when an interface is implemented? If so, how do you do it? I am looking for something similar to when you implement IDispoable in VB.[code]This will be used by web forms when transfering parameters from one page to the next using Server.Transfer

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Asp.net - .Net Iniatialising A Class Using System.Reflection And System.Type To Create A Session Based Singlton Extension Method

Jun 11, 2009

I have had several occasions recently to access a specific class several times over a relatively small time frame.So I've been storing the value of the class in Session and trying to access it on page load, if it's not available creating a new instance and storing that in session.

So instead of constantly replicating the same code for different classes on different pages I'm trying to create an extension method to do this for me.


I'm stuck on what to do when I make my new instance of my class (it would have to have a New() sub)

I'm not sure where to go from here... or even if this is the best way to do it.

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Set The System Date Of A Workstation Based On The System Date Of The Server?

Dec 13, 2009

i want to set the system date of my a client pc based on the system date where the sql server reside.In short i want to sysncronize the date between the client and server.I have a working code in vb6 but i dont know how to do it in vb 2008.

dim RstDate As ADODB.Recordset
Set RstDate = New ADODB.Recordset
RstDate.Open "SELECT GETDATE() as ServerDate ", CnAP


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.NET And MYSQL Based Registration System?

Jun 21, 2010

I have linked my vb.net application with mysql database but i am having a problem inserting data from the vb forms into the relevant fields in the database...

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Asp.net - Datarating System Based On Gridview Data?

May 19, 2011

What I want to do is basically have a column that ranks the users so if there were 10 people it would rank the person with the highest sales 10 and the second highest 9 and so on. Theres not always going to be 10 employees

I am using a stored procedure along with a sqldatasource to connect to my stored procedure. To get all the data for each agent, then I am using functions like

Dim TotalSales As Decimal = 0.0
Function GetTotalSales(ByVal Price As Decimal) As Decimal
TotalSales += Price


and then some how sort the array list and print the index of the agents sales total?

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C# - Isn't .NET's Integer Just Simply Based On Two's Complement System

May 18, 2012

MSDN: Int32 values are represented in 31 bits, with the thirty-second bit used as a sign bit. Positive values are represented by using sign-and-magnitude representation. Negative values are in two's complement representation. Isn't it true that the representation of positive values using sign-and-magnitude system is identical to the representation of positive values using two's complement system? So shouldn't it have been rewritten as: "Int32 values (regardless of positive or negative) are represented in two's complement representation",

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Convert A VB6 Program Based Off Of The Coordinate System?

Aug 5, 2009

I am trying to convert a vb6 program based off of the coordinate system. VB.net does not seem to recognize any of it.

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Execution Based On System Idle Status

Oct 13, 2011

I am in the process of developing an application for one of my clients. I am not going into the details of the applications, but brief facts of the same. The application is divided into two tiers (actually three, but the third tier is the database (SQL SERVER) so that is not included). The top tier (or first tier) is a web application (ASP.NET) where the users shall log into the system and use the application. This web application will also access the Database directly. One important activity the users shall do is uploading excel files with various information to the server. Web Application once the upload is successful shall enter the details in the in Database about the upload along with an ID and save the excel file at a location in the server.The Second tier is a VB.NET Application which will run in the server. The application will connect the database and retrieve the list of excel file uploaded by the web application and start processing one excel file after another based on ID. The processing that will be done is very simple: read the excel file, check for certain parameters, do some calculations and insert the whole details into the database. (say some 100 records per excel file)

The server in which the VB.NET Application (Second tier) runs is hosting a serious of services and application which shall run simultaneously including the Database (SQLSERVER), web server. The Database also host tables and database for various other applications. In order to help in the smooth functioning of the system, it has been decided that the VB.NET shall do the processing activity only when the server is idle (including CPU usage is idle). I have searched the Net and found API to get the system Idle status. But the real question is how to pause the processing activity when the system switch from idle mode and continue when it is again back to idle mode. Please note that I am talking about system being idle because no other application is executing any activity except the VB.NET Application.

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Generate A Specific Key Based On Certain Details About The System?

Apr 7, 2010

I have asked questions about this before but my program has came to cross roads where I require more flexibility in my security procedures.At the moment I generate a specific key based on certain details about the system, and I hash this data to file, which ensures it will only run on this system.

However it has now got to the point where I have a need for providing keys which will carry settings for the program within the key. So that if a customer wants an update its the matter of sending an updated key, which will allow certain areas of the program to be unlocked/locked.Obviously I can no longer use the hash, as it can't be decrypted. I am looking to use key encryption system, which will allow to encrypt data within a license key. But obviously it brings the problem of where to store Crypt & decrypt key within the program.


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Restict The Input Of A User Based On What The System Needs?

Oct 6, 2011

how to restict the input of a user if im going to accept account e.g.,

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Control A Video From Textbox Value In VB Based Scada System?

May 7, 2012

I have created a Scada System in Visual Basic 2010 In this system , its display the radial Gate position of hydro power plant. i have the analog value of particular signal in a textbox which use for gate position. how can i make the radial Gate animation in this VB based scada system. Or i have a gate opening and closing video of gate. Is it possible to control the video from textbox values so that i can show the gate position at the particular analog value..

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Create A System That Will Trigger Alert Based On Few Condition?

Sep 20, 2010

i want to create a system that will trigger alert based on few condition, my condition is:the alert will trigger if there is a negative value for 2 consecutive years.


1)negative amount for 2005
2)negative amount for 2006

here is the code that i have for now and the result only can trigger alert for one year only..


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Developing An Winforms Based Event Tracking System Using .Net?

Sep 24, 2009

I'm looking for some advice for an application I currently developing. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible so if additional info is need just let me know.I'm developing an Winforms based event tracking system using VB.Net (VS 2008 Pro). The application collects data via serial bar code scanners and stores this data within a MS SQL Express db located on the same Windows XP Pro workstation that the application is installed on. When the application receives the formatted string of data it checks the db table and sends a reply back to the device indicating whether the data is a duplicate. I have written a PortManager class to handle the serial based devices and this functionality is working well.

I have now been asked to incorporate a new type of collection device into the system. The new device is running embedded Linux and uses TCPIP (POE) rather than serial communication. The device manufacture has assured me he can provide a string from the devices integrated scanner in the same format as my serial based devices.

If possible, I would like to utilize the current application and just add the ability to use the TCPIP devices to it. I was thinking it might be possible to just add a new class (similar to my Port Manager class) to handle the TCPIP based devices.I'm really at a loss as to the best way to approach this. I'm just not that familiar with collecting data from a Winforms application using a TCPIP based device.

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Game Programming :: Coordinate Based 2D Map And Waypoint System

Dec 16, 2010

I am reading the memory from a game and I have managed to find the x,y,z values of the player (z is irrelevant). Now I am trying to make some sort of a waypoint system and I thought it would be best to make a small coordinate based map that will act as a birds-eye view of whats going on ingame. But I don't know where to begin creating this thing, since it needs tons of xyz values.Just throwing this in here since I've already made the thread:I also want a small circle to represent the player that will turn, facing waypoint 1 and move in a straight line towards it.

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Asp.net - Hiding LinkButton - Disable Functionality Based On Whom Is Logged Into The System

Apr 27, 2012

In VB.NET, I have a LinkButton that, when clicked, creates a report. We want to disable this functionality based on whom is logged into the system. I have a session variable to indicate whether this should be visible or not but when I set idLinkButton.visible = False, it has no effect. Any ideas on what I need to do to be able to turn this on and off?


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.NET Window Based Project Built On .NET 3.5 Framework Is Not Working In Windows7 64 Bit System?

Jan 28, 2011

I have VB.NET Window based project built on .NET 3.5 Framework that is working on the Windows7 32 bit System but when I try to run this same application in Windows7 64 bit System it gives an error message: "System.BadImageFormatException: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)"

View 4 Replies

Get The Last Plug Date Of A Usb Device

Nov 4, 2010

I want to get the last plug date of a usb device, and view the tech article below [URL] But i did not understand the following sentence: "To determine when the device was last connected to the system, obtain the LastWrite time value from the respective Disk and Volume GUID Registry keys for the device."

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How To Create Plug-in To For Project

Apr 23, 2010

create plugin for my project.

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Use IE Plug-ins / Add-ons With Webbrowser Control?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a Browser application written using the .NET webbrowser control. As I understand, the 'webbrowser' control is based on Internet Explorer.

So, I was wondering if it is possible to use the add-ons or plug-ins (like Adblock, IE7pro etc.) that were developed for Internet Explorer with the webbrowser control.

This will really save me a lot of time as many of these plug-ins provide the functionality that I am looking for and are freely available.

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VS 2010 Program Plug-ins?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm making a game luncher, and I want other ppl to make plug-ins to start their game. So whats the best way of creating plug-ins? Dlls? And how can I use it?

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Using Inheritance-Based Controls - Creating As New Classes (not UserControls) Inheriting From An Existing System Control

Oct 15, 2011

I seem to be having a problem with controls that I am creating as new classes (not UserControls) inheriting from an existing system control. Everything seems ok while I create the control code, through to the compile (which is successful and adds the control to the toolbox) and dragging the control from the toolbox to the GUI surface. However, when I then debug or compile the project, I get a message such


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Implement The Player Class Through Plug-ins?

Mar 16, 2009

I've never actually used Reflection, but I've been warned in the past that using it may cause slow performance. My question is what part(s) of it is/are slow.

I'm thinking about creating a board game and I wanted to implement the player class through plug-ins. That way there could be several different player classes (i.e. human players, and several configurable AI classes). If implemented this way, where should I expect performance hits? Only when initializing the player class? When passing arguments to methods in the player class? In the entirety of execution of methods from the player class? Or is it going to affect the whole application?

The reason I ask is that the AI will be extremely processor intensive. Through testing it seems like it may take around 1-30 seconds to determine a move on my quad core (Core 2 Q6600) processor, depending on the effort spent to optimize the move and testing different branches on separate threads.

My concern is that if I implement the AI via a plug-in, the move determination would slow down considerably to the point where it wasn't playable on lesser hardware.

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VB 2010 - How To Detect Plug / Unplug Of USB

Jul 17, 2011

I am trying to detect plug/unplug of usb flashdrive using WMI. I used this code:
Imports System.Management
Public Class Form1
Private WithEvents m_MediaConnectWatcher As New ManagementEventWatcher
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim query2 As New WqlEventQuery("SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN 1 " _
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Thread Execute Plug-in

Jul 8, 2010

A thread execute plug-in!.Basically it executes the given sub on a separate thread using delegates.I also made a "Delegate Execute" plug-in to invoke a sub.[code]

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