VS 2005 Save Controls Caption In A Text File?
Aug 25, 2010
trying to create some kind of function to save all the labels and buttons caption of all forms of my proyect to a txt file. tried taking one by one to this file but the fact is that they are too much and it would be a really long proccess to do it that way so im looking for some way to do it automaticallythe structure of the file would be:Name of the form - name of the control - caption
View 30 Replies
Feb 17, 2009
How do I save text from 'RichTextBox1' to a text file?
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May 10, 2007
How saving what is written in a text box in to a text file ??
Note: Iam using vb 2005 express edition
View 8 Replies
Oct 7, 2009
I a very large text document, I need to read some lines and at the end of each line, insert a text from the header of each page to he preceding lines.I have the following code the reads the file and displays it on a list box.Public Class Dialogs..[code]
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Oct 6, 2009
I have text in a textbox that I want to write to a file. I'm trying to think of the best way to do this. Would reading the text into a buffer, then writing the buffer to a file be the best approach? I'm sure there's more than one way of doing this and I wanted to see if anyone had any input on the most efficient way.
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Jan 1, 2012
how do i code this. my textbox length is 5 and i input only 2 numbers and i want it to save in textfile as 5 Digit ex. i input 2 number in textbox and should be save it as 00012 how can i code this?
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Oct 10, 2010
I have two windows vb.net form. I got a text file. I am trying to encrypt some data and save it to a text file with the 1st windows vb.net 2005 form. Now with the second one am trying to decrypt the data and retrieve it here.
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May 20, 2009
Is there a way of creating a Vista/Windows7-like caption bar with controls just like in the windows explorer? The controls don't have to do anything, I would like to add my own functionality - I just wonder how I could make something like this? Does anyone know about a VB sample?
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Oct 7, 2009
Its a League Organizer, basicly ive started it off with 16 teams and end up with 1(winner) 16 box's on the far left, then 8, then 4, then 2, then 1. the 16 box's have "Team 1" "Team 2" etc... ive put a new/clear/open/save button in that order.
BUT this is my problem..when i save(Save Button) the text file saves all the text wrong it ends up like this...Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 Etc...
But i want it to save like this
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
The code is...
Dim Save As New SaveFileDialog
Save.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|ALL FILES (*.*)|*.*"
View 3 Replies
Jan 16, 2012
I have a form. And some controls(such as TextBox,ComboBox,etc.) on the form.Now,I want to store the controls' Text into a .txt file(or any other formarts).Then I want to read the text in the .txt file to my controls.
View 10 Replies
Apr 12, 2010
How to get rid of all the buttons - or boxes - on a form's caption bar without actually eliminating the bar itself? The closest I've gotten is setting the FormBorderStyle = FixedToolWindow, but that still leave a close button ('x'). If I set the control box property = False, that get's rid of the bar itself. I want to the users to still be able to grab the bar to move the form around, but not to minimize, maximize, or close via the caption bar - only the buttons I have on the form. It's always difficult when user's want something that's not standard windows design.
View 6 Replies
Jul 8, 2011
So I have a modal form and the caption bar comes with a built-in context menu with Minimize, Maximize, Move, Close, etc... I would like to be able to add an item to that menu - 'Dock in app'.
View 3 Replies
Jan 12, 2010
Displaying an image in front of a node's caption of a treeview. i have an imagelist that contains of images and a treeview containing of nodes. I have also assigned the name of the ImageList control to the ImageList property of the TreeView control, as you can see in the following code. here is the structure of my treeview: Code: even i know that by using the image index and the selected index property i can display the images in front of the node caption of a treeview but i cant do it properly and having a few confusions.
View 6 Replies
Apr 19, 2009
here's my nut for the day.. i want to save a file to a folder. here is the code i have:
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Jun 2, 2011
Is there a way to set the radio button text to center, I want to show it on the top of radiobutton hole?
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Mar 6, 2010
I've been tasked to create one automation program that needs to read SysListview32, Listbox and Label content of another application [this was written by previous employee, but the source code didn't preserve]. I'm now successfully reading the content of ListBox and ListView, however I haven't been able to read the Label content....I've somewhere even read this might not be possible, which is what I wouldn't like to hear here as well )))The target application was written probably in C++ and when I get over the target label with tools such as Spy++ or Winspector, it doesn't draw the red rectangle around the label...
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May 22, 2009
I am trying to create a log file which I am going to use to populate some controls (DataGridView or Treeview). I am trying to figure out if should use text files or XML files to do so. Effectively the log will highlight multiple phases in a client-side app. The log will be written to at various phases when the project is running. The user will always have the options move on to the next phase or save progress and exit the project. As such, I want the log file to highlight how far the user has progressed throught the various phases AND I want the log to highlight varous information from each phase. Whenever the user starts the project, they will be given the option to load existing log files. So the project will have to read these log files and append them where necessary as the user progresses.
I am not sure what the best way to do this is and below is a rudimentary approach using text files. As you can see, the top of the file would have a summary of all the phases and whether or not the user completed each phase. Next each phase would have a data section highlighting what data was stored along the way. I have used a ":" to denote each section. Then within each section I would obviously need to use a delimeter for all my data. So if Phase1 = True, then I would load all the pertinent data from "Phase1:" into the desired control. Can anyone provide an efficient way of doing this and provide some insight as to whether I should use XML instead. The phases my change during development and I am not sure yet which controls I will be using. Does XML provide more flexibility.
In summary I am looking to create, read/write and append log files and populate controls with the data in varous sections of the log file. Example:
Phase1 = True
Phase2 = True
Phase3 = False
Phase4 = False
View 5 Replies
Jul 22, 2009
I save data from datagridview to text file. I also load the same data from text file into datagridview for edit and update the same thing to text file. Let say this text file i called as Drill.txt. I have another text file called header.txt which need to match its value with the value of Drill.txt file then overwrite value from Drill.txt to header.txt. Now i want to make my Drill.txt in encrypted format to prevent anyone to open that file and modify out of program. They only can modify it through the program
View 3 Replies
Jul 14, 2009
How come when I make a group box "caption" text bold it also makes everything in the group box bold? How do I do this from the IDE - change just the font characteristics of the group box itself and not it's contents?
View 6 Replies
Jan 3, 2012
VB.net 2005 I search in google Datagrid Export to Csv file but i found only Datagridview export to csv file ..if there is a link for datagrid export to csv file or some sample code for this ...
Note: Datagrid not Datagridview...
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Dec 23, 2009
I have this Quiz software that lets you create online multiple choice quizzes which are great for studying (I am in grad school and I'm trying to use everything I can to learn). So the Quiz software is great but it only lets you input questions by hand, one by one. I took a look at the .xml file that the quiz program spits out and came up with the idea to try and make a converter so that I can import many questions at once. I was hoping to try and solve this limitation by doing the following:
Take a .doc that say a tutor gives us with a bunch of practice questions, and then take that into Crimson Editor, and then format it so the question is on line 1, the multiple choice answers are on lines 3,4,5, and 6, (for the next question, the question would be on line 11, and the answers on lines 13, 14, 15, and 16, and so on) and then take that saved .txt file into my program, hit the generate button, and it will spit out the .xml file, and then import that into the quiz software to generate the online quiz.
Here is an attached screenshot of my program layout so far:
I figured out how to open a text file by watching simple youtube tutorials, but I don't know how to have it generate the stuff and have it show up in the bottom text box. I know how to do the coding to convert the txt to proper xml code but I don't know how to be able to save the contents of the bottom text window to an xml file.
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Oct 7, 2011
I'm trying to enter code into a button to save a text file from a text box.The text box is called txtEditor, I have created an open file button using the openFileDialog1 and have been successful with this I just can't get the saveFileDialog1 to work.
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Jul 26, 2009
I have to save the text boxe values of a form to a text file almost like a data record. I will be saving an Employee First Name, Last Name, Dept Number, and Phone Number. This I know how to do using streamwriter.
next form which we have to use stream reader to load one record at a time. The form has a next button to load the next record. How do I seperate each record (I am sorry for calling it a record if this is inappropriate) when use streamreader and how do I load a record at a time.
I know how to open a file and use streamreader, I just don't know how to read one record at a time and move to the next one.
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Nov 20, 2010
I need to to able to save multiple text-boxes and a combo-box to a text file. the thing is, when I go to save, I check out the .txt file manually and its saved all in one line, no spaces. when I go to "read" it with the 2nd part (<-----this is a 2 part Challenge) it even reads all from that one line in the text file. What i'm asking is how can I make my text-boxes saved in the text file on different lines. [Code]
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Mar 31, 2009
I'm trying to make an application that edits '.dds' files. I want to be able to load the file, edit it and then save it again.
If it's not possible to load & save it then does anyone know how I could convert it to another picture format like '.png' or '.jpg'?
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Apr 4, 2012
how to convert from pdf file to text and save this text on database using vb.net
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Jun 22, 2010
I need help in how to save text to a file in the text editing application I created. Well, I tried using the code below but it didn't do the work:[code]
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Jul 2, 2011
I first want my program to get the text from a text file(I know how that's done), but once it gets it, I want to somehow save it that it won't need to get the text again(for example, if you restart the application, it won't need to get the text from the file because the text is already saved).
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Dec 9, 2009
I want to implement the auto recovery feature in my application. i.e auto recovery of data from power failure, system crash,etc. Since the program is an multiuser with different access levels to each user, I want to save the data in a file which can only be recognized by the program. I don't want to save the data in the db, as there are many modules in which this feature has to implemented, which will make me create an separate table for each module, for temporary storage.
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Jul 24, 2009
how to save information into a text file from runtime VB2005. However, I wish to be able to write the information into any kind of form of file that cannot be simply opened and read by anyone (such as text file can be). Is there anyway that VB2005 can do this?
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