VS 2008 : Get Label Caption/text From Another Application?

Mar 6, 2010

I've been tasked to create one automation program that needs to read SysListview32, Listbox and Label content of another application [this was written by previous employee, but the source code didn't preserve]. I'm now successfully reading the content of ListBox and ListView, however I haven't been able to read the Label content....I've somewhere even read this might not be possible, which is what I wouldn't like to hear here as well )))The target application was written probably in C++ and when I get over the target label with tools such as Spy++ or Winspector, it doesn't draw the red rectangle around the label...

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Code For A Label Caption?

Mar 30, 2011

I have made a model in excel (windows vista) which predicts the rate of an organisms growth.The mass of the organism changes for a given year depending on the size of the time step. I would ideally like to have a label which displays the mass, at a given year of growth to demonstrate this. Is there a way a row number can be attributed to a value in a column? Something like:

mass = Cells(i, 2)
i = "the row number where the number 6 is in column one!!" <<<<This is where the problem lies!


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Record Label Caption Into DB?

Apr 13, 2009

I am using a solution called AdvancedHMI for building an interface to PLC. I a label setup that reflects the value of a certain integer coming from the PLC. This is my question, how can I take the label caption and record it into a database every 5 minutes, or hour, etc.? I already have the stringconnection made to a test db in my sample file, I just don't know vb well enough to do this. What I'm getting at is I want to record several temperature values at certain intervals. The amount of time between doesn't need to be change often, but it would be nice if it could be changed by user.

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VS 2008 - How To Make Just Group Box Caption Text Bold

Jul 14, 2009

How come when I make a group box "caption" text bold it also makes everything in the group box bold? How do I do this from the IDE - change just the font characteristics of the group box itself and not it's contents?

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Label Caption As Trans&Payments - In Windows

Aug 27, 2009

I given label caption as Trans&Payments..But it's comming as Trans_Payments..I know the problem why it showing like this because '&' is using for ALT + Key combination..But i need to avoid this condition ..i need to show exactly what i typed ..I have one solution.. Trans&&Payments..But my case i don't want give like this ..

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Show Window Caption Form Window_hWnd In Label?

Dec 5, 2010

I want to show the Window caption form the Window_hWnd in


But just can't get it to work

Please add the code line and any declare

The code is working and do get the hWnd so everything is declared and right it is just if there is any other declarations[code]...

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How Will Change The Label's Text To The Random String Of The Text File On Startup Of The Application

Apr 23, 2011

I have a label that reads a random line from a text file and that string becomes the text for the label.

Now the problem; the label will only work if it is clicked because the event handler is click.What I need is this to work automatically at startup. In other words, it should change the label's text to the random string of the text file on startup of the application.

Here is my code.[code..]

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VS 2008 : LblTotal.Text = Val(Form2.label.Text) + Val(Form3.label2.Text) Not Working?

Feb 25, 2010

I am creating a Pizza Order program as part of my coursework college. why something isn't working.


lblTotal.Text = Val(Form2.lblPizzaTotal.Text) + Val(Form3.lblDrinksTotal.Text)

The code above is what I am using to add the Value of Label 1 (Pizza Total) and Label 2 (Drinks Total), however it seems that in the final total it doesn't appear to add the value of Label 2.

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Set Font Color Of A Label To Same As Caption Color Of A GroupBox?

Feb 26, 2009

I want to have some labels on a form with the same font color as the caption on my group boxes, and furthermore I want these colors to change if the user has applied a different Theme on their system.

Can I do this without changing the GroupBox caption from its default?[code]...

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Read Text In A Label From Different Application?

Nov 6, 2011

I have a application working in my pc.I can get every detail of that application(handle,mainwindowhandle,etc.)

And that application has a lot of labels, and I want to read that label and msgbox that string in my own application.

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VS 2010 - Monitor 3rd Party Child Application Dialog Caption

Feb 10, 2011

I would like to know if its possible for my vb.net app to monitor a 3rd party application that it starts. I'd like it to check every 0.5 seconds to see if the child app has a dialog box visible with a specific text string caption. If it does then I want to close my app but if isn't yet visible, keep looping until it is. I'm asking because the 3rd party app has "no event firing when the application starts to load and then displays the dialog so there is no way for the 3rd party app to report back" to my vb.net app when this is loaded.

This came from the Technical Support from the 3rd party app after I asked if using waitforinputidle() in my app would allow me to detect when their app finishes loading and enters an idle state (sadly not). However they have suggested that it might be possible to monitor their app for a specific dialog caption and then close my app but this is beyond my novice understanding just now. How to go about such a process?

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Form Label Text Is Not Displayed When Application Is Minimized

Jul 18, 2012

I have designed a windows form(to act as a messagebox) with Label and OK, Cancel buttons. I'm on form1 and call this messagebox form in the closing event. If I debug the showdialog of the messagebox form the custom text is displayed on the Label, however if the application is minimized and when i right click on the application in taskbar and select close window then the messagebox form is poped up however the label doesn't show the custom text.

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Asp.net - Set Radio Button Text(caption) To Center?

Jun 2, 2011

Is there a way to set the radio button text to center, I want to show it on the top of radiobutton hole?

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Label Text - When Run The Code Form1 Load Together With Form2, Label.Text Flicker Or Blinking?

May 5, 2011

I have question about Label.Text.

When run the code Form1 load together with Form2.On Form2 I have Label1.I need that Label.Text flicker or blinking.

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VS 2005 Save Controls Caption In A Text File?

Aug 25, 2010

trying to create some kind of function to save all the labels and buttons caption of all forms of my proyect to a txt file. tried taking one by one to this file but the fact is that they are too much and it would be a really long proccess to do it that way so im looking for some way to do it automaticallythe structure of the file would be:Name of the form - name of the control - caption

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How To Change Label Text Using Textbox Text From Another Form In VB 2008 Express

Sep 17, 2010

I cant seem to find any link or topic regarding my problem. I have 2 forms in a project, form one has labels and adjacent combobox while the other form (form 2)has textboxes with adjacent combobox. I am supposed to change the text property of the labels using textbox entry from form 2 and add/delete/change combobox contents in fom 1 using entries combobox at form 2.

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VS 2005 - Localization In Windows Application - Label Which Text Is Merged With Some Variables Or Object Properties

Sep 2, 2010

I've implemented the localization in my windows application with no problem for the label or command button which have a fixed text.

My problem is related to the label which text is merged with some variables or object properties.

E.g.: vb label1.text = "There are " & myDataGridView.Rows.Count.ToString() & " items"

So, how can I set (if it's possible) the localization for these labels? I've this kind of assignment in modules and not in the form. It's possible to set a resources file also for modules?

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VS 2008 Changing Font Of GroupBox Caption

Oct 30, 2009

I'm trying to change the font size of a GroupBox caption (text). The problem is that if I change it, all the controls inside the box are changed accordingly. I want to change only the GroupBox font size. How to do it?

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VS 2008 Text Too Long For The Label?

Apr 3, 2010

I have a label and sometime the text for this label is longer than it can display. I am more concern about the end part of the text than the beginning. How do i make the label show the end part or make the text scroll automatically. And how do i know the text extend passed the length of the label?

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VS 2008 - Grab All Handles Of Window By Caption And Put In ListBox?

Feb 6, 2011

So I need to grab all the handles and there captions of a window with the Caption "goman" and add them to a listbox

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Loading Text (strings) From A Database Into A Label.text (so Text From Database Shows Up Into Label)

Apr 4, 2011

I have a form that I am loading text (strings) from a database into a label.text (so the text from the database shows up into the label) I have done this code in a class that keeps all my database stuff seperate.

Public Function getQuestions() As List(Of String)
Dim question As New List(Of String)
objReader = objcommand.ExecuteReader


Within the form that the label is in I have done this code

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub

I am basically making a quiz, so that when the form loads, question 1 is on there is 4 possible answers. You then press next button and it goes to the next question.

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2008 - WebBrowser Status Text - Add A Label

Mar 8, 2009

im making a tabbed web browser, and wondered if i can add a label and see what the page is loading, similar to other browsers like in the bottom left EG. "Connecting to [url]" etc. Note, im using TabControl, so commands like "WebBrowser1.Stop()" etc, will not work for me.

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VS 2008 : Dynamically Update Label Text?

Aug 8, 2011

I have several group boxes on a winform. within each there are several labels.I am accessing the group boxes with no issues but I can't seem to find a way to update the labels within by looping. They have the same name except the last character which is a number 1 - 9. ex. lbl1, lbl2 ... lbl9.I need to update the text of each label in code with text I get from a database ex. lbl1.text = one, lbl2.text = two etc... I want to loop through the labels to assign the text. Getting text from database is no issue what I am not doing properly is getting the labels.

do while QstNum < 10
Dim ln As New Label
ln.Name = "SC_Cat" & QstNum


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VS 2008 Read Text Of A Label From Anther App?

Apr 28, 2009

Is it possible to read a label's text property of another app?I know how to get the handle of the main window, and i got the code for the child.But the problem is that there's like 20 other labels on the window and when i use winID to get it's class, it's just "Edit", and it's the same for all the labels. And the title is the value of the labels text property.

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What Is The Coding To Blink Label.text In Vb 2008

Mar 21, 2010

i want to blink my label.text by using a timer..

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VS 2008 : Center The Label Text In The Middle Of The Program?

Aug 23, 2009

I'm trying to simply center the label text in the middle of my program.I put the label control in the center of my form. It starts out blank. Then, it receives input from the return values of MySQL commands being sent out to a server.When it receives the message, it displays like this:


.. with the "|" being where the label starts.I'd like it to center the text like this:


Is this possible. Hopefully I explained it clearly. I had no success with the text align property or modifying the anchor property.

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VS 2008 Change Label Text At Specific Time

Aug 14, 2009

I am making an application and i require a labels text to change between specific times. For example between 11pm and 5pm i want the label's text to be "closed" and then between 5pm and 11pm for the text to be "open".

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Label Attributes - One Label The ForeColor, BackColor And Text Of Another One Of 3 Possible Labels?

Mar 24, 2011

Is there an effecient way to give one label the ForeColor, BackColor and Text of another one of 3 possible labels? I need to do this frequently for a dozen labels in a windows form.

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Scroll The Text Inside The Label For Anything That Is Longer Than The Label Width?

Apr 5, 2009

I am using a label to display a song for an mp3 player. I wanted to scroll the text inside the label for anything that is longer than the label width. I figured out the width of the label and if the width of the text inside the label is longer. But I have no idea how to turn this into subtracting parts/pixels of the text currently displayed and how to append the subtracted parts to the end of the new text.

Sub f1timer2tick()
Dim g As Graphics = f1l2.CreateGraphics
Dim s As SizeF
If f1l2.Text.Length > 19 Then


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VS 2008 - How To See Title Of Text File Load In Programe In A Label

Jan 5, 2010

i load a text file that has the data of the textboxes that i already saved to see the title of the text in a label.

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