Write Controls Text Into A .txt File And Read Them Form .txt File To Controls Again?

Jan 16, 2012

I have a form. And some controls(such as TextBox,ComboBox,etc.) on the form.Now,I want to store the controls' Text into a .txt file(or any other formarts).Then I want to read the text in the .txt file to my controls.

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Read From .txt File And Change Controls In Form?

Jan 4, 2012

I have a .txt file constructed like this:

Man C vs Liverpool:Aston V vs Tottenham:

Im thinking an Array for each line. Each input in the Array separated by ":". Then I would like to fill the controls in my form.

Found a post from .paul. so it should probably be something like this:

Public Class Form1
Dim lines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("c: estfolder1 est.txt")
Dim textboxes() As TextBox = {TextBox1, TextBox2}
Dim checkboxes() As CheckBox = {CheckBox1, CheckBox2}


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Create Log File To Track Progress And Populate Controls Via Text File Or XML File?

May 22, 2009

I am trying to create a log file which I am going to use to populate some controls (DataGridView or Treeview). I am trying to figure out if should use text files or XML files to do so. Effectively the log will highlight multiple phases in a client-side app. The log will be written to at various phases when the project is running. The user will always have the options move on to the next phase or save progress and exit the project. As such, I want the log file to highlight how far the user has progressed throught the various phases AND I want the log to highlight varous information from each phase. Whenever the user starts the project, they will be given the option to load existing log files. So the project will have to read these log files and append them where necessary as the user progresses.

I am not sure what the best way to do this is and below is a rudimentary approach using text files. As you can see, the top of the file would have a summary of all the phases and whether or not the user completed each phase. Next each phase would have a data section highlighting what data was stored along the way. I have used a ":" to denote each section. Then within each section I would obviously need to use a delimeter for all my data. So if Phase1 = True, then I would load all the pertinent data from "Phase1:" into the desired control. Can anyone provide an efficient way of doing this and provide some insight as to whether I should use XML instead. The phases my change during development and I am not sure yet which controls I will be using. Does XML provide more flexibility.

In summary I am looking to create, read/write and append log files and populate controls with the data in varous sections of the log file. Example:

Phase1 = True
Phase2 = True
Phase3 = False
Phase4 = False


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Reloading Form Controls From XML File?

Feb 17, 2012

I save all the form controls(texboxes,Labels) with name and location in a XML file.

I want to retrive the XML file into a form(Reloading) with the same controls.

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VS 2008 - .txt File - Write The File Path So That Someone Else Can Download My Program And File And Read The File

Feb 27, 2012

Reading a .txt file in VB.net. My file path is C:UsersMyLilMulePepeDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectscurtain_calls.txt.

This is my line of Dim LoanOptionsFile As String = "C:UsersMyLilMulePepeDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectscurtain_calls.txt"

I can read the file when I run the program, but how do I write the file path so that someone else can download my program and file and read the file on their system?

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Databinding Windows Form Controls To XML File?

May 19, 2010

I have a form that with a list of text boxes. My target is simply binding these controls to an XML file so that whenever the file contents are changed externally, the text box values change dynamically. I will have an external application edit the XML file and overwrite the existing one.

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Read - Write Text File ?

Jul 5, 2009

My text file look like this;



I must read the file scan for value T250,T169,T168,T170,T176............which ever value start with T after the line"DETECT,ON". then i must sort these values so that it will be in acending order. Then i must write back that values in same text file after the line FMAT,2.. Now i can read the lines which contain T. Then i store that lines in array. My code shows error when i used sort methode to sort the array which i store in array.

This is my code

Dim filename As String = strFileName
Dim i As Long = 0


The sort methode give me this error "Overload resoulation failed because no accessible 'sort' can be called with these argument". Why it shows this error and how i write back the value after sort. Can i use append Text methde.

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Read / Write To A Text File?

Jul 26, 2009

I've got another simple problem. I want a 'survey' form to show up whenever the user opens the program for the third time. I, of course, have the survey form built.[code]...

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Read And Write To Text File?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a text file which look like this:



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Read Write To Text File?

Jul 5, 2009

My text file look like this



The sort methode give me this error "Overload resoulation failed because no accessible 'sort' can be called with these argument"

Why it shows this error and how i write back the value after sort. Can ui use append Text methde.

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Read/Write To A Text File?

May 6, 2012

I'm writing an application for my Smartphone (OS is WM6 pro .NET Compact framework 3.5). Up till now i used VB6 so i'm pretty new to VB2008.

The application needs to store a set of items in a text file located on the device and retrieve them back. Since WM 6.0 doesn't support MS Access databases i have to work with the old fashion text files to store and retrieve my data. However since i'm new to VB2008 (and given the limitations of writing a smartphone application) I would llike to know how to write and read data to and from a text file.

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Text File Read/Write?

Apr 6, 2010

I just had a small question regarding reading and writing a text file.I have a program that reads lines out of a text file and writes them out to a new version of the file, changing text in there (same amount of digits).But the new file it creates is smaller than the original file, although the contents looks the same.

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Write / Read From A Text File?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a problem read / write from a text file When i read from the text file using

Using st As StreamReader = New StreamReader("musik.txt") And when i write to the text file using:

My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("musik.txt", OpenFileDialog1.FileName, True)
Is it not the same place i read and write to , so how can I besure to read/write to this text file, the text file shall bee in my application.ALK

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VS 2010 Display Pdf File Inside A Form That Gets Some Values From Form Controls?

Sep 27, 2010

Inside a form, I would like to display a pdf file which is already available in my resources (template file "untitled"). In this pdf file, I have some fields which get their values from some texboxes in another form. My aim is, when the user triggers the button to call this form, it should insert the values inside the pdf file and display the output pdf inside the form.I have written the code to an extend but could not finish it myself after my many trials... Now here are the two things I cannot manage:I can use a directory to read the template pdf "untitled1.pdf". But my aim is to use the file inside my resources. can save the output file in a directory but this is not I want to do. I want to display the output pdf.

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Assigning A File Path Using Text From Different Controls To A Variable?

Aug 10, 2009

I would like to create a filepath and assign it to a string (so that it can have yet more added to it later on in my program) the code takes (well i want it to but it doesn't) the name of a drive selected previously and then adds this to a string to create a string variable that refers to a file. and then (as usual) i want to use thes files and display them in a combobox but i want to only select files that have a pre selected 2characters at the front. I have got this code so far:

' search for filer drive NETAPP-1
For i = 0 To frmDatabase.drvDB.Items.Count - 1
If InStr(frmDatabase.drvDB.SelectedText(), "\Netapp-1malika", CompareMethod.Text) Then


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Export User Controls In Vb 2010 To A Text File?

Sep 24, 2011

Is it possible to export the user controls properties from my VB project to a text file or to excel. I have tried google ,but today google isn't my friend. I am using VB 2010 express

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VS 2005 Save Controls Caption In A Text File?

Aug 25, 2010

trying to create some kind of function to save all the labels and buttons caption of all forms of my proyect to a txt file. tried taking one by one to this file but the fact is that they are too much and it would be a really long proccess to do it that way so im looking for some way to do it automaticallythe structure of the file would be:Name of the form - name of the control - caption

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How To Read And Write The Content Of Text File

May 5, 2009

how to read and write the content of text file to vb.net application. Now with the following code i can read the file. but the whole file appears in vb.net application itself. I want the application to read and write the content of file to textbox that is provided in the vb.net application. I don want the user see the file. My code to read the file is :[code...]

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Read / Write An Array To Text File

Apr 6, 2010

I'm looking for some code to write /read an array to a text file in vb6.i have an array of a fixed size, and i need to write that into a text file, then later in another program i need to access that text file and write every element to a new array of the same size.the elements will be integer values, but "Long" datatypes. there will be no strings or anything else, just whole numbers.

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Read And Write Back To Same Text File

Jul 2, 2009

I have a text file which look like this:


Now I need to do is I need to read the file after the line DETECT, ON then if I find T250, T169, T176.....Txxx which ever line start with T. I must read and write that line back in between the line FMAT, 2 and DETECT,ON in my same text file.

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Read And Write From One Text File To Two Arrays?

Apr 10, 2010

I've been making a program whereby users names and numbers must be stored in external files. At the moment I can get the names to read and write to a file with these lines:

Imports System.IO
Public Class frmDefaultMenu
Private Sub frmDefaultMenu_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


Where each line has a name, a seaparator (,) and then the corresponding number.

When the program loads I would like it to be able to access that file, and store all the names into an array named ExistingUsers() and all the Numbers into an array called ExistingNumbers(), and then when a new name is added in the textbox, it is assigned the number "100" and placed at the end of the array, then when the application quits OR straight away, the external files are updated.

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Text File Read/write Operations?

Nov 29, 2010

I am currently working on an application which requires reading, writing and modifying data from a TEXT file. I have searched a lot but was not able to find a simple way to achieve this. I have to use a standard VB form with textboxes for ths text file opearations. s

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Read A Text File And Write On Different Label In Program?

May 21, 2012

I want to read a text file and write the lines on different labels. Is it possible to generate labels?

I tried with four labels with label1, label2, label3, label4 names but I don't know how to create a loop to read every line of the file and write it in every different label. First line in first label, second line in second label etc.[code]...

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Read And Write Specific Line From Text File

Jul 26, 2009

I have two part in text file. Let say Part 1 and part 2. I want to write part2 in different file and part 1 in different file.

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Read/write A Simple Text File In Net 2008?

May 9, 2010

I am trying to read/write a simple text file in net 2008 but can't, as yet, get it to work. This is how I use to do it in VB6

MyStr = App.Path & "DataData.txt"
Open MtyStr For Input As #1


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Read/write Images And Text In One File With Own Extension?

Apr 7, 2012

images and text and music in one file with my own extension?

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Text File Read / Write And Modify Operations

Nov 29, 2010

I am currently working on an application which requires reading, writing and modifying data from a TEXT file. I have searched a lot but was not able to find a simple way to achieve this. I have to use a standard VB form with textboxes for this text file operations.

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Read/ Write To Text File In Resource While Program Running?

Apr 27, 2009

Is it possible to read, write to a text file in resources whilst the program is running. If this is possible then can someone show me how it's done.

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VS 2008 - How To Write / Read String Array To Text File

May 6, 2010

How can I write and read a string array to a text file?

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VS 2008 : Code To Write And Read Structure To Text File?

May 10, 2010

i have the code bellow to write a structure to a text file, but nothing is happening,how can i get a error message if the file doen't exist?

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
Public Class Form1


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